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Mutants & Masterminds OOC


Here goes. Let me know if anything's off. I got about six different numbers when I totalled the points. :) I'll just steal this convenient format I found somewhere to make things easier on me. ;)

Samnell "Sam" Torquill

Sex: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Eyes: Nearly solid white with just a faint blue tint for irises.
Hair: White
Costume: Black wrestling tights
Identity: Public

STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 20 (+5)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHR: 12 (+1)
(Total ability pp = 20)

Damage +7
Fort +2
Reflex +5
Will +5

Base +5 (15 pp)
Melee +6
Ranged +10

Base +4 (8 pp)
Defense 19
Flat Footed 15
Initiative +9

Hero Points: 5
Speed: 30 (50 teleport, sprint teleport 51,200 ~9.7 miles)

Move Silently +18
(Total pp spent in skill 13)

Improved Init
(Total pp spent in feats 4)

Super Powers:
Alternate Form (Shadow) +10
*Immunities: Age, Cold, Criticals, Disease, Exhaustion, Heat, Pressure, Radiation, Starvation, Suffocation
*Ghost Touch
*Energy Blast
**Dual Damage
**Extended Teleportation
Amazing Save (Willpower) +5
*Other Save Type (Damage)
*Other Save Type (Fort)

Naive: Having lost his memories of the time before he arrived in San Angelo, Sam tends to be far more trusting than one would expect of a person his age.

(Total pp spent: 160)


My BG is very long (six pages) and reveals most of what happened before Sam lost his memory and how he got his powers, which are mysteries to him. I'd rather email it, but if Toric wants I'll post it here.

Physical oddities:
For reasons unknown to him, Sam possesses very pale skin (bordering on true white), hair, and eyes; but he is not a true albino. (He'd have to have more pinkish eyes for that and tend towards sunburns and blindness, which he doesn't.) His skin is normally quite cool and his body temperature is normally only about ninety degrees. His blood is a thick black liquid when shed or drawn, but for whatever reason (again unknown to him) doesn't effect his pale coloration at all. Bright lights are slightly uncomfortable to him, but he's mostly gotten used to them through frequent exposure. He does favor sunglasses both to draw attention away from his eyes and ease trasitions between areas of varying lighting.

EDIT: Added physical oddities.
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First Post

I see only one problem with your power cost. You have your base defense at +5 for 8 pp when it would actually be 10 pp. This of course would have your total cost at 162. I believe you meant to have your base defense at +4 for 8 pp; your total defense would be 19 and 14 for flatfooted.

As for your saves, your Damage save would be +7 (+2 for con and +5 for Amazing Saves) and your Reflex save would be +5 (from Dex). These are probably just typos, I thought I would let you know.

Everything else adds up and looks good as far as I can tell. The character looks cool.



bkmanis said:
These are probably just typos, I thought I would let you know

Right you are. My Con and Dex changed very late in char creation ("Oh crap, I have six points left over!"). I think the base defense is a C&P error. I didn't change it when I snared your formatting to save on typing.

But anyway, fixed. :)


First Post
How in the hell am I going to get mixed up with you guys? ;)

I am still just learning all my powers and I still am not shure how "un-normal" I am. My power source is unknown, but I hope that my fater can shed some light on the subject. Maybe I just hooked up with Shade because he had a similar name as me ;) Or maybey I bumped into him looking for my father :)

also I changed some of my stats around because after doing all the math I realised that a 10 in CON really screws you over.


Shapermc said:
How in the hell am I going to get mixed up with you guys? ;)

Strange taste in friends?:)

I am still just learning all my powers and I still am not shure how "un-normal" I am. My power source is unknown, but I hope that my fater can shed some light on the subject. Maybe I just hooked up with Shade because he had a similar name as me ;) Or maybey I bumped into him looking for my father :)

Well Sam's relatively new to this too, he just doesn't remember the fact. :)


Shaper, I have Sam as going to college too. He's definitely not BA material, but maybe we've had a class or two in common or something? He's just going part time but that's good for two or three courses a semester where we could run into each other. Plus if Kirosaka (or does he prefer Otomo?) used any college athletic facilities they'd be likely to have encountered one another. Sam's mostly into track & field stuff, but he'd come in for other things from time to time.


First Post
Samnell said:
Shaper, I have Sam as going to college too. He's definitely not BA material, but maybe we've had a class or two in common or something? He's just going part time but that's good for two or three courses a semester where we could run into each other. Plus if Kirosaka (or does he prefer Otomo?) used any college athletic facilities they'd be likely to have encountered one another. Sam's mostly into track & field stuff, but he'd come in for other things from time to time.

Well Kiro (perfered nick name) does practice at the track running alot as well as in the gym training in martial arts. Classes range anywhere from math to psycology for my basic classes and I am only takin one business class for my major. Kiro may stick out in a crowd to someone who is looking for the odd person. He usually looks like he dosen't want to talk to anyone and likes to be to class early and sit in the same seat in the back. He is social, but no one really talks to him.

Samnell, looks like bkmanis helped you out on the power ideas and answered your questions, so I guess I'm off the hook for that. On my initial scan, your character looks good. I'll take a closer look as time permits this weekend just to double check everything. Go ahead and send me the background via e-mail. My address is jsanta092298@aol.com.

bkmanis, your character looks fine, I'll take a closer look same as with Samnell's and let you know if I see any problems.

Yellow Sign, no problem with not having your character done. I don't plan on getting the game started for another two or three days anyway, hopefully by mid-week or so.

As far as your characters knowing each other or not, I'll leave that up to each of you to decide. Whichever way you decide to go, I will work from that.

Those of you looking for colleges to have your characters attend, the following schools are located in San Angelo:

University of California, San Angelo has 28,102 students. The campus is 1,200 acres and extends partway up a hillside and showcases a wide variety of architectural styles from classical to ultra-modern. Nationally known programs at the school include sociology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, English and engineering programs. The medical school and law school are also well-regarded.

California State University, San Angelo has 30,149 students on a 345 acre campus. Business, political science and engineering programs have excellent reputations.

Harper School of Law is a private school and has 1,500 students. It takes its name from a past U.S. Supreme Court justice who was born in San Angelo. Degrees in taxation, business and transnational business law are offered.

There are also several community colleges in San Angelo. They are Delta Community College, Lakeview Community College, Rancho Madera Community College and San Angelo City College. San Angelo City College is the largest with 20,000 students. It offers a pre-veterinary program that enables students to work at the nearby San Angelo Zoo.

More later...



First Post
Sam if you want we can know each other only through the fact that we both bonded seeming like similar outcast souls at the school (please choose one, a community college seems to fit my ability scores better). Let me know what you think :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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