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Myers-Briggs Personality breakdown of ENWorld members

What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?

  • ISTJ (The Duty Fulfiller)

    Votes: 79 9.6%
  • ESTJ (The Guardian)

    Votes: 10 1.2%
  • ISFJ (The Nurturer)

    Votes: 29 3.5%
  • ESFJ (The Caregiver)

    Votes: 5 0.6%
  • ISTP (The Mechanic)

    Votes: 48 5.8%
  • ESTP (The Doer)

    Votes: 6 0.7%
  • ESFP (The Performer)

    Votes: 16 1.9%
  • ISFP (The Artist)

    Votes: 22 2.7%
  • ENTJ (The Executive)

    Votes: 34 4.1%
  • INTJ (The Scientist)

    Votes: 125 15.1%
  • ENTP (The Visionary)

    Votes: 49 5.9%
  • INTP (The Thinker)

    Votes: 139 16.8%
  • ENFJ (The Giver)

    Votes: 26 3.1%
  • INFJ (The Protector)

    Votes: 48 5.8%
  • ENFP (The Inspirer)

    Votes: 66 8.0%
  • INFP (The Idealist)

    Votes: 125 15.1%


ENTJ for me. Although, I took the test three times, and got ESTJ once because my N/S scores are so close. The ETJ scores are pretty far ahead of the opposing choice.

Soooo I guess that I'm a Guardian with Executive tendencies :).

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Eternal Optimist
Henry said:
What the heck...

You don't know yourself as much as you think you do, Henry? ;)

In my case:


I am:
slightly expressed introvert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed perceiving personality

Introverted - 61%
Intuitive - 72%
Thinking - 83%
Perceiving - 72%

(I used a slightly different test as I couldn't get to the website - I used this on here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp )

Although it should be said that I'm close to an ENTP in the way I act on these boards and Dragonfoot (and is what the quick test said I would be).

Last edited:


Community Supporter
die_kluge said:
CRGreatHouse - have you been able to complete the analysis on it that you were working on?

I posted a bit of information from it, but I seem to have deleted it somehow... :( It's not on my hard drive anymore.


First Post

Introverted (I) 100% Extraverted (E) 0%
Intuitive (N) 77% Sensing (S) 23%
Thinking (T) 80% Feeling (F) 20%
Perceiving (P) 73% Judging (J) 27%


Introverted (I) 57% / Extraverted (E) 43%

Intuitive (N) 64% / Sensing (S) 36%

Thinking (T) 70% / Feeling (F) 30%

Judging (J) 64% / Perceiving (P) 36%

I have to admit, I was skeptical, but it really seemed to "nail" me.



Your personality type is INFP.

Introverted (I) 89% Extraverted (E) 11%
Intuitive (N) 64% Sensing (S) 36%
Feeling (F) 60% Thinking (T) 40%
Perceiving (P) 77% Judging (J) 23%

This was my result from this test. I have got other results from other tests (ISTJ from a test on the Kersey web page for instance).

I am male and comfortable either as a player or as a DM. However, because most people that I know prefer playing to DMing, I frequently end up being the DM.

By my occupation (computer scientist) and my set of interests (role-playing, computer science, sci-fi literature and movies, physics, history, reading scientific american, other sciences), one might expect that I were a rational (?NT?) rather than an idealist (?NF?). However, I have met a fair number of computer scientists with low self-esteems (a characteristic of the idealist type according to a previous poster).

-- Retan


MerricB said:
You don't know yourself as much as you think you do, Henry? ;)

No, it was actually more like, "What the heck, I'll take this strange little test, too..." :)

I must say, I wasn't even anticipating the result - I purposely didn't look at the possible types until the analysis, since I figured I wanted the most unbiased result possible. It's the first time I ever took that test, too, that I can recall.

ISTP, the mechanic - curious, since it seems to fit - on the I, S, and P axes I fall about 50/50, and for the Thinking/Feeling axis, I'm HEAVILY thinker over feeler, which is painfully obvious when my wife and I ever get in a "heated discussion," especially politics.

ME:Yeah, but statistics show that social program X hasn't worked in 15 years.
HER:Listen, you don't know what those people are going through, and how rough it is for them.
ME:Yeah, but if the plan hasn't showed a single sign of working...
HER:You aren't them.
ME: I don't have to be to see it ain't working.
HER:Talk to the hand, not to the face.

But I'm working on it. :)


First Post
I read somewhere that most people start moving toward the center as they get older. What I mean is that you'll find your scores getting closer to the 50-60% range as you age. I'm not sure if I agree with it though, as my scores seem to be moving apart. I used to test as an IXTP on a fairly regular basis. X is used to signify an even split. I also used to be a bit closer in the T/F category. I wonder if that means I'm getting younger. :)

Introverted (I) 100% Extraverted (E) 0%
Intuitive (N) 77% Sensing (S) 23%
Thinking (T) 80% Feeling (F) 20%
Perceiving (P) 73% Judging (J) 27%

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