news scoop: insider account of how the statement was drafted, and the fear-based culture in Wizards offices

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If folks hadn’t leaked ‘inside’ stuff, OGL1.1 would already be in effect—a fait accompli—“suckas!”

i’ll let the newsmen such as Morrus discern the veracity and newsworthiness.

All i can say is that the same guy (DnD Shorts) did the best, most nuanced line-by-line analysis of Wizards recent statement that I’ve seen.

Now i know not to post potential scoops on these boards. the foxy pundits will pile on.


If folks hadn’t leaked ‘inside’ stuff, OGL1.1 would already be in effect—a fait accompli—“suckas!”

i’ll let the newsmen such as Morrus discern the veracity and newsworthiness.

All i can say is that the same guy (DnD Shorts) did the best, most nuanced line-by-line analysis of Wizards recent statement that I’ve seen.

Now i know not to post potential scoops on these boards. the foxy pundits will pile on.
What are you talking about? My issue with it is this "hang on until Wednesday" BS.

If (general) you have information that you need to research and verify, do so -- and release that stuff when it is researched and verified. You know, like a journalist. Giving a little hint to build hype speaks to clickbait, not news.

What are you talking about? My issue with it is this "hang on until Wednesday" BS.
you didn’t say: “interesting scoop! i just take issue with delaying further release—it smacks of clickbait.”

so i took your disdain to apply to the entire post.
If (general) you have information that you need to research and verify, do so -- and release that stuff when it is researched and verified. You know, like a journalist. Giving a little hint to build hype speaks to clickbait, not news.
i’m impressed with your high professional standards when it comes to amateur reporting on a quickly unfolding situation.

Maybe you’re right about an unnecessary teaser.

iirc, a reason he gives is that he needs to run it all through an automated paraphraser and double check that so that the inside source cant be ferreted out by their phraseology and lose their job.


i’m impressed with your high professional standards when it comes to amateur reporting on a quickly unfolding situation.
Having been extremely, excruciatingly close to a "quickly unfolding situation" I do in fact put a very high value on accuracy over speed, as well as journalistic integrity for those behaving like journalists. We live ina culture mired in misinformation -- we should not be contributing to it here or anywhere.
Maybe you’re right about an unnecessary teaser.

iirc, a reason he gives is that he needs to run it all through an automated paraphraser so that the inside source cant be ferreted out by their phraseology and lose their job.
Again, that's great. I hope they are right and get all the information verified and accurate. But a little preview like this -- which we can see sends people into a tizzy and pushes the conspiracy train right out of the station -- exists only to get clicks. It's unethical.

Well, as a traditionally central source for D&D news (ENW was founded on “leaks”), it would be good if @Morrus would develop a closer relationship with those whose insider leaks have turned out to be true, so that EN News can be in a position to intelligently and quickly sort the wheat from the chaff, and thus remain at the forefront of its original mission.

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