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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Ch. 5, The Darkening Wood


Herger watches the abomination move to get Aislinn. As she begins to make her way to the pool, the giant moves in that direction as well.

"How does taking the one whom we've traveled so far to save, change all of this? We came here in the hope that WE would be able to do something to turn back the dark tide. Tell us how we must proceed. Tell us how we can help you. Tell us that all is not lost!"

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The Goddess throws up a warding arm as the clean, green light of Kaela's stone falls upon her. Aiiee! The light burns! The momentum of the dead goddess slows as she nears Kaela. Behind Kaela, the dark pool even seems to shy from the light from Kaela's stone, the swirling blackness becoming unstable, vaporous...

As Mardo's, Kaela's, and Herger's words ring out, Aislinn kicks feebly in the undead creature's arms, almost in delirium at her fate. Save me! She half-screams, half-sobs. Don't let her take me! Kill me!

Any pause given to the goddess by Kaela's and Herger's words are undone by Aislinn's kicks and screams. Her innocence...purity! My rebirth! The goddess stalks menacingly toward Kaela and the dark pool, the young woman dwarfed by the undead creature. Before the young woman is crushed by the creature, the Widowmaker is there. With a deft movement, he reaches for Aislinn, trying to wrest the girl from the undead. With a shriek, a crushing backhand sends the Widowmaker spinning across the glade to land with a crack on hard stone. Raising his bloody head, grasping his ribs, he shouts at Kaela, Witch, sacrifice the stone! Split the darkness!


Kaela takes a tentative step back, her heel touching the darkness of the pool.

"Aislinn!" Her voice is wracked with emotion and doubt. "My friends! I love you all as brothers and sisters."

She hesitates at the edge, her eyes making contact with the red irises of the Widowmaker, then suddenly raises the stone high to drive back the Goddess once more before plunging the glowing artifact into the inky black of the pool.


Herger is unsure of what is taking place. He can see that the goddess is moving towards the black pool with the girl and that she shies away from the green glow that Kaela has in her hand. What he's not sure of is that Kaela is putting herself in between the goddess and the black pool. As she raises the stone for the last time, Herger makes his mind up, he moves to stand with the smaller woman and bears his axe before him, trying to look as menacing as he can, even though his weapon has already been proven useless once before.


Mardo gets ready for the doom about to fall his friends. Whether they be tossed aside as the Widowmaker was, or crushed where they stand, he doesn't know. At least from a distance he has a chance with his sling, and perhaps a chance to flee if he is left as the only one standing.


First Post
The Goddess staggers under the glow of Kaela's green stone, the light of her former essence, pure and verdant green. She stalks the edge of the pool, seeking a way past the young witch, her mind driven by pain and confusion, her awesome powers forgotten. As Herger, then Starhl, and even the diminutive Mardo, congregate before her, her pain and humiliation drive anger. Her dead eyes glowing with unholy light, her rictus grin curls back in a snarl, and her powers rise with a palpable feel. So like an angry child, but with powers vast and incomprehensible. As the Heroes brace for her onslaught, Kaela dips the stone into the pool of darkness...

Instantly the goddess stiffens and screams in agony, as her former pure essence contacts her undead, reborn spirit. The pool of inky blackness begins to churn and seethe like an angry storm, discharges of green lightning lighting its inky interior. The goddess howls and thrashes in agony as her spirits clash. In her agony, Aislinn falls to the ground. Slowly at first, but increasing in rapidity, the Goddess' form slowly begins to dissolve, ebbing away in a cool wind driven down through the trees above. The Goddess looks incredulously at her form as it disintegrates, and her eyes look at the Heroes with a mixture of incomprehensible pity and sadness, almost as if a child were facing some unknown, hideous fate alone. With a final scream, the Goddess fades and all grows still...

With a blast born from unknown gulfs, a wind rips through the forest, twisting the trees as they thrash in agony. Kaela withdraws the stone from the pool to find it cool and dead, the green light and its power gone. To her horror, the pool's edges spread as the blackness seeps over the glade, seeking to stretch into the forest. Nearby, the crumpled form of Aislinn twists slightly as she calls to the Heroes, Thank you my friends. Leave me here, let me die...I feel the call of the Forest...my dreams are coming true. I am so alone...Kaela, Valurel, will you stay with me? Don't become what I am now...it is time to pass into the spiritworld, a world I have touched...our fight will continue...

Nearby, the towering figure of the Widowmaker stalks out of the darkness and kneels at the side of the girl. He mutters something in guttural Orcish, No honor in hunting young children. My dread god will not claim you. Aislinn's feeble voice answers. Thank you. The Widowmaker stands, clutching his ribs, his broken form still dangerous. We must flee now! Into the forest! The mirror will expand, and then contract...when it does, everything will be destroyed! Now! Without waiting, the Orc turns and runs into the forest as the inky pool expands and flows across the glade.


Herger places his massive hand on the small girls head and allows himself to weep. "I am sorry for letting you fall into their hands. For letting them do this to you. I am happy that we were able to find you. Goodbye child. I shall not forget you."

With that, he rises to his feet and moves in the direction of the Widowmaker. After a dozen steps, he stops and waits for the others.

He'll carry Mardo if that's what is needed for him to keep up....


Mardo cringes in horror as the putrid creature withers in the storm of darkness caused by Kaela's stone. On hearing the warning to run or be killed, Mardo jolts to attention.

"Don't gotta tell me twice," Mardo mutters under his breath as he bolts for where he thinks he remembers leaving his cart, up the hill from the ruins. "Make sure Kaela's alright, I'll catch up!" he yells to Herger.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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