Kickstarter Monsters of the Dungeon for 5E, PF2, OSR 70% funded!

70% funded with over 2 weeks to go!

We return to the heart of the game with a new monster book/campaign book! Monsters of the Dungeon: Brave the Darkness is the sixth book in our bestselling Monsters series for 5E. This time we will also include conversion pages for PF2 and other RPGs.

Monsters of the Dungeon on Kickstarter

Monsters of the Dungeon: Brave the Darkness will have 100-120 new monsters and 160-175 pages. You get a color illustration of each monster, stat block, bio, and much more! There will be seven chapters detailing seven types of dungeons: Arcane, Castle, Manor, Thieves' Guild, Tomb, Wilderness, and Mountain. There will also be over 300 quest ideas, magic items, and encounters for each chapter. There are Stretch Goals to add additional monsters, an illustrated traps section, seven dungeon maps by Travis Hanson, and more!


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