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New Spell: Rack & Ruin

What do you think?

Rack & Ruin
Evocation (fire, force)
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 3 rounds; see text
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

You throw out your hand at your foe. Telekinetic force slams the target, dealing 5d6 force damage and tripping him. The creature may make a Fortitude save to avoid being tripped.

Then if the creature is adjacent to any surface as large as his space (such as if he was tripped and fell), the force holds him there. Fires crackle along the surface in the shape of Infernal sigils, and at the start of the creature’s turn, the flames sear the creature for 5d6 fire damage. The creature is immobilized for three rounds or until it spends a move action to make a Strength or Escape Artist check (DC 20), or otherwise escapes (such as by teleportation). If the creature moves out of the space it was pinned to, the spell ends.

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World of Kulan DM
It looks good to me. Not too powerful but dangerous.

It looks like a good spell to deal with rogues and other slippery classes. And it feels like something a dwarf mage would cast.


First Post
It's stylish, but I think it's a little strong. I'd say a duration of 1 round per 5 levels (max 5 rounds), so that it's only 15d6 total damage on a failed save and failed escape check for the first few levels the spell is available, and so that the power level scales up appropriate to a spell of its level in early epic.

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