WOIN N.O.W. Question about Attack Dice Pool Spends


Howdy again, Morrus,

I sometimes worry that I annoy you with all of these questions about the N.O.W. System, but I guess I'll have to get over that :P

The sidebar on page 19 says to form a dice pool when making an attack, then take out dice to determine additional damage and such. My question is this: Does this mean that the player forms a temporary dice pool (which could exceed the maximum for one check/attack), and then they spend as many as they wish (bearing in mind that the most they can roll for an attack is 5d6 at grade 5, for instance)?

It's tricky to explain what I mean. Let me try an example:

Let's say that I have a grade-5 sniper with a 10 in AGI (4d6), a 6 in Rifles (3d6), and a high quality Sniper Rifle (+1d6). Together, that's a pool of 8d6. My maximum dice pool is 5d6. Do I reduce my dice pool down to 5d6 before I choose to spend attack dice on effects, or do I get to spend, say, 4d6 to roll 2d6 extra damage if I hit (after rolling 4d6 to hit).

Let me know if my question didn't make sense. I think that the rules are trying to say it's a temporary dice pool (with a maximum of 5d6 rolled on any one attack, but if you have more dice available, you can spend them), but it's not quite clear.


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So, if I understand right, there's little point the aforementioned sniper-type character to have invested additional ranks in rifles beyond what puts them to 5d6, barring complications that reduce their dice total. Is that correct?

As an aside, when a character spends luck to reduce the dice pool of an attack, do they do that before or after their opponent chooses to spend some dice on damage?

The sidebar explains the order. You form the dice pool, cap it if needed, then apply exploits, positions, luck, etc.

When you reduce somebody else’s roll it’ll be literally just before they roll it. After they’ve worked out what they intend to roll. They don’t get to plan around your luck.

So, if I understand right, there's little point the aforementioned sniper-type character to have invested additional ranks in rifles beyond what puts them to 5d6, barring complications that reduce their dice total. Is that correct?

It's not immediately useful, but remember when you gain a Grade your maximum dice pool goes up by 1 but your attributes and skills only go up a maximum of 1. Starting with a higher pool 'in the bank' means you can immediately take advantage of the higher grade. So if your group is going to run a long campaign, it won't be wasted. Having said all that, I don't think I've ever put together a character like that, because IMO skill and stat points are too precious to go much 'over' what's useful and I don't like to play one trick wonders. But every player's different.

Now if you're trying to build a sniper that starts with a larger dice pool, if you've subscribed to Eons magazine, take a look at Morrus' "Racial Paragons" in #26. Taking a racial paragon career grade instead of one of your other non-origin career grades will let you start a grade 6.

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