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Naked and On Fire (update 4/22)


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Okay, the updates have been long overdue. Time to start making time to do this. Im have my notes and updates will be more common. I hope. :D

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Thesdin is a small city with a lot of visitors. It sits upon the conversion a few major trade routes that combine into a single road to Calador, the capital. Thesdin is a city wit ha small town feel as most of the people there at any given time are travelers. There are a few major inns and taverns that cater to the travelers. Thesdin is also known to be the birth place of Palos, possible the most famous mage to ever walk the earth. His pyramid is the most well known building in town. Some say it used to be a tower that was changed, but everyone always recalls it as a pyramid. Palos has been dead for a few centuries but his pyramid has always been a center of magical learning.

Thesdin is also a city of heroes. Not that there are many heroes in the city but some of the most remarkable throughout history have either started in Thesdin or been involved in it is some way. The city has been destroyed, burnt to the ground and rebuild twice in its six hundred year history. Each time the people have just rebuilt on the same place to start a new. It is a city of resilience and historic importance. It is also a mostly human city.

The Grinning Goblin is the oldest and most well known of Thesdin’s inns. It has a large common room that fills fast and many people end up sharing the same table. However, when people came in to see most of the table full except for one that had a sole Avelar at it, they choose to make room at one of the more crowded tables. Cyree, the Avelar, started out eating alone. There were of course many side way glances and hush conversation about her. The Avelar had left, they had abandoned this world. This was the first and probably only Avelar these people would ever see.

Rock, the Halfling Prince, was staying at the Grinning Goblin as well. He was unsure why he was here just that is was better then that stupid mage school. The school was filled with pompous people who thought they knew everything about magic. Yet none could decipher his own magical talents. He was certain they set him away, or encouraged him to leave because they could do nothing with him. He was glad to be on his own and to find a way to help his people.

The common room of the Grinning Goblin was crowded beyond belief. The one table had an odd looking elf at it, but she looked nice enough. So, Rock sat down with her. They made introductions as the two oddities in the room. Halflings were less known of then the Avelar, and this only caused more people to talk. Soon, a Corcyrian showed up. The people knew about them. They hated him. He got a lot of dirty looks and unhappy glances from the people. He too found the only seat open at Cyree’s table and so he joined them. More introductions were made and more small talk took place.

The three left the inn together to see what Thesdin had in store for them. The people of the crowded streets moved out of the Avelar’s way as she walked. Mothers grabbed their children when they saw the Corsyrian. Many rumors raced along the mouths of the people as to who these people were and why they were here.

The group made their way down a side street to a small house. Cyree lead them here to meet Belinda. Rock was unsure what this person could do for them. He was convinced that fortune telling was a crock. As they went up to knock he said:

“Don’t mention our names, if she truly has this gift, which I doubt, she should know who we are.”

Cyree just rolled her eyes as she knocked and soon Belinda was at the door.

“Welcome back, Cyree,” Belinda stated,” please won’t you and your friends come in.”

“Don’t you know who we are?” Rock demanded. “I thought that since you have these gifts, you would just know thinks.”

Belinda looked at Rock with a very patient smile. “It is rude to learn things that way about people without heir permission.”

That seemed to surprise Rock and he remained quiet for a while. Belinda explained that all she saw was the coming storm and that everything else was clouded and impossible to see. The convergence of something power was coming to hold and it took precedence over everything else the future held at this time. They spent the afternoon with Belinda talking on things and trying to get a sense of direction. They felt things were going to happen that they could assist in, but had no real idea what those things were or really how they could help. Belinda was able to offer little except what she had already said.

When they left, Cyree took them over to Fudd’s. Everyone had a couple rounds of Steel Toe’s Ale and they were treated to dwarven tales and songs. Cyree seemed to have a knack for them and knew words of songs she had never sung. They were all pretty well drunk and stumbled back to the Grinning Goblin. Perhaps if they drank less or were a little more observant they would have seen the lights in the sky.

The lights were of yellows, reds, and greens. They went through the night sky in streaks from the west to the east. The lights seemed impossible high and eerie. The livestock and animals seemed very nervous by it and they few people that were out soon made their way to cover. The night watch roused the day watch and extra patrols were used. The lights stopped well before morning and were the topic of all conversations in the Grinning Goblin.

The three came down for breakfast and soon heard the stories of what they had missed the night before. There was much speculation as to what the cause was and many people had even gone to the Palos’ Pyrmid in hope of getting answers. But no one answered their knocks. People even came up to Cyree demanding that she tell them what was going on The Avelar were well known for having high magics and her arrival about the same time as the lights could be no coincidence. She of course knew nothing about them but no one seemed to believe her.

Guy was also approached about the lights. But people did not ask him what they were. They accused him and his people of causing the lights. They felt it was the some precursor to a Corsyrian invasion. The three ate their food quickly and tried to maneuver away before lynch mob showed up for Guy. They figured their first stop would be back at Belinda’s to see if this was the storm she kept seeing.

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