New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 25th June 2018

Welcome back to this weeks look at the new releases hitting your FLGS in the next few days, as well as a Spotlight on some recent PDF releases. Highlights this week include Pelgrane Press' The Fall of Delta Green RPG using their Gumshoe system! For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.

Welcome back to this weeks look at the new releases hitting your FLGS in the next few days, as well as a Spotlight on some recent PDF releases. Highlights this week include Pelgrane Press' The Fall of Delta Green RPG using their Gumshoe system! For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.


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The Fall of Delta Green
Core Rulebook
By Pelgrane Press

The Fall of Delta Green is a brand new roleplaying game powered by the GUMSHOE system, from the makers of Trail of Cthulhu and Night’s Black Agents. It is the 1960s. The stars are coming right. The United States declares war on poverty and sends half a million troops to Indochina; desegregates voting booths and shoots rockets at the moon. Everyone believes that if we put our mind to it and our backs into it, there’s nothing we can’t do to make the world better, for America and everyone else. You know that this is a lie. You are an Agent of DELTA GREEN, an authorized but unacknowledged black program of the United States national security establishment, tasked to hunt and destroy the Cthulhu Mythos. You know that plans and ideals, peace and love, matter less than a single atom drifting in the galaxy. All you can do is rage against doom, burn out your mind and body, and damn your non-existent soul keeping your family, your country, your planet, ignorant and safe for one more day. Written by ENnie-Award-winning designer Kenneth Hite, The Fall of Delta Green RPG adapts Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game from Arc Dream Publishing to the award-winning GUMSHOE system. It opens the files on a lost decade of anti-Mythos operations both foreign and domestic, the last days of DELTA GREEN before the Joint Chiefs shut the program down in 1970. Players take on the role of DELTA GREEN operatives, assets, and friendlies, in deadly one-shot adventures or a campaign spanning the years from hope to madness. Hunt Deep Ones beneath the Atlantic, shut down dangerous artists in San Francisco, and delve into the heart of Vietnam’s darkness. After the summer of the 1950s, now comes the fall – the Fall of DELTA GREEN.

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Close Encounters: Hyperspace Fiends
Starfinder Sourcebook
By Fat Goblin Games

I’d Rather Go To Hell Than Be Here!

Travelling through hyperspace can sometimes lead to strange and terrifying results. Each time a ship uses its hyperspace engine, the crew may soon find themselves either flying through empty hyperspace to their intended destination or passing by a random chunk of another plane. Few people would be pleased to find themselves in either Hell or the Abyss, and even fewer would want to be steering through a hybrid of these two fiendscapes!

Close Encounters: Hyperspace Fiends introduces brand new rules for interacting with this treacherous subsection of hyperspace and provides stats for 13 of these demons and devils, from the lowly dretch to the vicious bone devil, to the sword-and-rifle wielding marilith. Also included are two new ships straight from the Lower Planes: the Hellish Soulreavers and the Abyssal Dreadrazors.

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Judge’s Screen
Mutant Crawl Classics Accessory & Adventure
By Goodman Games

Mutant Crawl Classics is here and begging to be played! This 3-panel judge’s screen contains all the essential game tables and reference material. In addition, it includes the 0-level tournament module “Reliquary of the Ancient Ones”!

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Hive of the Overmind
Mutant Crawl Classics Adventure #1
By Goodman Games

A level 0 adventure for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG! Younglings on their Rite of Passage are shocked to regain consciousness with no memory of how they came to be in a gigantic insect hive far to the north of their homelands, laboring as drone-slaves of the savage ant-men. In a land where an “insect revolution” has taken place, the PCs must contend with insectoid mega fauna and a maze-like underground installation before facing the ominous Overmind: a building-sized insect queen cybernetically linked to an ancient chaotic AI.

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A Fallen Star For All
Mutant Crawl Classics Adventure #2
By Goodman Games

A level 1 adventure for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG! A meteor strike in the taboo crater country opens up a huge chasm in which lies a largely intact city of the Ancient Ones. The resulting land rush to go claim the newly available cache of ancient artifacts draws interested parties from all over Terra A.D., and at the direction of your tribal elders, that includes you and your Seeker team.

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Fifth Edition Fantasy #12: The Forgotten Hive
5th Edition Adventure
By Goodman Games

A new level 1 adventure compatible with 5th edition D&D! Beneath the crumbling walls of a keep lies an unexplored warren of caverns stretching into unknown darkness. Within the depths, an ancient evil stirs and grows hungry. Forgotten horrors, once relegated to legend, are on the move – with only your band of heroes between them and their goal. What begins as simple exploration rapidly becomes a struggle against denizens of the underworld, and the very environs of underworld itself. Through crumbling caverns and against long-trapped foes, the party is confronted with a threat that places the future of the surface world in jeopardy. Your heroes must act quickly to secure the world, or face the consequences of their failure to halt the advance of the denizens of The Forgotten Hive

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Fifth Edition Fantasy #13: Mystery Beneath the Monastery
5th Edition Adventure
By Goodman Games

A new level 4 adventure compatible with 5th edition D&D! Deep beneath the Trayban Monastery, a group of monks has gone missing. Your party is sent into the treacherous tunnels to find them, but you weren't expecting to do battle with crystalline creatures that hunger for gemstones and that have overrun a peaceful bazaar in search of food. Your fellow adventurers will need to avoid the traps, find the missing caravan, repel the unknown attackers, and seal up the largest geode cavern ever encountered to prevent further attacks!

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Frostbitten & Mutilated
Lamentations of the Flame Princess Setting
By Lamentations of the Flame Princess

Sometimes the snow will not stop. Under its particled screen-like layers of veil that would make of the world a bride to an unknown, vast and unseen groom all civilization is wondering from its hearths and stone corners: What is to be done about the women? They spit and rage, they drown the taxmen, they hack the bellies of snakes and eat what they find, they abort babies and squeeze their milk into the bellies of troll-cats, they dwell apart among the wide white peaks, raiding, scheming, speaking to animals, willful and without trade or diplomatic discourse—the witch-women and amazons. They dominate and divide the Devoured Land. Who can see this ending well? From the multi-award winning artist/writer behind /Vornheim: The Complete City Kit/, /Red & Pleasant Land/, and /Maze of the Blue Medusa/, this book details the bleak white wild created on the spot where the first goddess took the first bite out of the Earth, which maintains the balances and arrangements that held sway in the first days. It contains wolfpacks, cannibal giants, trolls, demons of the apocalypse as well as a wilderness kit with enough tables, generators and tools to keep your players busy until hell freezes over.

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Knights of the Dinner Table #255
Comic & Magazine
By Kenzer & Co



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Kithbook: Boggans
Changeling 20th Anniversary Supplement
By Onyx Path Publishing

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest differences in life, and nowhere is this more evident than the boggan kith. Although they have preferred to let others glory in the spotlight, this industrious kith has worked its own subtle and patient magic over the centuries, drawing power from dreams of hearth and comfort and becoming no less than the bedrock of Kithain society. Even heroes need homes to return to, after all.

For the first time ever, the secrets and gossip of the boggan kith are being shared with outsiders. So pull your chair closer to the fire, take up a fresh cup of tea, and listen carefully, because the real truth about these unsung heroes is finally coming to light.

Kithbook: Boggans features:​

  • [*=center]A history of this unassuming yet vital kith, and how they’ve subtly shaped the Dreaming.
    [*=center]Insight into boggan nature combined with advice for bringing boggan characters to life.
    [*=center]Ready-made characters for quick play, and profiles of famous boggans past and present.
    [*=center]New Treasures, Merits, and Flaws for boggan characters.

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Street Lethal (Advanced Combat Rules)
Shadowrun Supplement
By Catalyst Game Labs

Street fighting is only chaotic for amateurs. When you’re a pro, when you know what you’re doing, you’re precise. You know what your opponents might do, and you know ten different ways to respond. The options give you strength. They give you power. They make you dangerous enough that the smart ones on the street will know at a glance that they shouldn’t test you. The dumb ones will suffer.

Street Lethal contains the data, tools, and options players need to maximize their characters’ combat skills. With briefings on the security techniques of major corporations, information on major mercenary groups and their operations, and a whole truckload of firearms options, this book has all runners need to make sure they’re the ones left standing at the end of a fight.

Street Lethal is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, though much of the information on corporate security and other opponents could also be used in Shadowrun: Anarchy.

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Frozen Skies
Savage Worlds Setting
By Utherwald


A frontier land largely at the mercy of the savage Wulvers since the end of the Great Darmonican War, barely enough soldiers left to defend the rump of the Commonwealth's once extensive colonial holdings. With many towns cut off and large swathes of territory overrun by the beasts the safest form of transport is by air, but the breakdown in law and order as given rise to scoundrels like sky pirates and bandits.

Alyeska's frozen skies are increasingly becoming a dangerous place to be.

This contains new rules for aircraft creation and combat, in addition to new gear, edges and hindrances.

In addition it offers a brief guide to the Commonwealth and its main factions in Alyeska, Wulvers and their stats along with a selection of gear to allow you to start playing in the Frozen Skies setting.

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Terrors from the Id: The Book of Psionic Horror
Pathfinder Supplement
By Legendary Games

Horrors of the Mind Unleashed!

Within every creature lies the potential for destruction, for acts of cruelty and violation which sane minds can barely comprehend. Just as psionic power amplifies the abilities of the mind to change the world, it also magnifies the many horrors which linger in the dark recesses of thought few dare to traverse. Within this 40-page Pathfinder Roleplaying Game accessory are enclosed many dark and powerful secrets invoked by the most depraved of psionicists and those driven by fate to combat them. Those wishing to risk their sanity may delve within to unlock facets of psionic power previously untapped. Within you'll find:

  • [*=center]Four new psionic archetypes for the Dread, Psion, Tactician, and Vitalist classes
    [*=center]Expanded options for the Zealot and Wilder classes
    [*=center]35 new psionic powers for all classes
    [*=center]14 feats for inflicting untold horrors on your enemies
    [*=center]Expanded options for psychic dueling and sanity rules
    [*=center]Three new corruptions for those who wish to sunder themselves for greater power.

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Feats and Spells of Obsidian Apocalypse
5th Edition Supplement
By LPJ Design

A dark star fell from the sky bringing with it the end of all things! The sanctity of the world known as Abaddon was shattered when a global apocalyptic event of a meteor impacting the planet causing a destructive ecological and eldritch change. Now there is no day or night, just never ending Apocalypse. Races of Obsidian Apocalypse: Flesh and Iron adds four new races to the Obsidian Apocalypse campaign setting making the world even more interesting and just as dangerous. Are you willing to take up the fight?

Inside this book you will find you will find over 60 new feats including Animation by Touch, Cannibalism, Drain Life Energy, Holy/Unholy Flames, Lich-Made, Resist Possession, Scab Armor and Unscry; and over 90 new spells including Black Rainbow, Bone Weapon, Burning Brand, Coma, Crucify Foe, Detect Dreams, Examine Coffin, Ice Bolt, Numb Pain, Shrapnel Globe, Soul Burst, Vile Stench and Web Strand.

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Underdark Discoveries
5th Edition Supplement
By Evil Beagle Games

Continuing the combination of utility, imaginative content, and deep research found in Unpleasant Discoveries and Feywild Discoveries, Evil Beagle's resident scholar and master-of-cleverness, Michael Surbrook, brings another useful toolkit to bear for Game Masters who want to elevate their games. In this case, Underdark Discoveries is an extraordinary treatise on how to incorporate the underground terrors and wonders of the Underdark into your fantasy campaign, including –

  • [*=center]Tons of information about what Underdark beings might be enountered, how and when they might come into a game, what they might be and do, and why they act as they are wont to
    [*=center]A study of caves and caverns, giving GMs and players a much fuller understanding of their experiences in these beautiful and dark realms
    [*=center]An eleborate table for generating various Encounters and Discoveries in the Underdark and anywhere deep below the surface

That last part is the true meat of the product, as it can enhance any fantasy game with a couple of simple rolls, making it an invaluable tool for any GM hoping for some quick-and-easy help in elevating their scenario with the magic, wonder, and possible terror of the Underdark.



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Zombicide Green Horde
1-6 players, ages 14+, 60+ minutes
By Guillotine Games

This sequel to the smash hit Zombicide: Black Plague will bring players back into a world of deadly medieval fantasy, this time filled with infected orcs and goblins who will put survivors to the ultimate test. This green menace is not only stronger than their human counterparts, but they also tend to gather into massive hordes that ambush the survivors when they least expect it. Uncover the many surprises the Green Horde has in store for you!

They were a brave people, living on the edge of the Orcish lands, on the Western frontier. It was a rough country, where nature grows wild, and the weather can change at a moment’s notice. They fought with the brutish Orcs many times, withstanding raids on their villages and fields. Never once, in all those battles, did they consider leaving for safer regions of the world. This was their land, their ancestor’s land. Generations had grown up in its green forests and fields, taking what the earth gave them, and defending what was theirs. But the Orcs were relentless, becoming bolder and bolder as time went on.

When the plague hit, it wasn’t long before the Orcs became infected. All it took was one bite, and the sickness spread through their ranks like wildfire. What the plague robbed the Orcs of in intelligence, agency, and personality, it replaced with a single-minded goal: destroy the living and feast on their flesh. The Orcs band together now, a pack, a horde. They travel the countryside, attacking the towns they come across, but now stealing some crops or a cow or two doesn’t suffice. They’re not satisfied until the people of the village are dead... or perhaps worse, undead.

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Starship Samurai
2-4 players, ages 14+, 75+ minutes
By Plaid Hat Games

Across the far reaches of the Lotus Galaxy, a civil war is waged by massive machines piloted by skilled warriors. Take your place as daimyo of one of the major clans and fight for your right to the title of Galactic Emperor in Starship Samurai, an epic new game of warring clans for two to four players.

In this war, you must use diplomacy to bring honor to your clan, earn the support of the lesser clans, and cement your claim to the throne. But when negotiation is not enough, you can launch massive fleets or deploy the most fearsome weapons the galaxy has ever known — the terrifying Samurai Mechs — to crush your enemies and seize key locations. Exert your influence and bring order out of chaos!

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Before the Earth Explodes
2 players, ages 13+, 20-30+ minutes
By Green Couch Games

Warring Earthlings, equipped with deep-space warships with expansive cargo holds, will do whatever it takes to claim the glory for saving humanity...before the Earth explodes! In Before The Earth Explodes, two players face off with the use of simultaneous action selection, clever tactics, and intuition to be the first player to advance to the top of the technology track, colonize seven new planets, destroy the opposing faction, or meet one of the ship victory conditions.

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The Ricks Must Be Crazy: Rick and Morty Multiverse Game
2-4 players, ages 17+, 30-45+ minutes
By Cryptozoic Entertainment

Rick and Morty: The Ricks Must Be Crazy Multiverse Game is an engine-building game (of sorts) that takes place in the four locations, a.k.a. "'verses", from the popular Rick and Morty episode "The Ricks Must Be Crazy": the Rickverse, Microverse, Miniverse, and Teenyverse. Due to time dilation and other pseudo-scientific malarkey, the lower you travel in the 'verses, the greater number of actions you have each round — but some of those lower 'verses are a bit primitive, so the contraptions you build to use all that sweet power on might not work that well!

During your turn, you spend your actions to build power supplies and contraptions, and you possibly move to a new 'verse to take advantage of some excess power there. At the end of each round, the power generates from the bottom 'verse up, and players can use that power as it travels from 'verse to 'verse to play one-shot abilities, use character abilities, and power-up their contraptions. Player order matters in each 'verse, so hopefully your opponents left you some power to use!

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Reign and Reverie Deluxe Expansion
Android: Netrunner Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

Reign and Reverie is a 156 card-expansion (with three copies of 49-new cards and nine unique one-of cards) featuring new tools for all ten factions in Android: Netrunner – The Card Game while exploring the urban metropolis of ChiLo, a beacon of light in the Midwest. This includes a new identity for all seven major factions, a new console for every major runner faction, and new agendas for every corp. Because Reign and Reveriefeatures new cards for all ten factions, it is the perfect companion piece to the Revised Core Set.

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Breath of the Kami Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings Living Card Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

Harness the power of the Air with the Breath of the Kami Dynasty Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game!

Enter the Elemental Cycle with three copies of twenty-new cards focusing on the most ephemeral element. Explore new Shugenja and Spells revolving around the Air element, a new stronghold, and the first Mantis character to enter the game with Breath of the Kami.

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Unstable Unicorns
2-8 players, ages 14+, 30-45+ minutes
By Breaking Games

Learn how unstable your friendships really are.

You start with a Baby Unicorn in your Stable. SO CUTE!

But don't get too attached, because even Baby Unicorns aren't safe in this game! There are over 20 Magical Unicorns to collect, and each has a special power. Build your Unicorn Army as fast as you can, or be destroyed by one of your so-called friends! Seek revenge or protect your stable using your Magic! Sound easy? Not so fast. Someone could have a Neigh Card (Get it? Neigh?) and send the game into MADNESS! The first person to complete their Unicorn Army shall hereafter be known as The Righteous Ruler of All Things Magical... at least until the next game. Good luck.

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2-4 players, ages 14+, 90-120+ minutes
By Gotha Games

Tadmor is an intense worker placement game about epic journeys, trading and personal prestige across the dangerous and endless caravan routes of the Syrian Desert.

Players take the role of rich merchants based in Tadmor (also known as Palmyra). They will increase in power and prestige by expanding their trading routes and by contributing to the political and religious life of the city. In the game, a merchant’s success is measured in Prestige Points. The winning merchant is the one who scores the most Prestige at the end of the game.

Each player has a number of Camels and Ships that can be sent to different locations on the board to collect wood, stones, marble or gold and use these resources, in turn, to acquire rare goods, fulfil specific missions presented by the King or build the city temple or the tower.

Each development line has its own advantages and drawbacks: the Tower provides prestige points during the game and can boost your scoring significantly but it is highly competitive. Also, the more Tower levels you build the higher the building costs. Acquiring Rare goods is key to get more ships which are the main way to collect resources but you must time your purchases very well to get the different sets of goods that can boost your final scoring. King’s Missions are very versatile: they are worth a good number of prestige points at game end but also carry a one-off benefit that can result crucial at a certain points in the game. Finally, building the Temple is a slow way of adding prestige points but can give you a dramatic boost when you manage to complete its construction in full.

Different strategies can be built by acquiring improvements that let you excel on specific areas of the game. The wide range of improvements available and the fact that the mix changes at every game ensures that no play session is the same.

Growing your trading enterprise and your prestige does not make you immune from danger. Marauders sweep the Syrian Desert plains or sail along the coast to intercept and rob your peaceful merchants. You will have to use all your intuition to spot which region they will attack and avoid placing your Camels and Ships there or these will be lost!

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Michael Strogoff
1-5 players, ages 12+, 60+ minutes
By Devir

In Michael Strogoff, based on the Jules Verne novel of the same name, players race to deliver a message to the brother of the Czar, while simultaneously racing both an assassin sent to the kill that man and Tartar forces moving on Moscow. Players must help one another hold off the latter threats, while still trying to be the first to deliver that message.

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2-4 players, ages 12+, 50-100+ minutes
By Z-Man Games

The low land is a rough area where hard-working folk make a living by the sweat of their brow. Under constant threat of storm and flood, communities here rally together to build dikes that keep the rising water at bay. But every citizen constructing a dike is one fewer citizen tending flocks and maintaining the family farm. The residents here are constantly torn between selflessness and self-interest, and only those who can strike this delicate balance can thrive in this harsh landscape.

In Lowlands, you carve your farm out of this unforgiving land, gathering and spending resource cards to transform your farmyard into pastures that allow you to profit from breeding sheep. Adding expansions to your farm will unlock new options and score you victory points, but helping to build the dike that collectively protects all players is also rewarded. No matter what, the tide will rise and, if the dike isn't high enough, it could rush in and sweep away your hard-earned profits. Will you sacrifice your own farm for the good of the community, or will you pursue your own agenda? The choice is yours.

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1-5 players, ages 10+, 30-45+ minutes
By Flatlined Games / Stronghold Games

In SteamRollers, players use dice to build the best railway network, upgrade their engine, and beat their opponents to the most lucrative cargo deliveries. Make smart use of the dice to become the world's most famous railroad tycoon!

Each round, a certain number of dice are rolled and people draft one die with which to perform an action. They can draw a railroad track on their personal board, use the die to upgrade their engine, deliver a cube from a common supply board using their personal network (if their engine is strong enough) for victory points, or take a special card which allows the player to break the rules in small (or big) ways.

Once half the cities on the supply board are emptied, the game is over at the end of the round. Players total their delivery points and add extra points for their network, engine and cards. The player with the most points wins.



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Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Soul Wars Core Set
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Boxed Set
By Games Workshop

The Realmgate Wars were fought over the magical portals that bound the Mortal Realms together, but another conflict has been brewing in the shadows for thousands of years. This is a battle not for resources, nor for pure conquest, but for the immortal souls of the living and dead; a cosmic rivalry between gods who have carried their hatred through the ages. The spread of the light of civilisation, spearheaded by the God-King Sigmar, faces a dire threat posed by the Lord of Undeath, Nagash. Sigmar’s Sacrosanct Chambers, created to fight daemons and wraiths, face the malevolent spirits known as Nighthaunts in a battle for the free city of Glymmsforge…

Containing 52 push-fit Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt miniatures, along with a 320-page hardback Core Book and an exclusive 32-page Battle of Glymmsforge booklet, Soul Wars is the perfect boxed set for those who want to dive into this exciting new chapter in the Age of Sigmar right away.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book
Core Rulebook
By Games Workshop

The Age of Sigmar began with the thunderous arrival of the Stormcast Eternals, borne upon the heavenly storm of the God-King Sigmar. Great heroes, snatched up at the moment of death and magically reforged, the sought vengeance on the followers of darkness, and the re-taking of the realms from Chaos. Yet in Shyish, the Realm of Death, the dark sorcery of Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead aims to transform the Mortal Realms into an ordered empire of mindless thralls. This is a new epoch, a time of mighty battles and unending war. This is the Age of Sigmar!

The Age of Sigmar is an epic setting populated by myriad armies, powerful heroes and magnificent monsters. It plays host to vast, realm-spanning wars between the forces of Order and Chaos, Death and Destruction. In the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, you’ll not only learn the rich history of this war-torn Age, but you’ll find all the rules you need in order to evoke these epic stories on the tabletop.

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Malign Sorcery
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Supplement
By Games Workshop

The cataclysmic necroquake of Shyish has flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summon forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and frightful sentience, but beware – such endless spells can be treacherous, as likely to turn upon their caster as they are to devastate the enemy. From unleashing disembodied gnashing jaws to devour your foes, to raising prismatic barricades to protect your flanks, doing battle in the time of the Arcanum Optimar is unlike anything that has come before.

The Malign Sorcery boxed set is an expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar containing new rules and spells for magic, along with 17 imposing miniatures used to represent Endless Spells, powerful pieces of sorcery that can be unleashed by any wizard. These rules and miniatures can be used alongside the core rules to introduce wildly different and incredibly powerful spells brought about by the Arcanum Optimar – an age of rampant magic. When combined with the Realm of Battle rules found in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, this set becomes a gaming toolbox you can use to fight narrative-driven battles in the Mortal Realms.

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General’s Handbook
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Supplement
By Games Workshop

An essential toolbox of rules that you and your gaming group can use in any way you like, the General’s Handbook 2018 expands upon the rules of Warhammer Age of Sigmar – and those found in the previous iterations of the General’s Handbook – in a 136-page softback filled with flexible rules which can be combined in virtually endless ways.

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Combat Gauge
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Accessory
By Games Workshop

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Wound Trackers
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Accessory
By Games Workshop

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Objective Markers
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Accessory
By Games Workshop

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Command and Status Dice
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Accessory
By Games Workshop

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Scenery Effects Dice
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Accessory
By Games Workshop

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The Grimoire
Frostgrave Supplement
By Osprey Games

A set of cards featuring all the spells from the Frostgrave boos published to date, providing the ultimate in-game reference guide for aspiring Wizards.

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The Maze of Malcor
Frostgrave Supplement
By Osprey Games

Part magical university, part museum, part tourist attraction, the great Collegium of Artistry had flourished in Felstad’s final days. Under the leadership of the seemingly immortal Malcor the Mad, the vast complex expanded, with new wings being built wherever they would fit, including up and down the rock face, and even buried within the mountain itself. Visitors called it one of the architectural wonders of the world; the students, who often got lost in its endless tunnels, simply called it “the maze”.

With a titanic crash, an immense ice shelf tears free from the mountains that loom above Frostgrave, revealing the lost Collegium, and the race for its secrets begins. The Maze is known to have contained many rare and unique treasures, and who knows ehat may have survived…

This new, expanded supplement for Frostgrave contains a host of new adventures, treasures, and creatures to challenge players. It also includes its own, unique campaign and experience system, as well as information about several of the mythical lost schools of magic.

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Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse
Core Rulebook
By Osprey Games

Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse is a skirmish-scale miniatures game of survival horror. It pits players against each other in a nightmarish near-future where the dead have returned to life and are feasting on the living.



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C3i #31
Wargames Magazine
By RBM Studio



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Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge Booster
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Expansion
By Konami

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Draft Box 02
Dragonball Super Card Game Expansion
By Bandai

The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.

Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.

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