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Multi-Classing, got a favorite way to mix it up?


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'lo all, new here but not to D&D.

Figured I'd start off anything I do here with a favorite little topic of mine: 3.5 Multi-classing!

If you got a build you think really worked for you, please share. If you need to tap into the endless fountain of message board advice on a build you've been considering feel free.

I'll start off this little topic in a second post.

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First Post
My favorite build has become what I like to call the "toolbox." Sort of a jack-of-all-trades character, that can do a lot of things with some proficiency, but not too many with extreme masterful skill. Granted, this is definitely no tank, and I'd rather run than solo in most cases, but it makes for a really solid support role.

Race: Human
Rogue (3) / Scout (3) / Wizard (3) ECL 9 (rogue at 1st level, then evenly in succession to ECL 9)

Make sure to get your mobility, two weapon fighting, and shot on the run feats in that equation (without recalling the math shot on the run might end up taking more than ECL 9 worth of feats, but gear up for it!)

The way this character works is an Intelligence rogue with Dexterity as the secondary skill. The intelligence score grants you so many skill points, especially with rogue at 1st level, that there's really nothing you can't at least take a shot at doing. Intelligence also works in conjunction with the wizard class, so there's no shortage of casting ability either. But don't focus on the direct damage spells with this build, you want the supplemental spells, Expeditious Retreat (add that with the scout's skirmish and difficult terrain movement), Obscuring Mist (now you see me, now you don't, and yes that's my sword in your back), Detect Secret Doors, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, and others like these are really more useful to this build than a fireball. I've even gone as far as to make the Wizard specialization to exclude Evocation, but that stretches it just a bit.

The greatest part about this build is that the Scout Skirmish and Rogue Sneak Attack damage bonus stack, so long as you meet both requirements of non-detection or flanking, and movement prior to attacking, you get double the damage, and when in situations where one or the other must be excluded, you can usually manage to get the other one to apply.

I prefer to focus on my ranged abilities with this build, the only down side is that none of these classes and human are not proficient with the longbow, so to do your best with basic equipment you need to burn a feat. This got me thinking in the long run, and decided to seek an even more deadly ranged weapon for this build. After all, if I have to burn a feat to use a weapon, make it damned powerful: the Heavy Repeating Crossbow!

Scout the hall...
Hide at the threshold... (sneak attack achieved)
Step out.. (skirmish achieved)
Fire.. Fire.. Fire... (yes, they felt that)
Step to other side... (shot on the run)

So what has anyone else thought up?


Xigbar, of my user name fame. Wizard 1/Rogue 1/Fighter2/Swordsage16. Specialised in Quickloading Dual Handcrossbows. 20 shots in a full round action. Worked mostly with the Shadow Hand School. Abrupt Jaunt Immediate Magic from level in Wizard. Fun stuff. I'm thinking of tinkinering with a few more levels in Wizard for utility and what not, but not enough to lose out on any attacks.


Staff member
I can't say I have one favored combo above all, but over all editions of D&D, I do like to combine mundane martial prowess with mystic might. MmmmmMMMmmm!

So I have lots of MU/Th, Rgr/Dr/MU, F/MU, Monk/PsiWar, Sorc (STD or variant)/Marshals or Ftr, Brb/Sorc, etc. Sometimes, with a bit of clever building, I may roll that Mystic/Martial into one class and not fully realize it until I start qualifying for PrCls, like with my Mage-Brutes.


My favourite wacky multi-classed build is probably Fang.

Human who thought he was an orc

1st (1 lvl) Druid (PHB2 variant for wolf wildshape)
2-5th (4 lvls) Barbarian (straight - for rage and whatnot)
6-10th (4 lvls) Warshaper (all kinds of bonuses, reach, and fast healing)
11th+ (everything after) Bear Warrior


Well.. with Rogue and Wizard being both my favorite classes...

more often than not I end up multiclassing with those two...

...and more often than not I do that with elves, not only because it's my favorite race,

but you also get Wizard as a favorite class which means there is no penalty to XP.

Mechanically Dex and Int profits both classes, just like you mentioned, so that's good too.

As for prestige classes I pick up those who benefit either the rogue, the wizard or both of them at the same time...

The character I'm currently playing is an Elven Rogue5/Wizard3/Shadowdancer4 (started from 1st level!),

although the Shadowdancer has been somewhat altered so as to relate to a certain secret order in the campaign...

I really enjoy that one.


I've had loads of fun with multiclassing in various ways. Single classing is Very hard for me, I think I might be able to pull it of with a Factotum, but that's it (and only for 18 levels, those last 2 are useless).

I digress. My favorite Multiclass build was a character designed with the rule that he'd have to take a different class each level, and his personality was based off of my childhood pet cat.

Shifter race, it was a brief campaign so he only attained 6 levels. I believe he was a Barbarian/Cleric/Scout/Warblade/Druid/Duskblade by the time the campaign fizzled out. I no longer remember at what levels I took which classes.

Mechanically, my favorite way to multiclass is to pepper a few levels of a Tome of Battle class throughout a build, exploiting the whole "other classes count as half-levels" thing.


My current character is a rogue 11/ ftr 4 and is just destroying enemy's left and right in melee.

Previous char was a Wiz12/ParagnosticApostle4 and was killing so much I pissed off the fighter's player. Ironically, I started him out as a battlefield control/debuffer and didn't cast a damaging spell for the first 2 levels (Color Spray FTW)

Barb 12/Ftr 2/ Warblade 2/OccultSlayer5 with a +4 Starmetal Valerous, Martial Disciple, Berzerker, MageBane Great Sword was doing well over 200pts per hit on a charge and between 400-500 on a full attack.

Had a halfling rogue 3/Warmage7/Arcane Trickster

Tang was a Goliath Barbarian7/Fighter6 w Dungeon Crasherx2, Mountain Rage (becomes large when raging), a spiked chain and knockback. hit w chain= bullrush, if into wall then bonus 8d6+3x str. Large + Spiked Chain = 20' reach, once he smacked you into a wall each hit after was 10d6+4.5str

The next character my be a straight Druid though.

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