New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 18th December 2017

A rundown of the New Releases that should be hitting games stores this coming week! Board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... hopefully something for everyone! In addition to the games hitting your local store we also take a look at a few RPG PDF releases from the last week that we hope may be of interest. For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.


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Tower of the Drowned Dead (Ruins of Azlant #5 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #125
By Paizo

We All Float Down Here

After learning that a powerful and ancient enemy is planning to steal a doomsday weapon and use it against humanity, the adventurers visit a ruined undersea tower belonging to an undead survivor of the cataclysm that destroyed ancient Azlant. In pursuit of the veiled master they believe has infiltrated the tower, the heroes make their way through the submerged ruin, fighting against the tower's magical defenses and undead occupants. Can the heroes learn the location of the facility and escape alive to confront the veiled master, or will they end up entombed in the drowned tower?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path and includes:
· "Tower of the Drowned Dead," a Pathfinder adventure for 13th-level characters, by Ron Lundeen.
· The secrets of seven ruined sites on the shattered continent of Azlant, by Erik Mona.
· An exploration of four Azlanti ruins in the Inner Sea region, by Isabelle Lee.
· A bestiary of new aquatic monsters, by Nathan King, Ron Lundeen, Kalervo Oikarinen, and David Schwartz.

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Potions & Poisons
Pathfinder Player Companion
By Paizo

Good for What Ails You!

Whether they're used to bolster heroes' abilities or take enemies out of the game, potions and poisons are key parts of many adventurers' arsenals. Far more options than simple healing draughts or strength-sapping toxins are available to savvy heroes, though, especially those ingenious enough to craft their own concoctions. Pathfinder Player Companion: Potions & Poisons offers a sea of new potions, elixirs, and stranger alchemical wonders for the discerning adventurer, plus heinous designer poisons. Class and character options for those who brew or regularly imbibe consumables round out these offerings.

Inside this book you'll find:
· Feats and archetypes for races with an affinity for poisons, including gripplis, nagaji, and vishkanyas, plus the scorpion sorcerer bloodline for those with a toxic heritage.
· Archetypes for a variety of classes known for brewing or poisoning, including alchemists, rogues, and witches.
· Spells and feats specialized for potion brewing, plus drugs, elixirs, gear, poisons, and tinctures—alchemical remedies that produce potent effects but impair the user.

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Taldor The First Empire
Pathfinder Campaign Setting
By Paizo

Taldor Endures!

The first—and at one point, largest—empire in Avistan after devastation of Earthfall, Taldor has stood for millennia, and though its neighboring nations snicker at its lavish parties and out-of-touch nobility, none dare challenge the mother empire's might! With 6 millennia of history spanning the breadth of a continent, Taldor is a land of long-buried secrets and ruins, partnered with modern cutthroat dramas and political action. Secrets and treasure abound across Taldor—many forgotten, but far more deliberately buried. Will you fight to preserve the glorious traditions of the past, or will you pave the way for a reformed Taldor to attain new heights?

Taldor is the dynamic setting for the War of the Crown Adventure Path, making this comprehensive guide to the nation's geography, politics, and history a perfect resource for that campaign, as well as for many Pathfinder Module adventures! Inside this book you'll find:

· A thorough gazetteer of Taldor's major prefectures and provinces, including details on the reigning nobles of each and over 70 points of interest across the nation, from Antios's Crown and its endless royal necropolis to the militarized city of Zimar.
· An overview of Taldor's government, foreign relationships, and society.
· Nearly a dozen adventure sites tied to Taldor's past glories and modern decay, from ruined cities to lost valleys of the dead.
· Nine new monsters perfectly adapted to life in Taldor, including the corrupting giniver, perfectly suited to hiding in plain sight, and testaments to noble excess such as the titanboar and the blood-bathing baetriov.

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Splintered Worlds (Dead Suns #3 of 6)
Starfinder Adventure Path #3
By Paizo

To Live and Die on Eox

Tracking the Cult of the Devourer, the heroes travel to the asteroid belt called the Diaspora, but they must face space pirates and other treacherous dangers of the asteroid field to find the cult's hidden command post. What the heroes learn in the Field of the Lost takes them to the dead world of Eox, where they must survive both the undead inhabitants of the planet and clandestine agents of the officially disavowed Corpse Fleet. Only then do the heroes learn that the Devourer cult is headed for a distant star system in search of clues to the location of an alien superweapon!

This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path continues the Dead Suns Adventure Path and includes:

· "Splintered Worlds," a Starfinder adventure for 5th-level characters, by Amanda Hamon Kunz.
· A gazetteer of Eox, the planet of the dead, including rules for disturbing necromantic augmentations called necrografts, by Owen K.C. Stephens.
· Details on the exiled Corpse Fleet, the rogue undead navy of Eox, including new necrotech armor and weapons and additional Corpse Fleet starships, by Thurston Hillman.
· An archive of strange new alien creatures, both living and undead, by Amanda Hamon Kunz and Owen K.C. Stephens.
· Statistics and deck plans for a new starship, by Amanda Hamon Kunz, plus a rogue planet that hosts a secret Corpse Fleet base in the Codex of Worlds, by Jason Keeley.

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Starfinder Flip-Map
By Paizo

All Crew to Battle Stations!

Mega-thrusters are go! Taking adventure to the stars requires a sturdy vessel to get you there, which is why this Starfinder Flip-Mat provides you with two very different starships to pilot, explore, or raid! On one side of this deluxe, double-sided gaming map is a sleek exploratory vessel, perfect for diplomats, mercenaries, or any other groups making long forays into unknown star systems. On the other is a military dropship that doubles as an industrial freighter, providing your players with a home base, an enemy stronghold to infiltrate, or a mysterious derelict floating in the vacuum of space.

Don't waste time sketching when you could be playing. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship, you're ready to meet adventure on its home turf—or burn sky and live to fight another day!

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Frozen Sites
Pathfinder Map Pack
By Paizo

Watch Your Step!

Whether your player characters are hiking at the top of the world or exploring a remote glacier, impatient players don't want to wait for the Game Master to draw the location of the next exciting encounter. This Pathfinder Map Pack provides beautifully illustrated 5" × 8" map tiles that can be used when you need to spring the next yeti attack. Inside, you'll find 18 richly crafted map tiles, with features like:

· Avalanche
· Frozen Lakeshore
· Ice Cave
· Icy Crevasse
· Igloo
· Snow-Covered Forest

Game Masters should always be prepared whenever characters decide to venture into frigid dangers. With Pathfinder Map Pack: Frozen Sites, you'll be ready to take your players into a harsh landscape filled with rime-covered dangers!

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Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection
Pathfinder Accessory
By Paizo

Bring the hazards and riches from your dungeon to your tabletop with this collection of more than 100 pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a dungeon peril or stronghold feature. Each cardstock pawn lays flat or slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for common traps and items, the Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect set dressing for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!

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Covert Actions
World War Cthulhu Cold War Supplement
By Cubicle 7 Entertainment

The summer of 74 burned hot. I remember being stood on that beach, soaked in blood, the Mediterranean sky wider than you can imagine. The smell of 630 and cypress and burning tyres. I remember turning away from the carnage we’d been ordered to wreak. I remember seeing the Others coming out of the water. I remember a voice louder than God screaming. I don’t remember anything after that.

Agents of Section 46 may be assigned almost anywhere on Earth, to carry out objectives for which they are unprepared, with minimal material support and no official sanction. They may have to perform acts that leave them psychologically scarred, consumed with self-loathing or growing ever-emptier inside, unable to maintain healthy relationships, only connecting with fellow human beings as covers or as preludes to betrayal.

They will be in regular physical danger, evading those who would arrest, torture or kill them, forced in turn to inflict pain and suffering on often-undeserving targets. And then there is the truly unpleasant side to their work…

Covert Actions is a collection of six ready-to-play scenarios for World War Cthulhu: Cold War, the 1970s espionage setting for Call of Cthulhu.

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Bestiary of The Beyond
Lone Wolf Adventrue Game Supplement
By Cubicle 7 Entertainment

An invaluable additional volume of monsters and adversaries for the Lone Wolf Adventure Game, this gorgeous book is packed with creatures from the multi-million selling Lone Wolf Gamebooks. Every monster has an illustration, game stats and fascinating additional details about them.

• Agarashi – Creatures of Darkness: Agarashi. Deathstalker, Shape-changer
• Creatures of Magic and Constructs: Drodarin Golem, Rahkos and Tzoog
• Dragon Creatures: Crocaryx, Dragonkin, Zadragon
• Extra-Planar Creatures: Elementals, Ice Demon, Shadow Razor
• Mutants: Beastman, Dhax, Gourgaz and more!
• Making the Most of Your Monsters – advice for the Narrator on how to design and run effective encounters in the Lone Wolf Adventure Game
• Appendix – Providing advice on creating memorable encounters with a series of useful examples, details of the mysterious extinct Agarashi Races.

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Vehicle Handbook
Traveller Supplement
By Mongoose Publishing

Universes of science fiction are filled with vehicles ranging from the mundane to the exotic. A starport on a world far beyond the frontier may see a mix of pedal-powered rickshaws, horse-drawn wagons and anti-grav skimmers. A high-tech centralised and industrial world will have skies filled with the anti-grav equivalent of cars, trucks and buses, while its military will be able to deploy armoured tanks who can withstand bombardment from spacecraft in orbit above them. All of these, and many more, can be created with the Vehicle Handbook.

The Vehicle Handbook has been designed to be quick and easy to use, whether your Travellers are looking to quickly upgrade or modify their humble air/raft, or construct a massive battle-ready walker armed with city-crushing weaponry from scratch. Even a large, multi-turreted super-heavy battle tank will not take much longer than five minutes’ work.

The Vehicle Handbook comes complete with an immense catalogue filled with vehicles built using this system, allowing you to dive straight in and begin populating your worlds with vehicles the Travellers can ride, purchase and fight against.

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Travar – The Merchant City
Earthdawn Supplement

The white walls of Travar weathered the Scourge better than most. The city has been a center of trade since before the Scourge and stayed out of the conflicts between Throal and Thera. But Throal is no longer the beacon of hope and freedom it once was. While the dwarfs still trade, Travar’s merchant houses see more opportunities to line their pockets, and that brings greater influence in Barsaive.

Greater influence brings greater attention. Trade is critical to post-war rebuilding efforts, and those who control trade control Barsaive. Foreign powers — Throal, Iopos, Thera, and more — look for ways to use Travar’s mercantile strength to their advantage.

Meanwhile, the Badlands continue to grow.

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Prepared 2: A Dozen One-Shot Adventures
5th Edition Adventures
By Kobold Press

So, your players went off on a tangent again?

A Dozen 5th Edition On-Shot Adventures for Levels 1 to 11.

Never fear—Prepared 2 offers you 12 quick solutions to keep the game moving and players entertained, while you figure out your next move. Here are short, one-shot adventures in full color for every environment, including:​

  • [*=center]A goblin machine of war rampaging through the city
    [*=center]Breaches in the ice opening the door to madness from the stars
    [*=center]A blight of oozes across the land and a mysterious crypt at its center
    [*=center]A long-forgotten boring machine and its crazed automaton pilots
    [*=center]A walker, one of the leviathans of the wasteland, is being steered by the darakhul to intercept a city
    [*=center]A sinister cult comes a calling during a ship cruise
    [*=center]A play in the feylands goes terribly wrong
    [*=center]A dragon's lair by the sea
    [*=center]...and much more, lavishly illustrated with maps by Meshon Cantrill

With Prepared 2, designer Jon Sawatsky has created fantastic and highly playable 5th Edition fantasy scenarios ready to use in any fantasy campaign setting, at a variety of PC levels. Never be caught without a plot again!

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Ogre Gate: Inn and the Strange Land of Li Fan
Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate Supplement
By Bedrock Games

Explore a world of wuxia and the supernatural…

In the strange borderlands of the empire you will find Li Fan, an ancient kingdom of ghosts, lost techniques, and magic. Here, nobles may rule, but powerful Kung Fu masters truly reign supreme.

The Ogre Gate Inn and the Strange Land of Li Fan is a sourcebook for Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate. It describes the lands of Li Fan, including key areas like Bone Kingdom and the tomb of the Demon Emperor. In addition to locations and politics the book also includes a three-chapter adventure set at the infamous Ogre Gate Inn, new monsters, new Kung Fu Techniques and a complete selection of martial heroes and villains.

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Conan GM Screen
Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of Accessory
By Modiphius

This sturdy four-panel screen on thick cardstock, with four portrait-oriented panels, contains all of the useful tables and charts from the core rulebook, as well as rules summaries for quick reference. Illustrated on the player-facing side with dramatic Conan artwork, this gamemaster screen may also double as a shield from arrows, thrown tankards or ale horns, and even hatchets.

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Fire Dice
Fate Accessory
By Evil Hat Publishing

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Midnight Dice
Fate Accessory
By Evil Hat Publishing



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Core Rulebook
By Fantasy Flight Games

Face down a dragon as a brave knight, hack into a corporate security system as an elite runner, set sail in your airship. Unlimited adventure awaits you in Genesys, a new roleplaying system designed for a variety of settings and limited only by your imagination.

The Genesys experience begins with the Genesys Core Rulebook, which features an explanation of the innovative narrative dice system and core mechanics of the game, an overview of five different settings in which to place campaigns, and advice for Game Masters to craft a myriad of adventures with unparalleled freedom.

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Our Friends the Machines & Other Mysteries
Tales from the Loop Supplement
By Modiphius

The first campaign book for the award winning Tales from the Loop RPG, which scooped no less than five ENnies including Best Game, Best Setting, Best Writing, Best Internal Art and Product of the Year in 2017!

Toys suddenly developing intelligence. A mystical mummy roaming the beaches. Weird events in the local video store. A mixtape full of mysteries. Four wondrous machines. A guide to creating your own setting for the game. All of this and more is included in this volume, the first official module for the multiple award-winning Tales from the Loop RPG. This book includes:​

  • [*=center]Our Friends the Machines. A mystery about a product launch of a new line of action toys that suddenly takes a turn to the weird.
    [*=center]Horror Movie Mayhem. The ’80s was the decade of moral panic, when everything new was dangerous and corrupting. In this mystery the Kids will investigate what is really happening in and around the local video store.
    [*=center]The Mummy in the Mist. There are whispering rumors that it is back again. The mummy down by the lake. Roaming the beaches by night, looking for something, hungering after something. It will be up to the Kids to solve this mystery.
    [*=center]A mixtape filled with mysteries. Eight short mysteries based on classic pop songs from the era.
    [*=center]Blueprints, background and adventure hooks for four advanced and iconic machines from the world of the Loop.
    [*=center]Hometown Hack. A guide to creating your very own setting for the game, complete with the Norfolk Broads, a UK-based Loop.

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Mythic Constantinople
Basic Roleplay Setting
By Design Mechanism

Byzantium, Queen of Cities, Constantinople, bridging Europe and Asia like a jewel, the epicentre of medieval culture. The year is 1450 or, as the Byzantines reckon it, the 6,958th year since Creation.

This is an age of exploration and invention; an age of intrigue, and an age of empires. The known world congregates here: mercenaries from England and Russia; the wealthy merchants of Genoa, Venice and Tunis; the Ottoman Empire and the Mamluk Sultanate face off against each other while the iron-clad Knights of Rhodes debate theology with Neoplatonists.

And it is home too to the non-human species of the world, such as the inscrutable Astomatoi, the fearless Minotauroi, and the headless Blemmyai. In the Undercity are ancient horrors with agendas of their own, things of legend and myth that have inhabited Constantinople for thousands of years. Meanwhile the Muslim Ottoman Empire eyes the city with envy and draws its plans. The Catholic and Orthodox Churches seek to dominate Christianity while, elsewhere, pagan forces and cults wait for their own opportunities to surface.

Mythic Constantinople is a thorough and comprehensive campaign resource that mingles meticulous history with legend and myth. It presents Constantinople in astonishing detail, covering the city’s geography, history, politics, and culture alongside its landmarks, personalities, organisations and religions. It takes a unique approach to generating street-level details of the city, and taking care to connect places, people and organisations to both describe Byzantium, and aid Games Masters in bringing the city to life in their campaigns. Play characters from dozens of cultures: native Byzantines, European mercenaries, wily Italianate merchant-venturers, intrepid emissaries of Islam, or even a non-human occupant of the city, rubbing shoulders with the Varangian Guard and schemers of the Serene Republic of Venice. The options are vast.

Everything you need to campaign in medieval Byzantium is here. Welcome to Mythic Constantinople.

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Redshirts: Adventures in Absurdity, Volume 1

Starfinder Adventure
By Happy Gnome Publishing

Redshirts: Adventures in Absurdity (Vol. 1) is a Starfinder compatible Adventure Path, guaranteed to have your PCs laughing hysterically from one end of the galaxy to the other.

Critics have called it "The Office meets space."

Unlike most RPGs which set up the PCs to achieve great heroic victories over threats to the very existence of the world, Redshirts is more a game of survival, as in can the PCs survive the ridiculous orders of the command crew. Redshirts is perfect for players wishing to emulate the tone of comedic Space-Opera settings such as Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Futurama, or Spaceballs. It parodies and builds upon popular Sci-fi settings and tropes, while building its own niche.

Redshirts plays like a combination of a Role-playing game and an improv comedy routine (always say "yes"), as the PCs run the crew's most dangerous errands. Vol. 1 encompasses the first three "missions" and takes the PCs from level 1 to level 3.

Redshirts: Adventures in Absurdity adds 8 new playable races, and dozens on original NPCS and monsters to kill your players with over and over again. Have fun!

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Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla the Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Savage Worlds Setting
By Ravendesk Games

Welcome to the Roaring Twenties!

A decade filled with adventure and the spirit of invention.

This is the Jazz Age, the days of dangerous new technology, of cults, talismans, kidnappings, coded messages, mafia-controlled moonshine, mysterious transatlantic plane disappearances, stunning astronomical discoveries and breakthroughs in the burgeoning field of quantum physics. Underneath it all, a cabal of smiling villains pushes their plan to relegtate humanity to the ash heap of unrecorded history.

But there are those who do their part to keep the world safe from the unnatural invaders from beyond the stars. Yes, beyond! Unspeakable elder gods and Mythos creatures are arriving from far, far away, while other are awakening at last from deep below.

This is where you come in. Welcome to the Mythos Resistance.

Science meets fiction in the Roaring Twenties.

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Fragged Kingdom
Fragged Empire Supplement
By Design Ministries

The Archdruid is dead! Now is the time to reclaim the world for civilisation.

Akharon is a world scarred by a magical druidic war and overflowing with monsters. Much has been lost, waiting to be reclaimed by those bold enough to set foot outside of civilisation's last bastion, Stronghold. It is a world besieged by malevolent forces who channel the planet’s own dark magic and direct strange otherworldly creatures with malicious intent. It is a world where death and mystery wait around every corner, behind every tree, and in every rocky crag.

But it is also a world of hope. The war that has lasted a generation is over, and the denizens of Stronghold have begun to step out into the world once again. What awaits them is a v ast, unexplored land, overgrown and full of grand treasures and lost magic waiting to be re-discovered.

But the evil druids and the forces of the dark goddess, Neph, are still out there in the wilds, plotting their next move. They may have failed to conquer Stronghold, and their Archdruid lies dead, but they will not stop their campaign until all civilisation on Akharon is extinguished.

The races who took up residence in Stronghold - the Kaltorans, Legion, Remnant, and Tolatl - are once again free to spread civilisation across the face of Akharon. As Stronghold struggles to support its growing population, and food rations grow thinner, the time has come for bold adventurers to leave and reclaim the wilds.

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Gossamer Worlds Compendium
Lords of Gossamer and Shadow Supplement
By Rite Publishing

The Grand Stair stretches behind the scenes of the multiverse, the Doors upon its unfathomably vast span leading the way to Gossamer worlds of limitless variety and infinite possibility. Everything imaginable is out there to explore, if only one can find it.

In his wild adventures across the multiverse, the wily and notorious Gossamer Lord Yaeger Zane has seen it all: faerie realms, nightmare realms, post-apocalyptic wastelands, vast intergalactic empires, flooded planets, hollow planets, city planets, junkyard planets, cloud worlds, magic worlds, dragon worlds, two-dimensional worlds, worlds where poetry is power, and at least one island where you can totally ride an aether-controlled T-rex with steam-powered battle-arms. Yaeger's been there and done that, and his assembled travelogues full of lush description and sly advice are an indispensable resource for all who wish to roam.

This Gossamer Worlds Compendium brings together in a single volume TWENTY astonishingly unique and impossibly diverse Gossamer worlds, including the never-before-seen Gossamer Worlds: Fury. These are just a few of the infinite possibilities within Lords of Gossamer and Shadow by Jason Durall, powered by Erick Wujcik's Diceless Roleplaying.

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Mythic Battles: Pantheon RPG

Core Rulebook
By Black Book Editions

Become the new heroes of a fantastical version of ancient Greece!

The land of the mythological heroes — Odysseus, Achilles, Andromeda and many more — has been devastated by a second war between the gods of Olympus and the Titans. Greece was disfigured by this cataclysmic conflict and is now plagued by the monsters that have returned from its past. Humankind, abandoned by the gods for a century, now has to fend for itself and face countless threats from all sides. Bandits and raiders roam the countryside. The fragile balance of the rebuilt areas around the great cities of old is constantly challenged. The country is on the brink of chaos. More importantly, the gods now seem to be waking, fallen from grace and turned mortal, obsessed by reconquering their past powers.

Who will protect humanity, if not new heroes? Will you join them?

Adapted from the miniatures board game of the same name, Mythic Battles: Pantheon™ RPG invites players to portray mythical heroes returned from the Underworld — such as Odysseus, Achilles, Heracles, Atalanta, Andromeda or Penthesilea — or characters created from scratch, living in a Greece both ancient and post-apocalyptic.

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Worldbuilding Theory

Systemless Supplement
By Dancing Lights Press

Any System! Any Setting! Worldbuilding is the Second Pillar of Fantasy Storytelling.

Worldbuilding is essential to a good fantasy adventure. It creates the context for the characters and the stories that they’re involved in. The information necessary to understand the motivations of the villains, the goals of the story, and what’s at stake if the protagonists fail, are all tied up on the setting elements that have been established and explained. Without the worldbuilding, your setting might as well be any other setting. In a roleplaying game, it means you end up with very generic kill monster-get treasure dynamics. A valid style of play, if you’re into that, but it’s also a ton of wasted creative potential.

Too often, though, we lose sight of why we’re creating an imaginary world. We look at Tolkien, who started off by creating complete languages. Only a fraction of that made it into his books and stories. M.A.R. Barker started working on the world of Tékumel during childhood, before anyone had even conceived or roleplaying games. He didn’t publish any of his Empire of the Petal Throne material until he was in his 40s, and didn’t write his novels in the setting until he was in his 50s. Roleplaying games publish gazetteers filled with complex histories of their fantasy worlds, with amazing levels of detail. It’s almost standard operating procedure for fantasy novels to have a map of the world contained within the book, whether the map is relevant to the story or not. It’s a daunting amount of work. It’s also not necessary.

There are already a ton of books on fantasy worldbuilding available. I wrote Worldbuilding Theory in order to take a different approach. Rather than dig into all of the fiddle bits, this volume takes a practical approach. We’ll delve into what I consider the Three Essential Elements of Worldbuilding — genre, time and place, and tone. The interdependence of setting with characters and stories, the other two pillars of fantasy adventure, will be discussed at length. By the end, you should have a clearer understanding not only of what you’re creating, but why you’re creating it. Then you can target your efforts and save yourself prep time by concentrating on the elements you’ll need.

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The Tournament of Daolu
Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate Supplement
By Bedrock Games

Fortune and Dearg Await in Dalou.

Daolu is a city where corrupt officials and crime lords rule. Deep in the heart of the Empire, Martial Heroes come at great risk to test their mettle and gain glory at Daolu’s tournament platform and in its gritty streets. The Emperor’s secret police can pounce from every shadow, but the prize is the much-coveted Chariot of Du Qian, and it is well worth the danger. The city abounds with opportunity as well. Some come here to make their fortune; others die in a pool of their own blood. If you have the cunning and strength, it is possible to rise high in Daolu.

The Tournament of Daolu is an adventure and setting supplement for Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate. Inside is a complete description of the city, a time-bending scenario through the chronicles of history, and many more opportunities for adventure. Also included are two maps of the city of Daolu: one from the present era and one from its dark past during the reign of the Demon Emperor.

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Shadows Over Bogenhafen, The Enemy Within Part 1
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Adventure
By Cubicle 7 Entertainment

The Enemy Within: Shadows Over Bögenhafen is the first volume in an epic campaign for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition. It is the definitive guide to the mighty Empire of the War hammer Old World, full of background information covering the history, geography, politics and religions of the Empire, as well as invaluable material on starting and running the campaign.

And you can begin straight away with an intriguing and chilling adventure which introduces the players to the Empire, sets them on a hunt to seek out and destroy the heart of a demonic conspiracy, and brings them face to face with the corruption threatening the very foundations of their world.

This PDF combines material originally published separately as The Enemy Within and Shadows Over Bögenhafen, revised into a clear, easy to use format, as published in print in 1995 by Hogshead Publishing.



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Hunter Class Deck
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Expansion
By Paizo

The Hunt is On!

Something's loose in the forest, but you're the predator on its trail. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Hunter Class Deck features three new characters who track down beasts and malefactors. This 109-card accessory for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game gives you the cards you need to take your hunter from whelp to alpha dog in any Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Base Set or in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign!

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Master of Orion: Conquest
2 players, ages 13+, 30-45+ minutes
By Catalyst Game Labs

Master of Orion: Conquest is a two-player dueling deckbuilder. Play as one of two species in the galaxy — the humans and the shape-changing, mimicking Darloks — as you build and fight your way to victory. Explore the galaxy to find new planets to colonize and use their production to build your fleets. Destroy the enemy's home world and become the Master of Orion!

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Journey To Oldtown Chapter Pack
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game 2nd Edition Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

Little is certain in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. Lives are ended with a stroke of steel and mighty strongholds are brought crumbling down into ruin by sieging armies. In such a dangerous and changeable landscape, it seems impossible that something as fragile as a dream could survive long. And yet, a dream – of power, or wealth, or love – may be all that keeps the players of the game of thrones moving forward. Now, you can pursue some of your own dreams with the newest Chapter Pack for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game.

Journey to Oldtown, like The Archmaester’s Key before it, focuses on amplifying the major themes of the game’s fourth cycle. While it continues to follow A Feast of Crows, this cycle brings new strength to the bestow keyword and provides incentives for the factions to forge alliances and band together. Along the way, you’ll encounter a host of iconic characters and locations entering the game, including The House of Black and White, Thoros of Myr, a new version of Arianne Martell, and a lord of House Botley, Tris Botley.

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Fog of Love
2 players, ages 17+, 60-120+ minutes
By Hush Hush Projects

Fog of Love is a game for two players. You will create and play two vivid characters who meet, fall in love and face the challenge of making an unusual relationship work.

Playing Fog of Love is like being in a romantic comedy: roller-coaster rides, awkward situations, lots of laughs and plenty of difficult compromises to make.

Much as in a real relationship, goals might be at odds. You can try to change, keep being relentless or even secretly decide to be a Heartbreaker. It’s your choice.

The happily ever after won’t be certain, but whatever way your zigzag romance unfolds, you’ll always end up with a story full of surprises – guaranteed to raise a smile!

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Flamme Rouge Expansion
By /Stronghold Games

Flamme Rouge: Peloton, the first expansion for Flamme Rouge, offers a chase group of four riders (pink and white rouleurs and sprinters) that allows the base game to be played with up to six players. All 5-6 player games are played with a breakaway tile and 1-3 supply zone tiles. These can also be added to your games at lower player counts.

The box cover shows the iconic cobblestone races that are represented with new tiles in the game; these tiles are mostly one space wide, occasionally two, and don't allow slip streaming.

Flamme Rouge: Peloton includes variants for solo play and for games with up to twelve players, each controlling only one rider.

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Istanbul: The Dice Game
2-4 players, ages 8+, 20-40+ minutes
By Alderac Entertainment / Pegasus Spiele

Istanbul: The Dice Game is a standalone dice game in which players are once again plunging into the bustle of Istanbul's bazaar to collect rubies and thus secure their victory. By cleverly using the dice, the players can make money and goods, then exchange them for the precious jewels.

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1-4 players, ages 14+, 60-90+ minutes
By Renegade Game Studios

The year is 3042: Humanity is ready to explore the galaxy. The most interesting celestial bodies to explore, and eventually colonize, have been known for centuries, and the nations of Earth finally have the technological level to reach them, thus beginning an unarmed competition that in the end the whole of humanity will win.

Kepler-3042 is a resource management game in which you have to explore, colonize, exploit, and terraform the planets of the Milky Way using the available technologies. In each round, you must choose which action to perform and which bonus to activate, managing your supplies of matter, energy and antimatter. The peculiar strength of the game is the innovative resource management: Each player has a finite amount of matter, energy and antimatter that they can produce or spend during the game. In each round, they can decide to burn forever one or more resources to perform powerful actions, thereby allowing them to follow different strategies.

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Dragonsgate College
2-4 players, ages 12+, 60-90+ minutes
By NSKN Games

Welcome to the school for exceptionally talented students of the ancient art of Dungeon Crawling! Are you ready to make your House proud?

Dragonsgate College is a strategic game utilizing a unique dice-drafting mechanism that puts 2-4 players in charge of Student Houses locked in a battle for recognition and prestige. Each turn players draft dice that allow them to perform multiple actions: recruiting new apprentices and teachers, placing new facilities on their player boards, and more. Each turn they also have the opportunity to raise the general skill levels of their House, in order to give their apprentices a greater push towards performing feats of bravery and cunning.

Constructing student facilities, hiring seasoned adventurers as teachers, dabbling in the arcane arts of wizardry and subterfuge, and cleverly outmaneuvering your opponents - all this awaits you within the walls of this ancient university. Prove your worth, and maybe you will even get a tenure!

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Battlestations Second Edition
1-9 players, ages 12+, 60-240+ minutes
By Gorilla Games

Two obstacles to interstellar flight were solved in the 22nd Century: Hyperdrives to actually get us to other planets, and cloning technology to replace our bodies and brains from backups in the inevitable situation something goes wrong on the trip. Peacetime advancements released the vast resources of a sea of stars like a cosmic piñata. We need capable explorers. The more dangers that present themselves, the more opportunities for lowly travelers to ascend to become true heroes. There's a lot of emergencies happening on board your starship. Will you be a hero when the time arises?

Battlestations is a tabletop starship simulator – a multi-map board game that simultaneously features ship-action in space AND the events on board the ships involved in the conflicts. It is also a roleplaying game in which your characters grow throughout campaigns, picking up experience points, upgrades, and new abilities.

The game rules are very simple but they allow for complex RPG-like imaginative choices like teleporting to an enemy ship, hacking their helm controls and steering their ship towards a black hole before ejecting yourself out the air lock. Inside the box is an infinity of alien worlds to explore, rickety spacecrafts to upgrade, and a rowdy crew of lifelong comrades to adventure with.

One player takes on the role of "the enemy", and works against the other players who are cooperating with each other.

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2-4 players, ages 12+, 70-120+ minutes
By Stronghold Games

A new era is looming on the horizon. The future of Noria is right in front of you, and you must guide your flourishing trading empire into prosperity. Discover flying islands, buy ships, and build factories. Invest in prestigious projects, and secure their success by passing on secret knowledge to politicians. For even above the clouds, there is still room for improvement...

Noria is the debut title from Sophia Wagner, winner of the Spiel des Jahres fellowship in 2015. The talented, young author created an entirely new steampunk universe specifically for this game, and artists Michael Menzel and Klemens Franz have managed to bring her vision to life. At the center of the game is an innovative mechanism called "wheel building". Each player has an action wheel consisting of three rings, with slots for a number of different action discs. Over the course of the game, players try to obtain new discs and manipulate the rings of the wheel to optimize their action selection. Additionally, to ensure their investments bear fruit, they also need to bribe politicians with knowledge.

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2-4 players, ages 8+, 10-20+ minutes
By Pegasus Spiele / White Goblin Games

Memo...ARRR! You flipped over the wrong card again!

To play the match-and-memory game Memoarrr!, 2 to 4 players need the power of recollection and the luck of pirates. Only then can they make their escape from the island of Captain Goldfish, their pockets lined with rubies, before the lava swallows them up.

In turn order, players reveal locations that are connected via the animal or the landscape to the most recently revealed location. If someone reveals a location without any connection, that player is out of the round. The last remaining pirate grabs one of the valuable treasures. Then, all revealed locations are turned face down before the search can start afresh.

As the cards do not change position during a game, players collect more and more information each round, enabling them to reveal new connections — but sometimes a little bit of luck is all it takes to get that treasure.

For advanced players, each animal comes with an additional special action that is triggered when a connected location is revealed — and they make Memoarrr! even more exciting and fun to play.

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2-4 players, ages 8+, 20-40+ minutes
By Pegasus Spiele

In Axio, players take turns adding tiles to a shared playing area. Each time you play a tile — with tiles bearing one or two colored symbols — you score points for symbols of the same type that are in rows extending from the recently-placed tile. Tiles can be placed on other tiles in some situations.

When the game ends, players check the scores for each of their symbols, and their final score is equal to the lowest value among them. Whichever player has the highest low score wins!

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Exodus Fleet
2-5 players, ages 13+, 60-120+ minutes
By Tasty Minstrel Games

What's left of civilization on this planet is being cut into portions by those most prone to cutting. Those of us who want something better... we'll find it somewhere else.

The Exodus Fleet features resource management and tableau building mechanisms along with a highly interactive system of role selection and bidding in which players compete to hire miners, spaceship builders, and other groups to piece together their own fleet to escape a dying Earth. Just building ships and filling them with refugees will score you points, but making sure your ships work together may give you the advantage you need.

Players must decide whether to prioritize building ships within one faction (to score bonus points) or whether it might be better to build ships with synergy for powering their actions. Is it better to spend your resources on more ships or rescuing more survivors off of Earth? Should you gamble on explorers or just take a turn to gather more resources? And exactly how much money does my opponent still have? Can they outbid me for the action I really need to perform? A variety of strategic and tactical dilemmas await...

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2-4 players, ages 14+, 30-75+ minutes
By Tasty Minstrel Games

Mind the fields of Gullsbottom! Plant and fertilize your seeds, tend your crops, and utilize the various buildings at your disposal. You'll need to work smarter, not harder, as harvest season is coming to an end! Who will have the best harvest this year? Will it be you?

Each round in Harvest, you first draft turn order (and the benefits that come with it), then send your two workers into town and into the fields. Plant seeds, tend fields, and harvest crops to make room to plant some more! Utilize buildings and magical elixir to amass a bigger and better harvest than your neighbors at the end of five rounds of play.

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Dragon Pets
2-4 players, ages 8+, 20-35+ minutes
By Japanime Games

Nobody said being a dragon breeder was easy…and the competition is heating up! You have two fine specimens to start with. All you need to do is send your Dragon Seekers out into the forest to find a suitable match. But there are other breeders trying to grab the best dragons before you can: The 1783rd annual dragon breeding competition is about to begin. Can you outwit your rivals and claim the title of Supreme Dragon Breeder?

You begin Dragon Pets with two dragons in search of mates. You must send your Dragon Seekers into the forest to collect more dragons, forming mating pairs. Each pair you collect will award you gold coins. The player with the most coins at the end of the game wins!

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Kemomini Panic
4-8 players, ages 12+, 30-60+ minutes
By Japanime Games

Kemomimi Panic is a cute, fun, fast paced game of deduction for 4-8 players! The town of Mokemoke is a little way out of the city, a place abundant with nature. The beastly beauties who live there have dear treasures, and someone is after them! Who is The Great Thief Crescent Moon? The fate of this town depends on your powers of deduction!



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The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac
Blood Bowl Supplement
By Games Workshop

Compiling together the 2 Death Zone Seasons available so far, with some fantastic content from White Dwarf articles content added on, this is an essential book for every Blood Bowl coach.

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Space Marines Blood Angels Codex
Warhammer 40,000 Supplement
By Games Workshop

Sons of the angel-winged Primarch Sanguinius, the Blood Angels are noble and magnificent, a proud Space Marine chapter with ten millennia of history. They are warrior heroes who descend into battle on flaming wings to stand between the Emperor’s servants and the heretical hordes that seek to destroy them. Yet beneath their heroic exterior lies a dark secret known as the Flaw, a gene-curse that has bedevilled them for millennia, ravaging their souls until they fight as much for a suitably heroic end as they do for victory in the Emperor’s name.

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Prone Figure Booster
The Walking Dead: All Out War Expansion
By Mantic

This set contains 6 unique prone resin figures, including 4 Walkers and 2 Survivors, used to replace miniatures that have been knocked down during the game. This will more accurately track their positions and improve the look of your games.

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American Stuart
TANKS Expansion
By Gale Force Nine

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American Sherman (Early)
TANKS Expansion
By Gale Force Nine



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ASL Action Pack 13: Oktoberfest XXXII
Advanced Squad Leader Supplement
By Multi-Man Publishing

The ASLOK XXXII pack builds on the success of the ASL Oktoberfest XXX pack, and highlights the design and playtesting talents of Ohio’s finest. Guided by veteran playtesters and tournament directors Bret Hildebran and Bill Hayward, the expert scenario designers Bill Sisler and Pete Shelling bring us eleven scenarios ranging from 1939 Poland to 1945 Hungary, with stops in Ukraine, Russia, New Guinea, Burma, Italy, France, and Belgium along the way. Place names like Vistula, Balta, Luga, Bougainville, Myitkyina, Elba, Caen, Falaise, and Bastogne will all ring a bell. These scenarios will stretch your tactical knowledge and skills, with many different situations (although no night actions—so sad). Some are infantry only, one is armor only (almost), but most feature combined arms. Assault engineers with all their toys are featured, and the King of Battle makes its appearance in the form of offboard artillery in several scenarios. Along with the “typical” Russian, German, and American battles, these scenarios also involve Poles (both 1939 and 1944 versions), British, Japanese, Chinese, the Free French, and the SS (of all different squad types).

The two new boards bring added flexibility to the system and are integral to most of the scenarios. Board 78 is a true wilderness board (no buildings) featuring a brush-covered ridge along its length. Board 79 provides a new river, three to five hexes wide, with a village strung out along both banks. Both highlight the steady skills of Charlie Kibler and are sure to see wide use in future scenario design. With great boards and great scenarios, Action Pack #13 is sure to be a big hit.



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Luke Skywalker Starter Set
Star Wars: Destiny
By Fantasy Flight Games

Discover the legacy of two of the galaxies greatest heroes with the Luke Skywalker Starter Set for Star Wars: Destiny! The set lets you take control of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in their battle against the Empire. With twenty-four cards and nine dice, the Luke Skywalker Starter Set contains everything you need to start your journey into Star Wars: Destiny.

With powerful abilities, this unlikely pair of heroes is ready to take on whatever challenge comes their way.

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Boba Fett Starter Set
Star Wars: Destiny
By Fantasy Flight Games

Hunt your target with the Boba Fett Starter Set for Star wars: Destiny! The set lets you take control of the infamous bounty Hunter Boba Fett, as well as a veteran Stormtrooper of the Empire. With twenty-four cards and nine dice, the Boba Fett Starter Set contains everything you need to start your journey into Star Wars: Destiny.

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Legacies Booster
Star Wars: Destiny Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

Legacies continues the evolution of Star Wars: Destiny, expanding on classic archetypes while introducing new mechanics, including a new die symbol and a new card type. Star Wars: Destiny will never be the same again.

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Ultimate Stride Booster
Cardfight!! Vanguard CCG Expansion
By Bushiroad

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Rainbow Striker Vol. 4 Booster
Future Card Buddyfight CCG Expansion
By Bushiroad

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Ordinal Scale Booster
Weiss Schwarz Sword Art Online The Movie Expansion
By Bushiroad

The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.

Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.

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Just to say again that Traveller: Vehicles has been out for months.

Mythic Constantinople is awesome though, and Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla looks compelling.

Just to say again that Traveller: Vehicles has been out for months.

Mythic Constantinople is awesome though, and Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla looks compelling.

Traveller: Vehicles has only just been released through distribution in the UK. I have a copy of Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla in PDF but haven't had a proper chance to look through it yet. I liked the idea and backed the Kickstarter when it was running. Mythic Constantinople does look great, I'll have to pick up a copy of that up myself too :)

My FLGS has had Genesys for 2+ weeks now...

Yes, the physical edition came out week beginning 4th December, and was our lead item in that weeks new releases column. The PDF has only just been released though, thus it's inclusion in our PDF Spotlight section this week.

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