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Mutant High Issue 1: The house that Xavier Built


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"Damnit..." Calypso mutters irritably. Whatever happened to teamwork?

The streams of water twine and twist as she twirls again, building up momentum. As she flings out an arm, the tip of each tendril of water freezes solid, then launches into a fullisade of sharp slivers of ice!

(Kid gloves off! Lethal Blast, with autofire! DC 26. +10 to hit...posting in a hurry, feel free to roll for me, or I'll hit Invis Castle when I get home from work! Oh, and if attacked she'll use her +10 Deflect.)

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Xian stands up, watching the attacker, waiting to see who he will turn his wrath on next...I may not want to take her apart, but I can keep us all up and fighting. Xian thinks to himself.

He stands ready to run to the next downed hero and heal them.


Front yard -

There is a large flash of light as Cyclops returns to the fray, his lasers sending the 'kid' flying several feet back through the gate. The 'troops' rally in the front yard waiting for his return, and when he does come back through, he is treated to a staggeringly powerful reminder of why nobody messes with Xaviers school. Fireballs, lightning bolts, and lasers slam into him, many being deflected harmlessly but some sinking through. A shower of icey shards and a slam to the side of the head by the sidewalk and the kid drops to a knee. He looks up in time to see Molly's fist coming in at him, and at that point, the glow from his eyes expands, stopping her dead in her tracks.

A wash of psychic energy flows over all in the compound, dropping many kids unconscious as he turns and flees. A few of those unphased by the psychic overload begin to give chase, but Cyclops shouts at them to get back and start helping the wounded.

Inside, there is yet more chaos. Pyro and Miranda have made it into the danger room, but what they find is a horrible sight indeed. Everybody is unconscious and badly injured, and the door on the far side has been torn off its hinges by some unknown force.

It takes several hours to sort out what's happened and make sure everybody's allright. a few dozen students and several teachers (Notables: Xavier, Dr Gray, Beast, Storm, and all non-returning PCs) have entered a comatose state. The main computers have been hacked and information stolen, and most of the front yard and danger room have been destroyed. (Though the front yard can be fixed fairly easily, the danger room is much too sophisticated for easy fixing).

An assembly has been called for tommorow morning, but for now Professor Summers has suggested everybody try to get some sleep.

**What do you do between now and the assembly? Please post even if it's just "eat, sleep, get up", so I know you're aware that the thread is back up.**

Relique du Madde

Infirmary, Sometime after Sunset. (A few hours later)

Miranda sat in the darken corner within infirmary and gazed at her comatose classmates and instructors. She wasn't sure what went wrong, but she knew that somehow the instructors and the student body had failed, miserably. The realization of their failure hurt deep down, and there was little if anything she could do about it except hoping that somehow, someone recovered.


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Xian heads straight down to the infirmiry after Professor Summers calls off the chase. He does what he can for any injured that come in with his mutant power, but is very disconcerted when he can't do anything for so many of the students and teachers.

After a while he notices Miranda in the corner.

"Hey...don't look so down. We just got hit hard is all. I'm sure that Professor Summers will figure something out. With so many people down, he'll probably need people like us to take care of things. I'm Xian. Come on, we can't do any good here. Let's go find something useful for us to do."

Relique du Madde

Miranda found herself blushing as Xian called her since, for a moment, she was unsure whether or not her body was corporeal. After a brief moment of hesitation, she glanced up towards Xian and said, "So you know, I'm Miranda. " Miranda stood up then glanced towards the nearest bed.

"I don't think your words did justice to how badly we were smacked down today. If our enemy can inflict this much damage in one battle, with only using one person, then what hope does our school have if Cyclops decides to send a new squad after them?"

She glanced over towards Xian, after a moment before saying, "You know, I could have been on that team if I mastered how to use my own powers.. but then right now I probably would be stuck as a ghost within the danger room without anyone able to save me. What terrifies me more is that that tomorrow Cyclops most likely is going to announce he's going to form a retribution squad to avenge the squad that our enemy took out and that he might decide to place me on that squad.

If he decides to place me on a new squad, I'm worried that my lack of control over my abilities might prove to be a hindrance since I can't practice using my main abilities without causing harm to someone.."
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Temper stirs slightly, waking up. Ow, my head... What happened? Where exactly am I? -If you don't know, then you could be in serious trouble. She wiggles her fingers and toes a bit experimentally, and tries to detect the presence of any attached sensors or IVs against her skin. Hearing two strangers speaking a few beds down, she takes a peak. Deciding to take a nice approach, Temper asks, "Hey. I didn't catch your names earlier." A natural result of not meeting. "But take it easy on the decibels; peace and quiet are supposed to be helpful in recovery, correct?" she requests quietly.

Relique du Madde

THAT was a very good sign. Miranda give Xian and quick smile and she she quickly turned towards the girl who was starting to revive. "My name's Miranda, the guy I'm talking to is Xian. May I ask you what's your name?"


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"Temperance." She rolls her eyes in disapproval. The young mutant shifts into a sitting position. "Can you hand me my chart? I'm still not sure what exactly happened," she admits.


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Eric Hassel (Quarterback)

Eric wakes up to find himself in the infirmary. Or at least it looks like it. Let's see, we were in the danger room, we finished the scenario and then something happened that affected most of the psychic types, and then something else must have happened because I'm here and feeling worse than when I got sandwiched between a couple of all-state defensive linemen in the playoffs last year...

He looks around a bit. Temper was in another bed, as was everyone else from the danger room, and a couple of other students were there, one he didn't recognize, and... what was Miranda doing here?

"I don't suppose one of you knows exactly what happened?" He asked.

Voidrunner's Codex

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