Neverwinter Nights 2

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Michael Morris

First Post
4 more illustrations, this time of Lord Triel's Demense. The party is likely to be attacking it next session since he's the principle villain and they've had enough of his antics. This is done in the terrain editor and took 2 hours despite the fact I was learning as I moved along. I could probably redo it in 20 minutes. Not fast enough to whip up a spur of the moment battle, but definately fast enough to prep battlegrounds between sessions.


  • triel1.jpg
    95.9 KB · Views: 128
  • triel2.jpg
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  • triel3.jpg
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  • triel4.jpg
    116.3 KB · Views: 134


First Post
Looks nice. I've seen others use Aurora (NWN1) for RPG maps, the new NWN2 toolset will only be better for that, I suppose.


P.S. nice avatar(s) :p


Maybe I have a poor memory or something. Or perhaps I misunderstand what the OP is trying to highlight here. But this does not get me fired up for NWN2. In fact, it looks pretty much like NWN. I don't see an appreciable difference.

airwalkrr said:
Maybe I have a poor memory or something. Or perhaps I misunderstand what the OP is trying to highlight here. But this does not get me fired up for NWN2. In fact, it looks pretty much like NWN. I don't see an appreciable difference.
Well, I disagree - It looks different (and better) to me, but I played NWN a few weeks ago. :)


That might be my problem. I haven't dusted off my copy of NWN in months. But honestly, I think my imagination takes over to a suitable degree when I play those games, that graphics don't matter so much. I'd rather have solid gameplay and a good story than graphics anyday. I guess that's why I still play D&D... and Chrono Trigger.

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