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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 2, Flight


"Hold on.." says Starhl. He moves to the wolf. He then points to the ground. "Dead. Dead. Get revenge. On killers." he says to the wolf.

Starhl will try to move towards the cubs, and bury them if the wolf permits.

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Micar Sin

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Spitting out one last gobbet of blood Morn rises to his feet and solemnly bows to Aislinn. "thank you m'lady. You have my sword and my life as long as it is needed" Morn glances quickly about and the gestures in the direction of Highwall. "I say we continue with our original course as much as possible, but we have to get out of the open swiftly. I suspect these two were merely out riders, and we will not survive another attack. We will have to move from wooded area to wooded area as much as we can."


Herger nods at the group. "I am a bit of a wanderer myself. I would accompany you if you desire it. I will easily find work, or trouble wherever I go due to my size."


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OOC: Sorry for the delay. Recovering from stomach flu.


The female wolf growls at Starhl, unwilling to let anyone come near her dead pups. Refusing to abandon her dead mate and pups, Starhl is forced to leave her, her unfathomable gray eyes locked on Starhl as he slowly fades in the mist and gloom.

Pressing on with aching muscles and heavy hearts, the Heroes continue on their journey to Highwall. The light rain continues to fall, soaking clothes and chilling bones. Using the cover of trees when available, the Heroes are forced to spend most of their time walking on the open plains, the wet green swordgrass the only cover from enemy eyes. The coming of night is marked by a darkening of the gloom over the plains. Seeking shelter in a small pine-shrouded vale, the Heroes rest uncomfortably. Pine nuts and Fallax's bread are in short supply and bellies protest with hunger. By next morning (Arc of Halail, Day 6) the drizzle stops, although the sky overhead is overcast with roiling steel-gray clouds. That evening Valurel estimates the Heroes have travelled almost thirty miles since they were ambushed by the worg riders.

On the morning of the Arc of Halail, Day 7, the clouds overhead break. A brilliant blue sky is unveiled as the sun breaks the eastern horizon, shedding its warmth across the plain. Spirits rise at the magnificent sight, the Shadow momentarily defeated, its power not all encompassing. On a far eastern hill, the sun at its back, a lupine figure stands silently before trotting down the hill toward the Heroes. A wolf. But something seems to have startled it. A few sharp barks and then silence. A warning?

Within moments, three riders on horses crest the hill the wolf just stood on. The sun at their backs, the riders appear as massive black shadows, slowly and confidently moving toward the Heroes. The crushed swordgrass behind the Heroes has marked their passing for miles across the north and is a spoor that even a child could follow.

Micar Sin

First Post
Morn spat a curse in jungle mouth as he turned towards the riders. "Spread out! If we stay together they'll ride us all down!"
With that Morn pulled his crossbow from his shoulder and loosed a bolt towards the lead rider, a silent prayer to the spirits of the air going with it...

OOC: Ranged Weapon: Small Light Crossbow +6 to hit (1d6 dmg, 19-20 X2 crit) Range Increment 80ft


Before Herger could even speak, the elfling has shot a bolt at the men who had crested the hill. Once the bolt had been fired, there was not much choice. It was possible that the men were in fact not minions of the shadow, even if that was slim. Herger only hoped that they had not fired upon anybody who might be able to help them reach their destination. He readied his great axe, waiting to see what happened next.

Is it safe to assume that the party is somewhat healed during the last few days of travel?


Drawing out a javelin, Starhl hurls it at the leading rider. "Do you fools not give up?" he shouts. He stays close to the others, and tries to seek cover behind trees or other things that can spoil the oncoming charge. He looks to the wolf.So you have not abandoned us. Starhl howls as he awaits the battle to come.


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Shoot First, Ask Questions Later...

The past few days had worn on Reznik, and apparently his comrades as well do to their immediate hostility to the riders. Reznik had no idea if the riders were friend or foe, and presently he didn't care to find out. Either the riders would halt their appraoch and call for parlay, or charge into the ragtag group.

"Kaela, stay close. Just like the last time. If someone goes down I will move with you so Aislinn can aid them." he said to the young woman. He then drew his dagger and shortsword, staying close to Starhl as he did before.


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Morn's bolt flies true, penetrating the shoulder of the lead rider with an audible "crunch". With a cry of pain the lead rider spurs his massive Dorn horse forward, the horse screaming in anticipation. The other two riders spread out and also spur their horses on toward the Heroes, heavy spears and round, wooden shields raised. Agents of Shadow!Prepare to meet your doom! He cries. The massive destriers close the distance quickly, thundering across the plains, clods of dirt and grass flying. The riders are obviously Dorns, two men and one woman. All three riders are tall and powerful, with horned helms covering long hair, a sight unusual these days at least for Dornish men. Glints of metal beneath the riders' red and green plaid garments hint at hidden armor. The war leader cries once more, obviously to his companions, Ride them down! Protect the girl with your lives!

Advancing with frightening speed, Starhl throws his javelin, the weapon smashing into the rightmost rider, the majority of the force of the weapon stunted by the rider's shield. With a Dorn battle cry, the riders descend on the Heroes.

OOC: Since several of the Heroes have said they are doing something akin to readying attacks, I will give initiative to the Heroes. And, yes, with Kaela's ministrations, the Heroes are all fully healed. Where art thou, Bobitron?


Herger curses under his breath. The people whom he traveled with had clearly made a mistake. One that would not easily be explained or forgiven. He insured that he could be seen, dropping his massive axe to the ground and throwing his arms high in the air. He then cried out to the charging trio. "FRIENDS! WE ARE FRIENDS! WE ARE NOT AGENTS OF THE SHADOW! CALM YOUR CHARGE AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES! WE WILL NOT ATTACK YOU FURTHER!" With that, he sits on the ground in front of the group with his hands still over his head hoping that this works.

Sorry about the CAPS, but I think they're appropriate at this point. Herger is using his booming voice to yell as loud as he can towards them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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