Mythic World


G'day all,

Bored! So I thought I'd throw this out and see if anyone has anything to say. The basic driving force behind this setting is that we want to make use of as many of the non-campaign specific D20 books that we own as possible ;-).

A friend and myself are sloooowwwlllyy working on our own world that uses 6 or 7 of the Mythic Races (FFG) 'races' as the main PC races. There are no humans, gnomes, half elves, orcs, or half orcs, and only a small number of dwarves, elves and halflings (the dwarves are an isolated clan and the elf tribe like wise (in fact the elves and dwarves are barbaric and a little deranged from all the in-breeding over the years.), the halflings work as farmers around The Spoke (one of the few cities (well even hospitable places), that is controlled by the Pevishan)).

Things are slowly coming together and we're pretty happy with the way we're heading at the moment. A quick synopsis follows.

A huge mountain chain cuts the continent in two, on one side of the mountains black volcanic sands, silt seas, lava oceans (there are still active volcanoes in the area), glass lakes, crystal forests and giant stone mesa's dominate the landscape. The deeper parts of the desert are crawling with undead (long ago a war raged between human empires. In a last ditch effort to slay the bad/good guys one side cast a very powerful spell that rent the earth and opened a permanent gate to the negative energy plane. This gate still oozes negative energy and the worlds atmosphere has absobed enough of the dark stuff over the years that now anything that isn't cremated within 24 hours of death reanimates as a certain type of undead (working on a table for specifics). The undead are common world-wide but are a particular nuisance in the wilds.

The Quissians make their homes in the large mesa's, hollowing out the interiors and making living quarters and training areas etc inside. They live a very tribal existence (though they are by no means backward (at least not technologically), modelled on the warlords and tribes of Afghanistan) and live a life of constant battle between themselves, the Uthuk Y'llan , the Sendasti, the monsters of the deserts and the Undead. Most of these desert races compete for space, mining rights to the crystal forests and food (well except the Quissians).

Their are two cities of Pevishan and both are very different. The Pevishan that make their home in The Spoke, are merchants, politicians, guilds men, crafters of magical cystal items and the like. The closest thing the world has to a cosmopolitan city is The Spoke (thus called because it is divided into districts that are run by each of the schools of the Pevishan (though a couple have come into disuse or been subverted by other schools). The Spoke sits at the base of the mountains gaurding the only direct route through the mountains. The other city of Pevishans is more of a monastery than city and is located high in the mountains.

The mountains are huge things with peaks that soar into the sky and are covered in snow, small forests cling to the mountain sides and it is in these that the Rezurbeks make their homes, living in isolated fortresses (think F-Troop) and working as huntsmen, rangers, guides, furriers etc.

As well as the Rezurbeks (and the Pevishan monastery) the Niomus make their home in a huge canyon that splits the middle of the mountain range. The canyon is studed with crystal deposits and strategically positioned mirrors that bounce the sunlight around in a dazzling display, a river of mercury (or something similiar) slowly gurgles along the bottom of the canyon adding to the spectacle.

That leaves the jungle on the other side of the mountains, the snow melts all flow down this side of the mountain mainly due to their peculiar shape. This has resulted in a swampy, humid jungle that is inhabited by the unseelie, they generally don't interact with the other races of the world, 'cept when they wanna hunt.

I think the only other race we have is the Ooloi, they're our gangsters - selling dried seaweed drugs, aphrodisiacs and spell components to the Pevishan and anyone else with something of value.

Very basic overview and there is a lot more to it (only the one god but all the races worship different aspects of it (sometimes unknowingly), crystal magic, how psionics ties into things, the classes are slightly different in some cases (no wizards and true clerics are very, very, very rare (a true cleric is one that can control/rebuke undead) but we do include Shamans (from the excellent Green Ronin Handbook), the ruins of the ancients, we're also working on a crystal template for critters (let me kow if there is already an offcial D20 one out there please)).

Appreciate any comments (forgive my spelling, grammar and the rambling delivery - I'm just quickly going off the top of my head, I haven't got my notes with me ;-)).



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