New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 9th July 2018

This week sees the Star Wars 30th Anniversary RPG Slipcase hit stores, and the revised and expanded Masks of Nyarlathotep is out for call of Cthulhu 7th Edition! The big instore news is the release of the 2019 Core Set for Magic: The Gathering but there are loads of great new releases for board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... plus a bunch of great new PDFs from last week! Check them all out below!

This week sees the Star Wars 30th Anniversary RPG Slipcase hit stores, and the revised and expanded Masks of Nyarlathotep is out for call of Cthulhu 7th Edition! The big instore news is the release of the 2019 Core Set for Magic: The Gathering but there are loads of great new releases for board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... plus a bunch of great new PDFs from last week! Check them all out below!


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Masks of Nyarlathotep
Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Campaign
By Chaosium

Dark Schemes Herald the End of the World

Reanimation of the classic Call of Cthulhu campaign.

The new edition of Masks of Nyarlathotep is a complete revision and updating of this epic multi-part campaign set in 1925, in which steadfast investigators must unravel secrets and battle the minions of darkness in an attempt to stop world-shattering events from destroying humanity.

Masks of Nyarlathotep has been comprehensively revised and updated for use with Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, but may also be run with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement.​

  • [*=center]Global campaign covering seven countries in five continents!
    [*=center]Packed with encounters, side-track adventures, detailed adversaries, geographical information, and more!
    [*=center]Presented in full color, with new artwork, maps and floor plans, and ready to use player handouts.
    [*=center]Appendices collect spells, tomes, artifacts, and travel advice.
    [*=center]Ultimate edition, packed full of advice and tips.

The original six-chapter campaign featuring adventures in America, England, Egypt, Kenya, Australia, and China have been developed and updated by Mike Mason, Lynne Hardy, Paul Fricker, and Scott Dorward, and feature enhanced and new encounters, sub-plots, and on-point guidance for the Keeper.

Now written to be playable with either standard Call of Cthulhu or Pulp Cthulhu, the text guides the Keeper and allows for both gritty or action-packed pulp styles of play.

The Introduction chapter features a new foreword by Mask’s creator, Larry DiTillio, and goes on to provide an overview of the campaign, it’s key players and their goals and differing agendas, and the important locations the investigators will travel to while they seek to understand the mystery unfolding before them. Additional material looks at the dark god Nyarlathotep, his cults, and his role in the campaign. Guidance is also provided on running the campaign, including considerations of historical depictions, pulp or standard play styles, and lethality level (just how much danger should the investigators’ face). Rounding things out is plenty of advice on creating investigators for the campaign, replacement characters, and ten ready-to-play investigators for those wishing to dive straight into the adventure.
Complete with a Brand New Chapter

Set in Peru, this new scenario takes place in 1921 and provides an exciting introductory prologue to the campaign, where the investigators meet Jackson Elias, the industrious and charming author, whose researches lead into the globe-spanning mystery. Embarking on an expedition to find a lost South American pyramid, the investigators come face to face with ancient horrors that foreshadow the task ahead.

And for an added bonus, a Grand Conclusion chapter helps the Keeper to determine just how successful the players have been in tackling the dark schemes of Nyarlathotep’s cults, as well as discussing ways to extend the campaign in a variety of ways.

Each chapter has been tirelessly crossed-referenced to help those running the campaign to keep track of the many locations, characters, player handouts, and items thrown up by the players’ investigation. With new appendices collecting spells, tomes, and artifacts, running the campaign is easiest it has ever been.

This massive PDF package includes:

  • [*=center]Masks of Nyarlathotep Book - 666-page PDF Omnibus of both volumes
    [*=center]6-page Keeper Screen you can print out to fit over your existing Call of Cthulhu Keeper's Screen
    [*=center]12-page NPC Portraits pack with 105 portraits
    [*=center]85-page Keeper Reference Booklet
    [*=center]96-page Handout Booklet with Maps and Pre-generated Characters
    [*=center]High-resolution images of the amazing covers by Sam Lamont and Rhys Pugh
    [*=center]10 Pre-Generated Characters with Character and Background Sheets

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Capharnaum – The Tales of the Dragon-Marked
Core Rulebook
By Mindjammer Press / Modiphius

“I came seeking adventure, death, and vengeance… and I found Capharnaum. It called to me with its ancient gods and enmities, its mysterious quests, desert caravans and dusty souks.
I was tracking a djinn, one of the worst, a marid risen in rebellion against Marduk the Dragon. In the depths of the desert I had a vision of a thousand warriors crossing this scorching land. Here everything is in motion, wind and sand, and the night has a thousand colours. Everything is struggle – even for those who seek a peaceful life…” -
From The First Odyssey to Kafer Nahum, by Jilali Ibn Malik Abd-al-Hassan, holy warrior of Kh’saaba.

You bear the Dragon Mark. You are destined for great things, adventures where you’ll write the history of the world. In a land of mysteries and magic, where East meets West on the burning sands of Jazirat, your future awaits. Discover a whole new world, confront djinn, gods and dragons, and take your place among the heroes of the age!

Capharnaum – The Tales of the Dragon-Marked is a fantasy roleplaying game set in a world of Arabian Nights, Argonauts, and Crusaders. Inspired by the One Thousand and One Nights, the myths of ancient Greece, and the legends of the Crusades, it’s where history meets myth, and legends are born.

Capharnaum – The Tales of the Dragon-Marked includes:​

  • [*=center]A whole new world of history, legend, and myth – a profound and original setting.
    [*=center]Simple yet flexible rules encouraging player inventiveness up to epic levels of play.
    [*=center]Peoples, gazetteer, and bestiary for the land of Jazirat, inspired by Middle-Eastern history and myth.
    [*=center]Gorgeous maps and full-colour artwork.

Capharnaum – The Tales of the Dragon-Marked, translated from the original French, appears in English for the first time. With a vibrant community and supported by a line of supplements and adventures, all you need to play is this book, paper and pencils, and a handful of six-sided dice.

All hail the Dragon-Marked!

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Blessings Unheralded
Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory Adventure
By Ulisses Spiele

Blessings Unheralded is an introductory adventure for Wrath & Glory, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay.

The Shrine World of Enoch is suffering from a mysterious plague. A group of heroes are sent to this disease-ridden planet to locate a missing friend. However, the search soon uncovers something far more deadly.

This quickstart booklet is an introduction to the Wrath & Glory Roleplaying game.

A set of basic rules are included to help players and Gamemasters become familiar with Wrath & Glory, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay. Also included are six 4-page character folios, a battlemap, and a token sheet for use with this adventure.

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Mythic D6 Revised & Expanded
Core Rulebook
By Khepera Publishing

Mythic D6 is a D6 compatible rulebook that allows players to create heroic characters with fantastic powers! Learn more about superpowers, expanded special abilities, gadget creation, advantages and disadvantages for use in any D6 game.

Discover a wealth of information on powers, so many details that it took a whole book to contain them all.

  • [*=center]Rules for superheroic play with a modular point build characters system!
    [*=center]An all-encompassing list of superhuman abilities and powers to make your character truly extraordinary!
    [*=center]Clear and concise rules for creating gadgets and artifacts of legendary power!
    [*=center]Dynamic superheroic combat Maneuvers!
    [*=center]New advantages and disadvantages!
    [*=center]A fast, scalable system that allows for play in almost any genre!

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Karmic Ties and Fifth Wheels
Unknown Armies Campaign Starter Kit
By Atlas Games

Unknown Armies Campaign Starter Kits help you get started running your Unknown Armies campaign quickly. Each kit features the following:​

  • [*=center]Five characters, broken and damaged and ready to go
    [*=center]One group objective for the cabal to pursue
    [*=center]A first session scenario to get things moving quickly
    [*=center]GM hooks, additional objective ideas, GMCs, and suggestions for the antagonist phase

With this campaign starter kit, you have all that you need to fuel your imagination and get things moving. The kit takes the place of the initial planning and collaborative character and setting creation system provided in Unknown Armies. Players select a character, choose one or two additional relationships with the other player characters, and make these obsessed individuals their own.

In Karmic Ties and Fifth Wheels, the player characters are the black sheep of a large, extended family based in rural Wisconsin. Brought together again for a family reunion at the behest of matriarch Maple Adams, they discover that old secrets and occult mysteries lie at the heart of everything their family has done over generations. Throughout the campaign they may learn who they truly are, and how thick their blood runs through the veins of the occult underground.

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Path of the Bound
Pathfinder Supplement
By Legendary Games

More Than You Bargained For!

Some heroes are born, others are made, but some make a fateful choice that changes everything. Path of the Bound is designed to create characters who achieve immortality and legendary status by selling their soul, mortgaging their future, and giving themselves over to eldritch entities in exchange for power. Some have altruistic motivations, seeking the power to protect others, though often to the extremes in trying to cleanse the world from vice and sin. Others are more like victims of circumstance, the lonely survivors of an ancient curse that has left them lingering in a world no longer their own as the centuries have passed them by or born with mind and spirit already bound to the thoughts and senses of others in a mental network that spans the globe. Some are anointed to serve the realms beyond, taking the mantle willingly Those granting power may anoint others with glory or may seduce them into service, or bully or befuddle them into accepting far more than they bargained for. It is dangerous to deal with the devil, but even kinder spirits have their own designs for your immortal soul and your service. Path of the Bound does not stop with the paths of power from the immortal world to you, however, but also presents rules for becoming a mythic patron yourself, and binding others into your service in exchange for the power that you can provide! A bound character is part of the web of souls, becoming one with the infinite, inextricably tied up within it. Is the power worth the price? Just sign the contract and find out!

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A17: Haunting at Rybalka Lodge
5th Edition Adventure
By AAW Games

A 5th Edition compatible adventure for four to six PCs of levels 7-9.

With royalty coming to town, the reopening of the new Rybalka Lodge couldn’t be timelier. Although the place is warm and inviting during the day, it becomes a different place at night. Locals refuse to approach Rybalka Lodge and the owner is fire-fighting rumors of it being haunted.

The original lodge burned down just one year ago, possibly by Vikmordere arsonists, and killed the visiting Ambassador Valdritch with his entire retinue. Now with the imminent arrival of a Klavekian Prince on the anniversary of the tragedy has stirred up both memories of the fire and the spirits of those consumed in the flames.

Can the party get to the bottom of what is going on before the prince sets foot in town? Will the spirits of those who suffered from the arsonists attack get their revenge? Will the Vikmordere try to instigate another assassination attempt? And who is the mysterious woman occasionally seen in the shadows around the new lodge?

An adventure for 4-6 keen-witted PCs of levels 7-9 who aren’t afraid of the dark!

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Savage Ghost Ops
Savage Worlds Setting
By FeralgamesInc

Welcome to the world of Covert Missions, black operations and Kill Orders.

You are a member of an elite team of special operatives, enlisted from the world’s best special forces units, to work for a new private military force, that does not recognise borders and is not funded by just one government, but all of them.

Your missions will take you to the streets of the USA and Western and eastern Europe, the mountains of South America, the Jungles of Africa, and the deserts of the Middle East. You will tackle drug cartels, organised crime, private militia, corrupt governments and terrorist cells.

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By The General’s Hand
Core Rulebook
By Broken Ruler Games

What worries the general sitting at his desk in the midnight hours before his head rests for the night? What stresses do they send home to loved ones long since seen? What truths lie behind the bloodshed?

By The General’s Hand is a 2-player, letter-writing combat game in which the course of an ever-changing war plays out in the form of correspondence between two generals and their loved ones back home. With each letter, the generals dictate the course of the war and embed dice results detailing random changes of tide until one of the generals concedes defeat.

To play this game, both players take on the role of a fictional general. They require writing implements of their choosing, two different coloured inks, up to three six-sided dice each, and a means to deliver their letter by traditional mail. While there is no reason why both players couldn’t use modern technology to play this game, there is a tactile element only possible with paper and pen.

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The Midderlands Expanded
OSR Setting Supplement
By MonkeyBlood Design

More green-hued, twisted, dark-fantasy, old-school mini-setting. Now expanded to include the whole of the British Isles and beyond.
The first book (The Midderlands — An OSR Mini-setting & Bestiary) focused on the land-locked Midderlands, a twisted version of central England. This book expands the setting to include the whole of Havenland, Scrotland, Oldenwale, Emeraude, and beyond.

Learn about Bear Maw, Darkpool, H’sst-Akal, Middercastle, Queensmyr, Scar Burg, the Great Wall of Hadreen and many more locations.

Explore the shipwrecks of the coast, and be harried by Gloomcrabs, Sharkfolk, Leviathan Spawn and more.

Learn of the dangers of the neighbouring countries, Gaulandia and the Serpentlands.

This book is full of more horrors and threats to the safety of not only the midderfolk, but havenfolk at large.

Sea monsters, threats of invasion, countrywide travel, island enclaves, and ship combat to name a few. This expanded setting gives more opportunity for adventure and who doesn’t love adventure?

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Hope & Glory: Sketches of China
Savage Worlds Adventure
By GGstudio

And so it was, in the year one hundred and seven of the Great Peace, the good people of the Sinkiang territories long lamenting the ravages of the dread migoi, the Munificent Heavenly King Hong Taiehn, fourth Son of the Father, sent forth one of his Eyes, and with him one of his Hands from the Dream-City of Nanjing, and they went west, to bring the Justice of the Lord to those peoples, and the wrath of the Almighty to any foul creature tormenting them.
For was it not said, “My hand has the power to kill in heaven and earth: behead the evil ones, spare the just and alleviate the pain of the people”?
The Judge assigned to this mission was Judge Haw, and he traveled on a sleigh from Nanjing to the wild stretches of the western territories.

Sketches of China is a story set in the universe of “Hope & Glory”, a game setting developed for the Savage Worlds rules.

The “Hope & Glory” universe exists for the game and for the gamers, and attached to the novel there's a roundup of gaming information for those readers that would like to start playing straight away.

Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple and red. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.
One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.
From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roams, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

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B/X Essentials: Monsters
OSR Supplement
By Necrotic Gnome

The B/X Essentials line is a restatement of the classic Basic/Expert fantasy adventure gaming rule set, given a fresh, new presentation focused on usability:​

  • [*=center]Basic and Expert rules seamlessly combined.
    [*=center]Streamlined presentation optimised for ease of reference during play.
    [*=center]Meticulously researched; a guaranteed 100% accurate rendition of the classic rules of yesteryear.
    [*=center]Carefully clarified, ironing out ambiguities in the original rules.

This fourth book presents all of the classic Basic/Expert monsters in a new, easy-to-reference format, optimised for use at the table.

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2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Supplement
By Wizards of the Coast

Inside you'll discover a "King's Ransom" in Castles and Accessories!


  • [*=center]"Darkhold" in the Forgotten Realms setting: Towering stronghold of the nefarious Black Network
    [*=center]"Drungar" in the Dragonlance setting: Bastion of defense against Thenol's undead armies.
    [*=center]"Hart" in Greyhawk setting: A paladin's shining, star shaped fortress.

See each castle brought to life in its own dramatic full-color poster, a full-color map, plus a 48 page book describing the fortress and all the scheming characters who live there.




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Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition
Core Rules
By Fantasy Flight Games

Few books or games have had as enduring an impact upon the Star wars galaxy and its fans as Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Originally published by West End Games in 1987, it arrived at a time when the future of the Star Wars galaxy was uncertain, and it captivated a whole generation of gamers with rules and guidelines that made it easy to design and enjoy adventures truly worthy of the Star wars universe and its ongoing space opera.

FFG’s Star Wars: The Roleplaying game 30th Anniversary Edition is a faithful, limited edition recreation of both Star wars: The Roleplaying game and The Star wars Sourcebook, both printed with higher quality than the originals and packaged in a stylized slipcase.

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Elder Dice Sets (Green or Red)
Poly 9 Dice Set
By Infinite Black

* Sets of nine polyhedral gaming dice with Lovecraftian-themed symbols. (d4, three d6s, d8, d10 and d10 percentile, d12, d20)

* Packaged in magnetic spellbook boxes. Each spellbook box doubles as a deck box, holding up to 40 sleeved cards.

* Custom designs molded into the surface.



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Century: Eastern Wonder
2-5 players, ages 8+, 30-45+ minutes
By Plan B Games

Centuries ago, the lucrative spice trade compelled the prosperous nations of the world to explore alternate routes to the sources of these precious goods. These nations took to the seas to seek out exotic lands. This led to the discovery of the famed Spice Islands where the most valuable spices in the world were found. These spices were worth more than their weight in gold and some only grew on these islands. This discovery led to further expedition, competition... and later, war. This era became known as the Age of Exploration. This is a time of prosperity and opportunity, you find yourself traveling on the high seas in search of these exotic wonders.

As a merchant and privateer representing your nation, you seek to control this region for glory and profit. Your journey continues in the Far East. The modular board allows players to build unique maps, ensuring no game will ever be the same!

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Way of the Panda
2-4 players, ages 14+, 60-90+ minutes

Way of the Panda is a worker-placement game in which players control three different figures — monk, merchant, and warrior — on a board. With a worker-placement mechanism, the players choose their action to move around the board, build buildings, train their character in fighting, and gain wisdom (which nets victory points at game's end and serves as a multiplier), but they also have to pay action points to choose these actions. If they choose stronger actions, they must pay more and cannot go back on the action board (as in Egizia).

The players train their characters and fight against the evil guys on each street on the map. Also, they construct buildings to try to connect north and south with their own streets.

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World War Hulk
Legendary Marvel Deckbuilding Game Expansion
By Upper Deck Entertainment

Expansion consists of 400 all new playable cards, Color Rule sheet.

  • [*=center]All New cards consist of 15 new Heroes! 7 new Villain groups! 6 new Masterminds! 3 new Henchman groups! New Schemes! New Bystanders!
    [*=center]Introducing new heroes to Legendary: Gladiator Hulk, Joe Fix it, She-Hulk, Sentry, Hulkbuster Iron Man, and more!
    [*=center]Fight against powerful Masterminds including Sentry, M.O.D.O.K., the Illuminati, and more!
    [*=center]Return of popular card types like Traps, as well as introducing new Transformed cards - play as Bruce Banner, then transform into Savage Hulk!
    [*=center]All cards contain original art!

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Twilight Garden
Mystic Vale Expansion
By Alderac Entertainment Group

As the battle for the vale rages and spreads, new allies arise. While some are stalwart in their duties, other are more nuanced in their efforts and approach. All know the cost of failure and won't entertain such thoughts for a moment. The battle will be fought. The battle will be matter the cost.

Twilight Garden adds new advancement and vale cards, giving players more card crafting options and exciting new possibilities for combos. New leader cards grant abilities that can be upgraded to become even stronger! New curse tokens offer players a quicker path to power, but with a price at the end of the game.

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Race to the New Found Land
2-4 players, ages 10+, 60-90+ minutes
By Z-Man Games

Daring sailors explore the oceans and make a gigantic discovery: Newfoundland. The newly found land. A huge island off the coast of North America — and right away a competition among nations breaks out. As so often happens, everyone wants the biggest piece of land. In Race to the New Found Land, you must skillfully use your fleet to consistently present achievements to your royal house. Are you quick to set sail and populate the first known lands? Do you first explore new areas? Or do you trade and build your fleet first? Find out in this exciting race to Newfoundland!

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The Drowned Ruins Nightmare Deck
Lord of the Rings Card Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

In The Drowned Ruins, you enter the Temple of the Deceived only to find that you must navigate labyrinthine Underwater passageways to reach the mysterious chest that can only be opened by the key in your possession. Holding your breath as you move between grottos, you are unable to ask for help from new allies whilst trapped in these locations, even as you suffer terrible Forced effects. But you have come too far to give in now.

Now with The Drowned Ruins Nightmare Deck, you will step back into the temple to explore new locations like the Jagged Cavern and face untold horrors that lurk within the murky depths. You will need to call upon all your strength to keep your head above water. When you're dragged beneath the waves in Nightmare Mode, encounter card effects cannot be canceled, and there is no telling what creeping things may watch you from the water.

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A Storm on Cobas Haven Nightmare Deck
Lord of the Rings Card Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

After a wearying journey across the sea, battling Corsairs, Monsters, and legions of the Undead, A Storm on Cobas Haven asks you and your noble team of heroes of to lend the remains of their strength to the citizens of Dol Amroth. In a city under siege by the Corsair fleet, you must fight ship-to-ship, using every ounce of your newfound nautical prowess to gain the upper hand and defend the citizens of Dol Amroth.

In the A Storm on Cobas Haven Nightmare Deck, the battle’s difficulty is increased tenfold as the invaders fill their ranks with more vessels like the Ramming Ship and you have less time to prepare a defensive plan. First, this Nightmare Deck introduces two new objective cards, and when your troupe of adventurers chooses an objective during setup, you must choose randomly among the six Dol Amroth objectives. Will you find the Ships you need to confront the Corsairs, or will each new objective simply destroy your will to continue as you attempt to both accomplish these tasks and protect the city?

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The City of Corsairs Nightmare Deck
Lord of the Rings Card Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

Marking the grand finale of the Dream-chaser cycle, The City of Corsairs Adventure Pack sends you to sea once more, charting a course for the lands of Umbar to retrieve your stolen artifact. But the relic has gifted your enemies with unnatural power, and they are not likely to surrender it willingly. Will you be able to defeat the Corsairs on their own land and end your quarrel with them for good, or will their increased strength prove too great an obstacle after the trials you have already endured?

The City of Corsairs Adventure Pack features two separate encounter sets, one for the land and one for the sea. Now, should you reach the shores of Umbar, The City of Corsairs Nightmare Deck increases the peril of the second encounter deck by adding treacherous new locations like the Umbar Bridge and bringing the pride and ruthlessness of the Corsairs to the forefront with cards like Inspiring Fury.

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The Fires Within Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

Let your passions burn with The Fires Within Dynasty Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game.

Explore the raging element of Fire with three copies of twenty new cards in the third Dynasty Pack of the Elemental Cycle. New Shugenja and Spells expand the power of the most explosive element, while the Mantis Clan continues to grow its ranks.

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Honored Duel Two-Player Gamemat
Legend of the Five Rings LCG Accessory
By Fantasy Flight Games

This 26 x 36 Gamemat features both a backdrop of Rokugan and templates that guide two-players on where to place their cards during play.

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2-4 players, ages 8+, 15+ minutes
By Ankama

You and your brother are peaceful farmers... Or at least you were! Your herds are getting too big for the pasture. Outsmart your brother by placing your enclosures so he can’t correctly place his and show him that you’re the one with a head for cattle in the family.

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Council of 4
2-4 players, ages 14+, 40-75+ minutes

The Empire, formed by three Kingdoms, has a period of wealth and prosperity. Each Kingdom is governed by a council of four nobles. The members of six influential families sit around in the councils and lead the Kingdoms. Players hold the roles of rich merchants who seek to obtain permits to build their own Emporium inside the cities of the three kingdoms. Whoever take more permits, while also placing their Emporium in the best places, will be the most famous merchant and will win the game. But pay attention to the Emperor! He can allow you to build without permits!

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Dragon Castle
2-4 players, ages 8+, 30-45+ minutes
By Horrible Games

Dragon Castle is a game freely inspired by Mahjong Solitaire. During your turn, you take a pair of identical tiles from the central "castle" (known as the Dragon Castle) and place them on your own realm board to build your own castle. From time to time, you may sacrifice these tiles to acquire shrines in their place.

Every time you create a set of tiles of the same kind, you "consolidate" them, i.e. flip them face down to score points. When you consolidate a set, you may also build shrines on top of the consolidated tiles: Shrines allow you to score more points, but they also limit your building options. You may also take advantage of the available spirit card and its game-changing powers...but this will come at a cost! Finally, don't forget to check the dragon card in play, and to follow the building requirements to score bonus points.

When the Dragon Castle has been reduced to only one floor, the end of the game is triggered. After one final round, the player with the most points is the lord of the new Dragon Castle…and the winner of the game!

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Houses of Renaissance
Lorenzo il Magnifico Expansion

In Lorenzo il Magnifico: Houses of Renaissance, each player now becomes the head of a powerful house of Renaissance, each of which has a strong special ability that only that player can use. Players choose the houses from the ten available at the beginning of the game through a special and fast auction

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VS System: MCU Battles
2-4 players, ages 14+, 30-60+ minutes
By Upper Deck Entertainment

The first issue of the Earth 199999 Arc, Vs System 2PCG: The MCU Battles is also the first Giant-Sized Issue of 2018. It not only creates a new Universe for vs System 2PCG is also introduces two new teams. The MCU Heroes and MCU Villains. This 200 card Giant-Sized Issue is perfect step on point for new players as this comes with a full set of cards with images straight from the movies, counters, and a full color rulebook.

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VS System: MCU Heroes
2-4 players, ages 14+, 30-60+ minutes
By Upper Deck Entertainment

Calling for backup! The second issue of the Earth 199999 Arc, Vs System 2PCG: MCU Heroes brings more of the heroes fans love. This 55 card expansion to Vs System 2PCG: The MCU Battles introduces Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Scarlet-Witch, and more. Avengers Assemble!

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Telly Time
The Networks Expansion Set
By Formal Ferret Games

Welcome to the United Kingdom! Telly Time is a UK focused mini-expansion for The Networks that adds 3 new Genres, plus a Genre Bingo card that gives players a new way to score Genre Bonuses. Itʼs a completely new way to play the game!

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1-6 players, ages 12+, 90-180+ minutes
By HGN Games

Wage war, unleash disasters, and drive back the Mongol hordes in Medieval, a strategy board game for 2 to 6 players.

You are the head of a cabal. Great kingdoms unwittingly do your bidding, for their wars and Crusades only serve to further your ultimate aim-control of the medieval world. But you're not alone. Other cabals forge plots of their own and wage shadow wars against you with armies and navies, assassinations and papal schemes, and heretics and spies.

Add in plagues and claims of heresy, along with Mongol invasions to end the game, and you have yourself an evening.

The upcoming HGN edition of Medieval is a full-on graphic and component overhaul of the original, first published in 2003. It also packs in updated rules based on years of play, "jump start" cards to get new players up and running quickly, along with new gameplay options.

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Einstein: His Amazing Life and Incomparable Science
2-4 players, ages 8+, 15-30+ minutes
By Artana

In Einstein: His Amazing Life and Incomparable Science, players take on the role of Albert Einstein during one of four periods of his life:

  • [*=center]Young Einstein, who emerged from obscurity to become a titan of physics
    [*=center]Prime Einstein, an acknowledged leader of modern theoretical physics and international celebrity
    [*=center]Globetrotting Einstein, traveling to the four corners of the world
    [*=center]Wise Einstein, an idealistic sage who transcended science and impacted our social values

Each Einstein has their own deck of Inspiration Cards based on the real happenings of his life. These inspirations give you simple theories to complete. Using ideas from four different branches of science - physics, mathematics, chemistry, and philosophy - represented by four shapes, each Einstein places tiles representing their ideas onto an emergent common board. Players get points for completing their own theories, contributing to the theories of other players, and helping to finish major theories from Einstein's life.

As Albert Einstein transcended science and became a recognizable figure around the world, so the game Einstein focuses on simple rules and quick playability, an accessible strategy game for gamers and non-gamers alike.

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Tesla vs. Edison: Duel
2 players, ages 14+, 15-30+ minutes
By Artana

Tesla vs. Edison: Duel is a 15-30 minute two-player card game that brings the "War of Currents" to light in an easy-to-learn, fast-playing, but seriously strategic game. Players take control of Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison and build a company that claims projects in regions around the United States, advance the latest technologies, engage in a propaganda war around AC and DC technologies, and buy stock shares in smaller electricity companies. During the game, players bring famous luminaries of the time that each offer unique actions and abilities into their company. The winner is the company that wins two of the three main systems: controlling regions with projects, being ahead in the PR race, and holding the most valuable stock portfolio. Tesla and Edison each have a special auto-win condition that players can trigger during the game to win right away.

While Tesla vs. Edison: Duel has all of the aspects introduced in the larger Tesla vs. Edisongame, it is designed for light-to-medium weight gamers to enjoy.



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Borg Collective
32mm Miniatures for Star Trek Adventures
By Modiphius

This box set of 10 highly detailed, 32mm scale, resin miniatures of Borg drones contains 5 male and 5 female Borg drones, with 30mm scenic bases incorporated into each figure.

View attachment 99100

The Next Generation Away Team
32mm Miniatures for Star Trek Adventures
By Modiphius

This box set of 10 highly detailed, 32mm scale, resin miniatures of Starfleet officers contains:
1 x Male and 1 x female Andorian
1 x Male and 1 x female Humanoid
1 x Male and 1 x female Denobulan
1 x Male and 1 x female Tellarites
1 x Male and 1 x female Vulcan
30mm scenic bases incorporated into each figure

View attachment 99101

The Next Generation Klingon Tile Set
Star Trek Adventures Accessory
By Modiphius

This gaming tile set contains 16 double sided tiles for a total of 32 interchangeable 240mm square and 120mm by 240mm map tiles of Klingon starship interiors.

View attachment 99102

The Falconer’s Guild: Daughters of Falcons
Guild Ball Miniatures
By SteamForged Games

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The Falconer’s Guild Dice Pack
Guild Ball Accessory
By SteamForged Games

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Uscru Entertainment District Skirmish Map
Star Wars Imperial Assault Accessory
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Desert Junkyard Gamemat
Star Wars: Legion Accessory
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Desert Ruins Gamemat
Star Wars: Legion Accessory
By Fantasy Flight Games



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Fort Sumter
2 players, ages 14+, 20-40+ minutes
By GMT Games

Fort Sumter is a two-player Card Driven Game (CDG) portraying the 1860 secession crisis that led to the bombardment of Fort Sumter and the American Civil War.

The game pits a Unionist versus a Secessionist player. Each player uses the area control mechanic pioneered in We The People design and immortalized in Twilight Struggle to place, move, and remove political capital. The location of political capital determines who controls each of the four crisis dimensions (Political, Secession, Public Opinion, and Armaments). After three rounds of play, the game culminates in a Final Crisis confrontation to determine the winner.



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Magic: The Gathering Core 2019 Booster
Magic: The Gathering TCG
By Wizards of the Coast

View attachment 99109

Magic: The Gathering Core 2019 Bundle
Magic: The Gathering TCG
By Wizards of the Coast

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Magic: The Gathering Core 2019 Planeswalker Deck
Magic: The Gathering TCG
By Wizards of the Coast

View attachment 99111

Magic: The Gathering Core 2019 Deck Builder’s Toolkit
Magic: The Gathering TCG
By Wizards of the Coast

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Way of the Force Booster
Star Wars Destiny Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Opus 6
Final Fantasy TCG
By Square Enix

View attachment 99114

Codebreaker Starter Deck
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
By Konami​

The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.

Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.

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Duo Maxwell

Wow, I really really hope my friends run Masks of Nyarlathotep. I'm usually the guy running the games we play, but when it comes to horror RPGs like Cthulhu, that is the one of the few times where I want to be an active participant as a player just for the experience of being in a Cthulhu game.

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