New & Free Download - Old School Stat Block Reference


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The Old School Monster Statblock Reference is exactly as it sounds... a 100+pp compilation of every MM/FF/MM2 and OA monster in the old-school streamlined statblock format for easy integration in conversions or homebrew modules, random encounter charts or randomizing software like Tablesmith. I'm particularly proud of the inclusive stats for the various racial types which have never been collectively organized and statted-out before. A competent DM will be able to quickly pull together 1E encounters involving anything from a few individuals to an entire tribe of humanoids - females, subchiefs, bodyguards and all. Available in Word .doc, rtf, and plain text for cut + paste fun.

Unapproved and unofficial. For personal use only. Just like magic mushrooms.

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First Post
It would help some people, if you changed the filename from simply 'OS', to something even like 'OS.rar' or whatever.

It extracts fine, and the documents look OK to me - quite neat (and another reminder of how incredibly small those old statblocks really were) - but that detail might put some people off.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
Aus_Snow said:
It would help some people, if you changed the filename from simply 'OS', to something even like 'OS.rar' or whatever.

Thanx for the tip. Now I'm able to unpack it!



First Post
All of the statblocks in the netbook, with the exception of those in the SRD, and some from Monsters of Myth (which were specifically permitted) are derived from TSR material. I maintained a very strict canonical approach, so all of the various monster 'permutations' are only those mentioned in the texts themselves. So, while I could never hope to honestly sell it, I tried to make it as useful as possible.

Some hints for using the Statblock Reference in your own adventure writing (Word version):

(1) Using the monster roster in the back, note the names of the various monsters you want to use. Set up a split screen, with the roster on the bottom and the statblocks on top. Cut + Paste between the screens to fill up your roster. Scroll the upper screen down to the list of weapons and armor. Cut + Paste the equipment into the roster. Just season with treasure and you're ready to go. Find + Replace is also quite useful for doing quick conversions into a similar system like Labyrinth Lord or Basic Fantasy RPG.
(2) Double Click at the beginning of any statblock to quickly select the entire block
(3) ALWAYS read the entry from the source book before trying to use the statblock in play. In many cases, special abilities,movement type, etc. are only clear from the source. (ex: Spells).


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