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Mor's End Craft & Trade Submissions

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Lalato said:
South bank (just beyond the city walls)... just as good as the north bank, but plentiful. This is where the next big push for the really good clays will be. It's a bit more dangerous than the north bank because of the orcs in the nearby forest.
That's where Thora the Witch is located by the way, plus a big chunk of the Squats-beyond-the-walls. Anyone trying to develop that area is going to run into a lot of trouble! Cool. ;)


Rotten DM
Murdock arrived 30 years ago from a rival city-state fleeing injustice. Murdock, a journeyman Moneyer, was smuggled out of the rival city by his father James. The ruler had decreed all moneyers were to lose their right hands due to the fact one of moneyers was caught short weighting the silver pieces. James did not live out the year after he lost his hand.
Arriving in town Murdock was accepted by the Moneyer, Gryffri, who had just lost his journeymen due to fire. Murdock took over Gryffri's place when he died.

Barry Master Goldsmith who wants Murdock position.
Quaker a merchant who wants the moneyer position to come under the Merchant guild.

Plot hooks
1. The secret police from the rival city-state visited the shop last week. The secret police want to kidnap and return Master Murdock back for justice.
2. Murdock is looking for shocker lizards or other creatures to help guard his shop.
3. Last year Barry paid the thieves guild to steal Murdock's scales and replace them with illegal ones. Murdock was able to get off with just a fine and flogging. Murdock will pay good money if this is discovered and proved to be true.
4. One of his apprentices (10 year boy) is missing. He was last seen being taken against his will by a mage near the mage guild.
5. Gryffri (Murdock's son) is tired of waiting for Dad to die so he can become a master moneyer and take over. Could you please help?
Murdock The Moneyer.
Expert 8 HD 8d6 +1, HP 41, Spd 30 ft, AC 10 +6/+1 Melee dagger (1d4 crit 19-20) or small hammer (1d4 blunt) Al NG SV Fort+3 , Ref +2, Will +6 ,
Str 11, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 12
Skills & Feats: Appraise +15 (+ 4 circumstance bonus in shop for scales, magnify glass, alchemy chemicals metals only), Craft Metalworking +15, Gather information +12, Knowledge History +4, Knowledge local +10, Knowledge minerals +10, Ride +5, Search +3, Sense Motive +2, Speak language (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling) Skill pts not used 19; Armour Light, Simple Weapon, Skill focus Craft metalworking, Skill focus appraise. 3 feats not used

185 pounds 70 inches Age 53

Under the trap door in the main room is eight foot by eight foot cellar.(Trap door needs to place by the DM) The cellar is entered by ladder through a four foot by four foot opening, which an apprentice sleeps on at night. At night it will contain the following either in 10 pd ingots, or coin blanks; 1d4 x 100 pp, 1d4 x 1000 gp, 1d6 x 1000 sp, and 1d8 x 1000 cp.

Business practices
Murdock charges 6 coins per 100 converted. 5 for him 1 for taxes.
Small amount of coinage is converted immediately. Large amounts (over 5000) take 3 days to melt down and stamp new coins.
He runs through a set of dies every 10,000 coins. It takes 1 day to make a set of dies.
He is closed on Sunday and charges what ever he can get ,if he must do business that day.
In his shop are his son Gryffri and 10 apprentices (commoner 4 hp dagger +0 to hit). The apprentices all sleep in shop, with one apprentice having to sleep over the floor trap where the raw metals are kept at night

The bar is where business takes place. It has two counting boards. The counting boards appear to a like a chessboard with ten rows and columns. The squares alternate between purple and white, with six squares having an ‘X’ of the opposite color. Two scales able to measure down to 1/10 th of ounce are on the bar. Under the bar are two tanglefoot bags, two thunderstones, two light cross bows with ten bolts each.

In 2 chests 2500 cp each, in two chest 1250 sp, in two chests 1500 gp each, one chest 250 pp and one chest of the ledgers and accounts. These chests are behind the bar in daylight hours and under his bed at night. The ledgers are on the bar during the day.

Equipment through out the shop 8 scales of various sizes of which 3 can weight 1/10 th of ounce, various size hammers from 3 oz to 10 pd sledge, various metal snips with the largest being the size of modern tin snips with one handle being bolted to the table and the other having a three foot handle, various size punches, various size ladles, two bellows, and various black smithing equipment and fire place equipment.

The shop has two levels

The main shop area is 45 feet by 60. The front door opens to the service bar, which contains scales, counting boards and weights. The back door, which is bolted when not in use, leads to the privy, woodpile and coal pile. The shop is noisy most of time with sounds of striking, the pouring of metal into forms, and the shouts of apprentices. A huge fireplace and forge is on the back wall.

The kitchen living room has been added on to right of shop. The kitchen is 35 feet by 25 feet. The kitchen fireplace is extended to Murdock’s bedroom.

The stairs lead to second floor, which is nestled between the work fireplace and kitchen fireplace. Murdock has the larger bedroom. Gryffri and Sherry sleep in the room across the hall.

All walls are made out of brick.

Edit april 17 Did I miss anything?
used the default array of 15,14,13,12,10,8 from the dmg. then adjusted for levels and age.
Last edited:

David Argall

First Post
revised Murdock

The plot hooks here need a little work. Lets see...

1. The secret police from the rival city state have a different version of Murdock's past, claiming he was the central figure in the theft of city gold and escaped with a good deal of it, which he used to buy himself his current position, and to block legal attempts to get him returned. The PCs may be hired to protect Murdock or to bring him to justice [& maybe both when they discover whoever hired them was lying.] {more ways to use the hook}
3. Murdock was fined and flogged last year for having illegal scales. He has a suspicion this was the fault of Barry and wants the PCs to investigate. {The PCs now have a clear path to find the hook}
4. One of the apprentics [10 year old boy] is missing. He was last seen talking with a mage of poor reputation near the mage guild. {We now have several additional plots possible, such as the boy was a spy for the mage}

David Argall

First Post
Sharp Steel

One of the better weaponsmiths in the city is the Sharp Steel, owned by Bombto Goldmountain. His shop is by no means a large one since, like many dwarves, he prefers quality over quantity and will let routine [even if profitable] work lag while he attempts a much more difficult task [which he is lucky to break even on]. This attitude is much approved of in Dwarven circles, and there is much talk that the youngster [in dwarf terms since he has barely made his century] might become one of the great smiths in a hundred years or so. It does make for some problems now of course since income can be tight as a result, a point his wife, Hrothfled, a human, is apt to bring up. However, Bombto is skilled and hardworking, so while income can sometimes be tight, the family is rarely actually in need.
As merchants go, Bombto is not particularly skilled at bargaining and those can get by his wife, no small task, have a chance of a bargain. Bombto, however, is quite diplomatic despite being a typical gruff dwarf.
The weapons Bombto sells are entirely practical and he does engraving and other decoration only when the customer insists on it. This gives his rival Brandon a considerable edge for the expensive trade, but he retains the dwarf attitude that a sword is a tool, not a work of art some !@#$ elf made.
Hrothfled does the bookkeeping, the housework and the care of their 3 children, which were the big surprise of the marriage to both partners, who had both assumed dwarves were not fertile with humans. To the casual observer, the kids, 1 girl and 2 boys, are only a bit odd and might be assumed to be of either race, tho few entertain the idea they are from both. Those with more extended contact soon realize the truth. Since neither Bombto nor Hrothfled have any idea whether this was some unique event [& if so, what], or a routine one made rare by dwarves and humans rarely marrying, most people just accept the situation once they discover it.

Bombto is a bitter enemy of Brandon Delswan of the Endearing Edge, deeming it insulting that a human would presume to deem himself the peer of dwarven weaponsmiths. That he lost a contest to Brandon makes matters all the worst. [His opinion that the contest was fixed is correct, but he has no evidence and most just assume he is a sore loser.] Those wanting to buy from Bombto had best not acknowledge Brandon has any skill. A flat statement saying Brandon is a good smith will get one thrown out despite being correct.
Bombto is too principled to try most methods of getting his revenge, but he is eager to do what he can and watches Brandon for openings. [He has yet to catch Brandon in anything because Brandon is careful and Bombto is usually too busy working.] He suspects that Brandon is watching him and has developed an interest in traps to catch him. This has produced a small added income from setting traps on the treasures of the rich, a fact that does not endear him to the thieves.

Dwarves are renownd as smiths, weaponsmiths in particular. But the very popularity of those professions mean that many dwarves are unable to get jobs with dwarves as a smith. Such was the case with Bombto. Despite being a highly talented lad, when his apprenticeship ended there was no place in the dwarven community for him to get work. So like many other dwarves he sought work in human lands. Here, he had good luck, becoming the journeyman for the previous owner of the Sharp Steel, one Thaim Highhelm, an elderly dwarf who preferred teching Bombo secrets of the trade to actually doing some work. The 2 spent a pleasant, if not particular profitable, decade together until Thaim retired and returned to the dwarven lands. The shop was sold to Bombto at a bargain rate [by dwarf standards. Some humans called it robbing the innocent youngster, especially since its trade wasn’t much.]
At this point Bombto made a fateful decision. He wanted more than just a housekeeper and no proper dwarven lass was going to look at a [broke] youngster like himself, so why not marry a human? She would provide a clean house, companionship and.., other things.. and he could provide her a good living, at least by the standards of many humans. In 50 or so years, she would die, about the time he was ready to marry a dwarf. The plan looked good, and Hrothfled felt it was satisfactory for her as well.
It proved more than that for both parties. Hrothfled blossomed in marriage and started to justify her name [which means “famous beauty”]. This pulled in a number of customers [many of whom wanted to buy something other than weapons, but one could not easily hang around the shop, or Hrothfled, if one was not buying.] This, and Hrothfled’s insistance that Bombto do some of the routine, bills-paying jobs brought prosperity to the business.
It also brought a considerable strain on the marriage when Hrothfled became pregnant. Despite her repeated insistence that she had never been with another male, Bombto did not really accept he was the father until the other 2 children were born. [Quite obviously, the 3 have the same father, and with time, the dwarven aspects of their ancestry became hard to deny.] For a long time, he simply saw that Hrothfled liked being a mother [a surprise to her] and so just ignored the situation.

Hrothfled. Now 70, Hrothfled is an ancient not likely to live for all that much longer. She looks her years and if any would forget that Bombto is dwarven, they would assume she is his mother or grandmother rather than his wife. However she continues to take care of all wifely duties, which oddly enough include selecting her successor.
Once she dies, Bombto will be a good catch for a dwarven lass and not all of them are willing to wait until she is cold in the ground, not when it means a rival might get a head start. Hrothfled looks over these girls [some of whom are older than she is, but they are still young by dwarven standards] with an eye to what sort of mother in law they would be, and runs off those not eager to help her kids. Those she finds acceptable, she often helps get on Bombto’s good side.

Half-Dwarf: dark vision 30’, mv 20, +2 racial stonecunning, +1 save vs poison, +2 save vs spells & spell-like effects, +1 on appraise of rare or exotic items, +1 on stone or metal crafts, bonus languages – any, favored class – any.

Konin-the eldest son, and more than a little disgruntled. He deems himself a competent journeyman, with justice, but his father recalls that he was still an apprentice when a decade older than Konin and, like many other fathers, doesn’t realize his son is a man. Fortunately his father’s preference for the difficult work allows Konin to do the more satisfying journeymen tasks, except when Bombto takes a break and insists on supervising his “inexperienced” lad in a task “beyond him”. Konin is thinking about leaving home, but his plans are vague.

Dola the youngest child [age 20, tho looking and behaving about 14] is the favorite of her parents, and the cause of the most worry. While she is currently more interested in the forge than boys, that is no longer an automatic choice, and of course her interest is going to increase in the decade ahead. [The feeling is likely to be mutual. Bombto used to say “She got her looks from her mother, thanks be to the gods.” Now he is beginning to worry about this being a mixed blessing. Nor does he approve of her shaving her beard off at least once a day. And now that she is acquiring some bulges, the fact that smiths often work at a hot forge in very little clothing has attracted more than one male eye.] Her parents are quite anxious to see to her marriage, but as a half-dwarf she is not deemed a suitable marriage partner by either race, and other half-dwarves are unknown to the family, and maybe to anybody else. Since their darling daughter must marry the very best, there is a considerable problem coming up.

BOMBTO GOLDMOUNTAIN, male dwarf exp5, medium-sized humanoid [dwarf]; HD 5d6, 30 hp; init +1, spd 20 ft, AC 11; Melee +5, MW dwarf waraxe [1d10+2]; AL LG; SV fort +3, Ref +2, Wil+3; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, int 14, Wis 8, Cha 8
Skills & feats: Appraise+10/12, Craft [engraving]+9, Craft [weaponsmith]+20, Knowledge [metals]+10 ,knowledge [weapons]+10, bluff+4, diplomacy+8 , sense Motive+4, craft [trapmaking]+12, open lock+7,
Skill Focus [craft Weaponsmithing] exotic weapon –dw war axe
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc
Equipment: Artisan’s outfit, belt pouch [misc coins, under 20 gp total], engraver’s tools, magnifying glass, +1 dwarf waraxe, magic+1 weaponsmith’s tools, merchant’s scale.

Plot hooks
Bombto hires/lures the PC to investigating Brandon. He will forbid the PC to do any evil or illegal activity, which are of course all the obvious effective ways to actually find the truth.]

Brandon decides Bombto is getting too close to the facts and tries to get the dwarf “taken care of”. The PC is hired as a guard or just happens by when an attack takes place.

Bombto wants some special raw goods. The PC is to fetch them.

Hrothfled wants a fabled potion of youth [common enough in ADD2, but not in D&D3], feeling that an extra decade of life will allow her to get her daughter married and any other problems taken care of. The PC is to find and fetch.

Hrothfled is suspicious of one of the dwarven lasses who are “courting” Bombto and wants the PC to investigate.

Konin has vanished. He may have run off, or been kidnapped, or maybe both. [He just doesn’t know what his new “friends” have in mind yet.]

Dola is making any of the problems one expects when a lass starts to notice that boys are something in addition to being stupid jerks. The PC has to correct the situation, or at least limit the damage.

Having gotten her standards of female beauty from her human mother and neighbors, Dola objects to dwarves being hairy and wants to reduce her body hair to human amounts. She wants the PC to get something. Her father will object on several grounds.

Her parents hire the PC to find a suitable half-dwarf [who may well not exist]. Questions about who were the parents of children have to be asked more delicately than most PC do, and the questions worry people who fear the PC is after their secrets rather than a half-dwarf. Some take violent exception…


Rotten DM
speaking about brick. What color are the brick? Normal red, Georgia Pink, possible multiple color with the brick makers adding gem dust on the more expensive brick.
Plus what are the laws?


World of Kulan DM
Re: A tinker for your purview...

GladiusNP said:
Weapons: +1 Sword, short, Black Adder. Duncan’s sword is one of Brandon’s more impressive blades. The hilt is wrapped in grey leather, and the pommel is enamelled jet-black. The cross guard is not particularly ornate, save for two small pieces of snowflake obsidian set pointing out at the edge of each side. The blade itself, however, is breathtaking. Worked in a darker, almost black metal, the sinuous form of a snake runs up each side of the blade, with acid-etched scales in a very small, painstaking pattern. The rest of the blade is dark grey, almost the dull colour of iron, rather than the lustre of most steel – Brandon used a special (and illegal) mix of chemicals to keep the blade from glimmering at night.

This is cool, I miised this during my last skim of this thread. Nice link to the Endearing Edge, GladiusNp!



p.s. BTW, I'm involved with an official project right now, as well as another personal project. I will continue to check the Mor's End threads, which seem to have slowed down a little, and chime in when I can. Have to save my writing hand for the official project. (I have started playing with the random street generation tool in CC2 though, for the Mor's End city map. Very cool. I'm mapping the posh district first.)

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