New Boston Gameday: October 19, 2013! PLAYER REGISTRATION OPEN


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Hello! I am interested in running Sertorius in one or both timeslots. I had a great time doing that last game day. Sertorius is a fantasy rpg where you play a powerful sorcerer. Bill

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LordBill, I think we'll have you run in one slot instead of two at this point. Have a preference for morning vs afternoon?


First Post
Time to finally run a game instead of mooching off everyone else's hospitality. Put me down for either the morning or the afternoon slot, whichever fits better.

The Great Machine
, Savage Worlds (Omega World), run by Dashwood
The Great Machine has stopped working! The one thing that elevates your settlement above those primitive villages out in the wastes will soon be lost forever. A shortage of Goo that fuels the machine means power reserves will soon fail. Now you must journey down into the depths of The Machine to figure out why the Goo has stopped flowing.

This is a conversion of Jonathan Tweet's Omega World to the Savage Worlds RPG System.
"High Flux" system: Silliness may ensue...
All rules will be taught. Characters are provided, or make a randomized mutant. 5-6 players.

Zephrin the Lost

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The Cloud City Job: An adventure for the Leverage rules system set in the Star Wars Universe.

The Clone Wars are long over, the Jedi Knights are but a memory, and Emperor Palpatine and his imperial stormtroopers are bringing order to the galaxy. Some malcontents remain.

As a gesture of goodwill, the Empire turns a blind eye to bread and circuses of the masses, especially the wealthy masses, which is why Bespin continues to host the Masters of Teräs Käsi fighting tournaments. This year will be different: a a particularly valuable malcontent has been picked up by Bespin security. The Empire wants him, but doesn't know he's sitting in a cell. The Rebels want him, but Masters of Teräs Käsi ,an event hosted by crime lords and attended by bounty hunters and highly trained gladiators, is one of the most secure places in the system.

This isn’t a job for commandos. This is a job for grifters, thieves, hitters, hackers and at least one Mastermind.

Characters will be provided and rules will be taught. Players can choose any Star Wars race they would like but as Leverage is a human only game we will improvise racial bonuses, if any.
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Okay, we have a full and fantastic selection of games! What kind of a weird world have we fallen into where D&D isn't one of them?

We need full blurbs from [MENTION=45241]Princesskeyblade[/MENTION], [MENTION=29637]nasrat[/MENTION], and [MENTION=74330]LordBill[/MENTION]. Once we have those, we can open up player registration sooner than expected.


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Ok, here is the Full Blurb:


Be a mighty sorceror with a spark of divine power, a hulking ogre
cursed by the gods, or even a lesser mortal.

Experience a mythic swords and sorcery setting where magic is powerful, but
very dangerous to a reckless wielder.

Get an early look at a new rpg before it is published.

Six players is ideal but we handled 8 last time with no problem.










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Who you gonna call? - M&M

People in Freedom City in the 1890's were constantly haunted by ghosts. You* are the only team who can curb the current unusual events. Needless to say, you are very popular. Lately strange things have been happening at the Freedom City library. People are being trapped in books. Ghosts have been messing up the card catalog. It has not been what you call a "normal" week at the library.

It is up to you to find the culprit... So are you game?

*By you I mean the Spectre Inspectors - No job is too big, no supernatural being too small. The Spectre Inspectres are always on the call, so drop them a line and stop in any time. Day or night they will make it right! (Source: The Spectre Inspectors advertisement- Freedom City Gazette, October 19, 1893.)

No knowledge of the rules necessary. This game has the potential to be scary, so it may not be for the young. Be ready for puns, wit and the occasional ghost or two.











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Voidrunner's Codex

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