New or Old DM Screen?


I got all the Essentials stuff, including the new DM Screen w/ the updated DC levels. However, I hate that it's so flimsy. And all my PCs are still 4e and not "essentials" so my question is: should I still use the old DM screen or are the updated info (errata, etc) too crucial for the game?


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First Post
I got all the Essentials stuff, including the new DM Screen w/ the updated DC levels. However, I hate that it's so flimsy. And all my PCs are still 4e and not "essentials" so my question is: should I still use the old DM screen or are the updated info (errata, etc) too crucial for the game?


are the sizes similar? can you possibly put the flimsier one inside the harder one (maybe paperclip it?). I'm planning on getting the DM kit soon, so I'd like to know.

The really important bits on the old DM screen are totally outdated (the dmg 42 table, the status effects) so it's not so useful as a reference any more


First Post
I, too, hate that it's flimsy. however, the newer math is much, much better, and I've begun only using it at my table.

The monster damage table is cleaner and easier to use, and the new Skill DC's thing is 100% better than any before. And, since much of the books now point to the skill DC levels, rather than hard DC's, it's very nice to have that list right in front of you.

I don't think it has any essentials only data, just updated math and cleaner tables.

The Human Target

I don't find the new one to be flimsy, but I've used floppy screens before.

I use the new one- updated rules, a much nicer layout, and more vibrant colors on the screen.


1) It has errata for the various conditions + other miscellaneous errata.

2) It's not as flimsy as pre-4e screens. I don't have access to mine right now, but it almost feels like it's made of plastic, not cardboard.


5ever, or until 2024
As the "its a whole new game!" guy, uh, ya, use the new screen with old group.

(I am waiting for the mondo deluxe one that is supposed to come out later).

Voidrunner's Codex

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