New Horizon Development | Coming Q1 2020

Important Announcement Regarding The Playtest Stage.

New Horizon's playtest sample was just sent out to a few completely unrelated individuals, ranging from fans, to K&L first timers. Their feedback is crucial to help with quality control. Thank you to those who opted-in to participate in the playtest stage!

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Unlike it's predecessor, the campaign featured in the core book will have nothing that will hold you back from doing whatever you want to do.

  • [Spontaneous Events] mean you're free to do whatever.

Suggestions may be given by the GM or in this case, the adventure teller, giving you leads of what you could (not should) do next. However, there's no obligation of selecting such, as you're free to improvise other tactics at will. (Checks performed depending on the action)

The idea is to keep the seamless interaction between story and combat. As it was first introduced by classic K&L. Also, expect a lot of gore in this book, parents be advised.


Taking this opportunity to share some of the feedback received by platesters.

Playtesters, are already coming forward with their feedback and suggestions. Please note, all testers who left feedback so far, have opted-in to have their names listed in the game's credits. These are active members of many tabletop RPG communities across our social media.

"New Horizon is a large improvement over Knights and Legends. The author has put a lot of work into revising and modifying his system, and it shows. This has the potential to be a big hit."

"The design is a nice hybrid of old-school and modern."

"Lineage and professions added some extra flair to the characters."

"Adding a playable campaign to the core rules book is a very nice touch. "

These are unchanged quotations from the feedback survey associated with the game's test version.

Last night I started working in a scenario where travel by sea is needed. However, by the time you reach this point in the campaign there's a possibility you'll have already spent most of your money. GMs could use this point to create quests, or even have players use their brain to coordinate a way around it. Depending on the group this scenario could drastically vary from one to another. There's also real world physics coming into play during various settings. Below is a brief description of the world physics including, gravity, its moon, and other important facts. This will help calculate travel distances similar to real life.

Land area: 124.3 million km²
Distance from Sun: 155.2 million km
Moon: Xanadu, 1/4 size of Ezora
Mass: 5.497 × 10^22 kg
Radius: 5,868 km

If you compare it to Earth, there's a slight variation in mass. Its moon will also play a big role in the adventure.

The amount of thought being put into every single detail.

Below, is another glimpse of the many ways players will be able to directly confront, avoid, or even ambush a foe. Goblins smell humans within a 60ft radius, so any human in the party can either stay away, or risk having the party's ambush botched. The bestiary portion of the book, offers all the stats and relevant info about the enemies you'll encounter.

The book offers a half page and full page world map. But if you want, you can get a enlarged version of the world map here. Many new locations will be added to the world during the campaign, and you might want a print to write them down.


Inclusion, divercity, and wit. The world won't be so easy on you.

Below is another example of how the book still offers a solo friendly campaign, even though the ideal amount of players will range from 2 to 5, larger parties are discouraged but not impossible to work with. The perfect setting would include a GM, and a party of 4 to 5. Lone wolves discouraged, if you choose that path you're better off soloing.

The page below depicts how the party will run across many obstacles that will involve further thinking. There's no "right" way of doing things, outcomes will vary. The book will give you coordinates to follow, but players are always free to create havok in every page. With so many spontaneous event calls, it's unlikely anyone will feel railroaded.

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Introducing A New Way To Get Around!

Here's the latest in development. Now That I'm working on the campaign setting for the New Horizon core book, I had the idea of expanding the playable character's inventory without the need of having to go back to a city or place in order to withdraw stored items, etc... Originally, each playable character was able to store up to 3 different items, in stacks of 3. With the acquisition of a horse or mare, you'll be able to use it not only as means of transport, but also use its saddle as a form of mobile storage. Right now, I'm still debating whether or not to implement mounted combat for players. The horse's focus lies in transportation, and storage for the time being.


Let's Talk About The Development Process Behind New Horizon

Hello everyone, now that I have a better idea about the development time involved with this major Indie release, that is New Horizon. I'm ready to share a couple of things publicly. So I'll be clarifying some of the previously asked questions and so on.

Raw completion rate: 68% (before any edits)
Total artwork featured in the final product: 79~85
Artists Involved: 6
Playtesters: 7
Writer: Myself
Total amount of pages: 200~220
Work Pace: 10~15 pages weekly
Days of the week: Tues thru Sat
Hours Daily: 2~4

As you can see the game is being worked on, on a daily basis. I avoid spending too much time away from the project, to not fall off the mood and the setting. Interesting thing happening throughout the campaign writhing process is, the story is being continued daily without major future events being written down. Unlike it's predecessor that had a pre-planned path. New Horizon varies on a daily basis, and that is helping keep the story fresh and engaging. Although, I'll store ideas on the back of my mind, there's no guarantees that what I have planned will fit in with the current story. You'll experience many emotions while playing through the campaign. There's a whole lot of suspense going on, there's nasty, and there's gory. You won't be railroaded into a direct path, there's a lot of room for improvisation and customization. You can even take up random quests such as helping a husband find out if his wife is a harlot or not, which by the way, was a lot of fun writing, and I had a good laugh out of it. Not to mention, there's several outcomes to this one specific quest. And it may even generate some controversy when players actually get to play this particular quest.

What's next!?
After the raw version of the book is complete, comes my personal editing, which consists of at least 60+ edits. Ranging from typos, to punctuation, and another spell check, page by page. I know some may jump the trigger to point out "grammar" and punctuation issues during previews. The important thing is, I'm keeping track of everything and the final product will be edited by me, proofread by others, and immaculate to you.

Playtesters are being a huge help when it comes to pointing out certain concerns, that is only achieved when testing the game outside of my circle. The game is being put through a lot of different perspectives in order to become that perfect TRPG. And of course, there will be those who still won't be satisfied, but I guarantee that will be a tiny minority, and the bottom line is, you can't please everyone.

When can you expect New Horizon?
There's no official release date at this moment, the game will be a dtrpg exclusive, like my previous titles.
If production continues at a smooth rhythm, you could expect to own this book as early as November 2019.
What you shouldn't expect are sales. Unlike my previous books, New Horizon was a rather costly project, and there won't be any sales for it in the near future.

What's my pitch? Or why should you buy my book?
There will be an ample preview of the material, that will be provided in the sales page. (Mechanics won't be shown in the preview.)
If you like what you see, then buy it! If you don't like what you see, consider that perhaps it's not for you.
As previously shown in this thread, I'm all about honesty and transparency.

I thank all previous buyers for your support! This game was funded by you, and I strive to give you the best.

Sidney Harold Müller, one of the key NPCs you'll meet in New Horizon's Core Book.

I honestly never had so much fun making a game. New Horizon, surpasses anything I've made by tenfold. Expect a whole year of game sessions to go through the contents of this book! There's so much to learn, so many things to do. I'll be posting more later this week. Until then...


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