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New system?


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OK, I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but if it isn't, then feel free to move it to the proper place.

I am coming up with a new system, and I am wanting to get reviews of it, and tips on improving it. First I'll provide the fluff, then I'll add in the crunch I've got figured out, and where I'm wanting to go.

When the world was created, after creating the plants, sun, animals, and the world's various sentient creatures, they looked over their creation, and were troubled. He said to himself that what he had done was good, but there was no one to watch over it and guard it from the evils of the universe. As such, he created the Dragons, to do just that. Eight dragons, he created, and into each he imbued with the power of one of the eight elements; fire, water, wind, earth, light, darkness, electricity and metal. And unto those dragons and their descendants, he charged with the protection of the world he had created. To better aid them in this, he strengthened them further, giving them scaly hides that no weapon could pierce. But then he thought of what might become should they fall to wickedness, and nothing was capable of harming them. So he created one material, one thing that, when fashioned into a weapon, could pierce a dragons scales and slay them. Then he left, his task completed. The dragons have watched over the world since.

There are two overall playable types of races. The "Lesser races," which includes humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and any other form of humanoid races you could want to play. The second race is the dragons. Now, adult, mature dragons are considered unplayable, because they are essentially impervious to any assault. As such, if you want to play a dragon, you will only be able to play a very young one, who has not yet fully developed his or her abilities and still has vulnerabilities.
Each non-dragon character has eight affinities, one for each of the elements, determined randomly at character creation by rolling 2d6 each. Where the character places his highest affinities determines various aspects of his personality, as explained below.
  • Fire: People with a strong affinity for fire are very passionate and devoted by nature, and anything they go to, they do with gusto. However, fire type individuals are also very short-tempered and prone to explosions of anger.
  • Water: People with a water affinity make excellent diplomats and negotiators, since they are very peaceful and calm by nature. However, they also are exceptionally passive, requiring an excessive amount of energy being input to them to get them to do anything.
  • Wind: Many people believe that wind-type individuals are cowardly, but this is not the case. In actuality, wind-type people are intelligent enough to recognize when they are outmatched in whatever situation they are participating in, and have no problem with yielding the victory at the moment to return at a time more to their advantage. The actual bad thing about most Wind personalities is that they are possessed of an intense wanderlust, making it incredibly difficult to settle down in any one area.
  • Earth: Earth-type individuals are very loyal. Once you have earned their trust, you HAVE it, and nothing short of an earthshattering event will be sufficient to break that trust. The downside to having an earth-type personality is that most are incredibly stubborn, not wanting to yield on any matter, unless they have absolutely no choice.
  • Light: Individuals with strong affinity for the light element are very forgiving, willing to overlook any faults in pursuit of the greater good. The bad thing about Light personalities is what causes their good quality, actually. They are far too sympathetic, and as such will find any possible excuse to not act against them, because they don't want to harm other people.
  • Darkness: People with an affinity for darkness excel at stealth and sneakiness. They can get into areas that no one else can, and get back out without leaving any trace. However, they also have great issues with trust, believing that everyone else is also being just as stealthy and secretive as they are.
  • Electricity: Individuals who have an affinity for electricity are similar to fire personalities. Fire type people are the "Get it done" type, which electric types are more the "Get it done NOW" type. They excel at getting places quickly and getting stuff done, but they have no patentice whatsoever. As such they are always doing something, because they cannot stand boredom.
  • Metal: People with a high affinity for metal are very tactical in nature. They excel at coming up with plans and strategies, and always plan for every possible contingency. However, they are also very militant in nature, and despise yielding an advantage, including their weapons. Even if they do agree to do so, the observant eye will still notice them casing the entirety of the room they are in, searching for a way out if something goes wrong, or something the can grab to use as a weapon.

More to come when I can focus more!
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Now then, the class system. Classes in this system are less "You get X ability at level Y", more of a pick-and-choose yourself. As you level, you get a certain number of points, which you may use to acquire either increased skill ranks, or a special ability for your class. The "classes" are also more flavor, less crunch, being essentially the profession that your character earns a living at. For instance, you could be a Soldier, a Blacksmith, a Carpenter, or anything else that an individual could earn money doing. You are expected to continue to improve the abilities associated with that profession, however what you do beyond that is your choice. For instance, if your character is a soldier, then you would be expected to continually improve your capabilities in whatever form of combat you make use of, be it ranged, armed melee or unarmed melee. Beyond that, you can get ranks in whatever skills you desire.

Next, magic. Magic is not a class-specific ability in this system, like it is in D&D. Anyone can gain the ability to make use of magic, by acquiring the special ability below.
Cost: 5 points
Benefit: You gain access to the Spellshaping skill, and automatically acquire four ranks in it. you may, thereafter, increase your ranks in that skill as normal.
When you select this ability, you must chose which path of spellshaping you want to embark upon. Only under very unique circumstances may an individual change his path partway into it, and most people don't have the time or devotion to acquire it. The four paths you have to choose from for how you gain and utilize your magic are:
  • Path of the Scholar: With this path, you have gained the ability to use magic through long-term study and research, and have, as such, learned to tap into the mystical energies of the world around you. Individuals who choose this path may utilize magic associated with any of the elements, however those spells they do cast lack the force of those upon the other three paths.
  • The Innate Path: Those who chose this path awaken within themselves an innate understanding of the energies that compose themselves and the world around them. Followers of this path pick three elements, one of which must be the element they have the strongest affinity towards, and neither of the others may be that element's opposite. Innate casters may utilize any magic associated with the three elements they select upon taking this path, and have more power to push through those spell, but they are unable to cast magic from any of the other elements.
  • The Divine Path: Followers of the Divine Path devote themselves to a higher power. What power this is is between the GM and player. Upon taking this path, the individual chooses two elements, which must be tied into the source they draw their power from. For instance, a Divine caster who draws power from a deity of War would find metal and fire the most appropriate choices. A follower of the Divine Path has the same limitations as the followers of the Innate Path, save they may choose any elements, so long as they are tied to where their power comes from. Followers of the Divine Path may cast spells associated with those two elements with greater power than even followers of the Innate Path, however are also unable to use magic from any of the other elements.
  • The Path Draconic: This path is viewed as the most difficult, and the most rewarding of the Paths. Those who choose to follow the Path Draconic to gain access to magic must find a Dragon who represents the element they possess the strongest affinity towards, and form a pact with them. This pact is not something to be taken lightly, nor is this path for the weak-hearted. The act of making a Pact with a dragon changes the people who make it, both physically, and mentally. Physically, they gain aspects resembling that of the Dragons themselves. What those are vary from person to person, but wings are typically a part of it. Mentally, the aspects of personality brought about by their elements are made even more prevalent. The followers of this path may only use magic associated with the element of the dragon they made a pact with, but none can surpass the Draconic casters when they use that element.
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Animal handle
Body control
Conceal object
Current events
Exotic weapons*
Fencing swords*
Fire arms
Free fall
Manipulate object*
Martial swords*
Pole arms*
Resist opposing will
Resist internal effect
Resist supernatural effects
Sex appeal
Simple Weapons
Unarmed fighting*
Weapon finesse*
Weight allowance
Weight lifting
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That last post would be the 53 skills that make up all the checks that you do and so forth. I've been thinking about changing it to a Diceless system, as well, and will update the above posts as needed to accommodate that.

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