• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E New Show From WOTC - Dice, Camera, Action!


If players are going to look for spoilers for an adventure they can easily do that without watching this. I'm sure I could spoil a whole heap of any of the 5E WotC adventures just by reading threads on EN World, let alone other stuff on the Internet.

The difference is that here we have WotC spoiling their own storyline.

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By default (I think) Twitch broadcasts are available to rewatch on demand from the Past Broadcasts link on a streamer's profile page. The streamer can delete them (and, perhaps, limit access to paying subscribers etc) but I've been able to watch most WotC videos between broadcast and them being uploaded to YouTube. It's often harder or not possible from some mobile devices, though - using a full computer will likely be easier.
Some channels put previous broadcasts behind a pay-wall but WotC's have always been available after the fact on Twitch, at least for a couple of months.


I watched the postponed premier episode of Twitch live stream tonight and found it enjoyable. The game felt like a step by step retell of the original material, with all the expected beats and notes being hit. Master Perkins is nearly flawless in his handling of the players and materials. A master class for DMs running this for the first time and a fond retelling for the experienced vet.

I haven't been impressed with the latest offerings from wizards live play. Sound quality has been hit and miss and the rotating cast and DMing can run hot and cold as any rotation would. This party comes out of the gate with strong role play and a group dynamic that is both positive and entertaining.

I'm excited to follow this party's unique path and exploration of new material (to me (or everyone)). I'm also curious how combat will be delt with. With plans to run this for +12ish weeks, they will have a loyal fan in me if this continues.

Solid show that's worth checking out.

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