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Milo Windby's Collected Story Hour

Milo Windby

First Post
Keep of the Borderlands - fini

The four friends spoke long into the night. They discussed the newfound information they obtained from the caves. They talked about each other's backgrounds and what brought them to the Keep. They spoke of directions and what they would do after they made it back to civilization. Soon they grew tired and decided to set up watch before they all drifted to sleep.

A few short hours later they awoke to the sun rising. Mazithra had been busy during her watch and the early morning, only requiring a few hours of deep meditation. She had identified the great sword and helmet that the party had found.

Windsword of Sharda
GreatSword +1
Once per day the wielder can perform a Whirlwind Attack.

The helmet was cursed, she looked meaningfully at Jeremiah, a mute warning not to take magic weapons and armor lightly. Jeremiah remembered how closely he had come to donning the helmet.

By the time camp was struck it was a bright cheery morning. Off in the distance Milo could see the caves. He thought they didn't look quite as bad from the distance. Everyone's mood was bright, even Jeremiah smiled all morning.

The journey back to the Keep took most of the day. They could see evidence of the undead army's passage along the way. Milo worried that the army might have broke through to the Keep. They reached the foothills of the mountain and started up the long winding road to the gate.

They could make out the destruction wrought by the enemy at the gates from a distance. The rest of the journey was made in haste as the adventurers hurried to the Keep. They feared the worst as they approached the scene. One of the doors to the massive gate hung from one hinge, moving side to side in the breeze, squeaking like a plaintive dire rat. The other door lay on the ground, flung not a few feet from its casing. One of the enormous bone constructs powered by Bordamere's lackeys lay atop the door. Its progress had been halted where it broke through. Zombie bodies and heaps of bones littered the base of the outer walls. A putrid smell wafted through the air, it reminded Milo of the meat market in Darokin on an exceptionally hot day.

As they drew near they were relieved to see a guard, a living, human guard, step through the gate to challenge them. He was disheveled and wore a bandage on his arm. What appeared to be a permanent scowl on his weary features evaporated when he realized who approached the gate. He called back to the guardhouse and a small commotion could be heard. Four more guards and the captain emerged from the broken gate, while Milo could make out another one running in the direction of the chapel.

The captain welcomed them. He had spoke with the priest and knew the mission they had embarked on. The grizzled captain told them of the undead siege they had endured. The bone construct had broke through last, the guards were ready for the monster and dispatched it quickly in a concerted effort. The other undead swarmed the walls but were handled with burning pitch and oil thrown over the sides.

As the captain finished telling them about the attack the Keep's priest had made his way to the gates. He greeted them warmly and, noticing the crowds beginning to gather, invited them to retire to his private quarters in the chapel.

They moved through the small streets with the priest and the captain of the guard. Windows opened and people stood in their doorways, watching the heroes pass. A couple of the bystanders cheered as they continued. Milo felt slightly embarrassed and a little exposed.

The priest led them into his office and directed them to four comfortable chairs. Jeremiah and Brigit clanked to their seats and settled as comfortably as they could in their full plate.

After they were settled, the old priest related their battle with the plague to the heroes and their miraculous recovery. Given the timeframe Milo suspected the disease had been lifted at the same moment Brigit had destroyed the goblets.

Milo then related their story, starting with the secret passage into the foul temple of the enemy. He skimmed over the elf skeleton they had found as he glanced knowingly to Mazithra. When he came to the unveiling of the chief servant in the scheme, the evil cleric turned wight, Bordamere, the priest nodded. Milo then told him about the wizard that seemed to mastermind the siege and plague. The old priest knew nothing of him by description, nor did he know of the man they saw in the mirror before it shattered.

He welcomed them to stay in the inn, free of charge for the services they had done for the Keep. He also asked if there were any other magical items they needed identified. Milo declined and told the priest proudly that Mazi had discovered a means to identify their spoils on her own. The priest saw them to the door and wished them well.

A raucous, impromptu party took place in the inn that night. The newly healed citizens of the Keep were eager to celebrate the victory at the Keep and the cleansing of the nearby caves. Milo spun stories for any willing ears in his clumsy way. Jeremiah and Brigit won many drinking contests that night. Mazithra could be found performing dazzling maneuvers and graceful dances. The festivities lasted far into the night and the party trickled into their room one at a time.

Milo slumped into bed, as exhausted as if he had just fought a horde of undead, but exhilarated too. He drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

[Below was provided by Frog, it is unedited]

After the long trials of the Caves it feels good to be back at the Keep and in a warm, SOFT bed for once. As you drift off to sleep you can't help but wonder what will happen next...

A soft, familiar glow fills the room as you open your eyes. Your companions lie sleeping around you, seemingly oblivious to the light emanating from the short, rotund figure that has appeared in the room.

"Good job my boy" He says. "I knew I was right in choosing you...although your lack of faith there at the end was most disappointing."

You think back to your attempts to "turn" the undead that had met with failure after you had questioned your Deities faithfulness to his servants. Perhaps it wasn't His fault at all, but your own lack of faith in Him that had rendered your attempts in vain?

He smiles at you knowingly "You are beginning to catch on after all, good. I was worried that you may need more time than you have left." A troubled look crosses His face for a moment. "In answer to your questions...I am Usamigaras." He sits down as a glowing chair appears beneath Him. "Boy, I have a task for you. You must save my people."

"They are in thrall to an Evil of unspeakable proportions. They are blood sacrifices to satisfy the cravings of this Minion of Death. They have need of a champion...I have chosen you."

"Your task will not be easy. First and foremost you must destroy the Beast that holds them under Its sway. This will not be easy as it has corrupted some of my people into serving It as if It were a god. They will try to protect It. They MUST NOT succeed. After destroying the Beast comes the second part of your quest...make the desert grow green so that it will once again nourish My people, that they may rise from the darkness and back into the light."

He stands again, the chair dissolving. "This is not easy my boy, not easy at all. I cannot tell you much more at this time...I am prevented from doing so. One last thing may I tell you...the Beast has a Name...and it is Xargon." Usamigarus fades away as the Name echoes in your mind...Xargon.

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Milo Windby

First Post
Temple of Elemental Evil - part 1 (session 7)

Milo and the others stayed at the Keep for a few days, resting and recuperating from their ordeals in the cursed caves. They spent much time poring over the notes and missives they had found in the robed man's inner sanctum. There were clues aplenty and hints at vast conspiracies. Milo felt right at home among them.
"So, we've got this guy waiting for us in the Black Mountains, which are here," Milo said, stabbing a finger at the map they borrowed from the priest. The Black Mountains were a far distance west and slightly south of Darokin. "We know from his note to the robed one that he's interested in you, Mazi." Mazi looked none too pleased at the idea that anyone was taking notice of her.

"Whoever he is, I don't like it. He knows too much about me for my liking. I say we track him down and find out what he has to do with the rest of this." Mazi said as she gestured to the other notes collected on the table in their room at the inn.

"Sounds like a good plan to me. We can follow the Highreach River to Kelvin then head north to Darokin before striking west to the Black Mountains." Milo suggested. "I have some business in Darokin anyway. I think some people would be very interested to find out what's happening down south."

"That'd be fine except your route would take us right by the forests I'm trying to avoid," said Mazi. "I think you can understand why I wouldn't want to travel that route."

"Aye, 'sides that I wanna find out if that bastard in tha other note has my sister!" spoke up Brigit. "Luln be to tha south, an' I wanna check out that 'fore we head into those Black Mountains. I canna pass up the chance to find her."

"Hmm," Milo said pensively, studying the map. "Hang on, this might work for all of us." He spent a few more seconds peering at the map before speaking again. "If we follow the river all the way down to the capital, Specularum, we can head west to Luln through Radlebb Keep. Once we're done there we can head further west, cut north to Darokin, then west again to the Black Mountains. Going this route we may even pass by your lands in the plateaus, Jeremiah." The barbarian only nodded in reply.

"I suppose that would work, at least then we won't have to travel the forest road the whole way." Mazi said thoughtfully.

"Aye! Luln ain't gettin closer wi' us gabbin over a map!" Brigit said excitedly.

"Sorry Brig, we won't be leaving today. I've still got some scrolls to scribe." Milo said.

"That will give me enough time to call for my familiar!" Mazi said. When she noticed her friends giving her strange looks she replied, "Well a girl's got to keep her mysteries about her." Milo shrugged and turned to pick up his parchments and quill.

"Ach, fine then, the two O ya can sit round up here all day wi' yer heads in yer books, Jer an me will go find our own entertainment. C'mon Jer, let's see what's goin' on downstairs." With that Brigit tromped out of the room with Jeremiah trailing behind.


The next day Duke Stefan's reinforcements arrived, days late to aid in the battle. They would help to fortify the defenses of the weakened Keep. A messenger arrived with them. Milo and his friends were summoned to the priest's office later that day. The priest sat behind his desk and the messenger stood nearby.

"It appears that you are not only to be congratulated by the folk of the Keep, but that your fame will reach a bit wider." The priest said enigmatically. He nodded to the messenger who then lifted four scrolls he had been holding. He presented one to each of the adventurers.

Milo broke the ducal seal and unfurled his scroll.

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Let it be Known to All in the Duchy, both Far and Wyde,
that His Highness, Duke Stephan Karameikos, has Deemed
Milo Windby Worthy of the Tytle of Court Lord of
Karameikos and does Hereby grant to Milo all Rights and
Privileges of said Tytle.

Stephen Karameikos
Duke of Karameikos

Milo flushed with excitement. "Lord Windby, I like the ring of that!" The priest looked on with an amused expression. Milo glanced over Brigit's scroll and saw that it read much the same as his. "Lady Deeperdown, may I present to you Lord Windby" Milo said in a lordly tone as he bowed to the dwarf. Brigit guffawed and slapped him on the back. After Milo had regained his balance he stood up and looked over at his other friends. Jeremiah was beaming after Brigit read his scroll to him. Mazi had a dark look to her face as she stared at the scroll. It seemed she would burn a hole through it with her intent gaze.

"Be wary, friends. Fame is a two-edged sword. Travel cautiously. I know that you are preparing to leave. There are those about that may take notice of famous heroes." The old priest told them with a meaningful glance at Mazithra.

The willowy elf practically stormed out of the chapel after Milo bid the priest and the messenger farewell. She wouldn't tell the others anything besides "These people know way too much about my history. Even the duke!"

Two days later Milo announced that he was done scribing his scrolls and was ready to set out. The friends busied themselves with plans for departure. Milo went to the chapel to take his leave of the priest and thank him for the help he'd given. The old priest had arranged for a barge to take them down river to the capital. He wished Milo and his friends luck on their journey and gave a prayer before they left.

Jeremiah and Brigit were more than ready to leave as they gathered their belongings and made their way to the gates. A few people gathered to see the heroes off. They cheered as they walked under the repaired arch of the gates. The captain of the guard was there with his men. As they walked by the guards snapped to attention and saluted the adventurers. Mazi looked slightly embarrassed and put out, but Milo was soaking in the attention. He waved and beamed a great smile out to the guard and the watching citizens. He puffed out his chest and drew himself up to his full 36 inches. Brigit just laughed at the comical halfling as they made their way down the road to the river.

They had figured that it would take four days to make their way to the capital city, Specularum by river. Then another three days to the small town of Luln if they purchased mounts in the city.

The small barge waited for them where the road ran by the river Castellan that would take them to the Highreach River. It was anchored in the shallow water of the bank. A large, rotund man waited for them upon the flat planks of the riverboat. He wore a bushy brown beard and welcomed them heartily when they announced who they were. The man introduced himself as Yomann as he heaved their heavy packs onto the barge. He seemed to be a jolly sort of fellow to Milo. Honest, with a hearty sense of humor, but not too intelligent.

They started down the river right after their belongings were stowed. Each of them kept their adventuring gear on hand though, in case of trouble on the water. The first day passed by uneventfully. They glided by rocky shores, moving faster than they could on foot, but not rocketing down the river at full speed. Milo admired the steep cliffs that raised in the distance, their strata marking passage of time far before the dawn of civilization.

By the second day they were in the foothills of the Castellan Mountains. The rocky slopes and cliffs gave way to rough hills and dales. There were few trees along that stretch of the river, mostly bush and brush cluttered the landscape. As the day waned they spied trees in the distance. A forest appeared on the east bank, curving farther eastward to leave the further part of the banks in green marshy land.

Before they emerged from the wooded area into the marsh the barge lurched to a stop. Jeremiah almost fell flat on his face as the barge hung in place. Milo ran to the fore immediately, his sharp eyes scanning the water for anything amiss. He found a rope, strung across the river. Just then he spied movement on the shore, within the trees. Slowly, the barge moved sideways across the current. The rope was pulling it closer and closer to the bank.

"Get ready guys, I don't think they're friendly!" Milo warned. Just as the barge touched the bank a huge man jumped out from behind some brush.

"Gimme me axe, dwarf wench!" He shouted. It was the mountain man they rescued from the bugbear's cavern! With a shout he charged at the group. Six more burly men jumped from the bushes with him. "Fer tha Brotherhood of the Axe!" They shouted.

Jeremiah was ready for the charge, he swung at the mountain man as he crossed the bank to the barge. Unfortunately he swung too soon, his sword whistled in the air before the huge warrior. Brigit stepped forward to fill the gap, her dwarven waraxe cleaved the air as is sped towards the burly mountain man.

"It's my axe!" She said as it sliced into his armor. The magical axe blade hewed through the leather armor and sunk into his flesh. He let out an enraged roar and swung his own mundane axe at her. His axe bit deep as well, wounding Brigit almost as much as she had wounded him.

Milo turned from their skirmish to see the other six men rushing onto the barge. He stowed his crossbow and pulled out Reft and Rend, ready to use the deadly handaxes for the first time. Mazi knocked an arrow to her bow with blinding speed and loosed it on the first axe wielder she could see. The arrow sunk just to the side of his shoulder. He let out a hoarse shout but did not falter in his mad dash for the barge.

The Brotherhood of the Axe boarded the barge in a rush, their booted feet tapping out a harsh, hollow sound on the wood of the boat. They clashed with the combatants. Two flanked their master and attacked Brigit and Jeremiah. They were not as expert in wielding the axes as the mountain man and found no purchase with their blades.

The remaining four streamed past the dwarf and human to attack Mazi and Milo. The axe man with an arrow bristling from his shoulder reached Mazi first. He swung his axe down in a vicious arc that grazed along Mazi's arm, drawing a streamer of blood after it. She winced at the pain, momentarily distracted as the other axe wielder attacked her. His blow did not inflict as great a wound, but his axe drew blood nonetheless.

Two men beset Milo as well. All the more huge from his perspective. He jumped to the side to avoid one blow from an axe man. The axe whistled by, barely missing his shoulder. His comrade followed up the near miss with a telling blow. Milo's shoulder ached from the wound and he saw a bit of blood limn the edge of the axe. He shifted his eyes back to the face of his attacker and gave him a feral grin. He wielded his handaxes against his foe, slashing the air with one then the other. He closed in on the large man, making an almost comical scene as his fierce offense forced the axe man back. He landed a blow with both of the enchanted axes, first one diagonal slash from hip to knee, and then a devastating hack into the man's sternum. He yanked his axe back out before the human fell to the deck, dead.

Ahead of him he watched as Jeremiah swung his sword again, this time almost losing his footing as he slipped on the slick planks that made up the barge. He regained his balance before he fell but his attack was foiled. The mountain man ignored the barbarian, focusing all of his attention on the dwarf and her axe. Brigit fended off the two blows from the experienced axe wielder. One glancing off her shield and the other she turned into a startling riposte with her own axe. The head sunk into the mountain man again. The wound was great, blood immediately welling and dripping from the gash in his chest. He kept fighting, seemingly ignorant of the pain.

Mazi was busy fending off her two attackers while she stowed her bow and readied her sword. One axe man came at her and was bewildered as he slashed at air. The lithe elf was already a foot to the side of his attack. The other axe wielder watched closely and swooped in for the attack when he thought Mazithra was vulnerable. She spun to meet his offense, kicking out with her booted foot. Her kick caught the man unawares, knocking the wind out of him. He dropped his axe to the deck and clutched his stomach.

Jeremiah moved to surer footing and planted his feet. He took aim at the mountain man and heaved his sword at his enemy. The blow never landed, the bearded hulk had already moved. He was nimble for his size and wounds he had received. Jeremiah's attack left him open to one of the brotherhood and he winced as the man's axe cut into him. On the other side of the mountain man another bearded giant of a human hacked at Brigit. She calmly deflected his blow with her shield and readied herself against the real threat of the mountain man.

Behind the beleaguered fighters Milo and Mazi strived against their foes. Milo's one remaining enemy was more cautious of the diminutive halfling, jumping back from his swift handaxes. He was no more able to hit Milo than the halfling was able to land a blow on him though. Mazi had only one of the brotherhood to deal with for a moment. The other was stooped over a few feet away, recovering his axe and his breath. She focused on the warrior before her and dodged his axe as it chopped air. Her sword snaked out at her attacker, nicking his tunic and traveling through his beard. It trailed nothing but unkempt hair behind it, leaving the axe man wide-eyed and wary.

Brigit and the mountain man were locked in a vicious struggle. They traded blows as if each were engaged in a log splitting contest. Brigit's arm vibrated from the two blows she took on her shield. She traded the blows with no less vigor but was met with likewise resistance. The mountain man blocked her axe with the haft of his own, catching Brigit's waraxe under the head. They stood for a moment in that pose, two fierce warriors striving against one another, before Brigit broke the hold and pulled back her axe. "I tole ya already, daft human, it's MY axe!"

The other two men flanking the mountain man attacked Brigit and Jeremiah. Both axes slid off of the full plate armor the dwarf and barbarian wore. Jer's armor glowed from the impact of the axe, a sharp point diffusing to a dim glow before it faded. The man that attacked Jeremiah stared in bewilderment at the sight.

He was so bewildered he didn't see the next attack coming. Jeremiah activated the whirlwind spell embedded in his Windsword of Sharda. He let loose a blinding flurry of blows. His sword cleaved clean through the axe man hounding him to the left. He continued his startling round of attacks against the mountain man. The big man staggered under the force of Jeremiah's greatsword. Jer was breathing heavily as he withdrew his blade, tainted with the mountain man's blood.

Mazithra noticed that her other adversary had recovered his axe and was preparing to enter the battle once again. She focused again on her current threat, analyzed his stance and found a weakness. She thrust her longsword past the axe wielder's guard and pierced his armor. The strike was enough to fell him and he toppled to the deck, causing the barge to shift slightly.

The shift was just enough to throw Milo's attack off as he pressed in on his foe. Reft fell from his right hand to clatter on the wooden planks. He ignored the fumble and pressed his attack with Rend. The axe cut a minor wound in the axe man's arm and caused the man to hop back out of range. Milo turned to recover his axe.

The other member of the brotherhood hefted his axe and started for Mazithra. She was just getting her footing on the shifting boards of the barge when he attacked. The slight disorientation cost her as the axe sliced through her armor to draw blood. She glared at the grinning axe man and prepared to fight.

Back at the fore of the barge Brigit fended off another blow from the mountain man. Her shield rang from the impact but couldn't stop the second attack from sneaking through. She grunted as the axe worked past her plate mail and slice through her skin. The attack made her nearly loose grip on her own axe. She caught the grip just as it was about to slip from her hand, too late to return the attack. She brought up her shield just in time to deflect the mountain man's lackey. The axe slid off the enchanted metal to reveal the frustrated face of the axe man.

Jeremiah was free to concentrate wholly on the mountain man. He planted his feet once again and sized up his opponent. His sword shined in the light of day as it arced towards the bearded man. He raised his axe to fend off the blow but couldn't overcome the immense power behind Jeremiah's swing. He staggered as the sword cut through his shoulder.

Milo hopped back from the axe man and grabbed at his handaxe. The swaying of the barge made it more difficult to get a grip on the handle. He dodged a swing from the axe man as he crouched to retrieve the weapon.

The other member of the brotherhood near him attacked Mazithra. The ring of steel could be heard as she deftly blocked the axe with her sword. The axe slide off the burnished wood of the Sylvanglade. She attempted to riposte but was foiled as the axe wielder jumped backwards with startling speed.

Meanwhile Brigit had grown tired of the mountain man's endless attacks. She roared a dwarven battlecry, "Baruk khazad ai-menu!" Her axe swung in an inexorable arc towards the mountain man. Her cry disheartened the giant human and he could only offer a weak block with his axe. The head of Brigit's axe split the haft of the mountain man's weapon and continued through. A split second later his head bounced from the wooden planks of the deck. Brigit's mighty swing didn't stop with the death of the mountain man. The deadly axe bit into the shoulder of the other axe man, severing his jugular. She wrenched her axe from his dead form and spit on the mountain man's slumped body.

Seeing all the enemies at the fore dead, Jeremiah turned to fight the threat to Milo and Mazithra. He came up behind the axe man threatening Milo and chopped straight down with his sword. The magic blade split the muscle-bound brute almost in two. Jeremiah gave a growl and scanned around for another foe.

Freed from his opponent, Milo sprang to aid Mazithra. He hurried behind the last axe man and hacked away with his axes. The astonished human felt the sting of one of Milo's handaxes before hopping to the side. He was hard pressed to face this new threat. While Milo distracted him on one side Mazi closed in for the kill on the other. She slashed at the axe wielder's exposed back, cutting clean through his armor and severing his ties with life.

Milo noticed that all four of them were breathing heavy, but otherwise living. There were a few wounds to tend to, but nothing life threatening. He turned to find what had become of the barge master, Yomann. He found him cowering behind their gear near the aft of the barge. He chuckled and called him out. The poor barge master had not seen much battle, that was certain. His faced turned a bit green as he looked out on the deck of his barge.

"Well you're a lively bunch, urp, that's for sure." he said weakly, holding a hand to his mouth.

Milo Windby

First Post
Temple of Elemental Evil - part 2 (session 7)

With the threat gone, the party checked the bodies. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Just seven large, bearded men, each with their own battle axe. There were a few silver pieces on each.
"That's it?" Milo said, "He stole that urn and all he could get was some silver?" He finished in disgust. Milo would have got a few hundred gold out of it at least.

"He must have used the rest to buy those axes. He really wanted that axe, Brigit." Mazi said with a slight smile.

"Want it or not, it won't do em no good where he's at now. Good riddance!" Brigit replied as she spat on the mountain man's corpse again.

Not wanting to take the time to deal with the bodies, Milo convinced the barge master to have someone come back and dispose of them properly after he dropped them off in Specularum. Yomann agreed hesitantly and they unloaded the corpses to the shore.

Yomann used his steering pole to detach the rope anchoring them to the bank and they glided back out onto the river. Once again underway, Milo relaxed a little. All of the adventurers kept their wits about them, wary for another ambush further down the stream.

There were no more traps between them and Specularum. It took two more days to reach the capital city of Specularum. They could see the city from miles upriver, stretching from the banks of Highreach to the grasslands beyond. A large forest could be seen in the distance. A few hours later they pulled into the special port designed for river barges. Yomann helped them unload their goods then bid them farewell. He seemed eager to get back on the river. Milo couldn't tell if it was a desire to be back on the water or to get away from them. He did hear the portly man mutter something about cleaning the stains off the deck.

Walking out from the port into the city was a blase experience for Milo. Specularum was big, but not as grand as the jewel city of Darokin. Mazi seemed similarly unaffected. Brigit and Jeremiah had obviously never been in a big city before though. Brigit's head craned this way and that to catch all of the sights, sounds, and smells. Jeremiah's mouth gaped at the assaults on his senses. Milo worried for a moment about the barbarian, afraid that he may have a problem with the massive amount of people bustling about their own business. He didn't worry long, Jeremiah's face split into a wide grin when Brigit pointed out to him all of the taverns near the port.

"Um, before you go making a permanent indentation on any barstools, let's find slightly nicer accommodations. I don't fancy spending the night in my armor sitting on my gear in case some foolhardy cutpurse decides we're easy marks." Milo said to two eager friends.

"Ya worry too much, halflin. Fine. We'll do it yer way, but I don't see what tha fuss is about. These look like my kinda people!" Brigit answered with a broad sweep of her arms.

"Drinking buddies are one thing, greedy bottom-dwellers are another. Trust me, this is the perfect place to catch travelers unaware. I speak from experience. Let's head farther into the city and find a place to stay for the night. Tomorrow we can get outfitted for our trip to Luln." Milo said.

With that the group headed into the city. They passed a huge outdoor market. Hawkers could be heard competing with each other as they tried to sell their wares. Jeremiah's head whipped back and forth as he tried to take everything in at once. A few entertainers could be seen plying their trade for a coin or two. A fire-breather puffed a gout of flame right above Brigit's head as they passed by. Jeremiah giggled. Milo was amazed at the change the city had on the normally dour barbarian.

Once past the market they found more taverns. Not the nicest places in the city, but a far cry from the dilapidated buildings littering the wharf district. Mazi and Milo examined a few inns from a distance and agreed on one to spend the night. The Shorn Sheep looked to be the classiest inn in the district. They headed in, under the sign displaying a rather bald ruminant.

The common room was well lit and busy, especially for the early hour of the evening. The four made their way to the bar and stood by as Mazi made arrangements with the barkeep for their room and board. After obtaining a key to an upstairs room they were warned against causing any disturbances on the premises and the strict consequence of breaking the peace.

Once their gear was settled they decided to go back downstairs and get a real dinner before surveying more of the city. The fare was passable, better than any of the rations they had been eating on the journey to the capital. Brigit challenged Jeremiah to a drinking contest before the last bite had been eaten. They headed off to the bar with the flimsy excuse of the contest to enjoy the ale in this strange new city. Milo and Mazi laughed at their eagerness as they finished their meals. They split up after dinner and scouted out the immediate surroundings of the inn.

Milo found that most of the shops closed up shortly after nightfall. He mentally marked the shops that were best suited to outfit them for the journey. He learned of a halfling district after speaking with a countryman passing by. They exchanged pleasantries and found that their home shires were neighbors. They swapped a couple of stories about mutual acquaintances before the other halfling had to leave to finish his errand.

Once back in the inn Milo found that Brigit and Jeremiah were well on their way to a drunken stupor as they slammed back pint after pint. Apparently Specularum ale was agreeable. Mazi entered the inn a few minutes later and they compared notes. There were plenty of shops in the area that would do well to prepare them for the next leg of the journey. After dragging Brigit and Jer away from death by inebriation they settled in their room with plans to visit the shops the next day.

The next day extended to three days as they went from shop to shop, finding all of the gear they needed or wanted. Jeremiah had been saving his gold for a great war-horse. Not exactly a steed needed to ride from one town to the next, but Milo figured it was his coin to do with as he pleased. He returned to the inn that night with a great smile on his face, leading a huge grey gelding with military tack. Brigit found a reasonably sized pony for a dwarf-sized rider and Mazi purchased a lighter steed, a white and dappled grey mare. For his own mount Milo found the halfling district and tracked down a dog stable. He picked out a riding dog with white and black fur and light blue eyes. They took to each other immediately. The Shorn Sheep had accommodations for halfling mounts in their stable so he had no trouble keeping the dog.

On the third night the companions sat around a table in the common room, discussing the journey to Luln. Brigit was getting impatient to be off and find her any clues to her sister's whereabouts. They decided that they were as ready as they ever would be and they would leave early the next morning.

Just then a commotion broke out on the other side of the inn door. Shouts could be heard as well as a crashing. The night fell unnaturally silent for a few moments. Milo glanced at his friends and nodded, they all reached for their weapons. The doors to the inn burst open, throwing splinters and chunks of wood all over the common room.

A slumped figure shambled through the debris, Milo strained to make out its features in the gloom that surrounded the entryway. He heard Mazi groan and say, "Not again."

The figure slouched into the light and Milo saw what prompted those words from the elf's lips. A slack jawed face stared at them, its flesh was stitched together crudely and it limped horribly. Worse of all, he recognized the gaping wound in the creature's forehead. It was Bordamere! Brought to life again, this time as an animated golem pieced together after the battle in the caves. Milo was the next to groan.

The unnatural automaton shambled towards Mazi. It made no sound but the scraping of its limp foot on the ground. The silence was eerie. Milo stowed his crossbow and reached for his axes, the drawing of the twin bone hafts breaking the preternatural silence in the common room. As if the silence had bound him, Jeremiah charged forward at the sound. His sword dived down at the animated golem, inflicting serious harm. With blinding speed he slashed sideways as well, shearing off more of flesh from the beast.

Brigit hung back from the fray and drew back the string in her bow. Her aim was precise and the arrow flew true, straight into the ex-Bordamere's chest. It was unfazed. Mazi shouted, "Magic only, it's a magic construct, your weapons have to be enchanted!"

Distracted by the shout Jeremiah was surprised by the speed that the golem displayed as it moved to attack him. The construct slammed Jer with a double-fisted blow to the head. Jer staggered under the critical blow, stars swimming in his vision. A nasty wound bled from the side of his skull. Milo noticed that fragments of bone were protruding from the golem's fists, the better to wound its victims.

Mazithra drew back her own bowstring and knocked one of the special magic arrows she had been saving. She fired the missile at Bordamere but was disappointed as it skimmed past his head, mere inches from the wound her arrow caused it in life.

Milo started towards the creature but was passed by Brigit. With expert speed she had stowed her bow and drawn her waraxe in one fluid motion. Before she reached the flesh golem Jeremiah recovered from the massive blow to the head to rally an impressive round of attacks. He slashed fiercely at the golem, sloughing off flesh and breaking stitches. Bordamere was all but falling apart by the time Brigit reached Jer's side.

She skidded to a halt and lifted her magic axe. The enchanted metal swung down heavily, whistling in the air above the golem's head. It crashed upon its skull, shattering the damaged bone and cleaving it in two down to its chest. The golem fell backwards from Brigit as she kicked it away from her axe.

"Alright, tell me now, how do we get rid O this guy fer good? How many times do we gotta kill em?" Brigit said with an exasperated sigh.

Any forthcoming response was interrupted by the arrival of the city guard. Luckily the adventurers had kept the damage to a minimum, the only property destroyed was the door to the inn. No patrons were harmed and the barkeep had hid behind his bar through the whole battle. Nevertheless, they were detained by the guard and put under house arrest while an official investigation was conducted.

They were each questioned individually by the court inquirer. After the stories were correlated and scrutinized the party was released. It was determined by the investigators to be a single episode of revenge directed towards the group. They were held liable for repairs on the inn door but suffered no other consequences. All in all the process took two more days. Milo was impressed, he had seen lesser infractions lumber through the system for months in Darokin. Apparently flesh golems bent on revenge were commonplace in Specularum.

Milo Windby

First Post
Temple of Elemental Evil - part 3 (session 7)
The next morning Milo and his friends prepared their mounts and supplies. They left the city under the watchful eye of the city guard. Apparently they were still under some amount of scrutiny. They made it to the gates unmolested and started on the road to Luln.
Their nights were uneventful, oft times Milo would wile away his watch stargazing or practicing with his handaxes. Their mounts performed beautifully. Jeremiah's war horse and Mazithra's mount would often trot side by side when given their heads. Brigit and Milo's smaller mounts followed behind. The dusty road gave way to rolling hills covered in tall deep-green grass. The miles rolled by as they traveled. They discussed trivial matters, the weather, the local political climate, and what they would do once they reached Luln.

After three days and two nights on the road they spied the town in the distance. It wasn't large by Specularum standards, but it was a fair sized village. They arrived at the outskirts before dusk and headed into the town proper. Milo noticed that it was a mixed populace, humans, a few elves here and there, a dwarf or two, and not a few halflings. He guessed that Luln's proximity to the northern shires had something to do with that.

They found the single inn and checked for a room at the bar. The gruff barkeep gave them a room and a wildly overpriced charge. Milo whittled him down to a decent fee, but he could tell the innkeeper wasn't too happy about it. They stowed their belongings in the room and headed out to gather some information before seeking dinner. The town was under the control of The Black Eagle Baron, Duke Stefan's cousin. He was known for his especially cruel nature and a despot-style rule. Those under his control would never speak such a thing aloud though. They each found those of their own persuasion or race, depending on the person, and tried to find out as much about current affairs in Luln as possible.

Three hours later, after the sun had set and a swollen full moon had risen to hang above the town like a baleful eye, the adventurers met in the common room of the inn. Over a high priced meal of vegetables and mysterious meat they discussed what they found.

"Tha other dwarves here told me about an ole dwarf that took his daughter out ta visit tha forest garrison last month. They ain't been seen since." Brigit told the others, "What you wanna bet that be tha bugger that's got me sister? If he ain't, then he'll know where she is!"

"Could be Brigit, could be." Milo agreed. "I found out that there are some old ruins out in the forest that have been there for as long as anyone can remember. I wonder if that's where that garrison is?"

"Well I found an elven shopkeeper that's none too fond of the Baron." Mazi shared, "I don't think she recognized me, but she did tell me that the Baron has been hiring lots of mercenaries lately."

"I found out that the Baron has some slaves out there building a new fortress in the forest." Jeremiah told them before falling silent again.

"Okay, that's too much. After that note about the army and the odd goings on in the forest, we have got to check it out tomorrow." Milo suggested.

"Aye, if nuthin else than ta see if that bugger O a baron be usin dwarves as his slaves!" Brigit was getting a little worked up.

"Calm down Brigit," Mazi soothed, "We'll find out the truth tomorrow. There's nothing you can do about it tonight but rouse suspicion from the townspeople." She gestured back to the bar and the surly innkeeper. Brigit settled down and they spent the rest of their meal planning the foray into the forest in the following morning.

That night Milo slept well, comfortable in the bunk upstairs in the room. Dawn came too soon as the first rays of light peeked through their window. He yawned and stretched as he rose from his cot. Mazi was already awake, needing only a few hours of meditation through the night. They roused Brigit and Jeremiah and prepared to leave.

Before they went out into the forest they found arrangements for their mounts. There was a stable in town with a trustworthy staff that was willing to accommodate their mounts, even Milo's riding dog. After paying for a few days in advance they obtained directions to the Baron's garrison/earthworks. They found that they were one day's travel from Luln by foot. Not wanting to waste any daylight, the party set out at once.

A few miles down the road they entered into a light forest. Trees grew all over, but none too close together. A few more miles later they noticed the growth starting to twist and gnarl. It reminded Milo of the cursed gorge they had so recently purged. Not again, thought Milo.

They came upon a large clearing, full of ruins. There was a low wall that had once been twice as tall as a human as evidence in some sections that were still intact. Within the wall rose a crumbling stone structure. A temple of sorts by Milo's reckoning. Beyond the wall were a dilapidated tower to the south end of the clearing and a ruined shack to the north.

They decided to leave the temple grounds and investigate the surroundings first. Milo led them north to the ruined shack. There was no door to the slumped building and they could see stairs leading down inside. Thinking the stairs to lead into a lower portion of the temple, perhaps catacombs, the group decides unanimously to hold off on further investigation. That left the tower to search.

The top of the tower had collapsed in on itself but much of the structure remained intact. Milo examined the chains barring the door from the outside. The lock was old and rusty, it obviously hadn't been moved for some time. Two slits opened to either side of the door. Brigit and Mazi peered into them, being the only two that could see into the dark of the tower. They couldn't make out anything, it appeared pitch black inside.

With no other way to get into the tower, Brigit pulled out the warhammer she purchased in Specularum. The shiny head of the hammer swung down at the brown rusty metal of the lock. Its impact seemed to trigger a reaction, as soon as the hammer hit the lock arrows shot out of the slits to the side of the door. Four of the missiles flew, each aimed at one of the adventurers. Sensing that this was an ambush rather than a trap, they worked harder at breaking through the door. Jeremiah struck the lock with his enchanted sword after Brigit withdrew her hammer. The lock shattered and Brigit kicked in the door.

The sight that greeted them certainly wasn't a pitch black tower floor. The whole garrison was arrayed against them. On first glance Milo counted over a half dozen swordsmen, four archers and four crossbowmen, and nearly a half dozen officers in the back. The captain in the rear commanded his forces to attack. The adventurers wasted no time.

Jeremiah charged in swinging. He missed the first swordsman before him but drove the point in on his return thrust. The blade impaled the soldier's shoulder right before Milo's crossbow bolt sunk into his chest. The soldier fell to the ground, the first dead body to litter the floor of that battle.

Brigit and Jeremiah stood side by side while Mazi slipped in through the doorway. Three of the swordsmen attacked Jeremiah and Brigit each. Jer sustained a light wound from one attack that slipped past his sword. He growled at the warrior that inflicted the blow. Brigit received a shoulder wound as well. She batted the sword aside with her shield and hacked back with her waraxe. The magic edge sliced through the soldier that wounded her, severing his link with life. Brigit continued her attack, cutting short the life of another mercenary that attacked her. Her fierce display caused the others to pause.

All of the bowmen and crossbowmen loosed their missiles on a command from the captain. The shifting battle prevented any from taking precise aim. Not one arrow or bolt pierced the heroes. One of the arrows ricocheted off Brigit's armor and another bounced from Jeremiah's plate mail.

Seeing the formidable force arrayed against them, Mazithra took a more tactical stance to the battle. She chanted a spell and cast her splayed fingers towards the warriors. Strange goo materialized from her fingertips and spewed out over the combatants. In seconds over half of the garrison was covered in sticky strands of webbing. Mazi grinned and brushed her hands against each other.

Jeremiah took advantage of the struggling warriors, being free of the web himself. He swiveled himself around, almost facing backwards before sweeping back in an impressive and massive swing of his greatsword. The blade sliced clean through all three mercenaries, their struggling ceased immediately. Milo gaped for a moment at the incredible maneuver.

He regained his composure and concentrated on a spell that would compliment Mazithra's web perfectly. He chanted the words as they came to him, conjuring up images of hard spikes flying through the ether. The very air around his outstretched hand coalesced into tiny sharp daggers before spraying outwards towards the enemy. The small knives of hardened air stabbed into nine of the garrison, wounding them badly. It was Milo's turn to brush his hands against one another.

Mazi grinned at the halfling before wielding her sword at the closest warrior. She took careful aim and stabbed the mercenary straight through the heart, killing him instantly. She turned and shouted to the others, "The webbing is flammable, can any of you torch it?"

"Oh aye, that I can!" replied Brigit. She drew out a flask of alchemist's fire and tossed it towards the magic webbing. The effects were spectacular. The flask exploded on impact and the bottled fire within blossomed to the sticky strands. A huge flash of fire lit the room as if the sun had descended to ground level. When the smoke cleared there were only seven warriors remaining, the crossbowmen, the two lieutenants, and the captain.

Jeremiah moved towards the crossbowmen right away. His sword flashed as it sliced through first one, then the other mercenary. The second blow was stronger than the first, chopping the hapless crossbowman neatly in two. He barely missed the third but realigned himself to try again.

The captain roared his frustration at the adventurers. His forces had been cut by more than half in a matter of seconds. He charged forward to join the fray. He came up behind Jeremiah and stabbed through a chink in his armor, wounding the barbarian before he had a chance to react. As swift as he attacked Jeremiah, he turned and slashed at Milo, inflicting a nasty wound across his shoulder. Milo moved to the side, bracketing the captain and plying his handaxes. He was unable to make contact on the nimble warrior. The captain was certainly an experienced fighter.

The two remaining crossbowmen took heart at their captain's success and dropped their crossbows to draw their swords. Jeremiah looked to be in a dangerous situation. The two lieutenants moved in from the rear of the room. One slashing at the air with a wicked rapier while the other carried a sword as big as Jer's. The lieutenant with the rapier stabbed at Milo, the point sunk past his chain shirt, deep into his arm. Milo cried out and withdrew a pace away from the dangerous sword. The greatsword-wielding lieutenant attacked Jeremiah. He had no where to move with enemies on almost every side. The sword skittered across his armor and in-between two of the plates near his waist. Blood flowed from the wound after the lieutenant withdrew.

Mazi made to move in to aid her beleaguered comrade but slipped on an unseen bit of gore left from the carnage in the web. Her sword slipped from her grasp as she flailed out to catch her balance. Brigit charged past her with her axe held high, making a beeline for the captain. The waraxe glinted in the torchlight before it was buried deep into the captain's back. The axe head emerged from his breastbone. A trickle of blood escaped his mouth. Brigit grunted as she completed her swing, slicing the captain from chest to groin. The critical slice killed him before he had a chance to feel it.

Jeremiah took heart from the captain's fall and rallied against his foes. The soldiers didn't realize the mistake they made surrounding the powerful barbarian too late. Two blindingly fast attacks from his greatsword decimated the lieutenant, toppling him to the floor. His sword blazed on to crash through the defenses of a crossbowman. The hapless mercenary fell before his onslaught. The scene didn't have time to register with the last crossbowman before Jeremiah's wrath claimed his life as well. The only foe that remained standing was the lieutenant with the rapier.

Milo risked close range to hack at him with his handaxes. One made contact, wounding the soldier in the leg. He attempted to return the favor before the rest of the adventurers closed in on him. His attack failed and he stepped back pace to escape the advance. Brigit swung her axe, clipping the air directly in front of the slowly retreating lieutenant. Mazi had recovered her balance and her weapon and moved towards the officer. The threat was cut short as Jeremiah spent the remainder of his wrath on the last enemy. He thrust the Windsword straight through the lieutenant's chest. The officer died with a rattling sigh.

"Well so much for questioning." Milo said disappointedly. "Still, nice work with the web Mazi! I'm impressed!"

"You didn't do so bad with that knife spell of your own. That was vicious," Mazi replied. "And that alchemist's fire sure came in handy, Brigit. To think I laughed when you bought all those things from the apothecary."

Brigit merely snorted at the remark and turned about to survey the room. The archers had shot past black cloth that was hanging over the slits. No wonder they couldn't see anything through the other side. Torches burned in sconces set about the tower room. The interior of the tower was in much better repair than the exterior. The only damage to the room was the soot marks from the burning web. Two doors led into other rooms on the bottom floor as well as a ruined staircase leading up to the demolished top floor.

They searched the bodies first, finding a fair amount of coin on all of the bodies, especially the captain's. They cautiously walked into the first room. No one challenged them. It appeared they had vanquished the entire garrison in the main room. Rows of bunks lined the walls and a large chest squatted at the end of the narrow room. Milo moved to the chest immediately, checking for traps and locks before opening it. Inside were fine silks, a jeweled dagger, a healing draught, and a sack containing more coin, electrum pieces. The others had been searching the room as the chest occupied Milo. No other valuables were discovered. Milo was happy with the contents of his find though. They distributed the loot evenly for weight, choosing to deal with it later.

The other door led to nicer quarters, obviously the captain's room. An iron lockbox sat at the foot of the double bed near the corner. There was a wardrobe as well. The wardrobe contained a fine suit and hooded cloak of brown velvet lined with fur. The box proved to be trapped and locked. Milo noticed a needle poised within the lock. Poison, it figures, he thought to himself. He told the others to hang back while he dealt with the tricky lock.

He drew out his new masterwork tools that he had picked up in the halfling district in Specularum. He slipped in a pair of tweezers and carefully worked the needle trap. It disarmed with an audible click. Milo breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat off his brow. He pulled out his tumbler tools and easily picked the untrapped lock. The box lid swung up to reveal a treasure trove of coins. They had found the garrison treasury it appeared! In addition to the gold, silver, copper, and platinum Milo found a finely crafted short sword with a topaz set in the pommel. Easily worth another 500 gold pieces if they chose to sell it.

"I'd say we were well rewarded for cleaning this garrison out of the Black Eagle's scum, wouldn't you?" Milo asked no one in particular. All three of his friends heartily agreed. He noticed Mazi eyeing the topaz on the short sword and grinned at her slight obsession. "Why don't you hang on to the dagger and sword for now, Mazi? I know how much you like the sparklies."

Brigit barked out a laugh and Jeremiah grinned. Mazi scowled at Milo and stuck out her tongue. She did take the weapons after all.

Milo Windby

First Post
Temple of Elemental Evil - part 4 (session 7)

After a thorough investigation of the broken tower, the group left the corpses behind and headed towards the shack. The splintered wood of the hovel jutted towards the sky like an accusing finger pointed to the heavens. From within the detritus of the shanty Milo could make out a stair well.
"Looks like it's down into the earth again folks." Milo spoke over his shoulder. "You should be right at home Brigit."

"Mebbe so, depends on what else 'as already made it its home." Brigit answered.

The stairs led down to a small room with a hatch in the floor. Milo searched the area quickly and found no traps.

"Jer, you think you could muscle this door open? Probably easier for you than Brigit." Milo asked the barbarian. Brigit bristled at the comment and shouldered her way past Jeremiah.

"Probably easier for you than Brigit." she imitated Milo. The halfling sniggered.

With a single heave she wrenched open the hatch, nearly ripping it off the hinges. "I knew we could count on you Brigit." Milo said with a smug grin on his face as he patted the fuming dwarf's shoulder. "Kinda dark down there, I'll go down first and set up one of my sunrods."

Milo pulled out a slender wand with a bulbous tip from his pack. He cracked the bottom of the wand against the floor of the shack and the bulb flared into light. Everyone shielded his or her eyes against the intense flare. The light died down to a sufferable level after a few moments, bright enough to illuminate the passage down, as well as the mildly annoyed glares directed at Milo. He pretended not to notice as he peered down the shaft. A ladder led into the darkness past the range of his sunrod. He fastened the wand to his pack and turned about, feet first into the shaft.

"Let's head down, this sunrod doesn't last forever." Milo called up to his friends.

They climbed down the rickety ladder one at a time. Milo and Mazithra barely made a noise as they crawled down lightly. Brigit and Jeremiah rattled the wooden ladder in its casings as they clunked down in their heavy armor. Jeremiah looked a little embarrassed at the noise after he reached the bottom. Milo had time to plant his sunrod in-between some rocks in the small room while he was waiting for the others. The magically glowing wand washed over dusty rubble and long unused shelves. There didn't seem to be much in the room besides the empty shelving.

Just as Jeremiah's boots hit the ground another sound filtered up to their ears. Squeaking noises surrounded them, seeming to come from every direction.

"A trap!" Jeremiah said.

Before anyone else could comment a flood of huge rodents swarmed towards them from cracks in the walls and floor. At least a dozen of the large rats scurried into the small room, hedging the companions in.

"Not dire rats again!" Mazi whined before as she unsheathed Sylvanglade.

Mazithra showed her distaste in more ways than one as she found a critical weakness in the leading rat's hide. The point of her sword sunk deep into the beast as it let loose a shrill squeak, it's last.

Two of the diseased vermin scrabbled towards Milo. Their speed startled the halfling, he barely had time to jump back to avoid a nasty bite. The first rat's teeth snapped on air, inches from his arm. He wasn't as lucky with the second rodent. It's yellowed teeth bit into his leg as he hopped away, drawing a small amount of blood. A wave of sickness washed over Milo, but he fought it off, refusing to give in to the filth fever these vermin carried.

Next to him Mazi fended off three of the rats, her sword keeping one at bay at a time. As she wielded the weapon at one, the other two would approach, nipping at her waist. She managed to ward off the closest but winced as the other two made it past her defenses. Milo watched as an almost imperceptible green hue crept up Mazi's skin and her face flushed. She would be feeling that bite for days to come if he didn't do something about it.

His attention was brought back to the rats as Brigit brushed past him, her axe brandished high. She swung the deadly blade down at the rats, causing many to fall back. Two rats were too slow though, her heavy axe head swung clean through their chests as they reared up on hind legs. The rats stood nearly as tall as the dwarf for a moment before toppling back among their kin. The squeaking seemed to grow louder around them.

Milo had finally notched a bolt to his crossbow and fired a shot past the vicious dwarf. The bolt skimmed the tough hide of one of the rats. He sighed in disappointment as it skittered to the ground, inflicting no damage whatsoever.

Jeremiah practically stepped over Milo's head in his rush to get to the battle. His greatsword fought for room in the cramped quarters. Jer changed styles, forgoing his usual grand slashes, as he stabbed at the creatures again and again. One, two, then three of the feral rats keened their death squeal before Jeremiah was forced back by the rest of the swarm. His Windsword had no trouble dispatching the diseased rats.

Meanwhile Mazi had recovered from her bite wounds and rallied at the rats the flooded the space left empty by their dead kin. She also abandoned her usual graceful style, adopting a no-nonsense approach to dispatching the rodents. Her sword cut short the life of one of the vermin as it sank half to the hilt through a rat's flank. She pulled her sword out and glared at the rest of the rats as if their attack was a personal insult she wished to address.

Six of the beasts remained but only three were able to attack the companions at once. The rats surged towards Mazi, Brigit, and Jeremiah. Mazi was already weakened from the initial bites and was unable to mount a sufficient defense. She lashed out at the approaching rat with her boot and was rewarded with a slight wound on her calf. She favored her other leg for a moment as she stepped back.

Jeremiah scored a similar wound as he kicked away another rat. The beast's head whipped about and caught the lightly protected calf of the barbarian. Jeremiah merely grunted and bashed the rat in the head with his hilt. The creature let go of his leg but was not stunned in the slightest by the powerful human's blow. Brigit's defenses fared considerably better. The rat had a hard time bypassing her shield as she fixed it firmly between herself and the attacker.

Her shield stayed between them only long enough for the rat to attack. As soon as it dropped back down to all fours her axe came swinging from behind the metal barrier. The enchanted edge sliced through the rat's shallow brainpan, killing it instantly. She took advantage of the powerful blow by following through to the rat that had attacked Jeremiah. Her axe buried itself deep into its shoulder, breaking through the bones into the ribcage and severing the rodent's link with life.

Jeremiah saw the opening and leaped past the expired rat, swinging his sword from the middle of the small room. Mazi ducked unnecessarily as the sword whistled by inches away from where she stood. The blade dipped as it approached the first of the rats and did not emerge again until it passed through three more rats. The creatures wailed as his massive sword ripped into them. They had no way to defend themselves from the cold hard steel of the Windsword.

Milo fired another bolt at the last remaining rat, trying to thread the needle past Jeremiah and Brigit. His quarrel soared over the rat's head, splintering against the far wall.

Mazi's eyes glinted as she advanced on the last rat. She sliced into the gibbering vermin with her sword, barely looking as if she expended any energy in the effort.

"I hate these filthy rats. Every time we see one I'm getting bit on the leg. Ugh, I don't feel so well" Mazithra said after the last dire rat had fallen.

"For how many there were I'd say we got off pretty easy." Milo said as he explored the small cellar. "Everyone but Brigit got bit, but only you seem to have been infected with that filth fever. How is your leg?'

Mazi marveled at how Milo could carry on a conversation while his attention seemed focused solely on the ground at his feet. Before she could answer he let out a little shout of "Ahah!" and bent down to pull on the corner of a musty old mat.

The old woven rug pulled up at the corner and revealed another door under its musty protection. Milo struggled with the large rug, trying to roll it the rest of the way off of the hatch. Jeremiah bent over to help the small halfling. Just as he reached out his hand to pull aside the mat he froze. He slowly extended his hand towards Milo instead, who was too distracted by his task to hear what bothered Jeremiah so.

"More rats." the large barbarian whispered. It was Milo's turn to freeze. He could hear the squeaking and the faint scrabbling of claw on stone. He groaned and turned to look at the others. Not one of them were in the mood to fight more of the vermin and from the sound of it there were even more this time. Mazithra was the first to head up the ladder, her wounded leg didn't slow her ascent at all. Brigit followed her up, then Jeremiah. Milo grabbed his sunrod and scampered up the rungs just as the first rat emerged from the cracks in the walls. If the vermin hadn't paused to sniff at its dead kin they may not have had the time to close the hatch after the nimble halfling shot up out of the passage. Jeremiah swung the heavy wooden door down on its hinges. They could hear as one of the rats fell from the ladder to the cellar floor as the hatch slammed into its resting-place. All four adventurers breathed a sigh of relief.

Milo turned to confer with his friends. They could ignore the scrabbling of claws on the wooden hatch. It was obviously too heavy for the rats to lift. Mazithra however couldn't shake the idea that they could find other ways out, through the cracks in the floor of the shack.

"I'm sick of them. Stupid rats always spreading their disease. I say we camp for the night. I'm not feeling so well." Mazi said.

"While I'm not quite as frightened of the rats," Milo said, dodging a half-serious fist from Mazi, "I agree. We could all use a rest after the garrison and the rats. I can use my staff to heal Mazi of the fever before it gets serious too."

"Alright, let's get clear O tha temple. I still don' like the looks O it. I swear there's somethin familiar about this place." Brigit said.

"Yes, I can't quite put my finger on it either Brigit. I feel it too though. It gives me the shivers." Mazi said as she held her shoulders.

"That or the filth fever, eh? You need to stop trying to make friends with the rats, Mazi." Milo said, again dodging a more serious punch from Mazi. He grinned back at her as Brigit and Jeremiah chuckled.

They made their way out of the temple's clearing, choosing a wooded area surprisingly free of roots and brambles to settle down in for the night. As they unloaded their gear Milo pulled asked Brigit for the staff of healing she carried for him. He examined the staff, reading over the now familiar runes of the smooth wood.

"What was the that activation word again? Ah! Here it is." He muttered to himself. He stood up, holding the staff before him. His head barely reached three quarters of the way up the wooden staff. "Come here, Mazi." He motioned to the elf with the staff. He looked comical standing with the large staff held out in front of him. "Ready?" he asked Mazithra. She nodded and Milo raised the staff as far off the ground as he could.

"Abercrombie!" Milo said in a booming voice.

"ah-FITCH" Mazi sneezed.

"Bless ya." Brigit answered the sneeze.

Milo gave Mazi a queer look then shrugged. "How do you feel?"

"Pretty good. Really good actually. That's a nice little trick there, Milo." Mazi replied.

"Trick! That's some powerful magic! Completely abolishing all of the toxins in your elf body is no little thing!" Milo said, incensed. It was Mazi's turn to grin and dodge as Milo swung the staff most unceremoniously towards her.

They finished setting up camp and settled down for the night after a brief cold dinner. Watch was set and each of them took turns staying up peering into the gloom that pervaded the woods near the temple. Random sounds seemed ominous in the dark, almost as if something were watching them, waiting, waiting, waiting.

Milo woke the next morning relatively refreshed, despite the unease from the night before. They discussed the shack and the rat infested cellar and the ruined temple. Finally the group decided to investigate the temple before going any further. Bad feeling or no, the temple wasn't going anywhere with them traipsing about outside.

Milo Windby

First Post
Temple of Elemental Evil - part 5 (session 7)

Milo whistled a merry tune as they made their way out of the forest into the temple's clearing. It sounded out of place in the gnarled and twisted wood but it lifted his companions' spirits nonetheless. The clearing was as they left it, nothing was disturbed through the night that they could see. The temple squatted in the center of the clearing, its secrets waiting to be unfolded.
Surveying the actual building for the first time Milo noticed the huge double doors that guarded the interior. The doors were six or seven times his height and almost as wide. It looked as though an army could pass through at full march without pause. They were chained shut with thick iron links. Oddly enough Milo couldn't focus on the chains, they seemed to hurt his eyes. As they got closer they noticed runes etched all along the planks of the doors. They seemed to crawl and shift unnaturally, making it impossible to decipher them. As Milo moved to get a closer look he suddenly had the compulsion to bolt. He quelled his inexplicable fears and fought to take the next step forward. His body would not obey, the only direction he seemed able to move was away from the temple. As soon as he made his way back to where the rest of the party stood the blanket of dread lifted from his shoulders.

"There's some powerful magic protecting those doors. Mazi, can you get close enough to make out those runes?" Milo asked when he covered the few short steps between the invisible wall of fear and his companions.

Mazithra nodded and started towards the huge double doors of the temple. Milo watched carefully as she walked. He noticed her falter about the same time he had. Her face went ashen pale and he could see her throat work to swallow. She made it two more small steps before she too had to return to the group.

"I can't do it. Someone or something is keeping me from getting close to the doors." Mazi said after she returned. Her skin was recovering its color, not remarkably different from the pale hue it had adopted nearer to the temple.

"It be whether it's a someone or a something that worries me, Iff'n ya get my meaning." Brigit said to no one in particular. "Bah, lemme take a lookit the things." Brigit said with a wave of her axe.

She stomped towards the doors with a heavy step. She got no further than Milo or Mazi had and was forced to turn back. Whatever power enchanting the doors was too much for them to overcome.

"Ah well, vast conspiracies underway, evil enchantments warding us away, probably mounds of undead to slog through." Milo started half-jokingly. "When has it been any different? Let's look for another entrance."

They started around the temple, intending to walk the length. Milo hadn't realized how big the ruined structure was. The temple itself had to be fifty feet high and it stretched back into the clearing at least nine times its height. Milo felt small walking past the temple.

Near the rear of the temple they found three more doors. They were unchained and unmarked by runes of any sort. They all noticed the extensive foot traffic that had to have recently passed through the doors though. The grass near the doors had been trampled and dirt had been thrown up near the entrances. It looked rather recent to Milo too.

"Well you all know how I feel about front doors, or rear doors that get used just as much. I say we try that shack again. I bet the other trap door leads into the temple as well." Milo stated. "I'm all for coming in through a secret passage and surprising the devil out of whatever is in there."

Ever the voice of reason, Mazi said, "That's assuming whatever is in there doesn't know we're coming."

"True, but better safe than dead, right?' Milo countered.

The others agreed and they set out for the shack again. As they walked they thought of some way to fend off the rats long enough to find out what else was down there. After a couple of abortive plans vetoed by Milo (mostly involving tossing the halfling) they settled on throwing down some oil and lighting it with one of Jeremiah's torches.

Drawing near to the shack they could see that the hatch was intact and no apparent movement around the portal. Milo bent over to place his ear against the heavy wood and listen for the rats. He heard squeaking and the scrabbling of claws on stone, but nothing immediately near the hatch.

"OK Jeremiah, you light up a torch." Milo said. "Brigit, you heave open the hatch, I'll toss down my oil and Jeremiah will chase it with his torch. Sound good to everyone?"

Brigit was already at the hatch, her hand grasping the ring that would lift it on its hinges. Milo removed a vial of oil from his pack and nodded to Brigit. She heaved on the ring and the door swung up with a loud protest from its rusty hinges. Milo threw his oil into the darkness, and then Jeremiah tossed in the lit torch. They heard the tinkle of breaking glass followed by the unique "whoosh" of flame as the torch made contact. This was followed by a mass amount of tortured squeaking as the surprised rats were caught in the impromptu fireball.

Once the flames died down the group peered into the smoky darkness as they stood around the hatch. No more squeaks rose up from the passage down. Milo pulled out another of his sunrods, grateful that he was able to find the handy glow sticks in Specularum. He struck the ground with the bottom end and it flared to life. Once the glow diminished to normal he tossed the rod into the hole, watching the light plummet through the smoke.

They waited until the sooty darkness cleared and they could see the sunrod and floor of the chamber below. The stones were charred and they could make out blackened remains of the dire rats. Milo started down first, descending the ladder as quick as only a nimble halfling could. He looked around, noting that many of the corpses from the day before had been picked over before the flame hit. He also noticed the smoldering bodies of more rats, slumped over the old carcasses. He called up an all clear to his friends and started kicking at the charred remains of the woven rug covering the other hatch. He had the door uncovered by the time Jeremiah clinked down the ladder, being the last one.

Brigit bent over the heavy door and pulled up on the similar ring. The door swung upwards, revealing another ladder down. Milo shrugged at the sight, grabbed his sunrod, and started down. He reached the bottom just before Mazi, whom Brigit followed, then Jeremiah. They found themselves in a slightly larger room than above. This one also lined with shelves. The only intact item they could see was a cask of what appeared to be brandy. Brigit gave a low whistle at the find. She recognized the seal and told the others how much the brandy would be sold for from the distillery. Milo's mind boggled at the price of 400 gold pieces for such a small cask of liquor.

Brigit tied the cask to the bottom of her pack, securing it for later sale or consumption. Just as she finished shouldering her hefty gear they heard a familiar sound. Squeaking noises, off in the distance, but growing near. The direction was not clear, but they could hear them from more than one side of the chamber. With nary a word they started back up the ladder, Milo once again leading the way with his sunrod. He didn't even pause in the first cellar chamber, but headed straight up the other ladder. He could hear the squeaking grow closer as he ascended the rickety ladder. Jeremiah kicked the hatch closed on the second chamber and followed Brigit up to the surface. Once he emerged Brigit swung the heavy door closed once again.

"They jus don' quit. I'm as tired as tha elf of these durn rats!" Brigit said vehemently. Jeremiah nodded his agreement.

"Okay, okay. It doesn't look like we'll find our way into the temple through here. The back door it is then." Milo said with resignation.

They walked back to the temple, warily approaching the doors in the rear. There were three of the smaller entrances. All three had apparently been used recently too. Milo chose the right most door from the rear and walked up to the portal with a light step. He examined the lock and latch as well as the ground around the entrance. He eyed the stonework around the door, especially the arch that curved above the wooden planks. He could spy no crafty device or devious trap. Examining the lock closer he realized how simply of a mechanism it was. He slipped out his tools and selected two of his largest picks. After two seconds of manipulating, the lock gave the audible "click" that Milo loved so well.

He pushed open the door and jumped back, allowing Jeremiah and Brigit to enter first. They stepped over the threshold cautiously, wary of an ambush after the tower garrison. No arrows were there to meet their approach, no guards shouted an alarm as they entered the ruined temple. They walked through the rear door unchallenged, into the unknown mysteries of the temple.

Milo and Mazithra followed them in. They stayed close, but out of the range of Jeremiah's greatsword, in case trouble happened upon them and he had to start swinging. The door opened into a large chamber, a foyer of sorts. There was a door leading further into the temple and a staircase leading down into the depths underneath. The smooth walls were painted a reddish brown, somehow simulating the color of dried blood. Milo felt a shiver run down his spine as he set foot into the place. It felt - unholy, somehow.

Pushing the sudden feeling of dread back, Milo said, "So, business as usual friends? Top floor first, then stairs?"

"Yes, I don't relish the thought of leaving anything behind that may follow us down." Mazi voted.

"Aye, jus show me ta tha baddies an' we'll clean this place out, eh Jer-boy?" Brigit joined in.

"Yes." came the proliferate reply from the normally silent barbarian. Milo noticed a look of determination on his face that indicated he felt the same as the halfling. He was committed to ridding the temple of the oppressive feeling of doom that pervaded the very rock.

They pushed through the swing doors that led into the main chamber of the fell temple. They had entered through what appeared to be an antechamber at the rear of the temple, emerging near the dais and altar of the temple. The walls stretched up past them and curved into a vaulted ceiling far above their heads. Arches led into smaller antechambers here and there, composed of a sickly, pale pink color, reminiscent of material found after a particularly active night of carousing. A darker pink material hung from the arches, veiling the hallways from easy view.

Pink marble was wrought all along the walls and the floors. Broken pews littered the floor leading up to an altar made of a white marble streaked with red veins. The altar reminded Milo of the walls in the cursed caves. Atop the altar was a form that appeared humanoid, obviously dead. Sacrificed in some evil rite no doubt, Milo thought to himself. In front of the altar was a well of stagnant liquid, Milo didn't need to hazard a guess as to its contents. Channels ran from the altar down to the well, streaked with the ruddy brown of dried blood. Broken crystal vials were scattered on the altar and the ground along with a knife. Most likely used to perform the unholy ritual that cursed this temple even more than it already was, thought Milo.

Paintings depicted shadowy acts all along the walls. Some rites of evil, others great battles being won by unspeakable horrors, still others seemed to be portraits of unnamed gods and creatures.

"I don't like the feel of this place." Milo said in a small voice. Still it echoed against the vaulted ceiling.

"Yer right there, halflin. This place ain't right." Brigit agreed.

The grand chamber was devoid of life, a preternatural silence lay like a blanket on the cavernous room. To the right of where they emerged, along the east wall, stood one of the veiled arches. A similar arch led to the west as well as one to the south. They chose the east arch and stepped cautiously towards it.

Jeremiah reached out his greatsword and moved the tattered pink veil to the side. He revealed a vestry of sorts, also apparently empty. They moved into the new room, peering in every direction. Each minute that passed by without an outside sound made them more on edge and cautious.

Another altar stood in the vestry. A broken bronze knife lay atop the marble. Thick stone columns crowded the vestry. It was smaller than the main chamber, but large in its own right. A slimy film seemed to coat the altar at the end of the room, spreading from the stone to the floor around it. Mazi wrinkled her nose in disgust and made her way into the room with dainty elf steps.

"I don't want to know what this stuff is, do I?" Mazi asked rhetorically.

"Probably not, I have a feeling we'll find out before this is all done." Milo answered anyway.


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Milo Windby

First Post
Temple of Elemental Evil - part 6 (session 7)

Another door led out of the room behind the altar, as well as a set of grey steps leading up to another wing. Skirting the slime, they made their way to the door. Milo checked it for traps but found none, indeed, the door was unlocked. He pushed the large door in, ready for anything.
The room was smaller than the vestry. Broken furniture littered the floor. On the far side a staircase led down to the southwest. A large, old-fashioned wardrobe stood in a corner, one of the doors hanging on a single hinge. A broken triton jutted from one cracked chair. One of its tines was missing and its haft was snapped in two.

Milo gingerly picked his way to the wardrobe and pulled the broken door open. Inside was a few moss green robes, stained with other colors. A few stains Milo could easily identify. From what he could make out, he didn't think he wanted to find from what the others were caused.

Nothing else appeared to be of interest in the room, apart from the stairs leading down. They marked them for their first foray down after they checked out the rest of this floor. Back in the main chamber they chose the arch to the south. Still cautious, Jeremiah used his sword tip to once again push aside the veil. Another vestry waited beyond.

This room was different than the last vestry. A broad staircase wrought of green and brown stone led upwards. More slime coated the sides of the stairs and crept upwards with the steps. The room extended to either side of the grand staircase. The party moved to the right and continued past the putrid smelling muck.

The vestry stretched on, couches and chairs were scattered about as well as tables. A humanoid skeleton slumped in one of the chairs while another was strewn about a table. Bones littered the ground. A couple of the skeletons still wore tattered robes. Milo eyed the remains warily, certain they would hop up and attack. His caution was unnecessary, the skeletons remained where they were while they explored the room.

A huge bronze altar and a throne shaped in a semi-circle sat at the end of the vestry. A long chain descended from the ceiling to hang directly over the large altar. Burnt bones hung from the links, belying the altar's purpose. Above the altar and throne were inscribed words that were easily legible:

The power of elemental death
Brings mortals low
But raises the nameless one high

"That's rather ominous, isn't it?" quipped Milo. "I just hope we don't have to find out who the nameless one is. Heh heh." he said, trying to lighten the mood. His attempt failed in the oppressive atmosphere of the cursed temple.

Milo spied a large cupboard to the rear of the room, the door still intact. He checked them for traps before opening one side. Silk robes hung within, embroidered with skulls and other generally evil markings. Milo snorted in disgust and closed the closet.

The room was otherwise empty. They made another circuit through the vestry to make sure nothing was hidden from their eyes, but none of them found anything out of sorts. With one more vestry to investigate they moved back through the veil.

"So far so good, I don' like tha lack O people here." Brigit spoke up. "Where be all tha feet that trampled that grass outside? This ain't right." She said, repeating her previous statement.

No one answered her as they crept towards the last vestry. Jeremiah repeated his actions, pushing the sickly pink veil away. The west vestry contained more furniture and another altar. This room was different though. The brownish-red stone that composed the altar was crumbled and broken. Hammers lay about the ground around the shrine. Broken bowls and cups, rimmed with crusted blood lay about the altar as well.

The companions shared knowing looks, thinking back to their adventure in the caves a mere week ago. It appeared that someone else had performed a similar activity here. They wondered why only one altar had been destroyed. The answer occurred to each of them in moments though. They were all determined to have a different fate than whoever came before them. Clothes and broken candles were strewn about the room along with the obligatory broken furniture. Milo found some sets of brown robes in a corner of the vestry.

Another staircase led down from this room as well. That made three staircases leading down to investigate. They decided to check the stairs behind the first vestry they looked into, towards the east of the temple. Milo left the robes where he found them and they headed towards the other vestry.

The stairs led down three separate flights, folding back on each other. At the bottom a corridor led off to an intersection. Milo moved to the front of the group to watch for traps. Brigit and Jeremiah side by side with Mazi bringing up the rear followed him. They walked through the corridor as quietly as possible, which was not that quiet with Jeremiah clanking along in his full plate. Brigit had been practicing her movement and made considerable less noise, but they could still probably be heard throughout the tunnels.

They chose the passage to the right and saw that it came to another intersection after a few paces. This intersection led straight, left, and right. They chose right again, trying to keep their bearings by using the tried-and-true method of spelunking. The passage led into a large chamber, high ceilings stretched up above them.

Milo stopped them before they could enter the room. His keen eyesight made out a pressure plate set into the ground. No doubt it would set off a deadfall of some sorts. He pointed out the plate to his friends and they skirted the trap safely.

No sooner had Mazi stepped past the plate did a soft singing filter to their ears. The tone had a strange, hypnotic quality and Milo found himself almost lost in its melodious notes. He shook his head as he realized that he almost started blindly towards the source. Looking around he noticed that Brigit and Mazi had shaken off the effects as well. He was too late to help Jeremiah though. The barbarian started forward, a distant look to his eyes. He had a wide smile on his face as he stepped further into the room.

Milo looked ahead and saw what was producing the music. A half human, half fowl creature flapped grimy wings above the ground. A harpy! The music was decidedly out of place coming from the throat of that hideous amalgam of female and vulture. Jeremiah moved in a beeline for the singing creature.

A second harpy flapped into sight. Milo wasted no more time, he pulled up the crossbow he loaded before they headed down the stairs and let loose his bolt. The missile grazed the singing harpy but did not interrupt her song.

"We've got to stop the singing, Jeremiah will be enthralled until we do!" Milo shouted to the others as they raced forward to help their friend.

The other harpy recognized the threat of Milo's crossbow and swooped down to deal with the annoying halfling. Milo dodged too late as her filthy talons dug into his shoulder. His armor protected him from most of the damage but he felt their sting nonetheless.

Two paces in front of him the other harpy descended to attack Jeremiah, singing all the while. Her sharp talons scratched at the barbarian, wounding him lightly but not bringing him out of his reverie. The singing continued to hold him in the harpy's thrall.

Brigit paused before running forward to aid Jeremiah. She saw the other harpy in her range and took the opportunity. Her axe swung with unerring aim, finding a critical weakness in the harpy's back. The dwarven axe sliced through the creature's flesh, rending it in two. Brigit had a fierce look in her face as she turned to deal the same blow to the other harpy.

Mazi reached the singing beast first, wielding her longsword with expert grace. The wooden blade easily cut through the feathers and hide of the grimy half-bird, half-woman. The harpy loosed a hideous screech, cutting off its song. Jeremiah recovered instantly. The light of comprehension dawned in his eyes. He heaved the greatsword he had been dragging behind him like a heavy stick towards the harpy. It flapped out of the way in the nick of time, showering the companions with dirty feathers.

Milo moved towards the creature while he drew his handaxes, the bird was flapping low enough for him to reach and he intended to pay it back for its damage on his friend.

Just as he reached the struggling harpy it fled. Turning its back on the combatants it strove to gain altitude. Mazi struck out at the exact moment, her sword finding the same critical weakness Brigit had plumbed on the other. The harpy screeched and lost rhythm as it waved its wings. Jeremiah took the opening, stabbing through the air with the Windsword. The point struck the harpy in the back, slicing straight through to the hilt as it pierced the creature's black heart and emerged from its breast.

Jeremiah withdrew his sword from the wound and turned as a new sound drew their attention. A door on the same wall they entered in opened as moaning figures emerged. Ragged tatters of cloth hung from gaunt bones. They recognized the pale figures with their shrunken, taught skin as ghouls. A total of six undead filed out of the room, all reaching out their arms in hunger as they shambled towards the group.

"I knew it'd be undead eventually." Milo said as they approached them.

Jeremiah and Brigit sprung from their positions, leaping ahead of the halfling and elf to attack this new threat. Jer brandished his sword in a full swing. The point sliced into the chest of one of the ghouls as they closed in a rough semicircle. He swung the sword back and deepened the gash, managing to fell the first ghoul. He followed his swing with a mighty thrust into the gut of the ghoul to his right, creating a bloodless wound from belly to back.

Brigit was next to attack as she reached her barbarian friend. She stood to his right and hacked away at the wounded ghoul. The creature toppled backwards with an unearthly scream. Brigit ignored the noise and sliced into the third ghoul to reach them to the right. The ugly wound she inflicted ran from its shoulder to its hip, but it still pressed on, lunging for the dwarf. It gnashed its teeth at Brigit, trying to bite at any exposed flesh. Her plate mail protected her from the undead's teeth.

Milo and Mazi had moved to the left and behind Jeremiah, each member of the group faced a single ghoul. Milo dodged a swiftly moving claw near Jeremiah while Mazi sidestepped a lunging bite from her own opponent.

"Do they have to bite?" She asked plaintively as she prepared her own counterstrike.

"I don't - suppose - they have - to do - anything." Milo answered between swings of his handaxes. "Bite - or not - they're - going down." He hacked into the undead ghoul, making twin wounds appear on either side of its torso. The creature merely moaned and moved to attack him again.

Brigit wasted no time in speech but showed her distaste of the ghouls with her furious attacks. Her axe came down and up in a great "V". Both ghouls attacking her and Jeremiah fell under her attack. One had the wound to mirror the other as they fell side by side.

Freed from his own opponent Jeremiah turned to attack Milo's assailant. The ghoul didn't notice the sword bearing down behind it. The heavy sword slashed into its shoulder, severing its arm from its body before continuing into its torso. The spark of unlife died in the creature and it fell away from his sword.

Mazithra dodged a claw from the last remaining ghoul but was unable to land a blow with her own sword. The ghoul moaned unintelligibly as it ignored all other threats. Jeremiah had kicked away his last kill and swiveled to attack the last ghoul. His greatsword chopped completely through the creature's torso, putrid grey slime oozed from its innards as it too joined its undead brethren on the ground.

The friends stood up and looked around, waiting for the next villain to jump out and attack them. No further threats emerged from the darkness though. Milo allowed himself to relax a fraction from the nervous edge he maintained during battle.

"See Mazi, told ya they were going down. And no one has any teeth marks to show for it." Milo said to break the silence.

"I'd rather they didn't bite at all, Milo." Mazi said good-naturedly.

They took a moment to survey their surroundings, noticing another door on the far side of the chamber in addition to the one the ghouls emerged from. It was decided to check the ghoul room before heading towards that door though.

An almost empty room greeted their gaze as they walked in. In the corner was a small pile of coins. Milo could make out copper, silver, and gold coins glittering in the torchlight. An odd glitter shined from the bottom of the pile though. The glitter caught Mazithra's eye as well and she hurried over to investigate. She reached down and pulled on the metal that glimmered through the coins. In a shower of money a finely worked shirt of chainmail emerged. Mazi gave a startled exclamation as she realized what she held.

"Mithral! It's an elven shirt of mithral chain!" Mazi said excitedly. She showed the finely wrought metal to Brigit. Pointing out the fine craftsmanship. "You won't see anything this delicate yet strong in your dwarven forges!"

"Girlie, who do ya think taught ya durn elves how ta do that? Tha goblins? Phfaugh!" Brigit replied. Still she took off her gauntlet and ran her fingers over the small links of silvery metal.

Mazi tossed the whole shirt at Milo. Surprised, he raised his axes to fend off the seemingly heavy chain shirt. He was surprised as it landed lightly on the axe heads. He barely noticed the weight. Stowing one axe he retrieved the shirt from the other. The metal was cool and almost slick in his hands.

"So this is mithral? Nice, very nice, Mazi. This is worth a pretty copper, I can tell you." Milo said.

Mazi was on him in a flash, snatching the shirt from his hands. "I know you don't think you're going to sell this! You can haul out my old shirt if you want to sell something." She said, indicating her mundane suit of chain.

A few minutes later Mazi had donned the new shirt over her tunic. She pranced in front of the others, showing off the perfect fit. It was obviously crafted for an elf to wear.

"Alright, enough O yer dancin, missy. We gots baddies ta take care of. Let's be off." Mazi said after a few moments, a laugh evident in her mock-gruff voice.


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Milo Windby

First Post

Well that's it. I've got all of the story posts moved over. When I have time today I'll be going back through and editing the italics back into the Temple posts. Those didn't carry over. I noticed some of the spaces were truncated on the earlier posts from notepad. Love that old app. I'll see what I can do about those too.

Please tell me what you think of the story, there's an infinitely easy way of rating on the new boards by selecting from a drop down the amount of stars you'd give the thread. I never complain about posts either. Good, bad, indifferent. I want to know what you think.


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Liquid Awesome
Milo, I don't know how it is that your story slipped off the first page. I think it is great. I am anxious to hear the further exploits of Milo and gang in the ToEE.


Hey! you made it!
Never played the original ToEE, but heard it was a meat-grinder just like the sequel. How many of Milo's troupe will be ground?

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