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My campaign's Lizardfolk and Kobolds

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I hadn't meant for them to get both another ability boost and a special ability......the special ability I provided as an example was for if you would go a different route from giving an ability boost..... I'm not sure if a Cha boost really fits them though, so whatever. I'd just say ditch the extra special ability then if you're going that route. A Cha boost already augments their skill bonuses and favored class.


First Post
Like the original too

I'm going to yoink the original kobold you mentioned. The stats are harsh but thats life :)

For balance sake let me offer these special powers. (I won't change the stat imbalance)

Hypersensitive Tongue

To an outsider kobolds born from the same egg clutch often are very hard to tell apart. Kobolds have developed slight variations in their pungent aroma that allow them to be certain of the identity of other cobolds. Kobolds flick their tong through the air, much like snakes, and gain a +3 on smell checks. They are keen to pick up changes in humidity and temeperature with this sense.

Dragonic Heritage - Metal Sense

In some Kobolds the draconic tie to metalic hoards is still very strong. These Kobolds can taste the quantity of precious metals in coinage - making them very shrewd money handlers.

(not sure of the game mechanics) I thought this would complement your idea of Kobolds as merchants. It might also be a point of derision for other races calling them 'coin lickers' etc...


Shades of Green

First Post
Kobold Racial Traits (Final?):
* -4 Strength, +2 Dexterity: Kobolds are small and physically weak, but have nimble fingers and are quite agile and fast-moving.
* Small-size: As small-sized creatures, Kobolds gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size characters.
* Kobold base speed is 30 feet.
* Kobolds recieve a +1 Natural bonus to their Armor Class due to their tough, scaley hide.
* Darkvision: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white but is otherwise like normal sight, and Kobolds function just fine with no light at all.
* +2 Racial bonus on Profession (Miner) checks.
* +2 Racial bonus on Search checks.
* +2 Racial bonus on Disable Device and Craft (Trapmaking) skill checks: Kobolds have a knank for working with mechanical traps, as well as disabling them.
* +2 Racial bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks: Kobolds are excellent merchants and tought bargainers, and most of them are well versed in the art of cheating others for fun and profit.
* Dirty Fighting: Kobolds have learned that the only way they can survive is by fighting dirty and using their cleverness and speed to full advantage. Since Kobolds are so skilled in fighting dirty, they get an extra +2 bonus to attack when striking a flat-footed opponent, and when striking an opponent that they are flanking. A Kobold doesn’t get double the bonus when they are flanking a flat-footed opponent.
* Automatic Languages: "Common" and Draconic.
* Bonus Languages: Ceran, Goblin, Giant, Old Dwarven, and Elven (each of the three variants is considered a seperate skill).
* Favored Class: Sorcerer. A multiclass Kobold's Sorcerer class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.


They need sometihng like Dirty fighting, but I doesn't feel right....

It also feels like it just becoming a skill hoarder; the race only give lots of skills. This is why I like the dirty fighting, but some reason it isn't right.

Anyway, thats the last of me picking it apart with no constructive critiscism :( Sorry.


First Post
Ehhh, I still suggest giving them a +2 Intelligence and explaining that it's a recent development. Then replace Dirty Fighting with something like, perhaps the spell-like ability to duplicate any Illusion or Transmutation spell of 2nd-level or lower once per day, as per a 4th-level caster? As spell-like, naturally, the DC would be Charisma-based. That way, even a kobold fighter could get use out of it, as could any other........the fighter could duplicate Bull's Strength briefly, while sometimes duplicating Blur or something instead, for instance.

Hrum.... Or, you could give them +2 Int, base speed of 40 feet, and replace Dirty Fighting with a free Favored Enemy of their choice, perhaps? Would help even mercantile kobolds in dealing with a certain race or something, while kobold warriors would be a bit more effective sometimes.


I like the latest version except for the Dirty Fighting and the Bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy. Drop those, and it is fine.

The bonus to Dexterity and the advantages of small size quite make up for the -4 to Strength. They don't have the main disadvantage of being small, which is a slower speed.

Darkvision, skill bonuses and a +1 natural armor bonus make a nice little race. Maybe it's not of Dwarf quality, but it beats the heck out of Half-orcs and Half-elves.

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