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Monster Porn?


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beholder= jars of captured eyes
illithid- jars of captured brains, or brains of enemies that were worthy and died in combat
demons and ilk: a flesh golem with troll and doppleganger qualities and completely subservient. (demons and ilk like to torture, and since the construct regens, they don't care what form it takes. it would be funny if the golem was in the form of a pc when they defeat the demon and they try to reason with the construct who just obeys hehehe)

Mainly take what you think that the creatures would like or hold in amorous regard.
Most likely these are things that are not remotely close to human/humanoid perceptions of beauty in any case.

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Hmmm.... 'I activate this wand of....' what happens???

Indeed, not much porn has existed throughout the centuries. There were a few lewd texts (Romans and Greeks had those) and pictures (think of the sculptures on some asian temples devoted to love gods).

I think in the old times there had not yet been this whole 'victorian' era in which for a long time (and actually still) sexual feelings were seen as distasteful, sinful and base, and thus were somehow relegated to 'secretive' porn material to be enjoyed within the enclosure of your own house (or bathroom). Sex in general was much more 'open' and simply 'done'.

If you want go for 'realism', then the way that the PC's will find evidence of 'pornographic activity' in the fortress of humanoids would be by finding (evidence/remains of) abused women and men (of any sort of race), sex-slaves and similar disgusting things, but I doubt whether many people will want to venture there during one's friday evening game of relaxation away from the real world...

Elsewise, just make stuff up using several of the above suggestions as leads...


Keep in mind that pr0n is exciting to humans (and similar races) because we're wired to reproduce because it's pleasurable. Some races - ones that reproduce solely from instinct - probably wouldn't have what we'd consider 'porn' at all, since sexuality isn't an important part of their makeup.

If you want something comparable, figure out what gives that race 'guilty pleasure', something with a tinge of the illicit, that still speaks to the central drives of the race.



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the Jester said:
Okay, serious question... if a party of adventurers defeats a forward military outpost of mercenaries, I'd expect them to find typical assortment of 'army guy loot', including pornography.

Question- what if the mercs are led by a lonely beholder? What's it use for pr0n?

What about an illithid?

What about demons and their ilk?

Would 'alien' (nonhumanoid) porn even be recognizable as such by adventurers? For example, I'd think that devil porn would focus on eroticism in corruption; a dragon's porn might focus on erotic instances involving power and treasure; etc.

Lookin' for ideas to add depth and a lil bit of startlement to the pcs when something like this comes up... seriously.

Please, everyone, stay on topic and don't post anything Eric's Grandma wouldn't like. I would like to have an intelligent discussion on this topic rather than a flame fest of any kind. :) Thanks! :heh:

Good questions. If the thread degrades here, I'd recommend you take your inquiries over to Valar's forums (which could use a pick-me-up, actually).

First thing, why would only monsters have porn? The latest Freeport adventure, Black Sails presents porn as scenery--players may find 'erotic' books in the loot of some bad guys. There was an obvious moral judgement implicit here, including one that equated erotica and porn.

The second point, then would be exactly that: are you talking about erotica or porn? Do you care about (or believe in) the distinction?

Third, what is sex, for these creatures? That would, I think be the basic determinant for the form the stuff would take. A list of other pleasures would refine its form.

So, as a couple of other folks have already said, you'd have some strange places to go with Mind Flayers and Beholders. Fiends I think would be easier in the sense that they simply represent evil extremes of human behaviour, but much more difficult for the same reason. Illithids are alien; demons are very likely uncomfortably familiar.

In other words, I'd take your group's sensibilities into account before even beginning to outline your descriptions. Hong makes a good point here, with his titillating quote from Gary "Saucy Tart" Gygax.


First Post
Indeed, not much porn has existed throughout the centuries.

Say wha?

If you want go for 'realism', then the way that the PC's will find evidence of 'pornographic activity' in the fortress of humanoids would be by finding (evidence/remains of) abused women and men (of any sort of race), sex-slaves and similar disgusting things, but I doubt whether many people will want to venture there during one's friday evening game of relaxation away from the real world...

Porn=bad, then. Ok.


First Post
I would make it nearly unrecognizable. :)

Let's look at the possibilities- they may be "turned on" by what people are turned on by but maybe they are more like goldfish or trout!

The famale beholder sprays her gametes on the corpse of a large predator who is disabled, and the male comes by days later and sprays his ehtereal gametes on these. The hatchlings awaken (after 30 years?) and consume the flesh of the host animal.

Not very sexy or explicit, unless you reproduce that way. :)

Look to fish, spiders and such for interesting ways to breed that do not involve Tab A-Slot B human standards.

Ever heard of eagles doing it? The clasp talons and freefall, and have to seperate before hitting the ground! Now that is what beholder whoopie might look like! Imagine a beholder drooling over a silent image of a female beholder willfully falling alone! :lol: Or the males showing off by revealing how far the can freefall before starting to fly again, the more masculine comeing closer to crashing open on the ground thatn others.

Perhaps the perverts amongst them like pic of guys who forgot to quit falling. :)

Keep it in "nature" and you just might be able to confuse and scare your players all at once! Imagine their horror at wondering what was able to just crush a beholder on the floor!


First Post
Whisper72 said:
Indeed, not much porn has existed throughout the centuries. There were a few lewd texts (Romans and Greeks had those) and pictures (think of the sculptures on some asian temples devoted to love gods).

As an avid student of both art history and erotica I would say that "porn" or erotica is the second most popular subject in all art from all cultures. Perhaps the first.

I can't think of any art producing culture that didn't produce tons of porn.

One reason you may not be seeing all of it is ownership. The worlds largest collection of erotic art belongs to- (drumroll) The Vatican. Chambers and chambers full of Greek, Roman, Medieval, Chinese, Japanese and African erotica sit in the Vatican storehouses.

Look closely, no subkject has had such universal attention paid to it in art. :)


First Post



wait, wait... give me a sec...


Hand of Evil

Oh, boy.

You wold have to look at each creature and decide nature of the whole sex thing. Some animals will be driven by natural drive and do it because they have no choice, I do not know if these creature would have porn. Even high INT creatures.

Now if you think creature are aroused by visual and contact stimuli, well you are free to do as you wish but the stranger the creature the stranger the stimuli.
Thoughts on it:
combat - the smell and sight of blood cause reaction
colors -
whips & chains -
Waving stalks - Beholders I would think would find any waving stalks as porn
sound -​


First Post
Well, pr0n in the sense of something verboten is only a few hundred years old in our world; censorship laws only came about in what, the 18th century?

There are a number of examples of the, erm, earthier nature of earlier eras. The oft-cited example for games of French peasantry (laughing at the arousal of children, to put it as obliquely as I can) may have been anti-French propaganda, but it points out that when the whole family sleeps together in one bed, everybody knows what goes on.

For it to be pr0n, I suspect you have to have censorship. Lewd or explicit, yes, certainly, you can have that without censorship--certain temples in India, for example, or the works of Ovid, or some of the Greeks, or the Song of Solomon in the old Testament. But the definition of pr0n pretty much calls for censorship.

Now, what would be lewd or explicit? As others have said, I think it depends strongly on the creatures. You can do this with rational biological explanation, as others have, or by looking at their symbolic place in your fantasy world. Demons and torture, for example. Would they find it arousing? Maybe not from a biological standpoint--I don't recall how they breed--but it is appropriate symbolically, and it might do well for giving your players the feeling of that monster.

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