Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Ch. 5, The Darkening Wood


The wash of glee at dropping the ogre and oruk is quickly replaced with panic. Keala sees the axe crashing down at her but is too slow to react. Barely feeling the pain, but only the force of the blow as she crumples to the ground, her eyes roll back into her head. Her mind swims with images of her comrades, both here and lost to time and violence. Reznik. Starhl. Brian. Valurel. Jon Rane. Morn. Herger. Lodric. Mardo. But foremost in her thoughts is Aislinn, her innocent face shimmering with tears as the young woman sinks into unconciousness...

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Starhl charges towards the ogre, ready to impale it on his sword. "Die!"

+11 to hit, 2d6+7, cleave if possible.


First Post
As the ogre falls, Lodric can only stand in surprise. His sense of gratitude quickly turns to rage as Kaela falls under the oruk's axe. Denying the pain that seeks to overtake him, Lodric lashes out with his fist. His fierce blow crashes into the oruk, momentarily staggering the creature. Turning to face its new threat, the oruk smiles wickedly as Lodric teeters on unstead legs. Raising its axe, the oruk is pummelled once again by Ladriel's unseen wind, its body thrown to the ground. Lodged awkwardly in the stone and leaves of the forest floor, the body lies still.
OOC: Lodric hammered the oruk, but it was not stunned. Ladriel's spells finished the oruk.

Starhl strides forward, raising his sword. Standing over the fallen ogre, the pent up rage in Starhl's heart is unleashed. Stabbing downward with incredible force, Starhl's sword punches through the ogre's armor deep into its heart. Sitting up with a start and wide eyes, it clutches feebly at Starhl before sinking back to the ground.
OOC: Starhl killed the sleeping ogre.

Slipping nimbly down the tree, Mardo darts amongst the carnage, making his way to Herger's side. Behind Mardo, the orc that vanquished Valurel looms, its vardatch glinting wickedly. In front of Mardo, Herger swings his axe, shearing through his orc foe. Mardo ducks as the momentum of Herger's axe carries the heavy weapon above his head and into the ribs of the orc behind Mardo. Screaming in surprise and frustration, the orc drops in a pool of crimson.
OOC: Herger finished off both of the weakend orcs.

With the aid of the Elves, the Heroes make short work of the still remaining sleeping foes. Several Elves start to adminster aid to the wounded. Ladriel also helps to administer aid to the Heroes' wounds. Those most grievously injured, Lodric, Kaela, and Valurel, are assisted to the soft leaf beds near the foot of the giant maudrial.

Cullenwe joins the Heroes after returning from a short foray into the forest. We are indebted to you. We have suffered grievous wounds. Cullenwe's eyes are drawn to the great wound on the maudrial and the crack in the ground. Two Elves gather near the base of the tree, seeking to staunch the flow of sap from the tree. Tears well in the eyes of the Elves as they help the forest giant. This place is a nexus, a place of power that we draw on for strength and healing. Our ministrations may not be enough to save it. Regardless, it is no coincidence that the Shadow strike force was here as you arrived. If they had destroyed this place before you arrived, you would have been trapped along the hidden path. Cullenwe shakes his head. Regardless, take time to heal. Word should reach us soon of the Elven hunters sent to intercept the group you track.

As night descends on the forest, a faint luminous glow surrounds the maudrial and stone ring where the Heroes rest. Even the Heroes are amazed by the rapidity that their own wounds heal. Cullenwe urges Ladriel and the Heroes to rest. They are well guarded in the night.

When morning arrives, a faint mist hangs in the air, obscuring vision around the stone vale, but adding to the emerald green of the forest. Everyone is relieved to see Kaela smile as she awakes in the morning. They are also glad to see the Ghost awaken, although his sullen mood is cheerful as ever. Kaela's, Lodric's, and Valurel's wounds are still sore, but managable. Cyz still does not smile at Kaela and stays apart from her female companion. The Elves provide food in the form of nuts, berries, fruit, and fresh water. As the day passes, Ladriel begins to get more agitated, even getting into an argument with Cullenwe out of earshot of the Heroes.

In the afternoon, Ladriel finally reveals her fears. My friends, the Old Ways brought us close to our quarry. No more than two days travel south of here, our quarry was last felt by the Whisper, just on the northern edge of the Darkening Wood. They had been there for days, obviously waiting for something. This morning, they were gone. The Whisper will not tell me where. I fear they finally entered the Darkening Wood. Even more disturbing, the Elven hunters sent to intercept them have disappeared. The Whisper cannot, or will not, find them. I fear something terrible has happened. Cullenwe's force will be needed here - just to the east, the war for Erethor is being fought along the Burning Line. This is our time now.

We must move tonight and we must move quickly.

OOC: If the Heroes want to ask Cullenwe or Ladriel questions, please post. If they want to interrogate sleeping orcs, etc. I will amend my previous post and assume not all sleeping enemies were killed.

The Heroes have rested for 1 day. The Heroes all gain 20 hp back (if they lost any). Valurel is at 17 hp. If they have any charms, herbs, or whatever to help with healing, they might want to do it now because they need to make a serious run toward the Darkening Wood.
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As quickly as it had started, it was over. The elves were swarming over the sleeping foes and Starhl was delivering the final blow to the ogre. He looked at Kaela and Valurel. Kaela was already being rushed to by Lodric. The giant walked to the northern elf and knelt beside his broken body. He let his axe fall to the ground as he checked over the white elf. His heart sinks as he realizes that there is little hope left for his feral friend. He begins to look for signs of life and is relieved to see his chest rise ever so slightly. Not being knowledgeable in the arts of healing, or magik, he called to anybody who would listen. "Come quickly! Valurel still lives. He needs help!"

He looked at the blood that colored the ground and was lost in quiet thought. He tried to help his friend as he waited for somebody to come. Once the wounds were mended and he could move the elf, he picked up Valurel and carried him to the broken tree, laying him on the soft leaves with Kaela and Lodric. with pleading eyes to the others there, even though he was unsure what could be done. Perhaps if Aislinn were here, she could do something, but without her, it seemed as though hope might be lost. As Valurel lay hanging in the balance, Herger rises and walks to Kaela. He lays a massive hand gently on her head and strokes her hair. He begins to weep quietly allowing only a couple of tears to fall before he stands and makes his way to the bodies of the foes.

Herger looks to the oruks and strips one of his armor and axe. As night approaches, he finally brings the items to Ladriel. "Can you speak to the cleanliness of these items? I know they were instruments used by the shadow, but if there is not taint, they could possibly assist us in our journey."

As the dawn breaks, Herger is happy to see that Kaela is well, and surprised to find Valurel partaking of the meager breakfast. The giant allows a smile to creep across his face as he was sure that he had lost at least 2 friends the day before. He rests during the day as do as the others do and tries to regain some of his lost energy from the fight. As he sees Ladriel and Cullenwe argue, he stands slowly trying to discern the cause for concern. When Ladriel finally comes over and lets the group know what is happening, he begins to gather his things. "So we begin the long run to find Aislinn. We must do this with haste and remember our purpose. Our time to rescue Aislinn is at hand and we have defeated a great host of the enemy. Surely that foul old man will not know what is coming after him." He then pulls out some of the rations that he received from the elves. "Take these, they will help us in our journey. They will give us strength for the days ahead."

with 20 hp healed, Herger is now down by 11.

I know that the rations that the elves gave him are for strength based checks and that a forced march will be against constitution, but I figured that these things can't hurt.

Basically he'll use the plate if it's not cursed or has any hint of a shadow magic on it. If it does, then he'll have Ladriel inspect the breast plates of the orcs if those will fit.
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First Post
The young Erenlander woman is resourceful. And dangerous. Her arcane knowledge is powerful already, but she seems destined for some fate. Or fall. As long as she lives, the Heroes of Caft will strive forward. And what about the Giant? The Northman who walks with Wolves? Two Northmen that remind me of the Northmen of ages past. The Erenlander should be considered the pride of Erenland. Or the fool? Who would dare stand defenseless against an ogre? Insane? Don't confuse foolhardy with bravery. And the gnome. A small bird that circles the heart of the wood, darting and diving, but ever watchful. An ally that this band has not fully tapped. The Erunsil. He makes me fear for our future. A beast, I would say. Is he the future of all Erunsil? The Caransil? Is he the future of our culture? I must concentrate on my task, but I am grateful, and proud, that we have such allies as these. Turning his gaze from the Heroes sprawled out under the giant maudrial, the Elf Enwe continues searching for the Herbs needed by Kaela.
OOC: The Elves can find the same amount of herbs as given a successful check by Kaela.

As the Heroes prepare for the journey south, Cullenwe converses with Herger. Both stand among the bodies of the slain Shadow warriors, and Cullenwe speaks in hushed tones. Kneeling over a slain oruk, Cullenwe stands to inspect the bloodied black breastplate that Herger carries. The taint of Shadow is everywhere, Giant. Sadly, I sense it even here. Cullenwe taps Herger's chest, right over his heart. This quest. This war. This life. Everything we are now and will be is driven by Shadow. How can we not carry its taint? His nose rankles at the breastplate. Except for the body odor of an unwashed oruk, this metal contains no more Shadow taint than you carry my large friend.
OOC: Herger gains a breatplate appropriate for his size. If Starhl wants, he can get one from the orcs.

With a quick farewell to the Elves, the Heroes set out south in the late afternoon. The Fey forest of Erethor is surreal in its beauty. Massive oaks and maudrials tower over the Heroes as they pass quickly under their boughs. The terrain is uneven, passing over forested hills and down into stream-kissed vales. Ladriel, despite her small size and frail look, sets a running pace through the forest that leaves the short legs of Mardo aching and the massive lungs of Herger burning. As the forest grows dark, Ladriel does not stop, but her pace slows to avoid the risk of falling, especially for the humans in the group. Deep in the night, she pauses for a few hours to allow a small amount of rest. With the break of light, Ladriel sets off again. Despite the pain of the journey, the Heroes are heartened by the sight of the wolf loping through the forest, first on one side than the other of the Heroes' path. At times, the wolf walks high on the ridges above the Heroes, sometimes below the Heroes, deep in the vales. He makes the way for us. Ladriel speaks as the Heroes follow. We pass through places that even Elves are not always welcome. As beautiful as this forest is, it is just as deadly.

Ladriel pushes the pace at times, slowing to a walk at others to allow the Heroes to regain their strength. At late afternoon, as the suns rays make the green canopy far above glow crimson, Ladriel pauses. I cannot hear the Whisper anymore, she says, fear and dread in her voice. A dead quiet seems to hang in the air here, no wind, no birds, no insect sounds, not even the rustle of a leaf. The forest is watching us, but it will not speak to me. Walk carefully my friends. Some evil is at work here. The Heroes feel an oppression and malice wash over them, making each step heavy and leaden. Their very movements seeming to echo in the forest.

Ahead, the silence of the forest is broken by wild thrashing, as if the branches of a tree were shaken wildly. Within a few moments, the thrashing stops, followed by the faint sound of weeping...
OOC: Everyone takes 3 points of nonlethal damage from the forced march.
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Starhl is exhausted, but grits his teeth. He is almost wordless through the long trek. Starhl whispers to his companions. "Why is there crying?" He approaches the sound cautiously.


I had thought that the Oruks were wearing plate and not just a breast plate. If I misunderstood, sorry. Either way, it's better than the armor I had before. :)

Herger stops with the rest of the party after their journey. His new armor was uncomfortable at first, but he had gotten used to it. He listened and heard the weeping, fearing that his ears were betraying him and perhaps the forest was playing a trick on his mind. When Starhl spoke of it though, he felt a little relieved that he wasn't the only one hearing the noise.

Then again, what would cause all of the commotion and then begin to cry? Something was not right. Come to think of it, something hadn't been right in this forest for some time as they traveled. He shifted in his new armor again and eyed the noise. He gripped his axe and readied it for whatever laid before them.

Herger has the endurance feat which allows a +4 to Con checks to negate damage from a forced march. I don't know if that makes a difference or not....

Thornir Alekeg

Exhausted, Lodric drops to the ground, not caring about the large root prodding him in the back. Hearing the sudden thrashing in the wood, he jumps back to his feet, although his movements are not as sure as usual. When the noise settles and is replaced by weeping, Lodric begins to creep towards the sound.

ooc: Hide: +16, Move Silently +9

I will be on vacation for the next week and a half. I will probably have internet access the whole time, but no guarantees about how often I will check in. Feel free to move things along if I am the only one who hasn't posted.


Following the battle, Mardo sees to the aid of his friends and helps as he can, asking the elves to task him and doing what they need done. After it is revealed that none in the party was lost, and Mardo had some time to himself, he slipped off away from the group. Hours later, he arrives back at the tree loaded down with a heavy bulk. He sets the load next to his cart and whispers to one of the elves nearby, "I managed to pull what I could of value from the orcs. Even if we don't use it, the goods might buy us supplies if we survive the forest. It's amazing how much steel they have on them - even the tusks of one were capped in a black steel - but I managed to get most of it! I never thought I'd have the opportunity to plunder a battlefield. I remember as a yung'un hearing stories of the fortunes made by some gnomes who stumbled onto treasures laying in the grass, but I got to this one fresh!"

OOC: Move Silently +6 so as to not wake the sleeping monsters. Search +6, Appraise +5 (+9 "when trading") to find things useful enough to keep. He will take 20 on as much of this as possible.


Mardo's arms and legs burning from the travel, he leans back into some leaves when the party stops. The commotion in the foliage ahead brings him back upright, and seeing Lodric begin to move toward the sound, Mardo follows after - staying close and as quiet as possible.

OOC: Hide +15, Move Silently +6, Spot +0


First Post
OOC: Sorry, maddmic. I wrote "plate", but I was being pretty general. I guess from Herger's perspective, the breast"plate" is full plate compared to what he had before! Herger only takes 1 point of nonlethal damage. Thanks for reminding me about the feat.

Thanks for letting us know you will be on vacation, Thornir. Have fun!

Mardo can only thank Aryth for the tough trek across the Erenland that prepared him for the gut-wrenching pace of the past day. Slowly gathering his breath, trying to ease the burning in his lungs, Mardo thinks back to his elation after battle...

Cullenwe smiles at the garish Gnome. You indeed are the Bird, River Folk. Building your nest I see? Cullenwe looks through the assortment of weapons, armor, and small trinkets. His nose wrinkles at some of the items: an assortment of small knucklebones, dried human ears, and a bundle of salted testicles. Both Gnome and Elf find little extraordinary. My friend, this is good steel, directly from the North. Probably Cruach Emyn itself. Cleaned and washed, the rebel Dorns of Northern Erethor could well make use of these armor and weapons. The Oruk armor and weapons can be melted down and recast. Take what you will, Gnome. But don't let your nest weigh you down...

The weeping draws his attention, as well as several of his companions. Walking carefully through the underbrush, the Heroes stealthily walk ahead through the trees, ears straining to once again to catch source of the sound. Ahead, a massive ring of weathered stones with ancient, moss covered runes stands silently.

It is Starhl who discovers that something terrible has happened. A wet crunch sounds in the grass below his foot. Nearby, the wolf looks at him and emits a low growl. Scanning the ground, Starhl can see the entire area is smeared crimson: the grass is streaked red, large droplets hang on broad leaves, red smears run up the sides of the large oaks and ring stones. Warning the rest of the Heroes, Starhl pulls backt the grass to reveal the upper torso of an Elf, its limbs torn asunder and missing. Starhl's head starts to spin. Ladriel peers down at Starhl's horror and covers her mouth in disbelief.

Standing well above the other Heroes, Herger's eyes are drawn to the upper boughs and trunks of the sizeable oaks in the area. Bloody arms and legs hang from tightly wound vines, sightless Elven eyes stare at him from the bloody branches. Herger gasps in horror, drawing the attention of the rest of the Heroes. Ladriel cries hoarsely, The Caransil patrol! By the Queen, what has happened here?

Very faintly, the sob sounds above the Heroes. Peering up, the Heroes spot a Caransil wrapped in vines, weeping, his hands over his face, blood running down his hands. His legs and torso are bent at odd angles, indicating numerous broken bonds. Where skin is seen, its is bruised black from severe internal hermorraging. The Elf's voice is low, deranged. Our Doom is upon us. The girl will be the end of us all...

OOC: Ladriel translates the Elf's words for the Heroes.
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