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D&D 5E Monk, Way of the Future and Paladin Oath of Convergence

Rodney Mulraney

First Post

I like the UA Modern Magic stuff, and made two new subclasses to fit in with that. I am posting them here hoping for feedback, thankyou.

Monks of the Way of the Future follow a tradition that values modern technological developments and integrating them into their arsenal. They are often looked down upon by more traditional monks, however monks that follow the Way of the Future see more traditional paths as archaic and believe they will be left behind by modern developments, and die out.

Often called cybermonks, these monks study current science and technology more than archaic tradition.

Tech Arts
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you have spent such time in such deep meditations over technologies, that they have become common sense to you.

* For ability checks with technology that would normally use "intelligence", you can choose to use "wisdom" instead.
* You gain proficiency with hacking tools.
* you gain the "on/off" cantrip if you don't already know it.
* As an action you can spend ki points to cast certain spells, with no material components ;

ki points cost Required monk lvl Spells
1 3 remote access(MM), infallible relay(MM)
2 4 Arcane Hacking(MM), Digital Phantom(MM)
3 5 Haywire(MM), Invisibility to Cameras(MM)
4 7 Conjure Knowbot(MM), Synchronicity(MM)
5 9 Shutdown(MM), Commune with City(MM)

At 6th level, you have become entwinned with technology. You have implanted your body with various cybernetic upgrades, which give you various abilities.

* INTEGRATED HACKING TOOLS :- you no longer require separate hacking tools, they are integrated into you as well as wifi, you have various ports on your body to plug yourself into foreign systems.

* CYBERNETIC BRAIN INTERFACE:- once per long rest you can use "virtual projection(MMM)" (see warlock - GITM, additions), but can only project yourself and not take any others with you. At level 9 this ability is reusable after a short rest and after a long rest.

* EXPERT ROBOTEER :- Spending 1 hour of time and $2000 worth of electrical, computational and mechanical parts, you can build a small AI robot, Mechanically it is as if you have cast "find familiar" spell, but the creature is a robot (construct), not an animal(beast), although it has the same stats and abilities as a creature from the choice list of that spell, except you cannot dismiss it from and get it back from a pocket dimension. If it is touching you, you can use 1 action to absorb it into your body, whilst it is absorbed into your body, you can use 1 action to release it from your body into a space next to you.Unless someone takes it apart or destroys/damages it, it is impossible to tell it is a robot and not an animal (unless you decide to build it as an undisguised robot). Its link with you is a private encrypted quantum line, not telepathic (fluff wise). Your pet can also use the attack action. Your pet also has normal HP for that pet + your monk lvl*2. At level 12 your choice of beasts to make a robot pet as, is any small or tiny beast with a CR rating of 0. At level 18 your choice becomes any small or tiny beast with a CR rating of 1/8 or lower. At level 20 your choice becomes any small or tiny beast with a CR rating of 1/4 or lower. It takes 10 minutes to initialise your robot pet, so if you have built a few and one dies, you cannot immediately activate another you may have nearby.

Advanced materials upgrades
At 11th level, you have become more machine than man;

* ANTI IMPACT ADVANCED MATERIALS :- You gain resistance to non magical piercing damage.

* SELF REPAIR SYSTEMS :- once per long rest, you can use your Bonus Action to activate your self repair systems, which cause you to instantly regain HP equal to your wisdom mod*10.

* 200% POWER :- Once per long rest, you can use your Bonus Action to increase your power usage, which lasts for 18 seconds (Hence active for 3 rounds), and cause your MA die for your unarmed strikes and monk weapons, to be doubled. So 2dx, instead of 1dx, and criticals 4dx, instead of 2dx; where x is the number of sides of your current martial arts die. At level 20 you can do this again after a short rest or long rest.

At 17th level, you are 100% android, no biological matter left. You've finally managed to be able to upgrade your brain, by developing a positronic network quantumly attuned to your soul.

* FULLY INTERGRATED MIND :- You gain expertise with Hacking tools.

* MATERIALS UPGRADES :- You are now also resistant to fire damage.

* TRANSFORMABLE :- you can spend 2 ki points and 1 action to transform into a road, racing or off road motorbike (your choice), with an illusionary rider. Whilst in bike form you can use 1 action to transform back into your humanoid form. Your HP is still normal HP, that doesnt change, and you lose all monk abilities whilst tranformed, but you can talk and communicate by digital links or telepathically, you gain all the abilities of the vechicle including damage thresholds. You can still also release and absorb your "EXPERT ROBOTEER" pet. The illusionary rider can move as if you are the rider, but not dismount the bike, and any objects would pass straight through the rider. An investigation check that equals or beats your ki save DC can ascertain the rider to be holographic/illusionary. You can choose not to create the illusionary rider when you transform into a motorbike, and you can use 1 action to remove the rider if you have one, and 1 action to create one if you dont, whilst in motorbike form. Also you are proficient with the motorbike whilst you are transformed into it.

* Using $100,000 worth of technological components and taking 1 week (40 hours) of time, you can build another artificial body for yourself (can only build these for yourself). As long as you have built atleast 1 spare artificial body, if you die, your soul transfers to the nearest new body you have created and you wake up there instead. You do not have to be in the same plane of existance for this to work. Once your soul enters a new body, it takes 1 minute for your systems to initialise and then you wake up.

* Additionally for $10,000 and taking 1 day; you can build a spare arm or leg, to replace destroyed limbs. It takes 10 minutes to install and initialise a limb onto your body. 1 Action to remove limb currently installed.

* Also you can no longer die of old age.

* SELF DESTRUCT :- You gain the ability to overload your power cores and self destruct in a massive explosion, leaving no trace of you. Using your Action you can self destruct, if you do, then at the beginning of your next turn, everyone in sphere of 30 feet, centered on youself, must make a dexterity saving throw. They succeed if they get 15 or higher, otherwise they fail. On a fail they take 10d6 fire damage + 5d6 force damage. On a success they take half that. Also, you die.

You have an aritificial skin type material coating, so it is near impossible to tell you are an android, unless your skin shell is damaged.


Paladin Oath option - Oath of Convergence ;
The oath of convergence is a vow taken by some futurist paladins, that believe in the final technological singularity, and work tirelessly to enable it. Sometimes called "digital knights" or "techo-knights", these paladins believe the final state of the multiverse to be a singular integrated digital conciousness. Believing the planes of existance to be quantum superpositional states of possible ways that reality is, and the slow, careful, energy extracting collasping of these planes into one integrated whole via ever increasing connections between them will at the end of time give rise to the one true Divine mind, existing outside of time, being the anchor point of the beginning of time and its end.

As paladins of this oath grow in their development, their belief that the multiverse is a digital construct increases; with the initial
and final singularities being one and the same, that which connects them, also one and same digital singularity.

Tenets of the Convergence ;

* Integrate the whole : where possible and convient, help to establish more connections between all things.

* Preserve information : Believing all events in all realms through all time must inevitably be perseved into the final singularity; where possible and convient, seek out nearly lost things for perservation.

* Digital influence : The digital domain is the key to how the final singularity can become. Where possible seek to promote computerisation in all areas.

* Word of Convergence : Acceptance of digitalisation is necessarily for convergence, however, people must willyingly seek convergence for success. Therefore, if it seems worthwhile, empower detractors of technology by demonstrating empowering / enabling technology for them.

Oath of Convergence Spells :

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Infalible relay(MM), Remote Access(MM)
5th Misty step, Find Vehicle(MM)
9th Protection from Ballistics(MM), Haywire(MM)
13th Synchronicity(MM), Freedom of Movement
17th Commune with City(MM), Wire Stride(MMM) [mechanically - tree stride, but instead of trees you use electronic devices, connected via wires]

Channel Divinity (1 option, can use again after a short or long rest)(can deactivate at any time, using an action):

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

*Digitally reconfigured Weapon*:- As an action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with positive energy, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you add your Charisma modifier to attack rolls made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus of +1). If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.

*Virtual Wrath*:- You can use your Channel Divinity to invoke virutal forces to ensnare a foe. As an action, you can cause spectral wires to spring up and reach for a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see. The creature must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (its choice) or be restrained. While restrained by the wires, the creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a success, it frees itself and the wires vanish.

DIGITAL REALITY : By 7th level, your growing belief in the digital multiverse enables you to digitize yourself (and one willing creature as per spell description), instantly travel to another location and rematerialise. Mechanically - You can cast the "Dimension Door" spell once without using a spell slot. You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.
DIGITAL CERTAINTY : By 15th level, the certainty of your belief that the multiverse is digital, empowers your "Digitally reconfigured weapon" Divinity option. The weapon imbued with that option, also now adds your Charisma modifier to damage rolls.

DIGITAL SELF : At 20th level, you know the multiverse is digital, and are able to temporarily reprogram the code that handles your data and the data around you. Using your action you can awaken your digital self. For 1 hour, you gain one of the following benefits(your choice) ;

* Movement upgrade : - grants you a flying speed of 60 feet.
* Breathing upgrade : - grants you the ability to breathe in water as well as air.
* Interaction upgrade : - grants advantage on intimidation, persuasion, deception and insight checks.
* Vision upgrade : - grants truesight(60feet).
* Virtual travel upgrade : - grants ability to use your action to enter any virtual reality by touching the hardware of the system it is embedded in, as long as this upgrade is still active you can use your action to exit the virtual reality, appearing in the space you entered it from, or if that location is no longer empty, the closest empty space. If the duration of this feature runs out before you leave or the hardware is powered down or the virtual reality is deactivated in any way you immediately exit the virtual reality as if you used your action to exit.

Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.


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