D&D 4E Next Backgrounds in 4e [Suggestions Needed]


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I really like the tactical combat of 4e, Next isn't doing it for me there.

But I've always wanted some more Non-combat stuff in 4e. And the backgrounds are so awesome for that... So I'm gonna use them together.

However my conversion is a little imcomplete, some backgrounds I just can't enough skills on and I'm wondering should I add a coulple more non-combat skills....

Here's what I have.

This system makes heavy modification to the way you gain skills in the 4e ruleset.

If your class grants an automatic trained skill take that skill as trained. Ignore the list of class skills and number of skills granted. Choose a background from the Next system. You gain the trait and suggested equipment from this background. You gain a +5 trained bonus in the skills associated with your chosen background listed below.


Diplomacy, Insight

Perception, Stealth, and Streetwise

Bluff, Insight, Streetwise




Diplomacy, Insight, and Religion

Choose three from Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, and Religion

Intimidate, Nature, and Perception

Bluff, Perception and Stealth

Dungeoneering, Stealth, and Streetwise

Intimidate, Stealth, and Streetwise

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You could let the players define their own backgrounds, and then apply the trained (+5) modifier to the check when the background fits.

Since you have to figure out when a skill checks fits during skill challenges anyway, there's not much of a shift in game play there.


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It's not what I don't like about the existing 4e backgrounds it's what I LOVE about the next ones.

Such as the retainers that Noble gives you, or the house that commoner gives you.'

And yeah just giving them plus 5 at anything that applies to the background might be the way I do it, just was looking to see if anyone had other suggestions.


First Post
So it's not just the skills, it's the side benefits then?

Well if you wanna beef up the background system I'd say let it offer either one free training from a list, or a pair of plus 3s, or a trio of plus 2s, or maybe virtual training where you act as trained but without the +5, something.

And then give them the side benefits, as long as they don't affect the numerical stats too much.
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Your missing that I am not trying to replace the 4e background system there, I'm replacing the class skills system. Given them just one trained skill is not enough, each background needs exactly 3.

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Well, that just proves that everyone has different tastes! :) For example, I prefer tactical fights only for major boss battles, and far prefer an old school quick-skirmish approach to other fights.

The background benefits in 5e are the sorts of things we just roleplayed in older editions, just they're more codified. For example, you take the "Noble" background and get skill training and 3 retainers. Well...is that *all* being a noble gives you? Of course not! You'd get invitations to aristocratic events, probably have several wealthy family members, might have rights in court that commoners lack, and you may even own your own land/domain. But the 5e "Noble" background mentions none of this...

Anyhow [MENTION=386]LostSoul[/MENTION] 's approach of free-form backgrounds makes the most sense to me.

If you really want to put specific 4e skills to each background, then how about this...

Diplomacy, Insight, Endurance (for long nights spent crafting)

Perception, Stealth, and Streetwise

Bluff, Insight, Streetwise

Diplomacy (for negotiating trades and getting out of trouble with nobility),Endurance (for long days in the field and hard drinking after), Nature

Athletics (for riding horses, laying siege to castles, fording rivers, and leaping ruined castle walls), Diplomacy, History (for knowledge of courtly matters and military victories),

Bluff (just because), Diplomacy, History (same as the knight)

Diplomacy, Insight, and Religion

Choose three from Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, and Religion

Endurance (forced marching, nuff said), Intimidate (that one is questionable), Nature (maybe for special forces but not for most soldiers), and Perception

Bluff, Perception and Stealth

Dungeoneering, Stealth, and Streetwise

Intimidate, Stealth, and Streetwise


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
[MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] thank you very much that's exactly what i was looking for.
[MENTION=52859]Rampant[/MENTION] My appologies. I wrote that from an angle of not including any specifics from the playtest or 4e for legal reasons. I also wrote it for my players so the assumption would be that the next documents would be open at the same time.
That same assumption carried over when I posted it, So I simply assume that everyone would compare it to the next backgrounds and realize where they all have exactly 3 and the only ones I don't have 3 for are the ones that use skills 4e doesn't have. (Heraldic Lore, Professional Lore)

You know what you get when you assume, so sorry about that.


First Post
I'm actually looking at doing something like this for my home games. I did the playtest, and the most fun part of the whole experience was character creation, and the backgrounds were an awesome idea; so I get where you're coming from.

Though in my case, I wanted to completely redo the skill system to be more like 5e. I have ideas to create backgrounds for different organizations in my setting, and then use the generic ones from 5e. I would also work with players to come up with their own specific background if they want.

However I also wanted to completely remake the skill system so that there is no predefined skill list. Instead each background has a certain amount of associated skills (probably equal to the amount of skill a class is trained in normally) that are very specific. The goal is to make it so that I can ask for ability checks normally, and then the skill will augment that depending on the situation, rather than defaulting to skills.

But that might not be for you. In your case, I'd break down the skills to be more specific. For example, the Thief might only get benefits to Stealth while in an urban environment, because that's where they were raised. Or the Bounty Hunter might only get percpetion bonuses to track someone, and not when searching for hidden doors.

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