Mike Mearls Happy Fun Hour: The Warlord

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I, like Einstein, am certain about two things:
The universe is infinite and human stupidity.
And I'm not so sure about the universe.

mellored said:
Armored lord (warlord), Stealth lord, arcane lord, charismatic lord, self-sacrificing lord (provoke an OA to grant an attack), fear lord, passifist lord (lazy lord), trickster lord. That's 8. I'm sure others can think of more.
*Yes, charisma lord. I'm not worried about stepping on the bard's toes when eldrich knight is standing directly on the wizards foot.
So: Fighter Warlord, Ranger Warlord, Wizard Warlord, Bard Warlord, Paladin Warlord, Warlock Warlord, Cleric Warlord, and Rogue Warlord?

Sadly, by the time I got around to posting, others have already figured out the same joke.

I really like what Mike Mearls is doing with his video series, but this thread reminds me of why I usually bail on every thread that dips into Warlord territory. People aren't listening to what he's saying, and are trying to turn the series into something it's not.

For those that are throwing around adjectives like they mean anything, can you try to provide a proper thematic description for the class, it's core purpose, at least a framework of the mechanics, and in what way the proposed subclasses are unique enough to be worth building? And don't just say, "What 4E did." I have literally never touched a 4E book. Try to be convincing with your own words.


Well, this thread exploded.

So, some ideas meant to be constructive....

All of you that would like a 5e Warlord, and that have ideas for what abilities and such a 5e Warlord should have, please go over to Mike Mearls' Twitter page and let him know about it (politely would probably be best). This is probably the best way to get your views heard and acknowledged.

It's probably also best to not engage those that are not being constructive—haters gonna hate, and all that. No amount of logical and rational discourse is going to change the minds of those that are intent on being negative. So, let's skip them and try to keep on chugging. :)

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