Name Some Swashbuckling RPG's That Are NOT 7th Sea


En Garde - old but rules light, structured and great fun played by post. Look also for Dangerous Liaisons, the "lady characters" informal expansion.

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[*]All For One: Regime Diabolique - Triple Ace Games. Setting book for Savage Worlds. Haven't actually looked at it.

All For One is available both for the Ubiquity system and SW -- Anyone care to compare the two, as to which implements the source material better?

[*]Fate Core - take some care, and it can be done unmodified. I'm not aware of a swashbuckling setting book for it.[/list]

There's actually a blow-by-blow example in the Toolkit, I think, of using FATE Core for swashbuckling combat. I still have quite a difficult time wrapping my head around how that's supposed to work.
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aramis erak

All For One is available both for the Ubiquity system and SW -- Anyone care to compare the two, as to which implements the source material better?

There's actually a blow-by-blow example in the Toolkit, I think, of using FATE Core for swashbuckling combat. I still have quite a difficult time wrapping my head around how that's supposed to work.

Essentially, swashbuckling combat is comprised of 5 basic activities:
  • stabbing with a sharp nasty pointy thing (attack)
  • shooting with some weapon (Attack, may be ranged)
  • using terrain features for defense (create a defense aspect)
  • making snarky remarks to throw the opponent off (either create an offensive asset, or do social damage, or create a scene asset, as appropriate.)
  • Using terrain to make attacks (either by swinging on something or dropping something from heights. (use a scene asset to make an attack)

to borrow some dialogue, with rules in {}
The scene -
Scene asset: rocky terrain
Scene asset: dust amidst the rocks
Inigo Montoya: You are using Bonetti’s Defense against me, ah?
{Create scene aspect: MIB's defense known}
Man in Black: I thought it fitting considering the rocky terrain.
{invoking scene asset "Rocky terrain" in resistance}
Inigo: Naturally, you must suspect me to attack with Capa Ferro?
{He succeeded; MIB declared a similar action, but has failed}
Man in Black: Naturally, but I find that Thibault cancels out Capa Ferro. Don’t you?
{inigo declared he's creating an offensive stance based asset, "Weak vs Capo Ferro", which MIB is declaring a resistance}
Inigo: Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa… which I have.
{Inigo has succeeded at beating the defense}

So, situation:
Going in, Inigo has a free tag on "MiB's defense known" and on "MIB Weak vs Capo Ferro", but if someone else were to join in, MIB could be tagged for a fate point with each of these.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Found this thread looking up some to recommend, and I'm going to necro it from 9 years ago to add some new choices in case others come across it as well.
  • Honor+Intrigue - Barbarians of Lemuria engine. Fast, fluid and light. Highly recommended.
  • 7th Sea (2nd ed) is one of the best well known, but some don't like the dice mechanic.
  • Flashing Blades - very 3 Musketeers, set in the real world.
  • Pirates of the Spanish Main - Savage Worlds based.
  • 50 Fathoms - a different Savage Worlds one.
  • Buccaneer: Through Hell and High Water - More Savage Worlds, with dark magic/voodoo
  • Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies - Airships! PDQ system.
  • Rapscallion - from Magpie who does a lot of good stuff
  • Crossed Swords
  • Fantasy Craft - D&D 3.5
  • Thirsty Sword Lesbians - yes, the name, and yes, there's a mechanical support around relationships. But it's actually a good PbtA game.
  • Fragged Seas

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