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Milo Windby's Collected Story Hour

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Milo Windby

First Post
The Lost City - Part 11 (Session 34)

Milo awoke on what he assumed was the next morning. He had trouble marking the passage of time in the sunless caverns. After a brief breakfast and a discussion on tactics, the entire party met at the pier. Mazi, Kella, and Milo busied themselves with the casting of numerous preparatory spells. Protection abounded in the party when they were done. By the time they had finished a crowd had gathered at the end of the pier; Milo hoped it was a safe distance.

”No time like the present to get in over your head. Would you do the honors Jeremiah?” Milo gestured to the gong.


Milo shifted nervously in his armor. They had never fought a god before, not even a false one.


He figured they got away lucky from the temple, defeating the temple forces and being teleported away before anything really big was awakened.


Fighting Zargon must be some kind of karmic thing. Trade one ancient evil for another.

”You’re up,” Mazi’s words broke Milo’s reverie. He nodded and set to casting. In moments a divine sixth sense flowed from his being. He directed the detect evil out over the water towards the island. The limited range of the spell prevented him from extending it all of the way out to the barren rock, but it was only moments before his senses were flooded with pure, malevolent evil. Seconds later they could all see bubbles breaking the murky surface of the water. The pockets of air moved slowly but determinedly towards the pier.

”Get ready, here he comes!” Milo shouted unnecessarily.

Zargon’s single horn crested the water first, followed by a single, baleful eye. His lamprey-like mouth made disturbing sucking noises as it cleared the surface. Six flailing tentacles splashed gouts of silted water on the pier. Milo noted with a resigned dread that Zargon was identical to the statue in Zenobea’s temple, right down to the wickedly curved talons capping his tentacles.

He reacted first, conjuring up a divine storm on a sloping plane right through Zargon. A noise that Milo could only assume was a laugh emerged from Zargon’s tooth-ringed maw as the blades whirled and bounced off of his rubbery hide. The laugh was cut short as Mazi’s lightning bolt arced into the half-submerged monstrosity. As he gasped in pain Kella cast Miasma, filling his maw with deadly gasses. Zargon shrugged off the effects of Mazi’s attack and seemed to breath in Kella’s conjured vapors with relish. With barely a splash Zargon slipped back into the water, out of sight.

As the others readied themselves for Zargon’s assault, Kella cast another spell. Her ice storm was aimed randomly at the water and Milo doubted if they’d ever know if Zargon felt the pelting hailstones. Milo used a prayer that had served them well in the past. He hoped to bolster his friends and weaken Zargon with the same action.

Seconds later Zargon emerged with a surprising speed that his frame did not reflect. A hideous voice emerged from his sucker-like mouth, ”After ages, I have my revenge!” He slithered up the shore on six tentacles emerging from his thick trunk. He lashed out with a clawed tentacle, raking a large scratch into Jeremiah’s plate mail as Jer returned the blow with slightly more effect. Kella backed away and cast another ice storm, this time they knew the huge stones of ice made contact, they just didn’t seem to damage Zargon at all.

Jeremiah pressed his attack as lightning bolts flew from Mazi’s fingers. Brigit charged in to join the fray. She was caught by surprise as one of Zargon’s long tentacles lashed out. He smote the dwarf with a profane power that struck her to the core.

Milo tried to distract Zargon with a confusion spell. For a moment it seemed as if it would work. It appeared that Milo was able to penetrate the unearthly resistance Zargon had shown towards his spells, but he was disheartened as the indomitable will of a being that had lived for an eon merely shrugged off the spell. The moment’s distraction is what Brigit needed to recover. She finished her charge and she and Jeremiah layed into Zargon like two woodcutters chopping a great redwood.

Kella conjured up a swarm of spiders to plague Zargon’s tentacles as Milo, Brigit, and Jeremiah attempted to surround the monstrous ancient. All three scored multiple hits, slicing into his rubbery skin and releasing a black ichor that resembled anything but blood.

Undeterred, Zargon shifted back into the water away from the spiders and lashed out with two tentacles. Time seemed frozen for an agonizing moment as the tentacles sunk their wicked claws into Milo’s sides. Milo’s chest burst into pain as the claws rended through him. All Milo could hear was a sick ripping noise as his skin was torn through.

Milo staggered back along with the others, not wishing to fall victim to more of Zargon’s reach attacks. Mazi continued to loose lightning bolts into Zargon. His skin singed, but he showed no signs of faltering. Suddenly, the false god slithered back under the water and out of sight. Milo clutched his bloody chest and stared out at the water. There were no bubbles this time.

After the seconds stretched on to minutes it was obvious that Zargon had done his damage for the day. Mazi quickly cast her arcane eye to try tracking him back to the island. The water was entirely too murky to see through from the raised silt, so she directed the eye to the shore of the distant island.

As Mazi searched for Zargon, Kella ran to the end of the pier and shouted insults at the retreating monster. Most were in a language Milo didn’t understand, but he could guess at her meaning. Milo joined her at the end of the pier. He ignored the pain from his wound and picked up the gong hammer.


”Come back, you coward of a god! Come get the revenge you’ve waited so long for!” Milo shouted. He eventually lapsed into silence before his throat was worn raw. Zargon was not coming back.

Meanwhile Mazithra’s eye had made it to the rocky shore of the island. She described a ruined parthenon at the center. Broken columns littered the ground like stark-white bones on an ancient battlefield. There also seemed to be a ghostly presence on the isle, but every time she focused the eye the wispy traces disappeared. She searched the island for any traces of Zargon, but found none.

By then the crowd behind them had grown quite loud. It seemed they thought that Zargon was defeated. Milo groaned at the thought of the chanting that was sure to follow. He groaned even louder at the thought of what the people’s reaction would be when they found that Zargon was still very much alive and likely to be very angry after today.


Well gang...after talking with Milo today about the story hour it appears that we will have to find a new author as school is taking a HUGE chunk of his free time. He might be able to pull off one more update...but that is all. We will keep you all up to date on the progress of our search for a scribe.

Milo Windby

First Post
The Lost City – Part 12 (Session 35)

Milo pushed his way through the crowd, straining to reach Auriga. Brushing off the hands of would-be worshippers, he finally made his way to the masked leader of the Usamigarasites. ”She’s not dead,” Milo said breathlessly.

”How can that be? We saw Zargon fall!” Auriga argued. The people crowded around them began to murmur.

”He fled before we could finish him off. We’re not equipped for underwater fighting.” Milo explained. Auriga frowned at his words. ”Tomorrow we can prepare spells that will allow us to bring the fight to Zargon’s stronghold. We won’t give up until Zargon is truly defeated.”

Auriga gravely considered Milo’s words. By then, the crowd had been subdued. All that could be heard were furtive whispers as the news of Zargon’s flight spread. Finally, Auriga spoke, ”Then the celebrations must be postponed. I will explain to the people, but they will not be happy.” He turned to the crowd and raised his hands to call for silence. ”My people! Zargon yet lives, we must return to our homes and allow our saviors rest and respite. For on the morrow they journey to the Evil One’s own stronghold!”

Even with Auriga’s positive words, Milo could tell that the people were less than enthused to hear the news. He worked his way back through the now unresisting crowd to the others. ”Well, it’s time to plan. We’ve got to prepare ourselves for an underwater battle tomorrow. It’s something I’ve never had to do, but I know of some spells that will help.”

The heroes joined Auriga’s people for a subdued dinner that night. The food was surprisingly flavorful for a society that spent their lives underground. Milo wouldn’t have thought them capable of finding the range of flavors that he was experiencing so far from normal sources of food. He was about to comment on this when he noticed Kella nearly slump from her chair.

Jeremiah was there in a flash. He caught Kella in his arms. She settled limply, relying wholly on the brawny barbarian for support. She looked up at Jer groggily and giggled. ”Jer-bear,” she slurred, and then broke into an uproarious laugh. Jeremiah settled her back in her chair and returned to his own as a deep red flush came to his exposed skin.

Milo groaned and pushed his plate away. He leaned over to Mazi and asked her if she had cast a detect poison cantrip on the food before they sat. She shook her head side to side. Milo watched as she wiggled her fingers into arcane symbols under the table. She grimaced after examining the food.

”There’s a slight hallucinogen in the food,” she whispered to Milo. ”I think Kella got a bad batch of mushrooms.”

A grin slowly broke out on Milo’s face as the information sunk in. He leaned back over to Mazi. ”Watch this!” he whispered as he grinned evilly.

”Kella! Watch, I can make my arm melt!” Milo shouted across the table. Kella watched in rapt horror as Milo raised his right arm and scrunched his face up in mock-concentration. Kella’s eyes followed the imaginary melting arm as it dripped to the floor. She added her own very real offering to the ground shortly after. Jer patted her on the back as she retched, then glared at Milo, who had the sense to look abashed.

”Milo! That was cruel!” Mazi said as she punched him in the arm. Milo could tell she was barely hiding her own smile.

”Ach! Tha’s rich, Milo!” Brigit guffawed, half eaten mushrooms spraying out of her mouth.

The refuse was soon cleaned up. Milo thought it best that they call it an evening shortly thereafter. Kella would need some time to sleep off the drugs, and the next day promised to be trying enough. Milo tried not to think about how cold she would be towards him if she remembered his little stunt.

The next morning they met out at the pier. Kella looked much better, but Milo could tell she was suffering from the world’s worst headache. He prudently chose not to take advantage of the situation.

There was a flurry of spell casting as Milo, Mazi, and Kella prepared everyone for the rigors ahead. They had secured a raft large enough for the five of them from Auriga the night before. Milo rang the gong one more time, hoping to lure Zargon closer to shore rather than having to face him where he would have the home ground advantage. No bubbles rose from the surface of the lake.

Milo shrugged. ”It was worth a shot,” he muttered. They filed onto the raft and were soon propelled across the mirror-smooth water by Jeremiah’s strong poling.

The raft made a faint sloshing sound as it bumped onto the shore of the island. The crumbled grand parthenon lay ahead. Milo thought he heard a faint whisper in the breezeless air, a haunting, melodic sound that was barely noticeable. He shook his head and attributed the sounds to his nerves.

They spent a few minutes scouring the rubble of the parthenon for some sort of entrance to Zargon’s home. All they found was bare rock and a few intact pillars. Milo heard the whispers again, this time more insistent, almost needy. He thought he saw something flutter out of the corner of his eye. When he spun about to see what was there, he saw nothing but rock. A chill crept up his spine that caused the hairs on the nape of his neck to stand on end. It seemed the others were just as ill at ease.

Finally, a thought struck Milo. He ran to the shore near their raft and plunged his head into the water. Just at the edge of the ambient light, he could make out an indentation in the cliff-like side of the island. It was possible that Zargon’s entrance was underwater, since he didn’t seem to have a problem staying under for long periods of time. Milo thanked Usamigaras for the water breathing spells.

”Over here everyone,” Milo’s voice sounded alien in the preternatural silence. ”I think I see an entrance underwater.”

The others were quick to join him, not wishing to spend any more time than necessary on the island surface. They tied their two ropes of climbing together before fastening one to a boulder and dropping the other down to the indentation. Milo took a moment to cast a light spell on one of his axes and one of Brigit’s. He volunteered to descend first, since his freedom of movement spell allowed him full range of motion underwater.

Milo skillfully rappelled down the side of the island, marveling at the unreality of the experience. The indentation was indeed an opening of about ten to fifteen feet across. He motioned up for the others to join him as he cautiously landed on the tunnel floor. Milo waited for the others before continuing in.

Suddenly, a looming white shape startled him as it streaked out of the darkness of the tunnel. Milo breathed bubbles of relief when he noticed that it was a blind cavefish, a big, blind cavefish, but nothing to worry about.

Once the others had descended, they tread carefully into the tunnel. Moments into the cavern, Milo heard a strange bubbling noise, as of water boiling. He glanced around and spotted Brigit staring at her axe. Tiny bubbles had begun to form on its surface the deeper they went. Her eyes gleamed as the boiling increased. Trollgrater would taste blood today.

The tunnel opened into a spacious cavern. Their light sources cast odd, watery shadows on the far walls. The light changed as some of the shadows seemed to detach from the walls and move towards them. Brigit’s axe had sprung to fiery life under the dark water. If Milo hadn’t already witnessed so many unbelievable things, he wouldn’t have thought it possible.

Tall, green, grinning shapes loomed out of the darkness. Slimy, rubbery skin, covered with warts and sparse hair came in to view. The water trolls wasted little time converging on the group.

The heroes were cautious, they knew that only Brigit’s Trollgrater and Mazi’s flametongue had any hope of vanquishing these mutated trolls permanently. Milo cast knife spray into their midst as Mazi unsheathed her sword.

The trolls converged on Milo; they slashed and clawed as they moved. Milo practically danced to avoid each of their attacks. The others moved forward to aid Milo. He was surprised to see even Kella readying her scimitar in his defense. He prepared to cast magic weapon on the sword, hoping that it would give her enough of an advantage to make a difference.

That was when Zargon made his presence known. He loomed above Milo and Kella, his six tentacles thrashing in the water. Three of them snaked up to a ledge above them and toppled down a stream of boulders. The rocks fell behind, cutting their only avenue of escape. That’s fine, thought Milo, we aren’t leaving until you’re out of the way.

Mazithra cast stone skin on herself before engaging the many trolls. Brigit and Jeremiah were already cleaving through the beasts. Their wounds would heal quickly from Jer’s sword, but Brigit left wide, scorched gashes with every hit. The trolls exacted their revenge on the two, even with their many protective spells in place. The two warriors were far from finished though. They fought through their wounds to bring down the trolls, one by one.

Milo knew that the real threat was Zargon, but he also knew that the remaining trolls would hairy them unless dealt with first. His fears were realized as one troll sunk both claws deep into Kella’s flesh. The troll grinned toothily as it gouged through her body. Kella screamed, expelling great bubbled to rise to the surface with her blood. Milo moved back to heal the severely injured druid, but was too late for the next attack.

Zargon chose Kella to make an example. All six of his wickedly clawed tentacles shot forward like striking eels. Four of the slimy protrusions made their mark. With a satisfied grunt, Zargon wrenched them through Kella’s frame. Her screams were instantly silenced. Milo watched in horror as her ravaged body floated limply to the cavern floor.

Jeremiah loosed a hoarse scream as he redoubled his attacks on the trolls to reach Kella. The monstrosities were unprepared for the fury of his attacks. He cleaved through one, then another with massive sweeps of the Windsword. Milo wanted to reassure Jer that he could bring her back, but Zargon had to be dealt with first.

Meanwhile, Mazi and Brigit were making sure none of the trolls returned to attack them again. As she stooped to thrust her flametongue into one, it reared up and clawed at her. Both claws made contact and it scraped them along her body. She grinned as the claws’ impact was absorbed by her stoneskin and plunged her sword straight through its black heart.

The battle raged on for what seemed an eternity to Milo. He fought Zargon endlessly, sometimes with help from Jeremiah and Brigit, sometimes alone when the trolls would make resurgence. He was grateful for their presence, as it would sometimes distract some of Zargon’s claws away from himself. At one point, Zargon focused wholly on Milo. He seemed intent on destroying the little halfling that harried him so. Milo managed to dodge most of his attacks, but two of the tentacles caught him unawares. Milo then knew the agony that Kella faced before death as the claws almost rent him in two. He staggered back to recover and heal himself, amazed that he could lose so much blood without passing out.

The water lit with electricity as Mazi covered for Milo. Her lightning bolts streaked through the water, superheating it and leaving a trail of boiling bubbles behind. Some of her bolts surmounted even Zargon’s thick hide and resistance to spells. The trolls would fall and rise, constantly healing even from her magical attacks. She and Brigit returned to the task of felling them permanently.

Jeremiah stood before Milo and Zargon as the halfling healed himself. Zargon grunted as he aimed all six of his tentacles at the defiant barbarian. Four of the claws found purchase in Jer’s armor. He didn’t make a sound as Zargon gouged his claws deeper. Jeremiah’s resolve seemed to take the godling by surprise. He reared back, allowing Jer a perfect opportunity to strike at Zargon’s underbelly.

That was the turning tide of the battle. Brigit and Mazithra finished off the remaining trolls as Milo tumbled behind Jer and healed him. Milo knew that Jeremiah was tough, but even he couldn’t take another attack like the last.

Jeremiah and Brigit pressed their advantage, forcing Zargon back. The huge monster loosed a mournful keening as Jeremiah sunk the Windsword to the hilt into its rubbery trunk. He stood motionless and silent, his sword point resting on the floor, as Zargon’s bulk toppled in slow motion.


First Post
Milo Windby said:
......The huge monster loosed a mournful keening as Jeremiah sunk the Windsword to the hilt into its rubbery trunk. He stood motionless and silent, his sword point resting on the floor, as Zargon’s bulk toppled in slow motion.

The heroes prevail!

(Was there ever any doubt? ) The trolls sound like they gave you quite a bit of trouble....how many of them were there? (And did Frog allow fire spells underwater?)

Milo Windby

First Post
Nail said:

The heroes prevail!

(Was there ever any doubt? ) The trolls sound like they gave you quite a bit of trouble....how many of them were there? (And did Frog allow fire spells underwater?)

Let's see, how about in order?
1. Nope
2. Yes they did
3. I don't recall, but by the looks of the notes, a lot
4. Yes

I have to apologize to those waiting for updates. I feel bad for leaving so much time between posts. I'm attending school online, so most of my time in front of the computer these days is spent at work or doing schoolwork. Whether or not Mazi takes over for me, I won't let the story hour die. It just might be a long time between updates.


Milo Windby said:
Let's see, how about in order?
1. Nope
2. Yes they did
3. I don't recall, but by the looks of the notes, a lot
4. Yes

I have to apologize to those waiting for updates. I feel bad for leaving so much time between posts. I'm attending school online, so most of my time in front of the computer these days is spent at work or doing schoolwork. Whether or not Mazi takes over for me, I won't let the story hour die. It just might be a long time between updates.

Another session last Saturday. Mazi will be taking over the official chronicling duties now. The ceremonial "passing of the notebook" took place on Saturday.

Voidrunner's Codex

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