The EN World kitten
I've been meaning to comment on this for a while, but only found the time to post on it just now. These are my thoughts on GlassJaw's initial post.
Yes, please. I can't tell you how many times I've seen creatures with a regeneration value listed, and then no entry detailing what overcomes it. Somebody should have started putting the attack types that overcome regeneration right into the stat block a long time ago.
I like this ability modifier/average/good skill breakdown a lot. That said, I think that it's only half of the equation (albeit the more important half).
In addition to listing the values of skill bonuses, I'd also like there to be some sort of matrix on quickly assigning how many average/good skills a given creature is likely to have. I'm guessing this would give each monster X number of good skills, with a notation that an average skill is worth two good skills, and the bonuses are shown on the table that each monster has. That way, I can quickly pull-and-plug a given set of skill modifiers in with a set number of skills, and the work is done.
For example, in the sample stat blocks PDF, we're given the average and good skill bonuses for a pit fiend. Ideally, there'd be a listing saying that a pit fiend gets thirteen good skills (or two average skills per good skill given up), so I can just plug in the listed average/good skill breakdowns listed for the pit fiend.
You're going to have a problem with this, since size is different depending on what you apply the modifier to. It's one value for attack/AC, another value for Stealth, and another for CMB/CMD (as listed in Trailblazer, though that's a combined value).
I'm not sure how you could make the size modifier both conspicuous and easy to remember.
Also a great idea, though I think you'd need to reprint Trailblazer's section on giving monsters class features right next to this, so that between that and quick templates you'd have maximum customization with minimum work.
I also think that while none of the quick templates change CR by themselves, if a DM multi-stacks them (either several templates, or the same one several times) that will change the CR, so maybe there should be some sort of fractional CR value?
Please do this! These two things would never be enough to warrant their own book, and they both need an overhaul quite badly.
Trap stat blocks are a mess. The information itself is fine, but the way it's presented leaves a lot to be desired, particularly in terms of CR construction (and, though I doubt anyone cares, in the skill check to create a trap). Likewise, not withstanding Unearthed Arcana's complex skill check rules, skill challenges have been totally ignored. I'd really love to see what you guys can do with these.
GlassJaw said:Attacks that bypass a creature’s regeneration now listed.
Yes, please. I can't tell you how many times I've seen creatures with a regeneration value listed, and then no entry detailing what overcomes it. Somebody should have started putting the attack types that overcome regeneration right into the stat block a long time ago.
GlassJaw said:Each creature essentially has three skill entries: ability modifier only, average skills, and good skills.
Average skill modifier = ability modifier + ½ the creature’s HD.
Good skill modifier = ability modifier + creature’s HD + 3 (for being a “class” skill).
The DM now has three choices for quickly determining and customizing a monster’s skill modifiers. And overall, I’ve been pleasantly surprised that the system is tracking fairly well to the SRD values yet without any cumbersome skill point allocation.
Below the Abilities & Skills table some skills and modifiers are listed. These are skills that are common for a typical creature of that type. I also included any skill that had some kind of modifier, whether it was a feat or racial skill bonus. Again, our goal is to have everything in the stat block that the DM needs without any additional calculation.
I like this ability modifier/average/good skill breakdown a lot. That said, I think that it's only half of the equation (albeit the more important half).
In addition to listing the values of skill bonuses, I'd also like there to be some sort of matrix on quickly assigning how many average/good skills a given creature is likely to have. I'm guessing this would give each monster X number of good skills, with a notation that an average skill is worth two good skills, and the bonuses are shown on the table that each monster has. That way, I can quickly pull-and-plug a given set of skill modifiers in with a set number of skills, and the work is done.
For example, in the sample stat blocks PDF, we're given the average and good skill bonuses for a pit fiend. Ideally, there'd be a listing saying that a pit fiend gets thirteen good skills (or two average skills per good skill given up), so I can just plug in the listed average/good skill breakdowns listed for the pit fiend.
GlassJaw said:One notable exception to this is Stealth. Stealth is modified by a creature’s size. Wulf and I have had multiple discussions on whether we should include a creature’s size modifiers somewhere in the stat block.
You're going to have a problem with this, since size is different depending on what you apply the modifier to. It's one value for attack/AC, another value for Stealth, and another for CMB/CMD (as listed in Trailblazer, though that's a combined value).
I'm not sure how you could make the size modifier both conspicuous and easy to remember.
GlassJaw said:Continuing with our design goal of giving the DM the tools (and power) to customize monsters quickly, Wulf and I have been working on something we call Quick Templates.
The basic idea is to create options that the DM can quickly apply to a creature that meet three criteria:
1. Requires little to no stat block recalculation.
2. Does not change the creature’s CR (about the power of a feat or two).
3. Adds a highly descriptive and “visual” change to the creature that surprises the players.
Also a great idea, though I think you'd need to reprint Trailblazer's section on giving monsters class features right next to this, so that between that and quick templates you'd have maximum customization with minimum work.
I also think that while none of the quick templates change CR by themselves, if a DM multi-stacks them (either several templates, or the same one several times) that will change the CR, so maybe there should be some sort of fractional CR value?
GlassJaw said:Wulf and I have also discussed including Traps and Skill Challenges in this book to make it more of a “Challenges & Encounters” book rather than just a monster book. Thoughts?
Please do this! These two things would never be enough to warrant their own book, and they both need an overhaul quite badly.
Trap stat blocks are a mess. The information itself is fine, but the way it's presented leaves a lot to be desired, particularly in terms of CR construction (and, though I doubt anyone cares, in the skill check to create a trap). Likewise, not withstanding Unearthed Arcana's complex skill check rules, skill challenges have been totally ignored. I'd really love to see what you guys can do with these.