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Newbie here with a question for all........


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Omegium said:
about your fight: Spells in a staff can't be metamagiced,...

Yep. And quickened, maximized Evard's black Tentacles will need to be stored as 11th level spells. How could he even cast them being allowed to metamagic them?

As for that dragon... Minions? Traps? Some kind of warningsystem that there was intruders?....(I admit I don't know much about FR. But still :eek: )

I don't know where to start.
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First of all yes I have been a Dm for 12 years but I have to be honest. This is the first 3E game I DMed.While most of the changes were easy enough to adapt to some were still pretty confusing.

Well, I have decided they are all going down. You're all right. The game is unsalvagable. But I don't want to just "trash it". I'd like for there to be a fitting ending to it tonight and then begin a whole new game. Any suggestions of how to end it all (other than a Terrerasque)...?

(and to also see to it that these players don't take these characters into someone else's game ruining it.)

Oh and does anyone have any clue about when a 3E Dragonlance might come out?


House Ruler
Obviously, Klauth had made a prior arrangement with The Cult of the Dragon for just this sort of eventuality. Throw his dracolich at them, follow everyone else's advice about dragons and tactics and wipe them all out.

Or have the party walk through a special FR portal that separates all from their gear and has 3 destinations keyed to character absolute power level. Then start 3 new campaigns in which each player only has one character.

Aaah, forget it. Just waste 'em! :D


Running 3e for the first time, you really need to start off at low level and get used to all the rules changes. It's taken me since the game came out to be comfortable running the game at 7th level, I shudder to think of starting blind at 19th!!:eek:

Lord Ravinous

First Post
Get Faiths and Pantheons, and then let the ass-whoopin commence. I'm sure that the only people that would survive a run-in with a deity would be the ones that ran.


First Post
A word of warning: just bringing out the tarrasque on these kids will probably result in one dead tarrasque, especially if you're not fully conversant with their skills. You're going to want to have a TPK "oops" that makes it look like you were just trying to give them a challenge after last game sesson. Here are a couple of ideas, though...

High level fighter or barbarian with maxed out physical stats (including books +5 in all of them) and a big, adamantium sword that radiates a continual anti-magic field when drawn. If you want to be really nasty and you have MotW, give him that anti-magic prestige class, say that he used the books before picking it up, and that he's cool with the sword since it is anti-magic. You should find most characters up a creek without their magical goodies, and a good, solid physical threat who takes that loss into account can put some serious hurt on them.

Similarly, make a dungeon full of illusions and Mordainkainen's Disjunctions, whittle the party down, give them several "false bosses" to waste firepower on. And take pointers from any meatgrinder you can find. We're talking nastiness on the scale of Spheres of Annihilation at the bottom of pit traps, concealed with illusions as a room behind the door, things like that. And when they get to the end, dose them with the biggest attack sequences you can find. In short, make it so that if someone does miraculously survive, you can still call it close enough to a total wipeout to want to start over.

Some people may whine about losing their kewl p0werz. Some may even threaten to leave. Truth be told, you kind of want to cut down your number of players, so unless you'll be left with just two people, don't worry about it.

And next session, start completely fresh, and focus on all the sticky little rules in the PHB. Point out that just because you thought you had it down last time, you may not have, and that this time you want to do it all right. It might slow the game for a while, but you want to learn your way gradually, and taking it slow from first level is the best way to do that.

Humanophile said:
And next session, start completely fresh, and focus on all the sticky little rules in the PHB. Point out that just because you thought you had it down last time, you may not have, and that this time you want to do it all right. It might slow the game for a while, but you want to learn your way gradually, and taking it slow from first level is the best way to do that.

Thanks Humanophile. I will definitly do that. Your guys help is definitly appreciated.

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