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Wippit Guud

First Post
Did cities back then have orphanages? Working on a background for a shopkeeper (jeweller in fact), and it's part of it, assuming they exist

Wippit Guud

First Post
Sapphire Jeweler
Eye of the Strom

Relgan Storm is probably the last person you'd expect to see fitting a gem to a ring or a necklace. But then, the life of a half-orc is typically one of strange occurances. The product of a brutal orc who raped a young human girl, he was born one stormy night 30 years ago. The birth was hard, and his mother died a few hours later, leaving the half breed an unwanted orphan. He spend the entirety of his youth in an orphanage, and most of that alone, as his fearsome appearance intimidated the other children that were there. When he was 15, he left as an adult, alone and skill-less. It was only inevitable that he turned to thievery to survive. 4 months of petty theft lead to being arrested, his short career as a burgler terminated before his 16th birthday.

It was in jail that his gift was discovered. Prisoners have all the time in the world, and to pass his, Relgan shaped pebbles using whaterver he could find - the bars of his cell, the rock hard floor. When this was discovered, he was chosen as part of a new program where prisoners were taught a craft, to make them a contributing part of the city. Relgan became an apprentice gemcutter.

Now, 30 years later, as owner of the Eye of the Storm, Relgan is one of the most sought-after sapphire dealaers in the city. His massive form can be seen daily in his shop, hunched over a workbench polishing a new setting, or haggling with the various dealers who frequent his shop. As life goes for half-orcs, his has turned out fairly well.

Plot hook:
Relgan has an intense hatred for orcs. He's been known to secretly fund parites of adventurers who intend to attack orc encampments. He'll pay very well for information on the possible existance of his father, whom he knows only as the name Skrak.

A personal shipment of rare red sapphires was stolen when the rider carrying them was attacked by unknown persons. Relgar will pay for their recovery, and the apprehension of those responsible (even more so if it happens to be orcs)

Stat block: Relgen Storm, male half-orc Exp4: CR 2; ECL 4; Medium-size Humanoid (orc); HD 4d6+4; hp 20; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Melee dagger +3 (1d4+3); Ranged dagger +2 (1d4+3); SA; SQ half-orc traits AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12; Skills & Feats: (48) Appraise +12*, Bluff +5, Craft(jewellry) +22*, Diplomacy +5, Gather Information +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge(geography) +4, Profession(gemcutter) +12*, Sense Motive +4, Spot +2; Skill Focus(Craft), Skill Focus(Profession);(*)Synergy bonus for shop equipment; Items of note: Goggles of the Jeweller (+10 to Craft(jeweller).

- I'll see if I can whip up a map when I get home

Wippit Guud

First Post
Muddy Waters
Fishmonger (Slums)

Randall Whipwreck was born and raised in the slums, and is proof positive of many clerics' ideas that the parents make the children. Randall's father was a petty extortionist in the slums, until an encounter with an orc one night ended his life. His mother was a whore, and disappeared when Randall was 12. In his eyes, it wasn't a big loss.

Resorting to thievery, Randall managed to secure a small amount of money, and set up a fishmonger within the slums, catering to the people who toil in the swamps for a living. By paying thugs to keep the competition in dire straits, Randall was able to secure a large client base for buying and selling fish. And with a legitmate business as a front, he turned to more profitable, if less lawful, pursuits. Muddy Waters is now the largest fence in the slum area. Regular shipments of fish into the main part of the city are a cost efficient, and well-concealed, route for transporting stolen goods. Sure, the picking are slimmer in this part of the city, but the odd expensive item does make its way through Muddy Waters.

Plot Hooks:
He's a fence. That's a plothook right there.

Beyond stolent goods, Randall is also a packrat for information. He has rumors and bits of info on everything from a beggar who's actually a wererat to the magical properties of several artefacts in the royal treasury. Mind you, only 30% of what he knows is true.

Randall has made an enemy in the slums, a group of ruffians who were ripped off by the rogue. Randall will pay the PCs a hefy price to get rid of them, either by killing them or more lawful means.

Randall Whipwreck, male human Exp3/Rog1: CR 3; ECL 4; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 4d6; hp 16; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; AC 15 (+2 padded, +3 Dex); Melee +1 dagger +3 (1d4+1/crit 19-20); Ranged +1 dagger +6 (1d4+1/crit 19-20); SA sneak attack; AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 9, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Appraise +6, Bluff +8, Decipher Script +6, Disable Device +9, Forgery +6, Gather Information +8, Hide +7, Innuendo +6, Listen +4, Search +7, Spot +4, Use Magic Device +6; Dodge, Mobility.

SA–Sneak Attack (Ex): Randall Whipwreck deals +1d6 damage against an opponent with a discernable anatomy who is denied a Dex bonus or is flanked.

Equipment: +1 dagger, +1 padded armor, masterwork thieves tools.


Runner is a 14 year old boy whom Randall uses as messenger and spy. He's small and quick and easily overlooked, allowing him to slip into places unnoticed. With good listening skills and the ability to read lips, Runner is an invaluable source of information for Randall.

Plot Hooks:
Runner admires Randall, yet hates him at the same time. He doesn't like being used, and Randall doesn't give him anything more than he needs. Runner is more than willing to 'skip the middle-man' and deal directly with customers if the opportunity persists.

Runner, male human Rog1: CR 1; ECL 1; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 1d6; hp 6; Init +4; Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Melee unarmed strike -1 (1d3-1); SA sneak attack; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +0; Str 8, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +5, Decipher Script +4, Disguise +5, Hide +8, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Open Locks +8, Read Lips +4, Spot +2; Alertness.

SA–Sneak Attack (Ex): Runner deals +1d6 damage against an opponent with a discernable anatomy who is denied a Dex bonus or is flanked.

Equipment: thieves tools.
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A suffusion of yellow
Wippit Guud said:
Did cities back then have orphanages? Working on a background for a shopkeeper (jeweller in fact), and it's part of it, assuming they exist

Churches sometimes ran orphanages at this time but the idea of private orphangaes was not engenderd until much later. Of course orphaned children who were not taken in by relatives, neighbours or the church might be taken (okay enslaved) by some businessman and put to work- perhaps the Dwarfs use them in the mines? The other option was for them to become street rats and come together under a Fagan-like character - a petty theives guild:)

Of course you could create a benevolent old woman (a shoemaker of course) who takes in all the orphans and has so many children she doesn't know what to do!

oh and check this out for A Jellyfish recipe (with pictures too)


Yes orphanages definitely existed. And don't forget there is no "back then". Go forth and create! Nice stuff!

Wippit Guud

First Post
Milden Book Emporium

Row upon row upon row of books. With a dry musty smell hanging in the air. Welcome to Milden's Book Emporium, run by the venerable Erhan Milden. On the shelves out front are more modern books of the time, and include literature, reference, newspapers, and the like. But behind the counter, in a room curtained off from the general public, is a room with far more wealth. Old musty tomes, maps of long-forgotten cities, encyclopdeisas of mystical items and mythical monsters. If knowledge was treaure, this place would be a dragon's lair.

Erhan, however, strictly controls who has access to the library, and the cost of simply reading a book is steep. Very rarely he will sell something from his collection, but the price is incredible, and he won't sell to someone who he believes will mistreat the purchase. Books are works of art to him.

Plot hooks
PCs need access to very obscure knowledge, and have to find a way to let Erhan allow them access to the library.

Erhan has found a scroll even his considerable skills can't decipher. He manages to translate one small phrase denoting a place he's never heard of. He hires the PC to investigate where this place is, and what the scroll may denote.

The Emporium is on fire! And Erhan is trapped inside. The PCs must help extinguish the fire and save Erhan before he dies.

Erhan Milden, male half-elf Ari2/Exp1: CR 2; ECL 3; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 1d6+2d8-3; hp 14; Init -1; Spd 30 ft; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Melee unarmed strike -1 (1d3-1); SQ half-elven traits; AL LN; SV Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +8; Str 9, Dex 9, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Appraise +7, Decipher Script +9, Diplomacy +5, Forgery +7, Gather Information +7, Knowledge(literature) +9, Knowledge(history) +8, Sense Motive +6, Speak Language +3; Skill Focus(Decipher Script), Great Fortitude.

SQ–Half-Elven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save vs. Enchantment, low-light vision, elven blood.

Equipment: Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic.


Princess of Florin
GladiusNP said:
Idea for a restaurant/inn came to me. What does silk-fish taste like? It's going to be expensive - the cost of the silk that the silk-fish produces has to be paid, in essence. Since it's a jelly fish, I can't imagine it would be very nice - but caviar isn't that pleasant either. What do other people think? Too weird?

Just imagining an inn - sort of a place which represents all the unique things about Mor's End. Glazed pottery dishes, poached silk-fish, and silken sheets - maybe that'd be a good way to introduce PCs to the city.

Also think the idea for gloves being used to harvest silk-fish is a really cool detail. I've also put a post up on the Government Affairs thread regarding a Glazers Guild - should it be here?

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. This has been a busy week for me in the real world.

Anyway, silk fish are not edible. They are essentially jellyfish. The harvesters remove up to half of their tentacles at a time, and throw them back into the lake, to regrow. If more than half of the tentacles are removed, the fish can't eat or swim, and will die. Silk fish are poisonous to eat. However, I think we also have cattle, so perhaps your fine inn could serve thick, juicy steaks.

And we have been talking about setting up a new section for guilds, since the don't really fit into any of the categories we have now. Stay tuned.


Princess of Florin
Wippit, I like it! Though the thought of his shop catching fire makes me faintly ill. Sort of like the burning monastery library in Name of the Rose.

If you don't mind, I think I will create an NPC who knows him, and perhaps weave in a plot hook involving the two of them. I was thinking of an old guy who illuminates manuscripts. (want to know what an illuminated manuscript is? go here: http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/medieval/mss/lat/bib/e/007.htm)

Voidrunner's Codex

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