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Mor's End Craft & Trade Submissions


First Post
Hi Buttercup & others!

Just a heads-up that I've updated "Conaill's Cocktails" on the previous page. It now has full stats, layout, plothooks, etc. Enjoy!

Knightfall: I also have a few references to Dalvar and the Downpour. Let me know if you have a problem with them.
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Princess of Florin
Re: Administrative details.

GladiusNP said:
Hello Buttercup! Neglected to post Plot-hooks for Duncan the Tinker, and Glenda. Is it necessary to have plothooks for Glenda? She's not really going to get into trouble. If so, please tell me and I'll edit some in. Have done so for Duncan. Also, as a general note, are we going to compile the NPC's named as the shop-keepers? I'm just beginning to wonder what the number of experts left are. That's all.

Mp meed to have plothooks for Glenda.

And you raise a good question. The ministers will have to talk about it, I guess. Of the top of my head, I'd say that most of the people in town who aren't shopkeepers/craftmasters are just commoners, so the expert class isn't really necessary for them.


Princess of Florin
Gladius, that was a typo. It was supposed to be no need to have plot hooks for Glenda. That being said, it never hurts to have more plot hooks!


First Post
Re: Administrative details.

GladiusNP said:
Also, as a general note, are we going to compile the NPC's named as the shop-keepers? I'm just beginning to wonder what the number of experts left are.

According to the default demographics, we should have something like 240 Exp1 in Mor's End, so don't worry about *those* running out. Of course, the higher level ones are a lot more sparse:

1x15th lvl, 1x12, 2x8, 2x6, 4x4, 4x3, 16x2, 242x1

One category we are low on is high level *Commoners*! jdavis posted Gronas Stonetooth, ratchatcher Com18 in response to a joke by me. Not bad, but we should probably spice him up a bit more to serve as Mor's End highest level Commoner.

The leaders of the People's Senate could also be high-level Commoners. Essentially peasant leaders. Strong men and women that have toiled all of their lives in low-paying jobs, fought in the militia numerous times, and whom the lower classes look up to as their leaders and spokespersons.

"By the book" we have room for another Com14 (head of the Worker's Senate?), and a couple ~Com9 (perhaps a powerful farmer just outside the city wall?):

1x18, 1x14, 2x9, 2x7, 4x5, 4x4, 16x2, 6402x1


A suffusion of yellow
Re: Re: Administrative details.

Conaill said:
"By the book" we have room for another Com14 (head of the Worker's Senate?), and a couple ~Com9 (perhaps a powerful farmer just outside the city wall?):

1x18, 1x14, 2x9, 2x7, 4x5, 4x4, 16x2, 6402x1

I've said it many times before FARMERS are EXPERTS! While a Farm hand might be a commoner the Skill of Animal Husbandry requires an Expert.

Second what exactly is the Workers Senate? Since when did workers have rights? - that sounds suspiciously like that socialism and democracy rubbish we keep heaing about from those ruddy halflings I say:p - Next your be saying that gobbos deserve a fair trial be we lynch them...


First Post
Re: Re: Administrative details.

Conaill said:

One category we are low on is high level *Commoners*! jdavis posted Gronas Stonetooth, ratchatcher Com18 in response to a joke by me. Not bad, but we should probably spice him up a bit more to serve as Mor's End highest level Commoner.

How do you spice up a Ratcatcher? He's a old Dwarf with lots of experience in a menial task, (unless you want to add the Grizzled Old Fart prestige class :) )

(can't wait to see the 14th level halfling socialist:D )


Just my opinion... but I doubt there would be a worker's senate... who makes up this group... the poor sods that couldn't make it in a guild?

If they can't make it in a guild... then they're working the fields. If they're not working the fields then they're Squatters, beggars or worse...

A worker's senate assumes stable work and a socialist concept that would be foreign in the frontier... (in my opinion)

Now... that doesn't mean that there can't be a 14th level socialist halfling trying to get the farm workers to join together for better pay... Now that's what I call a plot hook. :)

Buttercup... sorry for hijacking this thread again...
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First Post
Re: Re: Re: Administrative details.

Tonguez said:
While a Farm hand might be a commoner the Skill of Animal Husbandry requires an Expert.

Interestingly, the mechanics of the class imply that only those NPCs that need to be proficient in several skills need to be Experts. Heh! ;) So the Skill of Animal Husbandry doesn't require an Expert whatsoever...

I do agree with you that Jim Farmer - the head of a farm who needs to be an expert not only at animal husbandry but also at growing crops, managing personel, running a farm and doing the books - would probably be an Expert. But Joe Cowpoker - the crusty old guy working for Jim Farmer and who knows way more about breeding cows than you or I would ever want to know - is probably a leveled Commoner. :p

Tonguez said:
Second what exactly is the Workers Senate? Since when did workers have rights? - that sounds suspiciously like that socialism and democracy rubbish we keep heaing about from those ruddy halflings I say:
See, it's people like you why we need a Worker's Senate. It's about time for the 6400 common people of Mor's End to stand up for their rights and make their voice heard!

El Pueblo, Unido, Jamás sera vencido!



First Post
I'm not sure who came up with the "workers Senate" name, but it's been in Knightfall's summary from quite a while back, so I adopted it in the "Guilds & Organizations" thread.

In the middle ages, pretty much *everybody* working in the city was member of a guild. The "Workers Senate" is nothing more than the Guild for the common laborers. Actually, ~700 Laborers (those who perform manual labor without a craft or profession to speak of) and ~117 Porters (those who carry things), composed primarily of Com1's.

The name sounds grandiose and implies a lot more democracy than there really is. In practice it could be nothing more than the worst caricature of a labor union ("Ya wanna work in da city? Join da Senate, or we'z gonna break yo legs!") But still, names count, and I'm sure it's members would approve of such a self-aggrandizing title.

14th level halfling socialist...

Nah, a halfling wouldn't demand enough respect from the Human and Dwarven population. Let's pick a burly Human. Perhaps Com9/War2/Exp3. Worked as a bricklayer or something like that for most of his life, distinguished himself fighting with the Militia during two general musters, then started getting into politics. That's the "socialist" version, which could lead to oodles of plot hooks.

For a more mafia/corrupt labor union style, we could go for a Com8/War2/Rog4 instead. But then we'll have to work out their relations with the Thieves Guild instead. Again, plenty of plot hooks available!

If anyone is interested in statting these out, feel free to! I don't have much experience writing up high-level NPCs, and I find myself spending *way* too much time on them...

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