A rundown of the New Releases that should be hitting games stores this coming week! Board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, and Miniatures... hopefully something for everyone! In addition to the games hitting your local store we also take a look at a few RPG PDF releases from the last week that we hope may be of interest. For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.
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Zombie Squad
Savage Worlds Setting
By Applied Vectors
The Zombie Squad is a Sci-Fi RPG where you play as Ex Military Criminal Black Op Units, called Penal Squadrons, that are sent out on missions either too dangerous or too dirty for Earth's Military forces.
You are deniable and expendable and expected to accomplish your mission whatever it takes. With the skills and abilities to operate behind enemy lines or undercover on the many planets available to visit in the game.
If you have ever wanted a game that mixes Star Wars, Aliens and Firefly and throws in a pinch of the Dirty Dozen and Inglorious Basterds then The Zombie Squad is the game you have been waiting for.
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The Realm of Sommerland
Lone Wolf Adventure Game Setting
By Cubicle 7 Entertainment
The Realm of Sommerlund for Lone Wolf Adventure Game! Home of the Kai Order, the great city of Holmgard and so much more!
In this exhaustive setting guide for The Lone Wolf Adventure Game you’ll find a detailed history of this most essential region of the Lone Wolf world. You’ll discover detailed city maps for seven of Sommerlund’s greatest cities, with hundreds of locations to explore. Beyond the cities, you’ll find detailed gazetteers for the provinces that make up the home of the proud Sommlending people.
With additional details on the Sommlending army and navy, the royal family, Kai monasteries, the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, Druids and Darklords, the calendar of Sommerlund and much, much more, this book contains the most complete and up-to-date body of information about Sommerlund, the heart of Joe Dever’s incredible Lone Wolf setting, ever published!
Get ready for the greatest adventure of your life. For Sommerlund and the Kai!
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Modern Core
WOIN Core Rules Manual
By EN Publishing
Run a high-octane modern game!
This manual contains the core rules of the What'sOLD is NEW roleplaying game system, designed for games set in the modern era.
Whereas other books in this series tell you how to create a character, build a world, or buy equipment, this book tells you how to play the game. With rules for attribute checks, countdowns, luck, combat, injury and death, objects, vehicles, and the environment, inside you'll find all the rules you need to adjudicate any task your characters might attempt.
This book is a What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. core rulebook.
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Pathways Bestiary
Pathfinder Supplement
By Rite Publishing
“Make New Monsters the Rite Way”
Pathways Bestiary collects the first 60 templates from pathways magazine, updating and revising them, and presenting them along with sample stat blocks. Within these pages you'll find dozens of templates, ranging from thematic ways to tie monsters to one of the Seven Deadly Sins and complex re-skinning’s that make humanoids into massive kaiju, to simple additions that bolt a theme or concept onto a creature to give it a new role within an adventure's narrative. Each comes with some guidance on how the templated creatures can be worked into an adventure, a full stat block of a creature made new with the templates rules, and all the custom art you need to bring these creations to live.
More than just another collection of monsters that can be used at a single CR, this 228 page rule book is an important part of any GM's toolbox. Whether you need to boost an encounter’s CR, twist something from a published adventure to better suit your game group, or just want to dig through the plots and ideas presented here and use the templates to build your own unique vision of a fun encounter, these templates do more than just add a few dozen new monsters to your random encounter tables. They multiply the (likely vast) number of monster you already have by the number of templates within, turning even a game otherwise using only a single bestiary, into a world with tens of thousands of potential new foes.
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Killer of Giants, an Umerican adventure
Dungeon Crawl Classics Adventure
By Shield of Faith Studios
An Umerican survival guide adventure for 3+ level characters.
The protections surrounding an ancient military base, home of the fabled "Killer of Giants", are down! The denizens of Umerica have flocked to the base to grab what they can and establish dominance over this post-apocalyptic treasure trove. Why let everyone else have all the fun? Your party of daring adventurers will discover:
* Dozens of details encounters to test (and kill) the most hardy adventurer.
* Several new creature types, including (but definitely not limited to) the sly Vulpes, scaled Salmen, dreaded Soil Seers, deadly Tei-eye-dra, vicious Skyranha, and the horrifying Shockroach!
* Teach, tech, and more tech, from Cheesy Whizzer fake cheese spray(tm) to the Killer of Giants, and just about everything in-between... or at least a representative sample.
* Killer of Giants is usable in you existing campaign or as the jumping-off point for any number of long-tern campaigns. It's an incubtaor of ideas for longer story arcs (some assembly required)!
* This product is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
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Agents of G.A.I.A.
Savage Worlds Setting
By Battlefield Press
You have always seen a glimpse of the strange and unknown out of the corner of your eye. You dismissed it from the time you were little until now. You knew that your friend was attacked by werewolves when you were fifteen, even though the entire block was looking for a stray dog. You continued to experience these events as an adult until one day you could not let the attacks go. You had to report something to the authorities, you had to tell someone that Mr. Mason next door was attacked by a mummy in his front yard, no matter how crazy that sounds. Your report did not go unnoticed, as you were visited by a government agency you had never heard of before. The agents that arrived on your doorstep informed you that you were one of the Veil-born, and have the gift of seeing things not seen or believed by most of the populous. You have been recruited by the agency and you are now part of the group called G.A.I.A. an organization designed to protect people from the strange and unusual that exists out there.
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GURPS Classic China
GURPS Supplement
By Steve Jackson Games
With 5,000 years of history and a quarter of the world's population, China is the perfect adventure setting . . . whether your campaign is magical or purely historical.
From the Great Wall to Tiananmen Square, from the Imperial Wars to the Boxer Rebellion, from Marco Polo to Mao, no fictional roleplaying setting can equal the scope and grandeur of China!
GURPS China also includes complete rules for translating the GURPS Third Edition magic system into a mythically accurate Chinese campaign. The Bestiary chapter describes the traditional ghosts, spirits, and monsters of Chinese legend, including Oriental dragons!
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The Palace of Mad King Ludwig
2-4 players, ages 13+, 75+ minutes
By Bezier Games
King Ludwig II of Bavaria has called all great architects to design his greatest achievement: a world-renowned palace. Only the best will do! Gorgeous appointments, white stone, surrounded by water, with swans everywhere. Oh, and the Ludwig touch? All the architects must design the palace together. The designer who shows the strongest influence will receive the order to build it.
In The Palace of Mad King Ludwig, each player builds rooms one at a time in a single gigantic palace. As rooms are completed, a moat slowly forms around the outside. Once the ends of the moat connect, the palace is finished, and the player who has contributed the most to the palace wins!
In more detail, this sequel to Castles of Mad King Ludwig shares a few similarities to its predecessor, such as tile-laying, room rewards, and the magic of watching a unique palace take shape through the course of the game, but the gameplay is entirely different, with no auction, a clever endgame timer that graphically builds pressure for players as the moat slowly closes in around the palace, and a twist on resource management with multi-colored swan tokens being used as currency, points, and the keys to new abilities.
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Chaos in the Trollclaws
Dragonfire Adventures Expansion
By Catalyst Game Labs
Monstrous hunger shall not be denied in this second installment of the Dragonfire Adventures. New encounters await, guarding precious treasures for the stalwart adventurer.
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Escape the Dark Castle
1-4 players, ages 14+, 30+ minutes
By Themeborne
Escape the Dark Castle is a casual, cooperative game of retro-atmospheric adventure.
Players take on the roles of prisoners, wrongfully incarcerated in the depths of The Dark Castle. Whether it’s the Abbot, the Tailor or the Cook, each prisoner is represented by a character card and a custom character dice showing that prisoner’s unique endowment of Might, Cunning and Wisdom – the game’s three traits.
Embarking on a desperate quest to escape, the players must work together to overcome the castle’s many horrors, traps, and challenges - each of which is represented by an over-sized chapter card. 15 of these chapter cards are drawn at random from a larger deck to create a unique castle at the beginning of each game.
Gameplay involves one player revealing a new chapter card each turn, in a motion like turning a page of a storybook. There is no turn order. Instead, players decide as a group who will turn the next chapter card, and there are often grisly consequences for the one that does. When a card is turned, the next chamber or passageway into which the prisoners have stumbled is revealed.
Once revealed, the chapter card will explain the situation facing the group and what must be done to get through it. In the style of choose-your-path adventures, most chapters offer the group a choice about how to proceed. Bribe the drunken guards or attack them? Charge the beast or lure it out? Steal from the kitchen stores or keep moving?
Each chapter is a unique mini-game and a variety of mechanics are required to complete them, from push-your-luck dice rolling to the playing of item cards collected along the way that bolster player’s tactical abilities.
When the players choose to enter (or fail to avoid) combat, all players roll simultaneously to make an attack against the enemy. They need to collectively muster the right combination of Might, Cunning and Wisdom to defeat the foe in question, or risk taking damage.
The goal of the game is for the group to complete every chapter in the castle deck, and then defeat the final boss. To win, they must keep every member of the team alive - if any player is killed the game ends immediately.
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Star Realms Expansion Pack
By White Wizard Games
Star Realms: Scenarios is a supplemental Star Realms item that consists of twenty scenario cards. Before the start of a game, shuffle the deck of cards, then reveal one of the scenarios, which changes one or more rules — or introduces new rules — for that particular game.
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Occult Adventures Character Deck 1
Pathfinder Adventures Card Game Expansion
By Paizo
These characters are guaranteed to blow your mind—or, if you prefer, someone else's. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Occult Adventures Character Deck 1 features three new characters who use mental attacks: the spiritualist Estra, the mesmerist Meligaster, and the psychic Rivani. This 109-card accessory for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game gives you the cards you need to add some brain to your game. Use in any Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Base Set or in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign!
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The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Deck
Lord of the Rings The Card Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
Combined in one single, sixty-card package, The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game introduce new setup and encounter decks that greatly increase the difficulty of the three scenarios from The Treason of Saruman Saga Expansion.
With a focus on the treacherous Wizard and his fearsome Uruk-hai, these Nightmare Decks raise the stakes of your adventures with Aragorn and company as you pursue your captive companions, fight alongside the Rohirrim at the defense of Helm's Deep, and march against the fortress of Isengard. Simultaneously, they introduce new themes and story elements, such as the arrival of Mauhur’s Orcs and the dastardly effect of Saruman’s Wizardry.
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Ascension: Valley of the Ancients
1-4 players, ages 13+, 30+ minutes
By Stone Blade Entertainment
Ascension is a deck-building game in which players spend Runes to acquire more powerful cards for their deck. It offers a dynamic play experience where players have to react and adjust their strategy accordingly. Each player starts with a small deck of cards, and uses those cards to acquire more and better cards for their deck, with the goal of earning the most Honor Points by gaining cards and defeating monsters.
In Ascension: Valley of the Ancients, players compete with one another to maintain control over powerful temple cards. Players can control three different temples: the Temple of Life, the Temple of Death, and the ultimate Temple of Immortality. Players race to collect keystones, which aid them in their quest to acquire temples or steal them from their opponents!
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Tavern Masters
1-6 players, ages 13+, 20-30+ minutes
By Dann Kriss Games
Run the best fantasy tavern in the village! Entertain the patrons! Earn the gold!
Each player is a new tavern owner, setting up shop in a thirsty village full of thugs and soldiers, mages and nobles! There are multiple ways to play Tavern Masters: Competitive, Co-Operative, or Single Player
During the Day Phase, players play Tavern cards from their hand with Gold to build up their tavern, so that during Night Phase more Patrons will come to their tavern and spend more gold.
One key feature in this game is Trading. Players can trade goods and staff cards from their hand or their tavern, which adds for both a fun game dynamic and great player interaction.
Another fun dynamic is that turns are taken simultaneously during each Phase, so there is no "player down-time". Also, there is no "player elimination".
In the base game of Tavern Masters, there are no "take that" cards, or cards which would negatively impact another player directly. This makes for less tense game-play for players who do not enjoy looking over their shoulder each turn at who will attack or betray them.
For players who do enjoy more of the "take that" card play interaction, there is the Dirty Deeds Expansion, which adds in nasty tricks to play on the other tavern owners. The Dirty Deeds Expansion is mainly intended for Competitive Play mode.
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Dirty Deeds
Taverns Masters Expansion
By Dann Kriss Games
The tavern is open and business is booming, but like your drinks, the competition is stiff! Time to employ some dirty tactics to ensure your tavern remains the best in town!
Tavern Masters: Dirty Deeds Expansion adds in 48 Dirty Deeds cards, as well as a handful of new Tavern and Patron cards, to help you get the edge on your competitors! With this Expansion, intended mostly for Competitive Play, the cards add in a "take that" element to game play.
Dump a bag of rats in your opponent's back door to taint their food, or hire a thug to poison their ale! Spread rumors to scare away their patrons, or rig your games to earn more gold!
Tavern Masters: Dirty Deeds is a great way to up the stakes between players by letting them target one another and pull some nasty pranks, from the light-hearted to the downright devious!
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Games of Chance
Tavern Masters Expansion
By Dann Kriss Games
The tavern has been drawing in more interesting characters, and with each one a new set of possibilities!
Tavern Masters: Games Of Chance Mini-Expansion adds in 20 new Tavern, Patron, and Dirty Deed cards; each utilizing a dice-rolling mechanic to add a touch of randomness to the card's ability.
A fun way to introduce some variable-powered Patrons, Goods and Staff, plus each expansion comes with a custom pair of Tavern Masters six-sided dice!
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The Void
Aeon’s End Expansion
By Action Phase Games / Indie Boards & Cards
Aeon's End: The Void is an expansion for the standalone Aeon's End titles that features two new nemeses and two new breach mages.
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Path of Light and Shadow
2-4 players, ages 14+, 60-120+ minutes
By Action Phase Games / Indie Boards & Cards
The Realms lay divided, their former wonder lost and forgotten. The Tyrant Queen has seized the throne, forcing the rightful heirs deep into exile. You are the sons and daughters of the once-great houses: Foxway, Gorga, Mherzeen, and Spyre. Under the tutelage of advisors, you have gathered your followers, your conscripts. The time has come to take back what is yours.
Path of Light and Shadow is a massive empire-building experience, combining area control, deck management, and civilization customization. As players vie for control of The Realms, they must enlist and promote supporters, outfit their burgeoning empire with powerful technologies, align with powerful leaders, and lay siege to rival exiles after the throne. Above all else, each player must decide what type of leader they will become, cruel or merciful. But choose wisely, for each path has its rewards and perils.
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Dice Throne
2-6 players, ages 8+, 20-40+ minutes
By Roxley
Dice Throne is a game of intriguing dice, tactical card play, powerful heroes, and unique abilities.
It's a fast-paced 2-6 player combat game (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 2v2v2, or free-for-all). Select from a variety of heroes that play and feel completely distinct from one another. Attack opponents and activate abilities by rolling your hero's unique set of five dice. Accumulate combat points and spend them on cards that have a large range of effects, such as granting permanent hero upgrades, applying status effects, and manipulating dice directly (yours, your teammate's, or even your opponent's).
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Kitten Klash
2 players, ages 6+, 1-2+ minutes
By Daily Magic Games
Just like kittens clawing and wrestling for supremacy, Kitten Klash puts two players in a frenzied dash to grab the most matched cards from a constantly changing tableau. You need the attention of a tiger and the speed of a cheetah to win this lightning-fast real-time game.
In more detail, players continuously lay out cards in two rows of three opposing stacks, keeping an eye peeled for horizontal or vertical color matches. When you spot one, you reach out fast-fast-fast to grab both stacks, then go back to laying out cards until you spot the next match. When one player is out of cards, the round ends and players count up their points from the cards they grabbed: 1 point for each of your own cards and 2 points for each of your opponent's cards.
You can play a round of Kitten Klash in 30 seconds. Play three rounds to see who is the top kitten in your house!
Note: With two decks of Kitten Klash, four players can play as two side-by-side teams frantically seeking and grabbing card matches across six opposing stacks.
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Breaking Bad: The Board Game
3-8 players, ages 18+, 60+ minutes
By Edge Entertainment
Based on the critically-acclaimed TV series, Breaking Bad: The Board Gamepropels you into the treacherous underbelly of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Will you play as a member of one of the criminal factions (Heisenberg, Los Pollos Hermanos, or the Juarez Cartel), trying to amass a fortune by manufacturing the biggest stash of Blue Sky while eliminating your rivals? Or will you join the ranks of the Drug Enforcement Administration, ready to slap the cuffs on the lawbreakers who would dare peddle their poison in your city?
In more detail, when playing a criminal faction, your goal is to produce Blue Sky, then sell the quantity needed to win before your opponents can. You can also win the game by taking out all of your opponents by using cards to bomb, shoot, or otherwise eliminate them. As the DEA agent, your goal is to seize the criminal factions' labs (by playing DEA Raid cards). You can also win the game by taking out all of your opponents, either by killing them or putting them in jail. In game terms, on their turn, a player takes two of the following actions:
Be the one who knocks.
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2-4 players, ages 10+, 45-60+ minutes
By RUNES Edition
Blackwood is a little village renowned for its many Witches, the fault of the mysterious forest full of magical ingredients that stands right on its doorstep. But this morning, the whole village is in turmoil! And that has not happened in decades! The Blackwood Sorcery Council has decided to admit a new member. Their choice will be the most reputable Witch in the region. It's up to you to show them what you are capable of!
To be premoted into the Blackwood Sorcery Council, you have to do what you do best: potions! To attract the attention of the council members, it is best that you concoct the potions they love. You will be helped in this task by your magical wooden puppets, called Marionnette's. As well as spells, that you can exchange for potions, with the local village magician. But watch out for your so called Witch friends, who will not hesitate to take the essential ingredients you need.
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Truck Off: The Food Truck Frenzy
2-6 players, ages 8+, 30+ minutes
By Adam’s Apple Games
Truck Off is a lightweight food truck card game that packs some serious bite! In Truck Off, you send your food truck team hoping to score a sweet parking spot at a lucrative venue. Your timing and game plan will be critical to your success while your opponents will look for the perfect opportunity to get you to, ahem, truck off!
Truck Off is played over five rounds, after which the player with the most money earned wins. Each round, players simultaneously select, then reveal which venue they will park at placing their food trucks next to that venue. A die is then rolled at each venue to determine how many people actually showed up at each venue. Each player then simultaneously selects which special action(s) they choose to execute this round. Starting with the first player token, players play and execute one action in a clockwise manor until all actions have been played and executed. After players are done executing actions, profits are split between each truck at the venue.
Truck Off game-play mechanically captures the ups and downs of food truck owner by rewarding both long-term planning and short-term tactics as well as throwing many curve-balls such as low venue attendance, competition, and crazy weather.
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The Blacksmith’s Guild: Forged From Steel
Guild Ball Expansion
By SteamForged Games
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Lion of Judah: The War for Ethiopia, 1935-1941
2 players, 180-240+ minutes
By Compass Games
Lion of Judah: The War for Ethiopia, 1935-1941 is a two-player wargame simulating two campaigns located in the Horn of Africa - Italy vs. Ethiopia in 1935-1936, and the British Commonwealth and Ethiopia vs. Italy in 1940-1941. The scenarios use a common rule set combined with scenario-specific rules. Regular units are mostly divisions, brigades and regiments, while irregular units include warrior levies and tribal bands. Armor, transports, air power, and headquarters (which represent corps-level artillery assets, engineers, and administrative and command centers) are also represented. Lion of Judah has one large-hex map and approximately 400 counters representing Italian, Ethiopian, Commonwealth, French and German units. In addition to the military units, there are markers to track game and unit status, as well as several Random Event markers used in the historical scenarios for added historical flavor.
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Mrs Thatcher’s War: The Falklands, 1982
1 player, ages 12+, 100-250+ minutes
By White Dog Games
Not designed as a detailed simulation, this fun and challenging game illustrates the general strategic course of the 1982 Falklands War between Britain and Argentina, and highlights important historical themes.
It is two games in one: a naval/air game (whose mechanics are based on the author's "Don't Tread On Me" system, but using ships and aircraft instead of armies!) in which the British Player fights against the game system's Argentine "A.I." to establish control of the skies; and a ground game (modeled after the game system featured in the author's "Mound Builders" and "The First Jihad") in which the British Player takes advantage of his air superiority to fight and 'yomp' his ground troops across East Falkland to final victory -- or defeat -- in the hills around Stanley.
The game features all the historical chrome for which this design team is so well known, including Exocet missiles, Falkland Islander civilian resistance, diplomatic shuttles, covert Soviet aid, SAS guerilla missions, Chilean intervention, US assistance, the Gurkhas, helicopters, "ace" pilots, and even the Pope!
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N: The Napoleonic Wars
1 player, ages 12+, 60-240+ minutes
By White Dog Games
A solitaire game of the Napoleonic Wars, based on the designer's Don't Tread on Me (White Dog Games). You play the monarchist Coalitions, led by Britain, and the game's A.I. plays Napoleonic France.
The game is grand-strategic; each turn covers an average of two years' real time. Your goal is to force Napoleon to abdicate, through a combination of military defeats in Europe (using your armies), and military/diplomatic defeats overseas (spending cash and diplomatic assets in a series of semi-random overseas campaigns including Ireland, Egypt, the Balkans, Senegal and the War of 1812). At the end of Turn 16 (1818-1821), if you have not defeated Napoleon, then Napoleon dies of natural causes and an exhausted Europe makes peace with his son, and you lose the game.
As a solitaire game, it is full of random events and unexpected challenges for the player, as you -- the British -- attempt to hold your unwieldy coalition together and prioritize your various budgets to win naval battles, overseas campaigns, and subsidize the various minor states of Europe whose armies are key to victory.
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Paper Wars #87: Belmont: Grants Baptism of Fire
Wargames Magazine & Game
By Compass Games
Ulysses Grant – who is he? Prior to the battle of Belmont at Belmont on November 7, 1861, this was a valid question. General Grant’s Belmont offensive was his first action in the war, providing him and his green mid-western troops much-needed experience. Having overrun a rebel camp, he claimed victory. But later, Confederate general Polk would claim victory for forcing Grant and his troops to quit the battlefield and chasing them aboard their transports.
The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.
Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.
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Our Friends The Machines & Other Mysteries
Tales From The Loop Sourcebook
By Free League / Modiphius
The first campaign book for the award winning Tales from the Loop RPG, which scooped no less than five ENnies including Best Game, Best Setting, Best Writing, Best Internal Art and Product of the Year in 2017!
Toys suddenly developing intelligence. A mystical mummy roaming the beaches. Weird events in the local video store. A mixtape full of mysteries. Four wondrous machines. A guide to creating your own setting for the game. All of this and more is included in this volume, the first official module for the multiple award-winning Tales from the Loop RPG. This book includes:
· Our Friends the Machines. A mystery about a product launch of a new line of action toys that suddenly takes a turn to the weird.
· Horror Movie Mayhem. The ’80s was the decade of moral panic, when everything new was dangerous and corrupting. In this mystery the Kids will investigate what is really happening in and around the local video store.
· The Mummy in the Mist. There are whispering rumors that it is back again. The mummy down by the lake. Roaming the beaches by night, looking for something, hungering after something. It will be up to the Kids to solve this mystery.
· A mixtape filled with mysteries. Eight short mysteries based on classic pop songs from the era.
· Blueprints, background and adventure hooks for four advanced and iconic machines from the world of the Loop.
· Hometown Hack. A guide to creating your very own setting for the game, complete with the Norfolk Broads, a UK-based Loop.
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Reign of Terror
Call of Cthulhu Setting
By Chaosium
Reign of Terror is an epic two-part historical scenario, set during the French Revolution, playable as a stand-alone adventure or as an historical interlude for use with Chaosium’s premium campaign Horror on the Orient Express.
A time of struggle, intrigue, and horror. A divided country, where the upper class enjoys the bounty of wealth, and the poor cannot afford a loaf of bread. Where the cries of anger and rage at life’s injustices find momentum, sparking the people to unite and cast away the old regime for a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow. In time, hope will be replaced with fear as The Terror descends upon France, and the guillotine cries out for blood.
The crowds gather baying for blood, while the “chop-chop-chop” of the guillotine calls out…
Developed by Call of Cthulhu mastermind Mark Morrison as a secret chapter in the story of Horror on the Orient Express, Reign of Terror has been designed for play with or without reference to that campaign. If used with Horror on the Orient Express, it provides an exciting and action-packed “living handout” that brings new insights and illuminates the players into the full horror of one of the campaign’s dire villains.
Part One, set in 1789 amid the stirrings of the revolution, sees the investigators descend into the catacombs of Paris and brave the tribulations of courtly life, where debauchery and wickedness bring there own terrors.
Part Two, set during The Terror, catapults the investigators into a conspiracy, where spies and agents seek out those who would destabilize the new regime. Caught amongst the chaos and dangers of Paris, the way must be found to stop a nightmare that would plunge France and the rest of Europe into darkness.
“Meat is a luxury for many. Butchers slaughter beasts in the courtyards behind their shops; the blood flows out into the streets. The better cuts go to the wealthy while poorer Parisians eat mutton, sausages, offal, and salted pork.”
This book provides a stand-alone setting, with a plethora of historical details to help the Keeper bring Paris and the French Revolution to life. Profusely illustrated throughout, with detailed maps of Paris, the Palace of Versailles, and more! Alongside the two-part scenario of Reign of Terror is a range of scenario seeds, each providing roots for extending play and building a longer, more in-depth campaign.
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High Space: Core Setting Book
Savage Worlds Setting
By Storyweaver Games
Imagine living in a super-advanced, ultra high-tech civilization...a utopia of boundless harmony, abundance, and encompassing hundreds of species and worlds.
Sounds like a perfect life.
But why are you so bored?
Because you’re not like everyone else.
You crave visceral, dangerous, and exciting new adventures. You’re one of the few outcasts...misfits known as the Wildcards.
Welcome to High-Space... the highly anticipated sequel of the popular High-Space sci-fi setting for Savage World. Get ready to...
· Go on ultra secretive missions that technically don’t exist
· Explore strange new worlds...and bring them to compliance
· Go on heart-stopping adventures at the edge of the galaxy
· Fight bizarre alien threats in never before discovered corners of the galaxy
· Play any alien species you choose, even as a starship
· Play with psionic and cybernetic-enhanced characters
· Engage in all-new cinematic starships battles like you’ve never done before
· Immerse yourself in an epic story arc that will seal the fate of trillions
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Urban Sprawl
Starfinder Flip-Mat
By Paizo
Whether the heroes are fighting cybernetically augmented gangsters in the dirty streets of a metropolis or simply out for a night on the town, no Game Master wants to spend precious game time drawing every street and alley. Fortunately, with Paizo's latest Starfinder Flip-Mat, you don't have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use science fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. This double-sided map features an upscale, futuristic city center on one side and the dark and dangerous alleys of a dystopian megacity on the other, providing the perfect setting for any science fantasy urban escapade.
Don't waste time sketching when you could be playing. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Urban Sprawl, you'll always be ready next time your players take to the streets looking for trouble!
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Disciple’s Doctrine
Pathfinder Player’s Companion
By Paizo
Trust and Your Faith Shall Provide
Having faith doesn't always mean worshiping a deity. From the far-flung corners of Golarion to the center of its major cities, many adherents find faith in small congregations dedicated to obscure beliefs and complex philosophies. Pathfinder Player Companion: Disciple's Doctrine explores a dozen of these cults and traditions, including such groups as the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, Magnimar's mystery cults, the Oracular Council of Po Li in Tian Xia, the Prophets of Kalistrade, and many more. Learn more about these lesser-known groups, and discover the class and character options that true faith and deep traditions can unlock.
Inside this book you'll find:
· A host of character traits for those with a background in devotion or dogma, including the natural ritualist faith trait for those who venerate the outdoors and the ecumenical social trait for those who grew up learning about many deities.
· Archetypes for adherents of these doctrines, from the fist of the Godclaw warpriest for members of that Hellknight order to the seeker of enlightenment spiritualist dedicated to learning about Sangpotshi, the River of Life.
· A wide array of spells for the faithful and those who have learned from them, including protective spells tied to the Kalistocrats of Druma and prophetic spells connected to the Harbingers of Fate.
View attachment 93622
Beyond the Veiled Past
Pathfinder Adventure Path #125 (Ruins of Azlant 6 of 6)
By Pazio
Avert Catastrophe!
The insidious alghollthus who sank Azlant beneath the treacherous ocean in ancient times mobilize their forces even as the heroes close on their enemies for a final confrontation. After preparing their allies for the impending assault, the heroes must fight their way through the submerged ruins of an ancient weapons facility packed with dangerous guardians and unstable magic to stop their monstrous foe before the veiled master unleashes a devastating eldritch attack to reignite the war against humanity, plunging the world into chaos just as the alghollthus did when they brought Azlant to ruin so long ago.
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path concludes the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path and includes:
· "Beyond the Veiled Past," a thrilling Pathfinder adventure for 15th-level characters, by Thurston Hillman.
· Ways to continue your campaign as well as information on the catastrophic results if the heroes fail, by Robert Brookes.
· A glimpse at some of the nefarious plots of the cunning veiled masters, by Robert Brookes.
· An exploration of what it would be like for an ancient Azlanti to suddenly awaken in modern-day Golarion, by Eleanor Ferron.
· A bestiary of both dangerous and friendly monsters, by Thurston Hillman, Crystal Malarsky, and Scott Sharplin.
View attachment 93621
Advanced Class Guide Pocket Edition
Pathfinder Supplement
By Paizo
A New Breed of Hero
Adventure like never before with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide! Explore new heights of heroism with 10 new base classes, each with 20 levels of amazing abilities. Incredible powers also await existing characters, with more than a hundred new archetypes and class options. Prepare characters for their most legendary adventure ever with massive selections of never-before-seen spells, magic items, and more!
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 15 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide includes:
· Ten new base classes—the magic-twisting arcanist, the ferocious bloodrager, the cunning investigator, the daring swashbuckler, the formidable warpriest, and others.
· Variant class abilities and thematic archetypes for all 29 base classes, such as the counterfeit mage and the mutagenic mauler.
· Nearly a hundred new feats for characters of all classes, including style feats, teamwork feats like Coordinated Shot, and more.
· Hundreds of new spells and magic items, such as feast on fear and skullcrusher gauntlets.
· An entire armory of amazing equipment, from vital new adventuring gear to deadly alchemical weapons.
· ... and much, much more!
View attachment 93620
Bestiary 3 Pocket Edition
Pathfinder Supplement
By Paizo
Test your courage against the most infamous foes of myth and legend! Bestiary 3 presents hundreds of monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this book you'll find demiliches and demodands, grave knights and goblin snakes, norns and nephilim, imperial dragons and unfettered eidolons, and so much more! Yet not every creature needs to be an enemy, as winged garudas, crafty tanukis, and leonine lammasus all wait to join your party and answer the call of glory.
The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 is the third indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time bestselling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.
The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 includes:
· More than 300 different monsters
· Classic terrors from myth and literature, from the frumious bandersnatch and the righteous valkyrie to the cunning dybbuk and elusive kappa
· Hordes of new creatures you can construct, grow, or summon to aid your party in its adventures
· New player-friendly races to let you adventure as canny ratfolk, genie-blooded sulis, and more
· New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
· Challenges for any adventure and every level of play
· Some of the strangest and most beloved creatures from fantasy roleplaying history and the Pathfinder campaign setting
· Hosts of new templates and variants
· Appendices to aid in monster navigation, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
· Expanded universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities
· ... and much, much more!
View attachment 93619
Ruins of Azlant Poster Map Folio
Pathfinder Campaign Setting Accessory
By Paizo
Plot a Course for Adventure!
Explore the ruins of a shattered continent, the fabled lost Azlant, with the Ruins of Azlant Poster Map Folio. Pore over masterful cartography and plan exciting adventures with these three massive poster maps designed for use with the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path.
These huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps depict major locations found in the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path. The first map is a player-oriented nautical map of the islands in the region of broken Azlant, where the campaign unfolds. The second map depicts the underwater town of Talasantri, and the third map, labeled to assist Game Masters, shows the islands that make up the setting for the Ruins of Azlant campaign.
Whether you're looking for a group of remote islands rich for adventure, player handouts, or an exotic aquatic locale, these beautiful maps are the perfect resource for the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.
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Pathfinder Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
By Paizo
Endless Dungeon!
When you need a dungeon full of foul chambers and hiding spots for fiends and villains, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Dungeon Multi-Pack has you covered. The four sides of this Flip-Mat Multi-Pack present levels in an interlocking dungeon. Each side connects to the set's other dungeon labyrinths, allowing any delve you run to last all night—and well into the next morning! With these handy dungeon maps, you'll be ready for anything the next time your players delve deeper and deeper!
This set includes two flip mats, each measuring 24" × 30" unfolded, and 8" × 10" folded. Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Dungeon Multi-Pack fits perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal!
View attachment 93617
City of Mist Core Book (with Lily Chow Playbook)
Core Rulebook
By Son of Oak Game Studio
Hit the rainy streets of an enigmatic metropolis as a modern-day legend in search for the truth. Investigate unsolved cases, uncover the stories of the city residents, and confront the hidden forces pulling the strings from beyond the veil of the Mist. Make hard calls about which aspect of your life to promote and which to neglect; then suffer the consequences. And when it all falls apart, stop holding back and become the unstoppable incarnation of your Mythos…
The City of Mist Core Book contains everything you need to create and run City of Mist stories: rules for creating your own characters and crew, a comprehensive explanation of the roll+tags system, the Mythos & Logos character development rules, and a complete guide for the MC (aka Game Master) including tips on how to orchestrate the drama as well as guidelines and examples for creating cases, characters, locations, and story arcs.
The rulebook design is a homage to super-powered noir graphic novels with six comic strips, full-spread chapter covers, and staggering character and location art back to back.
View attachment 93616
Zeitgeist 1: Island at the Axis of the World
5th Edition Adventure
By EN Publishing
Welcome to part one of the critically acclaimed ZEITGEIST adventure path!
In factories throughout the city of Flint, months of ceasless toil by mages, engineers, and shipbuilders have finally concluded. Now well-wishers from across the nation of Risur have come to witness the launch of the world's mightiest vessel of war: the R.N.S. Coaltongue, impervious to spell and cannon and armed with fire that could slay even a dragon. On the docks, constables keep a close eye on celebrants and troublemakers; in the shadows, conspiracy and betrayal threaten this technological titan on its maiden voyage.
Meanwhile, on an island in the lush Yerasol Archipelago, enemy spies put their plans into motion, clouded with secrecy...
An adventure for heroes starting at 3rd level.
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The Warring Kingdoms: Nostria and Andergast
The Dark Eye Sourcebook
By Ulisses Spiele
The grudge between the Warring Kingdoms of Nostria and Andergast has burned for almost two millennia.
This regional sourcebook provides detailed background information on these hostile realms and their combative inhabitants in northwestern Aventuria. Explore the hazardous Forest Wilderness, the deadly Bladegrass Steppes in the east, and the rough shores of the Lakelands. Uncover hidden secrets of sumes (druids) and witches, and pit your heroes against new creatures, such as evil marwolds and predatory giant dragonflies.
The Warring Kingdoms includes the following.
View attachment 93585
Our Friends The Machines & Other Mysteries
Tales From The Loop Sourcebook
By Free League / Modiphius
The first campaign book for the award winning Tales from the Loop RPG, which scooped no less than five ENnies including Best Game, Best Setting, Best Writing, Best Internal Art and Product of the Year in 2017!
Toys suddenly developing intelligence. A mystical mummy roaming the beaches. Weird events in the local video store. A mixtape full of mysteries. Four wondrous machines. A guide to creating your own setting for the game. All of this and more is included in this volume, the first official module for the multiple award-winning Tales from the Loop RPG. This book includes:
· Our Friends the Machines. A mystery about a product launch of a new line of action toys that suddenly takes a turn to the weird.
· Horror Movie Mayhem. The ’80s was the decade of moral panic, when everything new was dangerous and corrupting. In this mystery the Kids will investigate what is really happening in and around the local video store.
· The Mummy in the Mist. There are whispering rumors that it is back again. The mummy down by the lake. Roaming the beaches by night, looking for something, hungering after something. It will be up to the Kids to solve this mystery.
· A mixtape filled with mysteries. Eight short mysteries based on classic pop songs from the era.
· Blueprints, background and adventure hooks for four advanced and iconic machines from the world of the Loop.
· Hometown Hack. A guide to creating your very own setting for the game, complete with the Norfolk Broads, a UK-based Loop.
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Reign of Terror
Call of Cthulhu Setting
By Chaosium
Reign of Terror is an epic two-part historical scenario, set during the French Revolution, playable as a stand-alone adventure or as an historical interlude for use with Chaosium’s premium campaign Horror on the Orient Express.
A time of struggle, intrigue, and horror. A divided country, where the upper class enjoys the bounty of wealth, and the poor cannot afford a loaf of bread. Where the cries of anger and rage at life’s injustices find momentum, sparking the people to unite and cast away the old regime for a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow. In time, hope will be replaced with fear as The Terror descends upon France, and the guillotine cries out for blood.
The crowds gather baying for blood, while the “chop-chop-chop” of the guillotine calls out…
Developed by Call of Cthulhu mastermind Mark Morrison as a secret chapter in the story of Horror on the Orient Express, Reign of Terror has been designed for play with or without reference to that campaign. If used with Horror on the Orient Express, it provides an exciting and action-packed “living handout” that brings new insights and illuminates the players into the full horror of one of the campaign’s dire villains.
Part One, set in 1789 amid the stirrings of the revolution, sees the investigators descend into the catacombs of Paris and brave the tribulations of courtly life, where debauchery and wickedness bring there own terrors.
Part Two, set during The Terror, catapults the investigators into a conspiracy, where spies and agents seek out those who would destabilize the new regime. Caught amongst the chaos and dangers of Paris, the way must be found to stop a nightmare that would plunge France and the rest of Europe into darkness.
“Meat is a luxury for many. Butchers slaughter beasts in the courtyards behind their shops; the blood flows out into the streets. The better cuts go to the wealthy while poorer Parisians eat mutton, sausages, offal, and salted pork.”
This book provides a stand-alone setting, with a plethora of historical details to help the Keeper bring Paris and the French Revolution to life. Profusely illustrated throughout, with detailed maps of Paris, the Palace of Versailles, and more! Alongside the two-part scenario of Reign of Terror is a range of scenario seeds, each providing roots for extending play and building a longer, more in-depth campaign.
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High Space: Core Setting Book
Savage Worlds Setting
By Storyweaver Games
Imagine living in a super-advanced, ultra high-tech civilization...a utopia of boundless harmony, abundance, and encompassing hundreds of species and worlds.
Sounds like a perfect life.
But why are you so bored?
Because you’re not like everyone else.
You crave visceral, dangerous, and exciting new adventures. You’re one of the few outcasts...misfits known as the Wildcards.
Welcome to High-Space... the highly anticipated sequel of the popular High-Space sci-fi setting for Savage World. Get ready to...
· Go on ultra secretive missions that technically don’t exist
· Explore strange new worlds...and bring them to compliance
· Go on heart-stopping adventures at the edge of the galaxy
· Fight bizarre alien threats in never before discovered corners of the galaxy
· Play any alien species you choose, even as a starship
· Play with psionic and cybernetic-enhanced characters
· Engage in all-new cinematic starships battles like you’ve never done before
· Immerse yourself in an epic story arc that will seal the fate of trillions
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Urban Sprawl
Starfinder Flip-Mat
By Paizo
Whether the heroes are fighting cybernetically augmented gangsters in the dirty streets of a metropolis or simply out for a night on the town, no Game Master wants to spend precious game time drawing every street and alley. Fortunately, with Paizo's latest Starfinder Flip-Mat, you don't have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use science fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. This double-sided map features an upscale, futuristic city center on one side and the dark and dangerous alleys of a dystopian megacity on the other, providing the perfect setting for any science fantasy urban escapade.
Don't waste time sketching when you could be playing. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Urban Sprawl, you'll always be ready next time your players take to the streets looking for trouble!
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Disciple’s Doctrine
Pathfinder Player’s Companion
By Paizo
Trust and Your Faith Shall Provide
Having faith doesn't always mean worshiping a deity. From the far-flung corners of Golarion to the center of its major cities, many adherents find faith in small congregations dedicated to obscure beliefs and complex philosophies. Pathfinder Player Companion: Disciple's Doctrine explores a dozen of these cults and traditions, including such groups as the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, Magnimar's mystery cults, the Oracular Council of Po Li in Tian Xia, the Prophets of Kalistrade, and many more. Learn more about these lesser-known groups, and discover the class and character options that true faith and deep traditions can unlock.
Inside this book you'll find:
· A host of character traits for those with a background in devotion or dogma, including the natural ritualist faith trait for those who venerate the outdoors and the ecumenical social trait for those who grew up learning about many deities.
· Archetypes for adherents of these doctrines, from the fist of the Godclaw warpriest for members of that Hellknight order to the seeker of enlightenment spiritualist dedicated to learning about Sangpotshi, the River of Life.
· A wide array of spells for the faithful and those who have learned from them, including protective spells tied to the Kalistocrats of Druma and prophetic spells connected to the Harbingers of Fate.
View attachment 93622
Beyond the Veiled Past
Pathfinder Adventure Path #125 (Ruins of Azlant 6 of 6)
By Pazio
Avert Catastrophe!
The insidious alghollthus who sank Azlant beneath the treacherous ocean in ancient times mobilize their forces even as the heroes close on their enemies for a final confrontation. After preparing their allies for the impending assault, the heroes must fight their way through the submerged ruins of an ancient weapons facility packed with dangerous guardians and unstable magic to stop their monstrous foe before the veiled master unleashes a devastating eldritch attack to reignite the war against humanity, plunging the world into chaos just as the alghollthus did when they brought Azlant to ruin so long ago.
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path concludes the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path and includes:
· "Beyond the Veiled Past," a thrilling Pathfinder adventure for 15th-level characters, by Thurston Hillman.
· Ways to continue your campaign as well as information on the catastrophic results if the heroes fail, by Robert Brookes.
· A glimpse at some of the nefarious plots of the cunning veiled masters, by Robert Brookes.
· An exploration of what it would be like for an ancient Azlanti to suddenly awaken in modern-day Golarion, by Eleanor Ferron.
· A bestiary of both dangerous and friendly monsters, by Thurston Hillman, Crystal Malarsky, and Scott Sharplin.
View attachment 93621
Advanced Class Guide Pocket Edition
Pathfinder Supplement
By Paizo
A New Breed of Hero
Adventure like never before with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide! Explore new heights of heroism with 10 new base classes, each with 20 levels of amazing abilities. Incredible powers also await existing characters, with more than a hundred new archetypes and class options. Prepare characters for their most legendary adventure ever with massive selections of never-before-seen spells, magic items, and more!
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 15 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide includes:
· Ten new base classes—the magic-twisting arcanist, the ferocious bloodrager, the cunning investigator, the daring swashbuckler, the formidable warpriest, and others.
· Variant class abilities and thematic archetypes for all 29 base classes, such as the counterfeit mage and the mutagenic mauler.
· Nearly a hundred new feats for characters of all classes, including style feats, teamwork feats like Coordinated Shot, and more.
· Hundreds of new spells and magic items, such as feast on fear and skullcrusher gauntlets.
· An entire armory of amazing equipment, from vital new adventuring gear to deadly alchemical weapons.
· ... and much, much more!
View attachment 93620
Bestiary 3 Pocket Edition
Pathfinder Supplement
By Paizo
Test your courage against the most infamous foes of myth and legend! Bestiary 3 presents hundreds of monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this book you'll find demiliches and demodands, grave knights and goblin snakes, norns and nephilim, imperial dragons and unfettered eidolons, and so much more! Yet not every creature needs to be an enemy, as winged garudas, crafty tanukis, and leonine lammasus all wait to join your party and answer the call of glory.
The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 is the third indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time bestselling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.
The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 includes:
· More than 300 different monsters
· Classic terrors from myth and literature, from the frumious bandersnatch and the righteous valkyrie to the cunning dybbuk and elusive kappa
· Hordes of new creatures you can construct, grow, or summon to aid your party in its adventures
· New player-friendly races to let you adventure as canny ratfolk, genie-blooded sulis, and more
· New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
· Challenges for any adventure and every level of play
· Some of the strangest and most beloved creatures from fantasy roleplaying history and the Pathfinder campaign setting
· Hosts of new templates and variants
· Appendices to aid in monster navigation, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
· Expanded universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities
· ... and much, much more!
View attachment 93619
Ruins of Azlant Poster Map Folio
Pathfinder Campaign Setting Accessory
By Paizo
Plot a Course for Adventure!
Explore the ruins of a shattered continent, the fabled lost Azlant, with the Ruins of Azlant Poster Map Folio. Pore over masterful cartography and plan exciting adventures with these three massive poster maps designed for use with the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path.
These huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps depict major locations found in the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path. The first map is a player-oriented nautical map of the islands in the region of broken Azlant, where the campaign unfolds. The second map depicts the underwater town of Talasantri, and the third map, labeled to assist Game Masters, shows the islands that make up the setting for the Ruins of Azlant campaign.
Whether you're looking for a group of remote islands rich for adventure, player handouts, or an exotic aquatic locale, these beautiful maps are the perfect resource for the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.
View attachment 93618
Pathfinder Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
By Paizo
Endless Dungeon!
When you need a dungeon full of foul chambers and hiding spots for fiends and villains, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Dungeon Multi-Pack has you covered. The four sides of this Flip-Mat Multi-Pack present levels in an interlocking dungeon. Each side connects to the set's other dungeon labyrinths, allowing any delve you run to last all night—and well into the next morning! With these handy dungeon maps, you'll be ready for anything the next time your players delve deeper and deeper!
This set includes two flip mats, each measuring 24" × 30" unfolded, and 8" × 10" folded. Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Dungeon Multi-Pack fits perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal!
View attachment 93617
City of Mist Core Book (with Lily Chow Playbook)
Core Rulebook
By Son of Oak Game Studio
Hit the rainy streets of an enigmatic metropolis as a modern-day legend in search for the truth. Investigate unsolved cases, uncover the stories of the city residents, and confront the hidden forces pulling the strings from beyond the veil of the Mist. Make hard calls about which aspect of your life to promote and which to neglect; then suffer the consequences. And when it all falls apart, stop holding back and become the unstoppable incarnation of your Mythos…
The City of Mist Core Book contains everything you need to create and run City of Mist stories: rules for creating your own characters and crew, a comprehensive explanation of the roll+tags system, the Mythos & Logos character development rules, and a complete guide for the MC (aka Game Master) including tips on how to orchestrate the drama as well as guidelines and examples for creating cases, characters, locations, and story arcs.
The rulebook design is a homage to super-powered noir graphic novels with six comic strips, full-spread chapter covers, and staggering character and location art back to back.
View attachment 93616
Zeitgeist 1: Island at the Axis of the World
5th Edition Adventure
By EN Publishing
Welcome to part one of the critically acclaimed ZEITGEIST adventure path!
In factories throughout the city of Flint, months of ceasless toil by mages, engineers, and shipbuilders have finally concluded. Now well-wishers from across the nation of Risur have come to witness the launch of the world's mightiest vessel of war: the R.N.S. Coaltongue, impervious to spell and cannon and armed with fire that could slay even a dragon. On the docks, constables keep a close eye on celebrants and troublemakers; in the shadows, conspiracy and betrayal threaten this technological titan on its maiden voyage.
Meanwhile, on an island in the lush Yerasol Archipelago, enemy spies put their plans into motion, clouded with secrecy...
An adventure for heroes starting at 3rd level.
View attachment 93615
The Warring Kingdoms: Nostria and Andergast
The Dark Eye Sourcebook
By Ulisses Spiele
The grudge between the Warring Kingdoms of Nostria and Andergast has burned for almost two millennia.
This regional sourcebook provides detailed background information on these hostile realms and their combative inhabitants in northwestern Aventuria. Explore the hazardous Forest Wilderness, the deadly Bladegrass Steppes in the east, and the rough shores of the Lakelands. Uncover hidden secrets of sumes (druids) and witches, and pit your heroes against new creatures, such as evil marwolds and predatory giant dragonflies.
The Warring Kingdoms includes the following.
[*=center]11 new regional professions, such as Andergastan knights, Nostrian dike builders, all-knowing serpent witches, and mysterious druids
[*=center]An example Forest Wilderness village that can be placed anywhere in Nostria or Andergast
[*=center]Details on knightly traditions and royal tournaments
[*=center]New armor and weapons, including the famous two-handed Andergaster sword and the Nostrian longbow
[*=center]Focus rules for character traits, to give your hero regional flair
[*=center]New special abilities, spells, rituals, and the enigmatic ancestor glyphs
[*=center]Mysteries and adventure hooks for use by the GM
[*=center]A poster map of the region, plus city maps of Andergast, Nostria, Joborn, Salta and Salterhaven, and Teshkal
View attachment 93614
Zombie Squad
Savage Worlds Setting
By Applied Vectors
The Zombie Squad is a Sci-Fi RPG where you play as Ex Military Criminal Black Op Units, called Penal Squadrons, that are sent out on missions either too dangerous or too dirty for Earth's Military forces.
You are deniable and expendable and expected to accomplish your mission whatever it takes. With the skills and abilities to operate behind enemy lines or undercover on the many planets available to visit in the game.
If you have ever wanted a game that mixes Star Wars, Aliens and Firefly and throws in a pinch of the Dirty Dozen and Inglorious Basterds then The Zombie Squad is the game you have been waiting for.
View attachment 93613
The Realm of Sommerland
Lone Wolf Adventure Game Setting
By Cubicle 7 Entertainment
The Realm of Sommerlund for Lone Wolf Adventure Game! Home of the Kai Order, the great city of Holmgard and so much more!
In this exhaustive setting guide for The Lone Wolf Adventure Game you’ll find a detailed history of this most essential region of the Lone Wolf world. You’ll discover detailed city maps for seven of Sommerlund’s greatest cities, with hundreds of locations to explore. Beyond the cities, you’ll find detailed gazetteers for the provinces that make up the home of the proud Sommlending people.
With additional details on the Sommlending army and navy, the royal family, Kai monasteries, the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, Druids and Darklords, the calendar of Sommerlund and much, much more, this book contains the most complete and up-to-date body of information about Sommerlund, the heart of Joe Dever’s incredible Lone Wolf setting, ever published!
Get ready for the greatest adventure of your life. For Sommerlund and the Kai!
View attachment 93612
Modern Core
WOIN Core Rules Manual
By EN Publishing
Run a high-octane modern game!
This manual contains the core rules of the What'sOLD is NEW roleplaying game system, designed for games set in the modern era.
Whereas other books in this series tell you how to create a character, build a world, or buy equipment, this book tells you how to play the game. With rules for attribute checks, countdowns, luck, combat, injury and death, objects, vehicles, and the environment, inside you'll find all the rules you need to adjudicate any task your characters might attempt.
This book is a What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. core rulebook.
View attachment 93611
Pathways Bestiary
Pathfinder Supplement
By Rite Publishing
“Make New Monsters the Rite Way”
Pathways Bestiary collects the first 60 templates from pathways magazine, updating and revising them, and presenting them along with sample stat blocks. Within these pages you'll find dozens of templates, ranging from thematic ways to tie monsters to one of the Seven Deadly Sins and complex re-skinning’s that make humanoids into massive kaiju, to simple additions that bolt a theme or concept onto a creature to give it a new role within an adventure's narrative. Each comes with some guidance on how the templated creatures can be worked into an adventure, a full stat block of a creature made new with the templates rules, and all the custom art you need to bring these creations to live.
More than just another collection of monsters that can be used at a single CR, this 228 page rule book is an important part of any GM's toolbox. Whether you need to boost an encounter’s CR, twist something from a published adventure to better suit your game group, or just want to dig through the plots and ideas presented here and use the templates to build your own unique vision of a fun encounter, these templates do more than just add a few dozen new monsters to your random encounter tables. They multiply the (likely vast) number of monster you already have by the number of templates within, turning even a game otherwise using only a single bestiary, into a world with tens of thousands of potential new foes.
View attachment 93610
Killer of Giants, an Umerican adventure
Dungeon Crawl Classics Adventure
By Shield of Faith Studios
An Umerican survival guide adventure for 3+ level characters.
The protections surrounding an ancient military base, home of the fabled "Killer of Giants", are down! The denizens of Umerica have flocked to the base to grab what they can and establish dominance over this post-apocalyptic treasure trove. Why let everyone else have all the fun? Your party of daring adventurers will discover:
* Dozens of details encounters to test (and kill) the most hardy adventurer.
* Several new creature types, including (but definitely not limited to) the sly Vulpes, scaled Salmen, dreaded Soil Seers, deadly Tei-eye-dra, vicious Skyranha, and the horrifying Shockroach!
* Teach, tech, and more tech, from Cheesy Whizzer fake cheese spray(tm) to the Killer of Giants, and just about everything in-between... or at least a representative sample.
* Killer of Giants is usable in you existing campaign or as the jumping-off point for any number of long-tern campaigns. It's an incubtaor of ideas for longer story arcs (some assembly required)!
* This product is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
View attachment 93609
Agents of G.A.I.A.
Savage Worlds Setting
By Battlefield Press
You have always seen a glimpse of the strange and unknown out of the corner of your eye. You dismissed it from the time you were little until now. You knew that your friend was attacked by werewolves when you were fifteen, even though the entire block was looking for a stray dog. You continued to experience these events as an adult until one day you could not let the attacks go. You had to report something to the authorities, you had to tell someone that Mr. Mason next door was attacked by a mummy in his front yard, no matter how crazy that sounds. Your report did not go unnoticed, as you were visited by a government agency you had never heard of before. The agents that arrived on your doorstep informed you that you were one of the Veil-born, and have the gift of seeing things not seen or believed by most of the populous. You have been recruited by the agency and you are now part of the group called G.A.I.A. an organization designed to protect people from the strange and unusual that exists out there.
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GURPS Classic China
GURPS Supplement
By Steve Jackson Games
With 5,000 years of history and a quarter of the world's population, China is the perfect adventure setting . . . whether your campaign is magical or purely historical.
From the Great Wall to Tiananmen Square, from the Imperial Wars to the Boxer Rebellion, from Marco Polo to Mao, no fictional roleplaying setting can equal the scope and grandeur of China!
GURPS China also includes complete rules for translating the GURPS Third Edition magic system into a mythically accurate Chinese campaign. The Bestiary chapter describes the traditional ghosts, spirits, and monsters of Chinese legend, including Oriental dragons!
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The Palace of Mad King Ludwig
2-4 players, ages 13+, 75+ minutes
By Bezier Games
King Ludwig II of Bavaria has called all great architects to design his greatest achievement: a world-renowned palace. Only the best will do! Gorgeous appointments, white stone, surrounded by water, with swans everywhere. Oh, and the Ludwig touch? All the architects must design the palace together. The designer who shows the strongest influence will receive the order to build it.
In The Palace of Mad King Ludwig, each player builds rooms one at a time in a single gigantic palace. As rooms are completed, a moat slowly forms around the outside. Once the ends of the moat connect, the palace is finished, and the player who has contributed the most to the palace wins!
In more detail, this sequel to Castles of Mad King Ludwig shares a few similarities to its predecessor, such as tile-laying, room rewards, and the magic of watching a unique palace take shape through the course of the game, but the gameplay is entirely different, with no auction, a clever endgame timer that graphically builds pressure for players as the moat slowly closes in around the palace, and a twist on resource management with multi-colored swan tokens being used as currency, points, and the keys to new abilities.
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Chaos in the Trollclaws
Dragonfire Adventures Expansion
By Catalyst Game Labs
Monstrous hunger shall not be denied in this second installment of the Dragonfire Adventures. New encounters await, guarding precious treasures for the stalwart adventurer.
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Escape the Dark Castle
1-4 players, ages 14+, 30+ minutes
By Themeborne
Escape the Dark Castle is a casual, cooperative game of retro-atmospheric adventure.
Players take on the roles of prisoners, wrongfully incarcerated in the depths of The Dark Castle. Whether it’s the Abbot, the Tailor or the Cook, each prisoner is represented by a character card and a custom character dice showing that prisoner’s unique endowment of Might, Cunning and Wisdom – the game’s three traits.
Embarking on a desperate quest to escape, the players must work together to overcome the castle’s many horrors, traps, and challenges - each of which is represented by an over-sized chapter card. 15 of these chapter cards are drawn at random from a larger deck to create a unique castle at the beginning of each game.
Gameplay involves one player revealing a new chapter card each turn, in a motion like turning a page of a storybook. There is no turn order. Instead, players decide as a group who will turn the next chapter card, and there are often grisly consequences for the one that does. When a card is turned, the next chamber or passageway into which the prisoners have stumbled is revealed.
Once revealed, the chapter card will explain the situation facing the group and what must be done to get through it. In the style of choose-your-path adventures, most chapters offer the group a choice about how to proceed. Bribe the drunken guards or attack them? Charge the beast or lure it out? Steal from the kitchen stores or keep moving?
Each chapter is a unique mini-game and a variety of mechanics are required to complete them, from push-your-luck dice rolling to the playing of item cards collected along the way that bolster player’s tactical abilities.
When the players choose to enter (or fail to avoid) combat, all players roll simultaneously to make an attack against the enemy. They need to collectively muster the right combination of Might, Cunning and Wisdom to defeat the foe in question, or risk taking damage.
The goal of the game is for the group to complete every chapter in the castle deck, and then defeat the final boss. To win, they must keep every member of the team alive - if any player is killed the game ends immediately.
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Star Realms Expansion Pack
By White Wizard Games
Star Realms: Scenarios is a supplemental Star Realms item that consists of twenty scenario cards. Before the start of a game, shuffle the deck of cards, then reveal one of the scenarios, which changes one or more rules — or introduces new rules — for that particular game.
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Occult Adventures Character Deck 1
Pathfinder Adventures Card Game Expansion
By Paizo
These characters are guaranteed to blow your mind—or, if you prefer, someone else's. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Occult Adventures Character Deck 1 features three new characters who use mental attacks: the spiritualist Estra, the mesmerist Meligaster, and the psychic Rivani. This 109-card accessory for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game gives you the cards you need to add some brain to your game. Use in any Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Base Set or in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign!
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The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Deck
Lord of the Rings The Card Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
Combined in one single, sixty-card package, The Treason of Saruman Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game introduce new setup and encounter decks that greatly increase the difficulty of the three scenarios from The Treason of Saruman Saga Expansion.
With a focus on the treacherous Wizard and his fearsome Uruk-hai, these Nightmare Decks raise the stakes of your adventures with Aragorn and company as you pursue your captive companions, fight alongside the Rohirrim at the defense of Helm's Deep, and march against the fortress of Isengard. Simultaneously, they introduce new themes and story elements, such as the arrival of Mauhur’s Orcs and the dastardly effect of Saruman’s Wizardry.
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Ascension: Valley of the Ancients
1-4 players, ages 13+, 30+ minutes
By Stone Blade Entertainment
Ascension is a deck-building game in which players spend Runes to acquire more powerful cards for their deck. It offers a dynamic play experience where players have to react and adjust their strategy accordingly. Each player starts with a small deck of cards, and uses those cards to acquire more and better cards for their deck, with the goal of earning the most Honor Points by gaining cards and defeating monsters.
In Ascension: Valley of the Ancients, players compete with one another to maintain control over powerful temple cards. Players can control three different temples: the Temple of Life, the Temple of Death, and the ultimate Temple of Immortality. Players race to collect keystones, which aid them in their quest to acquire temples or steal them from their opponents!
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Tavern Masters
1-6 players, ages 13+, 20-30+ minutes
By Dann Kriss Games
Run the best fantasy tavern in the village! Entertain the patrons! Earn the gold!
Each player is a new tavern owner, setting up shop in a thirsty village full of thugs and soldiers, mages and nobles! There are multiple ways to play Tavern Masters: Competitive, Co-Operative, or Single Player
During the Day Phase, players play Tavern cards from their hand with Gold to build up their tavern, so that during Night Phase more Patrons will come to their tavern and spend more gold.
One key feature in this game is Trading. Players can trade goods and staff cards from their hand or their tavern, which adds for both a fun game dynamic and great player interaction.
Another fun dynamic is that turns are taken simultaneously during each Phase, so there is no "player down-time". Also, there is no "player elimination".
In the base game of Tavern Masters, there are no "take that" cards, or cards which would negatively impact another player directly. This makes for less tense game-play for players who do not enjoy looking over their shoulder each turn at who will attack or betray them.
For players who do enjoy more of the "take that" card play interaction, there is the Dirty Deeds Expansion, which adds in nasty tricks to play on the other tavern owners. The Dirty Deeds Expansion is mainly intended for Competitive Play mode.
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Dirty Deeds
Taverns Masters Expansion
By Dann Kriss Games
The tavern is open and business is booming, but like your drinks, the competition is stiff! Time to employ some dirty tactics to ensure your tavern remains the best in town!
Tavern Masters: Dirty Deeds Expansion adds in 48 Dirty Deeds cards, as well as a handful of new Tavern and Patron cards, to help you get the edge on your competitors! With this Expansion, intended mostly for Competitive Play, the cards add in a "take that" element to game play.
Dump a bag of rats in your opponent's back door to taint their food, or hire a thug to poison their ale! Spread rumors to scare away their patrons, or rig your games to earn more gold!
Tavern Masters: Dirty Deeds is a great way to up the stakes between players by letting them target one another and pull some nasty pranks, from the light-hearted to the downright devious!
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Games of Chance
Tavern Masters Expansion
By Dann Kriss Games
The tavern has been drawing in more interesting characters, and with each one a new set of possibilities!
Tavern Masters: Games Of Chance Mini-Expansion adds in 20 new Tavern, Patron, and Dirty Deed cards; each utilizing a dice-rolling mechanic to add a touch of randomness to the card's ability.
A fun way to introduce some variable-powered Patrons, Goods and Staff, plus each expansion comes with a custom pair of Tavern Masters six-sided dice!
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The Void
Aeon’s End Expansion
By Action Phase Games / Indie Boards & Cards
Aeon's End: The Void is an expansion for the standalone Aeon's End titles that features two new nemeses and two new breach mages.
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Path of Light and Shadow
2-4 players, ages 14+, 60-120+ minutes
By Action Phase Games / Indie Boards & Cards
The Realms lay divided, their former wonder lost and forgotten. The Tyrant Queen has seized the throne, forcing the rightful heirs deep into exile. You are the sons and daughters of the once-great houses: Foxway, Gorga, Mherzeen, and Spyre. Under the tutelage of advisors, you have gathered your followers, your conscripts. The time has come to take back what is yours.
Path of Light and Shadow is a massive empire-building experience, combining area control, deck management, and civilization customization. As players vie for control of The Realms, they must enlist and promote supporters, outfit their burgeoning empire with powerful technologies, align with powerful leaders, and lay siege to rival exiles after the throne. Above all else, each player must decide what type of leader they will become, cruel or merciful. But choose wisely, for each path has its rewards and perils.
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Dice Throne
2-6 players, ages 8+, 20-40+ minutes
By Roxley
Dice Throne is a game of intriguing dice, tactical card play, powerful heroes, and unique abilities.
It's a fast-paced 2-6 player combat game (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 2v2v2, or free-for-all). Select from a variety of heroes that play and feel completely distinct from one another. Attack opponents and activate abilities by rolling your hero's unique set of five dice. Accumulate combat points and spend them on cards that have a large range of effects, such as granting permanent hero upgrades, applying status effects, and manipulating dice directly (yours, your teammate's, or even your opponent's).
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Kitten Klash
2 players, ages 6+, 1-2+ minutes
By Daily Magic Games
Just like kittens clawing and wrestling for supremacy, Kitten Klash puts two players in a frenzied dash to grab the most matched cards from a constantly changing tableau. You need the attention of a tiger and the speed of a cheetah to win this lightning-fast real-time game.
In more detail, players continuously lay out cards in two rows of three opposing stacks, keeping an eye peeled for horizontal or vertical color matches. When you spot one, you reach out fast-fast-fast to grab both stacks, then go back to laying out cards until you spot the next match. When one player is out of cards, the round ends and players count up their points from the cards they grabbed: 1 point for each of your own cards and 2 points for each of your opponent's cards.
You can play a round of Kitten Klash in 30 seconds. Play three rounds to see who is the top kitten in your house!
Note: With two decks of Kitten Klash, four players can play as two side-by-side teams frantically seeking and grabbing card matches across six opposing stacks.
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Breaking Bad: The Board Game
3-8 players, ages 18+, 60+ minutes
By Edge Entertainment
Based on the critically-acclaimed TV series, Breaking Bad: The Board Gamepropels you into the treacherous underbelly of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Will you play as a member of one of the criminal factions (Heisenberg, Los Pollos Hermanos, or the Juarez Cartel), trying to amass a fortune by manufacturing the biggest stash of Blue Sky while eliminating your rivals? Or will you join the ranks of the Drug Enforcement Administration, ready to slap the cuffs on the lawbreakers who would dare peddle their poison in your city?
In more detail, when playing a criminal faction, your goal is to produce Blue Sky, then sell the quantity needed to win before your opponents can. You can also win the game by taking out all of your opponents by using cards to bomb, shoot, or otherwise eliminate them. As the DEA agent, your goal is to seize the criminal factions' labs (by playing DEA Raid cards). You can also win the game by taking out all of your opponents, either by killing them or putting them in jail. In game terms, on their turn, a player takes two of the following actions:
[*=center]Draw a card.
[*=center]Play a card from their hand.
[*=center]Produce Blue Sky (dealer only).
[*=center]Sell 1 Blue Sky on their faction board (dealer only).
Be the one who knocks.
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2-4 players, ages 10+, 45-60+ minutes
By RUNES Edition
Blackwood is a little village renowned for its many Witches, the fault of the mysterious forest full of magical ingredients that stands right on its doorstep. But this morning, the whole village is in turmoil! And that has not happened in decades! The Blackwood Sorcery Council has decided to admit a new member. Their choice will be the most reputable Witch in the region. It's up to you to show them what you are capable of!
To be premoted into the Blackwood Sorcery Council, you have to do what you do best: potions! To attract the attention of the council members, it is best that you concoct the potions they love. You will be helped in this task by your magical wooden puppets, called Marionnette's. As well as spells, that you can exchange for potions, with the local village magician. But watch out for your so called Witch friends, who will not hesitate to take the essential ingredients you need.
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Truck Off: The Food Truck Frenzy
2-6 players, ages 8+, 30+ minutes
By Adam’s Apple Games
Truck Off is a lightweight food truck card game that packs some serious bite! In Truck Off, you send your food truck team hoping to score a sweet parking spot at a lucrative venue. Your timing and game plan will be critical to your success while your opponents will look for the perfect opportunity to get you to, ahem, truck off!
Truck Off is played over five rounds, after which the player with the most money earned wins. Each round, players simultaneously select, then reveal which venue they will park at placing their food trucks next to that venue. A die is then rolled at each venue to determine how many people actually showed up at each venue. Each player then simultaneously selects which special action(s) they choose to execute this round. Starting with the first player token, players play and execute one action in a clockwise manor until all actions have been played and executed. After players are done executing actions, profits are split between each truck at the venue.
Truck Off game-play mechanically captures the ups and downs of food truck owner by rewarding both long-term planning and short-term tactics as well as throwing many curve-balls such as low venue attendance, competition, and crazy weather.
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The Blacksmith’s Guild: Forged From Steel
Guild Ball Expansion
By SteamForged Games
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Lion of Judah: The War for Ethiopia, 1935-1941
2 players, 180-240+ minutes
By Compass Games
Lion of Judah: The War for Ethiopia, 1935-1941 is a two-player wargame simulating two campaigns located in the Horn of Africa - Italy vs. Ethiopia in 1935-1936, and the British Commonwealth and Ethiopia vs. Italy in 1940-1941. The scenarios use a common rule set combined with scenario-specific rules. Regular units are mostly divisions, brigades and regiments, while irregular units include warrior levies and tribal bands. Armor, transports, air power, and headquarters (which represent corps-level artillery assets, engineers, and administrative and command centers) are also represented. Lion of Judah has one large-hex map and approximately 400 counters representing Italian, Ethiopian, Commonwealth, French and German units. In addition to the military units, there are markers to track game and unit status, as well as several Random Event markers used in the historical scenarios for added historical flavor.
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Mrs Thatcher’s War: The Falklands, 1982
1 player, ages 12+, 100-250+ minutes
By White Dog Games
Not designed as a detailed simulation, this fun and challenging game illustrates the general strategic course of the 1982 Falklands War between Britain and Argentina, and highlights important historical themes.
It is two games in one: a naval/air game (whose mechanics are based on the author's "Don't Tread On Me" system, but using ships and aircraft instead of armies!) in which the British Player fights against the game system's Argentine "A.I." to establish control of the skies; and a ground game (modeled after the game system featured in the author's "Mound Builders" and "The First Jihad") in which the British Player takes advantage of his air superiority to fight and 'yomp' his ground troops across East Falkland to final victory -- or defeat -- in the hills around Stanley.
The game features all the historical chrome for which this design team is so well known, including Exocet missiles, Falkland Islander civilian resistance, diplomatic shuttles, covert Soviet aid, SAS guerilla missions, Chilean intervention, US assistance, the Gurkhas, helicopters, "ace" pilots, and even the Pope!
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N: The Napoleonic Wars
1 player, ages 12+, 60-240+ minutes
By White Dog Games
A solitaire game of the Napoleonic Wars, based on the designer's Don't Tread on Me (White Dog Games). You play the monarchist Coalitions, led by Britain, and the game's A.I. plays Napoleonic France.
The game is grand-strategic; each turn covers an average of two years' real time. Your goal is to force Napoleon to abdicate, through a combination of military defeats in Europe (using your armies), and military/diplomatic defeats overseas (spending cash and diplomatic assets in a series of semi-random overseas campaigns including Ireland, Egypt, the Balkans, Senegal and the War of 1812). At the end of Turn 16 (1818-1821), if you have not defeated Napoleon, then Napoleon dies of natural causes and an exhausted Europe makes peace with his son, and you lose the game.
As a solitaire game, it is full of random events and unexpected challenges for the player, as you -- the British -- attempt to hold your unwieldy coalition together and prioritize your various budgets to win naval battles, overseas campaigns, and subsidize the various minor states of Europe whose armies are key to victory.
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Paper Wars #87: Belmont: Grants Baptism of Fire
Wargames Magazine & Game
By Compass Games
Ulysses Grant – who is he? Prior to the battle of Belmont at Belmont on November 7, 1861, this was a valid question. General Grant’s Belmont offensive was his first action in the war, providing him and his green mid-western troops much-needed experience. Having overrun a rebel camp, he claimed victory. But later, Confederate general Polk would claim victory for forcing Grant and his troops to quit the battlefield and chasing them aboard their transports.
The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.
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