Kavos: An elderly, human, Lawful Evil priest of Asmodeous. He's the brains of the operation.
Gandil: A well intentioned madman, Gandil believes he's the hero of our story and hilariously still thinks he's Chaotic Neutral. He's a human and a straight fighter.
Westbank and the Story So Far: Westbank is a small village in a geographically unique location. Bordered on the northwest by a mountain range, west by a massive lake, to the south and east by a powerful river and the north by an impenetrable forest. The Duke's men wanted to seize Westbank's former seat of power, the Blackstone Keep nestled high in the mountains as an unassailable garrison against the growing rebellion and sent Kavos and Gandil to assess the situation and make the transition smoother...
Instead, Kavos and Gandil noticed the out of control bandit population that such an isolated area spawned and decided 'Us Too!' ransacking what few merchants attempted the dangerous journey but were missed by the other bandits. They thought they had a pretty good thing going until one got away, noticing the Wandering Duke's seals on their armor.
Several days later they bushwhacked a bounty hunter carrying their faces on a wanted poster. Realizing that they're now wanted men and likely to be hunted down by both the Duke (for compromising his position) and any rebels in the area (for being a-holes employed by the Duke) they decide to ditch their fancy armor in favor of whatever they can scrounge from stolen loot and take refuge in the only place they know hasn't received word of their crimes (because they themselves killed and robbed everyone that could have brought such information) the unsuspecting village of Westbank.
We open up with our nervous deserters arriving in the small, unlucky village of Westbank; their previous actions being nothing personal, they're now going to beseech their unaware victims for aid. They aren't quite sure how they're going to go about that yet, but they're nothing if not optimistic.
Both Gandil and Kavos are on edge, unsure of how their presence will be greeted after the village has been so long without visitors. They realize that their arrival is nothing short of suspicious, but they're left without a choice in the matter. They whisper amongst themselves to keep their stories straight when suddenly-
"Lords and ladies!" a booming voice calls out behind them and they each feel a grip like iron crush their shoulders. "We haven't had visitors in damned near a year! Damned good to see new faces son, damned good!"
They spin out of the grip and turn around to find themselves face to face with a towering half-orc in dressed leather armor and sporting a two-handed sword nearly as large as himself strapped to his back. A shiny bronze badge of office is pinned to his chest and they realize with a start that he's the town's sheriff.
Kavos and Gandil exchange glances and Gandil quickly asks if there's a place in town they could stay, pantomiming being very sleepy. The big orc nods and mentions that they have an inn for visiting merchants and such, he apologizes that it isn't very fancy but at least it beats sleeping under the stars.
The overfriendly half-orc decides to show them the way and asks how they managed to make it past the bandits without an entourage, he points out that he's lost good men to those bastards.
Kavos smiles and explains that they must have gotten lucky, they didn't see anyone the whole trip. The orc agrees that they must be damned lucky and points out the rustic inn that serves the town's visitors. Gandil excuses himself and runs inside, but Kavos takes this opportunity to gauge the town a bit.
Kavos makes his introductions and the big orc shakes his hand, introducing himself as Sheriff Longarm. Kavos asks if there's anything he can do to help and Longarm laughs, saying that there's plenty of trouble to go around if they're looking for work.
Kavos says that they're always looking for work and then casually steers the conversation to the town's feelings towards the Duke. He discovers that most people in town don't feel strongly about him one way or the other, they resent his lack of involvement in their problems; but have never had enough contact with him to really hate him. Longarm does warn then not to broach the subject with Father Adrian, their local priest of Pelor, because he has a deep and abiding hatred for the Duke and will rant for hours if given the opportunity.
Kavos listens intently and probes a bit deeper, trying to find the people in charge. The town's leadership is apparently made up of Sheriff Longarm, Father Adrian (their sole religious figure apparently) and a retired farmer who's known as Elder Hadran. Kavos finally decides that he's pressed the sheriff enough and excuses himself to rent a room.
The inn is modest, but clean and comfortable. Gandil's already settled into his room as Kavos approaches the innkeeper, a plump little woman with graying brown hair, who introduces herself as Mrs. Boddan. She seems desperate for the business and tells Kavos that a night's lodging is 5cp, she's shocked when he hands her a gold piece in payment. She asks if there's anything else she can do for him and he asks for a tailor's services.
She explains that while the town doesn't have a tailor anymore she does a bit of sewing here and there. She apologizes and says that while she'd love to make Kavos something, all she has is a bit of linen. She says that people used to collect spider-silk from the forest which made wonderful tunics and robes, but nobody's been willing to risk the forest in months.
Kavos's interest is peaked and he says that he'll look into getting some. Her eyes widen a bit and she warns that the woods are a death sentence nowadays. Kavos tells her that he appreciates the worry, but he'll be fine.
After settling into his own room, Kavos goes to Gandil's to bring him up to speed. Kavos tells Gandil to get to work while he visits Father Adrian in hopes of finding an ally against the Duke. Gandil grins darkly and gets out his writing implements.
Kavos heads to the temple of Pelor and finds an older man tending to it. The man's face is clearly marked with vicious scars and he wears the raiments of Pelor's priests; he walks with a gnarled black wood staff although he doesn't seem to actually need the support.
Kavos and Father Adrian exchange pleasantries for a bit before Kavos starts prying about the history of the town and the Duke's influence here. Father Adrian doesn't seem to enjoy this subject, but obliges anyway. He explains that the Order of Pelor has been integral to this town since its founding a century ago, but that he's all that remains now. He explains that when the Duke and his fellow rabble-rousers overthrew the Iron King and divvied his lands 40 years ago that his order was murdered for trying to stay out of their battle. He points out that it's impossible to know whether it was the Duke or the Iron King's men who actually committed the atrocity, but he blames the Duke for instigating it regardless.
Father Adrian also touches on the senseless feud with their sister village Eastbank up-river that has cut off river traffic and most of their commercial fishing for the past 15 years. He explains that the locals are rather mediocre farmers and that ever since Eastbank cut off their trade they've been withering.
While the two of them are talking, Gandil slips into the temple and interrupts. Apologizing to Father Adrian but insisting that he must speak to Kavos. Father Adrian understands and excuses himself, returning to his duties.
Gandil hands Kavos a letter with the Duke's seal on it and Kavos quickly reads over it. The letter implicates Sheriff Longarm in a conspiracy to displace the townspeople in order to house the Duke's soldiers.
Kavos goes over it a time or two and congratulates Gandil on a convincing forgery. Gandil's happy to see his work appreciated and pockets the letter for now. They then head out to find their patsy.
They find Sheriff Longarm sitting on the front porch of his office as the sun goes down, eating his dinner and apparently settling in to stay late. He stands up when he sees he has visitors and Kavos says that they're looking for work if Longarm still needs their assistance.
Longarm snorts and says that he needs more assistance than they'll ever know. He mentions that he's got thefts all along the northern farms that are making their current shortages absolutely unbearable; he's got several disappearances along the river and lake which are rightfully making people uneasy and even reports of grave robbers.
Kavos tsk-tsks sympathetically and offers to assist him in a night patrol if he'd like. He's thankful and says that he was planning an all-nighter anyway, he points out that his deputies would normally help him but they're strictly part-time and they're busy with their crops.
Kavos and Gandil understand completely and suggest investigating the disappearances along the river. Sheriff Longarm agrees but says that so far they've stumped him.
As they walk along the river towards the last disappearance Kavos asks about the crops and if there's any going through a particularly hard time. Longarm laughs and admits that he's not much of a farmer so he couldn't tell them. He says that he was part of a merchant's entourage a few years ago and was lured away with the promises of fast gold and easy living. He shakes his head and says "I can't believe they managed to tell me that with a straight face."
They ask where he's from and he says that he grew up near the capital of Lone Gate; he points out that THAT was easy gold and easier living. They continue making small talk as they follow the river and over the course of a few hours he points out three farms that have reported missing farmhands. He also mentions that they've been losing the occasional chicken or dog for at least as long as he's been around.
Gandil notices that each affected farm is barely a stone's throw from the river itself. Kavos takes a closer look and discovers that each of the places with missing farmhands has a gently sloping bank which makes access to the river easy.
They patrol for a bit, but neither Longarm nor our deceptive protagonists find whatever it is that they're looking for. They exchange a few glances before Kavos asks "Why don't we check out the forest?"
Playing on Longarm's helpful nature the PCs manage to convince him to help them gather some silk for Mrs. Boddan. Longarm thinks its a silly idea because the local spiders have went crazy and there's nobody to actually sell it to, but since their investigation is a bust it seems about as good a use of their night as any.
The forest is a good hour's ride out of town and it's nearly midnight by the time they saddle up Longarm's horses and find their way to the forest itself. The woods are unnerving, spider silk hangs in thick sheets among the treetops making the forest unnaturally dark and still. Since they don't want to spend the night climbing trees, they decide to head into the forest itself for some lower hanging silk.
Gandil draw his masterwork Broadsword and Longarm draws an ornately fashioned falchion, Kavos casts light onto his trusty quarterstaff.
It only takes a few minutes of searching before they find almost 6 ft of webbing being tended to by a spider the size of a dog. They decide to lure it away from its web before they attack and Longarm taps one of the thick strands with his sword to get its attention. When the spider investigates Gandil takes a solid swing at it but misses and Kavos watches the whole ordeal amused. The spider lashes out and bites Gandil, but doesn't manage to make it past his leather armor.
Longarm takes a swing at the spider as well, but the cramped conditions throw him off and it takes him a few seconds to pry his sword out of the webs. Gandil tries again and takes all of the spiders legs off the left side of its body. It hits the ground and Kavos finishes it with a swift strike to the head.
Longarm and the PCs exchange nervous glances and Kavos starts to gather web until Gandil grabs his arm and tells him to listen. A violent rustling sound is growing louder and without any further warning half a dozen spiders the size of cats leap from the treetops in an uncharacteristic display of arachnid comraderie.
Kavos casts Spiritual Weapon and a ghostly blade slices through the first spider effortlessly; Gandil takes out a spider of his own and Longerm kills one before cleaving through a second. More than a dozen more rush from every direction.
Kavos casts Obscuring Mist centered on himself and suddenly it's hard to see your hand in front of your own face. Gandil grins evilly and pushes Longarm directly into the path of the oncoming spiders, the orc falls to his knees amid the rushing swarm and eats almost a dozen AoO's trying to stand. Half of them do nothing, unable to penetrate his armor. Most of the rest only succeed in doing laughable damage to the orc but a few manage to poison him and he takes about 4 points of strength damage.
"What the hell are you doing?" Sheriff Longarm shouts in a rage.
"Oh my gods, are you alright?" Gandil answers. "I can't see anything with this fog!"
They hear Longarm cleave through several more spiders and decide they better make this fast. Kavos has his spiritual weapon strike Longarm for non-lethal damage (they're trying to avoid leaving visible stab wounds) and Gandil uses his broadsword like a baseball bat, coming down on the back of Longarm's head viciously.
Longarm might be naive, but he's not stupid and spins on his heels to deal with these traitors. He cleaves halfway through Gandil's chest and drops the spunky fighter with a single bloody blow (he critted with a power attack and dropped Gandil to -5), Kavos casts Command: Fall onto Longarm and the orc fails his will save.
While Longarm struggles to regain his feet with a swarm of spiders trying to drag him back down Kavos snatches Gandil by the feet and pulls him further into the mist to heal him. By the time a severely wounded Longarm manages to find the huddling pair he's caught in the face with the flat of Gandil's broadsword again. The mist causes Longarm to miss his return blow and Gandil decides to drop his weapon and wrestle with the big orc.
Longarm pretty much manhandles Gandil despite his new strength penalties, beating him half to death barehanded. Kavos attempts to assist his partner but two of the spiders bite through his robe easily and he quickly loses enough strength that his robes are suddenly weighing him down.
Just when it looks like justice might be served however, Gandil manages to bullrush Sheriff Longarm into the larger spider's web and makes his way back to the panicking Kavos. Gandil spends several rounds searching for his dropped weapon before Kavos decides he's had enough of this crap and releases a burst of negative energy that drops several of the smaller spiders and nearly drops Gandil. Before Gandil even has time to ask what the hell that was Kavos unleashes a second burst.
Once again, Kavos manages to find and stabilise his partner before he passes on and they wait out the effects of Obscuring Mist nervously. When everything clears and they can see once more they find Longarm corpse sprawled on the ground and halfway wrapped in spidersilk, several of the smaller spiders laying nearby.
Gandil stuffs his forged letter into Longarm's breast pocket, gathers up all the silk he can without disturbing Longarm's crime scene and throws Kavos over his shoulder, returning to where they tied their horses.
Kavos convinces Gandil that it could be dangerous to return to the village in their current condition and they make camp so that Kavos can regain his spells. Because they're so close to the forest Gandil decides to keep watch in case more spiders appear, so he builds a massive fire to keep animals away and takes a seat near the sleeping Kavos.
Most of his watch is uneventful, but while no spider appears their camp site does draw the attention of several wolves who watch intently from the forest. Gandil makes some noise and swings a torch over his head, but the wolves simply sit and watch him. Every few minutes another wolf joins the growing pack until after about 3 hours there are almost twenty of them.
Gandil still hasn't woken up Kavos, but he's decidedly uneasy about where this is going; but just as unexpectedly as the wolves gathered their ears perk up and they disperse.
The rest of the night passes without incident and the next morning Kavos heals them both up and uses Mend to repair Gandil's armor where Longarm struck him. They make their way back to the town and immediately go to Father Adrian, both of them play the part of traumatized victims of the spider horde and claim that they were separated from Longarm last night and only now found their way clear of the forest.
They're very convincing and Father Adrian heals Kavos of his poison before flagging down a young woman in the street, he asks that she tell Looman that something's happened to the sheriff and to gather the deputies; in the meantime he's going searching himself. Kavos and Gandil offer to show him where they last saw Longarm (being such good samaritans and all) and he accepts their offer graciously.
By the time they arrive at the forest they're prepared to give the performance of a lifetime, but what they find causes them to gasp in surprise: Not only is there no sign of the sheriff, but there's no sign of spiders or their webs around the entrance at all.
Gandil whispers to Kavos that wolves must have gotten the body and after only a cusory glance finds some tracks that confirm his suspicions. Gandil tells the priest about their run-in with wolves last night and that this entire area was filled with spiders yesterday, hesuggests that it might be dangerous out here if the wolves are THIS active. Father Adrian agrees and says that he'll gather the deputies and any woodsmen he can lay hands on before advancing any further; he urges the PCs to come back with him, but they want to investigate this further and say that they'll be fine.
After Father Adrian leaves to get a search party the PCs start freaking out in ernest since not only does this ruin their plans, it makes them look suspicious. Gandil follows the wolf tracks as best he can, but soon notices that there's a second track; a heavy hoof print that seems to be guiding the wolves.
This only confuses them further, but they notice that there's no blood or drag marks on the ground so it stands to reason that whoever's taken him has him on the horse. They continue following the trail and as they do so they notice several wolves watching them curiously from the sidelines, Kavos casts Cause Fear on one and although the effect fails all of the wolves melt into the forest to avoid further attacks.
They pick up the pace and finally burst off of the trail and into a large clearing with a radius of about 50ft. There are two dozen wolves sitting patiently in well-ordered lines, apparently waiting for the PCs to arrive. They glance nervously at each other and make noise and aggressive gestures, but the wolves don't seem to be impressed; if anything they seem...amused.
A cracking sound can be heard beyond the clearing indicating that something massive is approaching. Gandil and Kavos quickly consider fleeing, but doubt that they'll get far. Finally the brush parts and a massive equine figure appears. Pure white save for the numerous scars and boils that pockmark its skin and standing well over a head taller than any horse has a right to, it's a unicorn and it's single twisted horn stretches neary 2ft from its skull menacingly.
"You have received our invitation." the creature says in a deep, hollow voice as it strides forward. Its neck is thicker than any two of the wolves torsos and its heavy hooves trample obstructions in its path effortlessly.
Kavos backs up several steps and Gandil squeaks "Yes...yes we did. That's why we're here all right."
For a moment it simply glares at them as if reconsidering its position.
"We watched you kill the orc and we thought...these could be useful." the unicorn says with a vacant tone.
"Y...y..your spiders killed the sheriff?" Gandil asks nervously.
The creature roars and digs at the ground with one massive hoof. "Not ours! Not our spiders! They belong...to him. The usurper. The abomination. The spider shepherd." it growls in disgust.
"He killed us..." the unicorn says, shaking with rage. "He killed us, until we're all that's left."
Seeing the unicorn's emotional display Kavos smirks to himself and realizes that he might be able to take control of this situation. "How can we help?"
Gandil also sees an opportunity and puts a hand in front of Kavos to slide in before him. "What do we get for helping you? We have very powerful enemies coming after us and we need safe haven."
The unicorn glares at them further. "The manflesh wants the orc and we want their disgusting shepherd dead."
Gandil nods "Alright, alright. We give you this thing's head and you give us back the orc's body?"
"Squash the spiders! Squash the ettercap! Do this and we will give you the body. We will let you continue with your lies. But make them scream? Make them scream...and we will stand by your side!" the unicorn says.
"Alright, we'll get right on that. Just one question...what are ettercaps again?" Gandil asks.
The unicorn snorts in disgust. "They walk like men, but they're just bugs. They love their spiders just as we once loved our brothers. Where an ettercap lives, nothing else may."
"Where can we find it?" Kavos asks.
"It lives in our holiest grove. He defiles it with his evey wretched breath. Our grove can be found to the east, just follow the webs." the unicorn replies.
"But why us?" Gandil asks. "You seem pretty capable."
"We have something that you need and we have lost enough beasts to the spiders. We will lose no more...not when we have manflesh to die for us." the unicorn states plainly.
"I thought that unicorns were the good guys." Gandil says, a note of genuine shock in his voice.
"The good die young," the unicorn says with a snort and a shake of its massive head, "We're what's left." and with that, it turns and pushes its way back into the brush along with its wolf entourage.
Kavos nudges Gandil "We need to go back to town and resupply, that half-orc gave us a hard enough time on his own."
Gandil snorts "I say we ditch the crazy animals and don't come back. I don't think that unicorn plans on letting us leave alive regardless of what we do."
Kavos shakes his head. "We need allies and we need Longarm's body, we've got to see this through."
Gandil sighs and nods his head in agreement "Alright, I guess so..." he starts and then perks up. "Hey, what if we get on the ettercap's good side? I'd imagine that wolves are easier to kill then bug people."
Kavos grins. "You know, that HAD crossed my mind."
Gandil: A well intentioned madman, Gandil believes he's the hero of our story and hilariously still thinks he's Chaotic Neutral. He's a human and a straight fighter.
Westbank and the Story So Far: Westbank is a small village in a geographically unique location. Bordered on the northwest by a mountain range, west by a massive lake, to the south and east by a powerful river and the north by an impenetrable forest. The Duke's men wanted to seize Westbank's former seat of power, the Blackstone Keep nestled high in the mountains as an unassailable garrison against the growing rebellion and sent Kavos and Gandil to assess the situation and make the transition smoother...
Instead, Kavos and Gandil noticed the out of control bandit population that such an isolated area spawned and decided 'Us Too!' ransacking what few merchants attempted the dangerous journey but were missed by the other bandits. They thought they had a pretty good thing going until one got away, noticing the Wandering Duke's seals on their armor.
Several days later they bushwhacked a bounty hunter carrying their faces on a wanted poster. Realizing that they're now wanted men and likely to be hunted down by both the Duke (for compromising his position) and any rebels in the area (for being a-holes employed by the Duke) they decide to ditch their fancy armor in favor of whatever they can scrounge from stolen loot and take refuge in the only place they know hasn't received word of their crimes (because they themselves killed and robbed everyone that could have brought such information) the unsuspecting village of Westbank.
We open up with our nervous deserters arriving in the small, unlucky village of Westbank; their previous actions being nothing personal, they're now going to beseech their unaware victims for aid. They aren't quite sure how they're going to go about that yet, but they're nothing if not optimistic.
Both Gandil and Kavos are on edge, unsure of how their presence will be greeted after the village has been so long without visitors. They realize that their arrival is nothing short of suspicious, but they're left without a choice in the matter. They whisper amongst themselves to keep their stories straight when suddenly-
"Lords and ladies!" a booming voice calls out behind them and they each feel a grip like iron crush their shoulders. "We haven't had visitors in damned near a year! Damned good to see new faces son, damned good!"
They spin out of the grip and turn around to find themselves face to face with a towering half-orc in dressed leather armor and sporting a two-handed sword nearly as large as himself strapped to his back. A shiny bronze badge of office is pinned to his chest and they realize with a start that he's the town's sheriff.
Kavos and Gandil exchange glances and Gandil quickly asks if there's a place in town they could stay, pantomiming being very sleepy. The big orc nods and mentions that they have an inn for visiting merchants and such, he apologizes that it isn't very fancy but at least it beats sleeping under the stars.
The overfriendly half-orc decides to show them the way and asks how they managed to make it past the bandits without an entourage, he points out that he's lost good men to those bastards.
Kavos smiles and explains that they must have gotten lucky, they didn't see anyone the whole trip. The orc agrees that they must be damned lucky and points out the rustic inn that serves the town's visitors. Gandil excuses himself and runs inside, but Kavos takes this opportunity to gauge the town a bit.
Kavos makes his introductions and the big orc shakes his hand, introducing himself as Sheriff Longarm. Kavos asks if there's anything he can do to help and Longarm laughs, saying that there's plenty of trouble to go around if they're looking for work.
Kavos says that they're always looking for work and then casually steers the conversation to the town's feelings towards the Duke. He discovers that most people in town don't feel strongly about him one way or the other, they resent his lack of involvement in their problems; but have never had enough contact with him to really hate him. Longarm does warn then not to broach the subject with Father Adrian, their local priest of Pelor, because he has a deep and abiding hatred for the Duke and will rant for hours if given the opportunity.
Kavos listens intently and probes a bit deeper, trying to find the people in charge. The town's leadership is apparently made up of Sheriff Longarm, Father Adrian (their sole religious figure apparently) and a retired farmer who's known as Elder Hadran. Kavos finally decides that he's pressed the sheriff enough and excuses himself to rent a room.
The inn is modest, but clean and comfortable. Gandil's already settled into his room as Kavos approaches the innkeeper, a plump little woman with graying brown hair, who introduces herself as Mrs. Boddan. She seems desperate for the business and tells Kavos that a night's lodging is 5cp, she's shocked when he hands her a gold piece in payment. She asks if there's anything else she can do for him and he asks for a tailor's services.
She explains that while the town doesn't have a tailor anymore she does a bit of sewing here and there. She apologizes and says that while she'd love to make Kavos something, all she has is a bit of linen. She says that people used to collect spider-silk from the forest which made wonderful tunics and robes, but nobody's been willing to risk the forest in months.
Kavos's interest is peaked and he says that he'll look into getting some. Her eyes widen a bit and she warns that the woods are a death sentence nowadays. Kavos tells her that he appreciates the worry, but he'll be fine.
After settling into his own room, Kavos goes to Gandil's to bring him up to speed. Kavos tells Gandil to get to work while he visits Father Adrian in hopes of finding an ally against the Duke. Gandil grins darkly and gets out his writing implements.
Kavos heads to the temple of Pelor and finds an older man tending to it. The man's face is clearly marked with vicious scars and he wears the raiments of Pelor's priests; he walks with a gnarled black wood staff although he doesn't seem to actually need the support.
Kavos and Father Adrian exchange pleasantries for a bit before Kavos starts prying about the history of the town and the Duke's influence here. Father Adrian doesn't seem to enjoy this subject, but obliges anyway. He explains that the Order of Pelor has been integral to this town since its founding a century ago, but that he's all that remains now. He explains that when the Duke and his fellow rabble-rousers overthrew the Iron King and divvied his lands 40 years ago that his order was murdered for trying to stay out of their battle. He points out that it's impossible to know whether it was the Duke or the Iron King's men who actually committed the atrocity, but he blames the Duke for instigating it regardless.
Father Adrian also touches on the senseless feud with their sister village Eastbank up-river that has cut off river traffic and most of their commercial fishing for the past 15 years. He explains that the locals are rather mediocre farmers and that ever since Eastbank cut off their trade they've been withering.
While the two of them are talking, Gandil slips into the temple and interrupts. Apologizing to Father Adrian but insisting that he must speak to Kavos. Father Adrian understands and excuses himself, returning to his duties.
Gandil hands Kavos a letter with the Duke's seal on it and Kavos quickly reads over it. The letter implicates Sheriff Longarm in a conspiracy to displace the townspeople in order to house the Duke's soldiers.
Kavos goes over it a time or two and congratulates Gandil on a convincing forgery. Gandil's happy to see his work appreciated and pockets the letter for now. They then head out to find their patsy.
They find Sheriff Longarm sitting on the front porch of his office as the sun goes down, eating his dinner and apparently settling in to stay late. He stands up when he sees he has visitors and Kavos says that they're looking for work if Longarm still needs their assistance.
Longarm snorts and says that he needs more assistance than they'll ever know. He mentions that he's got thefts all along the northern farms that are making their current shortages absolutely unbearable; he's got several disappearances along the river and lake which are rightfully making people uneasy and even reports of grave robbers.
Kavos tsk-tsks sympathetically and offers to assist him in a night patrol if he'd like. He's thankful and says that he was planning an all-nighter anyway, he points out that his deputies would normally help him but they're strictly part-time and they're busy with their crops.
Kavos and Gandil understand completely and suggest investigating the disappearances along the river. Sheriff Longarm agrees but says that so far they've stumped him.
As they walk along the river towards the last disappearance Kavos asks about the crops and if there's any going through a particularly hard time. Longarm laughs and admits that he's not much of a farmer so he couldn't tell them. He says that he was part of a merchant's entourage a few years ago and was lured away with the promises of fast gold and easy living. He shakes his head and says "I can't believe they managed to tell me that with a straight face."
They ask where he's from and he says that he grew up near the capital of Lone Gate; he points out that THAT was easy gold and easier living. They continue making small talk as they follow the river and over the course of a few hours he points out three farms that have reported missing farmhands. He also mentions that they've been losing the occasional chicken or dog for at least as long as he's been around.
Gandil notices that each affected farm is barely a stone's throw from the river itself. Kavos takes a closer look and discovers that each of the places with missing farmhands has a gently sloping bank which makes access to the river easy.
They patrol for a bit, but neither Longarm nor our deceptive protagonists find whatever it is that they're looking for. They exchange a few glances before Kavos asks "Why don't we check out the forest?"
Playing on Longarm's helpful nature the PCs manage to convince him to help them gather some silk for Mrs. Boddan. Longarm thinks its a silly idea because the local spiders have went crazy and there's nobody to actually sell it to, but since their investigation is a bust it seems about as good a use of their night as any.
The forest is a good hour's ride out of town and it's nearly midnight by the time they saddle up Longarm's horses and find their way to the forest itself. The woods are unnerving, spider silk hangs in thick sheets among the treetops making the forest unnaturally dark and still. Since they don't want to spend the night climbing trees, they decide to head into the forest itself for some lower hanging silk.
Gandil draw his masterwork Broadsword and Longarm draws an ornately fashioned falchion, Kavos casts light onto his trusty quarterstaff.
It only takes a few minutes of searching before they find almost 6 ft of webbing being tended to by a spider the size of a dog. They decide to lure it away from its web before they attack and Longarm taps one of the thick strands with his sword to get its attention. When the spider investigates Gandil takes a solid swing at it but misses and Kavos watches the whole ordeal amused. The spider lashes out and bites Gandil, but doesn't manage to make it past his leather armor.
Longarm takes a swing at the spider as well, but the cramped conditions throw him off and it takes him a few seconds to pry his sword out of the webs. Gandil tries again and takes all of the spiders legs off the left side of its body. It hits the ground and Kavos finishes it with a swift strike to the head.
Longarm and the PCs exchange nervous glances and Kavos starts to gather web until Gandil grabs his arm and tells him to listen. A violent rustling sound is growing louder and without any further warning half a dozen spiders the size of cats leap from the treetops in an uncharacteristic display of arachnid comraderie.
Kavos casts Spiritual Weapon and a ghostly blade slices through the first spider effortlessly; Gandil takes out a spider of his own and Longerm kills one before cleaving through a second. More than a dozen more rush from every direction.
Kavos casts Obscuring Mist centered on himself and suddenly it's hard to see your hand in front of your own face. Gandil grins evilly and pushes Longarm directly into the path of the oncoming spiders, the orc falls to his knees amid the rushing swarm and eats almost a dozen AoO's trying to stand. Half of them do nothing, unable to penetrate his armor. Most of the rest only succeed in doing laughable damage to the orc but a few manage to poison him and he takes about 4 points of strength damage.
"What the hell are you doing?" Sheriff Longarm shouts in a rage.
"Oh my gods, are you alright?" Gandil answers. "I can't see anything with this fog!"
They hear Longarm cleave through several more spiders and decide they better make this fast. Kavos has his spiritual weapon strike Longarm for non-lethal damage (they're trying to avoid leaving visible stab wounds) and Gandil uses his broadsword like a baseball bat, coming down on the back of Longarm's head viciously.
Longarm might be naive, but he's not stupid and spins on his heels to deal with these traitors. He cleaves halfway through Gandil's chest and drops the spunky fighter with a single bloody blow (he critted with a power attack and dropped Gandil to -5), Kavos casts Command: Fall onto Longarm and the orc fails his will save.
While Longarm struggles to regain his feet with a swarm of spiders trying to drag him back down Kavos snatches Gandil by the feet and pulls him further into the mist to heal him. By the time a severely wounded Longarm manages to find the huddling pair he's caught in the face with the flat of Gandil's broadsword again. The mist causes Longarm to miss his return blow and Gandil decides to drop his weapon and wrestle with the big orc.
Longarm pretty much manhandles Gandil despite his new strength penalties, beating him half to death barehanded. Kavos attempts to assist his partner but two of the spiders bite through his robe easily and he quickly loses enough strength that his robes are suddenly weighing him down.
Just when it looks like justice might be served however, Gandil manages to bullrush Sheriff Longarm into the larger spider's web and makes his way back to the panicking Kavos. Gandil spends several rounds searching for his dropped weapon before Kavos decides he's had enough of this crap and releases a burst of negative energy that drops several of the smaller spiders and nearly drops Gandil. Before Gandil even has time to ask what the hell that was Kavos unleashes a second burst.
Once again, Kavos manages to find and stabilise his partner before he passes on and they wait out the effects of Obscuring Mist nervously. When everything clears and they can see once more they find Longarm corpse sprawled on the ground and halfway wrapped in spidersilk, several of the smaller spiders laying nearby.
Gandil stuffs his forged letter into Longarm's breast pocket, gathers up all the silk he can without disturbing Longarm's crime scene and throws Kavos over his shoulder, returning to where they tied their horses.
Kavos convinces Gandil that it could be dangerous to return to the village in their current condition and they make camp so that Kavos can regain his spells. Because they're so close to the forest Gandil decides to keep watch in case more spiders appear, so he builds a massive fire to keep animals away and takes a seat near the sleeping Kavos.
Most of his watch is uneventful, but while no spider appears their camp site does draw the attention of several wolves who watch intently from the forest. Gandil makes some noise and swings a torch over his head, but the wolves simply sit and watch him. Every few minutes another wolf joins the growing pack until after about 3 hours there are almost twenty of them.
Gandil still hasn't woken up Kavos, but he's decidedly uneasy about where this is going; but just as unexpectedly as the wolves gathered their ears perk up and they disperse.
The rest of the night passes without incident and the next morning Kavos heals them both up and uses Mend to repair Gandil's armor where Longarm struck him. They make their way back to the town and immediately go to Father Adrian, both of them play the part of traumatized victims of the spider horde and claim that they were separated from Longarm last night and only now found their way clear of the forest.
They're very convincing and Father Adrian heals Kavos of his poison before flagging down a young woman in the street, he asks that she tell Looman that something's happened to the sheriff and to gather the deputies; in the meantime he's going searching himself. Kavos and Gandil offer to show him where they last saw Longarm (being such good samaritans and all) and he accepts their offer graciously.
By the time they arrive at the forest they're prepared to give the performance of a lifetime, but what they find causes them to gasp in surprise: Not only is there no sign of the sheriff, but there's no sign of spiders or their webs around the entrance at all.
Gandil whispers to Kavos that wolves must have gotten the body and after only a cusory glance finds some tracks that confirm his suspicions. Gandil tells the priest about their run-in with wolves last night and that this entire area was filled with spiders yesterday, hesuggests that it might be dangerous out here if the wolves are THIS active. Father Adrian agrees and says that he'll gather the deputies and any woodsmen he can lay hands on before advancing any further; he urges the PCs to come back with him, but they want to investigate this further and say that they'll be fine.
After Father Adrian leaves to get a search party the PCs start freaking out in ernest since not only does this ruin their plans, it makes them look suspicious. Gandil follows the wolf tracks as best he can, but soon notices that there's a second track; a heavy hoof print that seems to be guiding the wolves.
This only confuses them further, but they notice that there's no blood or drag marks on the ground so it stands to reason that whoever's taken him has him on the horse. They continue following the trail and as they do so they notice several wolves watching them curiously from the sidelines, Kavos casts Cause Fear on one and although the effect fails all of the wolves melt into the forest to avoid further attacks.
They pick up the pace and finally burst off of the trail and into a large clearing with a radius of about 50ft. There are two dozen wolves sitting patiently in well-ordered lines, apparently waiting for the PCs to arrive. They glance nervously at each other and make noise and aggressive gestures, but the wolves don't seem to be impressed; if anything they seem...amused.
A cracking sound can be heard beyond the clearing indicating that something massive is approaching. Gandil and Kavos quickly consider fleeing, but doubt that they'll get far. Finally the brush parts and a massive equine figure appears. Pure white save for the numerous scars and boils that pockmark its skin and standing well over a head taller than any horse has a right to, it's a unicorn and it's single twisted horn stretches neary 2ft from its skull menacingly.
"You have received our invitation." the creature says in a deep, hollow voice as it strides forward. Its neck is thicker than any two of the wolves torsos and its heavy hooves trample obstructions in its path effortlessly.
Kavos backs up several steps and Gandil squeaks "Yes...yes we did. That's why we're here all right."
For a moment it simply glares at them as if reconsidering its position.
"We watched you kill the orc and we thought...these could be useful." the unicorn says with a vacant tone.
"Y...y..your spiders killed the sheriff?" Gandil asks nervously.
The creature roars and digs at the ground with one massive hoof. "Not ours! Not our spiders! They belong...to him. The usurper. The abomination. The spider shepherd." it growls in disgust.
"He killed us..." the unicorn says, shaking with rage. "He killed us, until we're all that's left."
Seeing the unicorn's emotional display Kavos smirks to himself and realizes that he might be able to take control of this situation. "How can we help?"
Gandil also sees an opportunity and puts a hand in front of Kavos to slide in before him. "What do we get for helping you? We have very powerful enemies coming after us and we need safe haven."
The unicorn glares at them further. "The manflesh wants the orc and we want their disgusting shepherd dead."
Gandil nods "Alright, alright. We give you this thing's head and you give us back the orc's body?"
"Squash the spiders! Squash the ettercap! Do this and we will give you the body. We will let you continue with your lies. But make them scream? Make them scream...and we will stand by your side!" the unicorn says.
"Alright, we'll get right on that. Just one question...what are ettercaps again?" Gandil asks.
The unicorn snorts in disgust. "They walk like men, but they're just bugs. They love their spiders just as we once loved our brothers. Where an ettercap lives, nothing else may."
"Where can we find it?" Kavos asks.
"It lives in our holiest grove. He defiles it with his evey wretched breath. Our grove can be found to the east, just follow the webs." the unicorn replies.
"But why us?" Gandil asks. "You seem pretty capable."
"We have something that you need and we have lost enough beasts to the spiders. We will lose no more...not when we have manflesh to die for us." the unicorn states plainly.
"I thought that unicorns were the good guys." Gandil says, a note of genuine shock in his voice.
"The good die young," the unicorn says with a snort and a shake of its massive head, "We're what's left." and with that, it turns and pushes its way back into the brush along with its wolf entourage.
Kavos nudges Gandil "We need to go back to town and resupply, that half-orc gave us a hard enough time on his own."
Gandil snorts "I say we ditch the crazy animals and don't come back. I don't think that unicorn plans on letting us leave alive regardless of what we do."
Kavos shakes his head. "We need allies and we need Longarm's body, we've got to see this through."
Gandil sighs and nods his head in agreement "Alright, I guess so..." he starts and then perks up. "Hey, what if we get on the ettercap's good side? I'd imagine that wolves are easier to kill then bug people."
Kavos grins. "You know, that HAD crossed my mind."