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New RPG Company Casting All Women for Genesys


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I saw the original list and considering the backgrounds of some, I'd see them as better than a few they finally picked. Oh well.

It's their company, and they can chose whoever they want. No hard feelings, there. My issue (as was detailed in the blogs and posts I've made) is that they are supporting women who promoted themselves by telling people not to vote for me because "The leading lady right now is, of course, a skinny blonde white girl."

I already made all the points I needed to on my blog, so I won't repeat myself. It's just been a very, very sad experience that women who use tactics like that are rewarded and they company wants them to be seen as a role model and a representative of their company.

Gamer ladies (and men) should be cool to each other, end of story. ;)

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Stacie GmrGrl

Thanks! My website is such a mess now and is in the middle of a redesign, so I should have some much better blogs once that's done. I do have a youtube channel with more interesting stuff: Ginny McQueen's Videos - YouTube

This summer marks 14 years of cosplay for me. It's pretty crazy. It's been... weird. :)

I'll check them out. I like YouTube. Lots of great stuff there.

I've never cosplayed.. never been to a con of any kind to be honest, but I bet they are fun. And weird, and crazy fun all wrapped up in a single event. :)

Someday I'll go to a con.

Dire Bare

Finalists | Video Contest 1 of the 9 Fates for Genesys RPG - This is the original finalists page before they deleted everyone but 8 girls (6 or 7 from Florida, all East Coast). So clearly they didn't like anyone else for one of the roles and are now claiming they are doing more "casting" (which was originally called a "contest" as evidence by the "contest rules").

A few notes on the developing situation, that I am not following all that closely yet will post about anyway (hey! it's the internets!). Ginny, you clearly stated that a Genesys employee was extremely rude to many of the girls at the casting call, and I totally buy that. This entire operation hasn't been all that professional, IMO.

But you seem to be referring to Monica (the girl who slammed you for being pretty) as a Genesys representative too (correct me if I'm wrong) . . . . she isn't. At least, she isn't yet. She's a contestant who bad-mouthed another contestant. Which is very different from a company rep bad-mouthing a contestant. Is Genesys even aware of her slam at you? I'd consider it a blackmark against Monica if I were in charge, but I wouldn't necessarily drop her as a contestant because of it. But I'd make sure she new that would not be acceptable once (if) she becomes a rep of my company.

I'm not impressed with Genesys, their marketing, and the unprofessional way they seem to be running their "contest". And if I had voted, I'd of voted for you, as you seem to embody what Genesys states they are looking for (and, after reading your blog a bit, I like you). And after reading Monica's comments and watching her entrant video, that woman annoys me. But I also think I'm sensing a combination of irritation at the unprofessionalism and a little bit of sour grapes by unfairly associating a contestent as a company representative.

And, like Lwaxy (I think we are on the same wavelength, maybe), I'm definitely getting a sour grapes vibe from some of the other folks who have posted in this thread about not making the finals. Which has nothing to do with Ginny, but adds to the tone our discussion has taken.

Then again, I could have totally misunderstood some of your posts and blog entries, and be way off base. And, of course, also misunderstood some of the other posters above. If so, I apologize.

Elf Witch

First Post
Okay, as a woman some of these posts are really bothering me. I am one of the girls who did apply for the game, made it into the final round, and did not land a part.

First and foremost, there is nothing wrong with being an "attractive woman" in the gaming universe. Being attractive does NOT mean someone is unqualified. Most of you are talking about how sexism the gaming universe is, only employing "hot models" as booth babes or the face of their game, and while I can admit that's true, what about the flip side of the coin where if a woman is attractive it means that they are unqualified because of their looks?

What is wrong with you people? Don't you see the reverse sexism that's going on here?

Probably because of all these posts, a lot of the girls who tried-out for these parts and were models/cosplayers/actors were likely thrown by the wayside. How about everyone look at credentials first? A lot of the "attractive" women who applied have legit gaming experience to back them up. Isn't that the most important quality above all of the other bullcrap being talked about in this thread? ACTUAL experience? Being attractive as well, with the outgoing personality of an actor, the looks of a model, and the understanding of conventions that cosplayers usually have are just bonuses. CRAZY that they could potentially hire all of the above!

And you know what, being hired based on experience/looks (a healthy dose of both) isn't sexist. It's called life. Unfortunately due to all of this bitching, I don't know if Genesys RPG really gave a lot of the "attractive" girls much of a chance, even though some of their gaming experience rivaled that of the stereotypical nerdy girl, and even in some cases SURPASSED it.

You say you read this thread but I think you missed the point of what was being said. No one said anything about it being bad to be attractive or that gamer woman can't be attractive. What bother most of us was the language involved hot foxy gamer girls. You can't use words that have a meaning and then say but that is not what we mean.

Instead of using any words about looks it would have been nice to see them advertise for gamer woman period looks should never have come into it.
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Elf Witch

First Post
Yep, I've been following this with interest as well. All the young ladies that applied had to have some experience with, and knowledge of RPG's. I think the pre-judgement and prejudices towards non-gamers in this thread reflects poorly on the RPG community here.

As I originally surmised, South Beach was completely oblivious to the general caterwauling and calls for boycott, and went on with their spectacularly successful event. At least 26 entries now being winnowed down to nine (plus maybe a backup or two).

...consider also, 1of9 hasn't posted since the original press release. Being a bit more open minded here might have opened up an ongoing dialogue with the gaming company that sponsored this new RPG, it seems now that might be unlikely.

If you really want more RPG gamers etiquette demands one accept them into the fold, and share experiences until a common meaningful dialogue evolves. Just because all of the players are not of the same alignment, doesn't mean they can't all get along for at least long enough to nab the big treasure from the real dragon in the dungeon.

Just' Sayin my peace.

Nobody was caterwauling how rude to dismiss our thoughts on this subject.

Nobody was calling for a boycott what was said that the way the event was advertised was a turn off for some of us and might make us think twice about eventually purchasing the product.

You should try and practice what you preach and be a little more opened minded about dissenting opinions.
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First Post
But you seem to be referring to Monica (the girl who slammed you for being pretty) as a Genesys representative too (correct me if I'm wrong) . . . . she isn't. At least, she isn't yet. She's a contestant who bad-mouthed another contestant. Which is very different from a company rep bad-mouthing a contestant.

Yes, Monica is in fact chosen as a rep. If you check my blog about it, you can see that myself and the other many qualified girls were kicked out (I posted the altered "finalists" as well as their revised one) and those 8 left are their chosen reps. So she is representing them. I also linked to their facebook where many, many people are asking them to disclose what happened and have brought this to their attention.

There are people claiming things like "auditions" and "casting" but first they called it a "contest" and secondly no one had an audition. I know, because I'm a theatre major. Plus 6 or 7 out of the 8 chosen are from Florida, where the company is so it's looking pretty fishy regardless.


First Post
I think this would have been a good idea, if it had been fifty-fifty male and female gamers. Now it's pretty sexist because it's only women.
Personally I would have been curious about how handsome male-gamers are out there. Maybe one of the could have been blown all these girls of the water with his looks ;)

Marketing is very visual and if you lack creativity, trying to hire beautiful people just to pose is ok. But I just hope they would have gone fifty-fifty...


First Post
What does this have to do with prejudice? Just because I don't consider it a tragedy that the model types are not picked first? :erm: Well, I don't.

I pick players who fit into the campaigns, what does it matter how they look like? And where did I say it would?

Please don't put words in my mouth. I have, as obvious from previous posts, no issues with women looking good. I have issues if someone "traditionally beautiful" feels entitled to be picked first. And I have not included Ginny in that either, she obviously knows her way around gaming.

I know little about modelling except that someone I knew a long time back gave up on it in frustration. I take it the people who applied for the 1of9 thing are not all interested in getting a modelling contract. Are you saying that those who do model consider it more important to succeed here than the others? I can imagine for anyone who gets picked for whatever reason, it is a rather big thing.

I went and found some of the videos for the event, and I'm merely surprised that a lot of those videos describing themselves do not really mention gaming (although thanks to no sound I could only read the video descriptions). I'm curious as to what the females around here will think about those videos.

I'm not here to perpetuate a really dumb subargument. I said my piece earlier, but I do feel the need to correct you on a few things.

1) I never said attractive girls should be picked first. You completely missed the point of my first post. The entire point of it was to say that it doesn't matter WHAT people look like on the outside, it's their credentials that matter first. But the fact that looks perhaps added to the casting process isn't unheard of. It's obvious that they wanted the whole package, and there's nothing wrong with that.

2) I don't know about other girls, but I didn't enter into the contest looking for a modeling contract. There are other, far better/easier ways of getting a modeling contract. I really don't know where you got that, or why you felt the need to mention it considering it has nothing to do with the argument at hand.

3) Maybe you should actually WATCH the videos first before you sit there and say "Oh a lot of those videos describing themselves do not really mention gaming". In the videos, one of the questions was asking about RPG experience, or what your favorite RPGs are. Some girls chose to put their experience in the text box, others just chose to talk about it. Granted, you said you had no sound, but instead of throwing out yet another false claim, maybe you should have verified it first with sound so you know what you're talking about.

Whole point of my argument before was that the girls should have been picked based on their game cred first. That's the most important. But if looks & personality played a factor too, there's nothing wrong with that. Just because there were "hot cosplaying models" who applied, doesn't make them any less worthy for the spots simply because they are models.

Personally (and hypothetically), if I were one of the cosplaying girls who had years and years of gaming experience I'd be completely offended by people just saying "Oh, seems they just want to exploit hot chicks." Or maybe they wanted a hot chick who had awesome gaming credentials plus cosplay experience plus modeling experience too.

But alas, who really knows what they wanted? Who really cares anymore?
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First Post
If you would, please have a look at this blog. It highlights exactly what is wrong with the gaming community when it comes to females. Thanks.

It's amazing that women in the geek community can act like this and be rewarded. bit.ly/OECqUp


I'm sorry you had that experience; you sound like an amply qualified gamer geek.

However, it is not unreasonable for the gaming community to encourage companies to present more balanced representations of women that do not focus so much on conventional physical attractiveness. I don't honestly see anything wrong with asking for a wider spectrum of representation that shows women of different looks and ages, including non model types.

It sucks that you, personally, may have lost out here because you *are* a conventionally attractive model type. Sometimes representation jobs are like that, if there is legitimately a need for a different kind of representation than you can provide. And there is, legitimately, that need.

Given your geek cred I personally would have been okay with your winning. But I still would have been annoyed if the only people who won were model types. I do not think that would have been a fair or reasonable representation of female gamers, nor would I be willing to believe that geek cred or gaming experience had very much to do with their selection.

As it is, I'm not nearly as annoyed with the finalists as I thought I would be, as at least some individuals are included who are not showing themselves as model types or in model poses, sexy/pretty clothing, etc.

One of the things I like very much about Monica is that it is absolutely clear that she is presenting herself as a serious gamer who is here for gaming, not a pretty face and body that can be used to sell stuff. That's a lot more than I expected given the language of their press release. The "Here is a serious gamer who is here to game, NOT to dress up and look pretty" message goes a very long way towards a better representation and better treatment for women in our community. That is true regardless of what they happen to look like physically.

I'm okay with how she campaigned to be taken seriously as a gamer, without even trying for model looks or cute clothes. I'm okay with her asking folks to help show Genesys that we want better representation for more serious looking, non model types. I'm less okay with her targeting you personally, but in fairness, I agree that there are indeed legitimate social issues when it comes to having the most traditional model type (skinny white blonde specifically) representing female gamers in our community.

It's not that gamer women who happen to be skinny white blondes should automatically lose their nerd cred. That's not fair either. I remember what happened when I went to a gaming con without stopping at home to dress down from another occasion, and how I was treated because I looked conventionally pretty. That wasn't fun. I got ignored and disrespected, and either avoided or treated like a category of "hot chick" rather than like another gamer. I ditched the decor for a ratty t-shirt and jeans as quickly as possible, lost the makeup, swapped my contacts for nice thick nerdy glasses, wrecked my 'do, and then I got much better treatment. So I do know how that feels, and no, it's not fair to you at all.

Neither is the fact that in mainstream culture, skinny blonde white women are so often held up to us as the default model that it's turned seriously toxic. Girls develop eating disorders and commit suicide because they feel so heavily pressured to look like this perfect ideal. And that's not good either, for a pretty epic value of not good. Girls are taught that they have no value except for the prettiness of their faces and bodies, and how pleasing they can make themselves to other people's gaze. The toxic effects of this on girls and on the women they become are widespread and deeply harmful.

I can not fault people for speaking out against this as the default model, and encouraging companies to make different and more varied choices, especially choices that explicitly do not show women as being valued for how they look or what they wear.

None of this is fair or good. None of it, not on either side. I don't have any more comforting words than that, unfortunately.

And, Ginny? I respect YOUR right to refer to yourself as a girl, if that is how you personally choose to identify, but the rest of us are women unless we are actually girls. As in, minor children. I am not a child, and I do not like being referred to in the general language of "gamer girls" or "geek girls" if you are not actually talking about minors. Thank you for respecting that.
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Cute but dangerous
2) I don't know about other girls, but I didn't enter into the contest looking for a modeling contract. There are other, far better/easier ways of getting a modeling contract. I really don't know where you got that, or why you felt the need to mention it considering it has nothing to do with the argument at hand.

If you had paid attention you'd seen I was replying to someone who mentioned it. I didn't bring it up, it wouldn't even have occurred to me. I have no clue why you think I brought it up, when I know as good as nothing about modelling.

Some girls chose to put their experience in the text box, others just chose to talk about it. Granted, you said you had no sound, but instead of throwing out yet another false claim, maybe you should have verified it first with sound so you know what you're talking about.

I don't have sound, period. I guess I'm not the only one, or that people watch from work etc where they need to mute sound. Gaming experience info is probably what most people look first for. Some videos had no info at all, but from those which did, not to mention gaming at all is more like putting it in the background.

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