D&D 4E Campaign Log - Nentir Vale: Inquisition


Given how much fun I've been having with my other (4e-adjacent) campaign, I started another campaign with a smaller subset of players, playing on alternating weeks to the first game. I've long been in love with the Points of Light/Nentir Vale setting, so I knew I wanted to keep the Vale as the region. All three players expressed an interest in playing Divine characters, which further narrowed the narrative theming, hence the (somewhat facetious) campaign title.

First, our cast of characters:
Forte Bronson (Tiefling Avenger of Kord): A former sellsword who's found religion, seeking the glory of his god through adventuring and testing his strength against the various evils of the land. Backgrounds include: Winterhaven Native, Fire in Your Veins (House Zolfura heritage), Missionary Life, and Fought against the Reborn Flame. The Reborn Flame is a fancy name for the Cult of Orcus, which ties him to a heavily-modified Keep on the Shadowfell (not keeping much aside from the keep and the cult, really).

Henry Prominence (Dwarf Invoker of Gruumsh): A vicious "might makes right" dwarf who has more in common with the Bloodspear Clan invaders than the mostly-peaceable followers of Gruumsh in his home city of Hammerfast. Backgrounds Include: Hammerfast Native, Oathbound Death-Seeker, Heretic, run-ins with both the Gray Company and the Blackfang Gnolls. We've yet to reach much of those antagonist groups, but they could provide some interesting narrative tension against the violent savagery of Gruumsh (Gray Company representing tyrannical order, and the Gnolls representing an even more chaotic and violent approach to violence).

Louisiana Purchase* (Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut): A bit of a goofball with a sheltered upbringing that makes him a little confused about the world at-large. He was at least partially raised by an angel in service to Bahamut, which contributes to his eccentricity. Backgrounds include: Fallcrest Native, Dragonborn Iconoclast, Touched by an Angel, run-ins with both The Iron Circle and Vestapalk the Mad Green Dragon. One or both could be driven by his angelic benefactor, who might ask that he intervene with those threats before they cause even greater injustice in the Vale.

*Yes, really :ROFLMAO:

Session 01: The Haunted Tower
The party decided they liked the idea of starting in Fallcrest, as well as exploring the hauntings in the Tower of Waiting and its potential connections to the land's history.

Our story begins with three adventurers yanking a piece of paper off a tavern wall, quite by accident. Nailed to the wall of the Nentir Inn was a notice, sent out by the Lord Warden of Fallcrest himself, Faren Markelhay. The Tower of Waiting, a watchtower on a small island on the Nentir River, long abandoned after the Bloodspear War, needed to be cleared and prepped for rebuilding.

The party set out to collect more information, beginning their search in the town's Temple of Erathis. This triggered a Skill Challenge, with success promising useful information (combat bonuses against the tower's inhabitants) and failure staked on arriving later at night and deprived of resources. They sought out the guidance of the head priestess, Dirina Mornbrow, who was quite happy to lend aid to a group of adventurers so faithful to the gods, especially ones hoping to clear the Haunted Tower. However, a group of rival adventurers, the Fallcrest Five (now only three, after some unfortunate losses) cut in, snatching the logbook Lou had been studying and muscling their way into learning more.

Their bravado didn't last too long after Forte stomped one of them into the mud, however, although it was more of a beating than a true fight--not an honorable offering to Kord. (A failure on a skill challenge check to beat down the rivals, trying to highlight the character's cvompetence by making the "loss" mean succeeding at winning the fight, but not in a way that pleased his god or the town). In the meantime, Lou was able to secure an enchanted weapon from the temple, which Dirina said might help with defeating the demons and ghosts within the tower (Magic Item reward for successful challenge).

The party's combined efforts informed them that the tower had once served as a prison for nobles and royalty too important to exile or execute. Its last prisoner, an eladrin princess named Elsinore Maldranthe, had been imprisoned due to her dabbling in demonology, which only grew more pronounced during her decades of imprisonment. Eventually, during the Bloodspear War, she starved to death in her cell, but not before she used her own blood to summon a number of demons. (This information granted some auto-successes on monster knowledge rolls and some damage bonuses during the next combat encounter)

In the aftermath, the guards who went to check on her were slaughtered and transformed into undead monstrosities, and were ultimately sealed within the tower alongside the demons and the princess herself, kept imprisoned once more rather than laid to rest. The players liked the idea of the entire Tower being sealed away in time, kept in stasis by powerful magic (likely what's kept it standing for so long without maintenance).

The party found truth to this legend quite quickly, finding themselves assaulted by Wisp Wraiths, a Specter, and a Ghoul. The latter two were clearly the remains of the guards who had attempted to uncover the princess' fate. After a tense battle, they looted a Potion of Healing and some gold before preparing to venture deeper into the tower dungeons.

Session 02 report to come soon! They had a crazy time of it in last night's session.

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Session 02: Allies & Enemies
Delving deeper into the Tower of Waiting, the heroes found themselves against stark opposition. What's more, the gods seemed to be set against them, with every blow of theirs falling short, and those of their enemies striking true. Could this be the end for them? As demons and undead set upon them, each of them fell against their abominable foes, the light fading from their eyes...
The dice were not in their favor that night: everyone got downed! It was a Deadly encounter against 2 x Maw Demons, some Wisp Wraith minions, and Princess Elsinore herself (A leveled down Mad Wraith). Her dazing aura proved insurmountable, thanks to many low rolls. Their poor initiative rolls also meant many of the enemies got the drop on them in terms of positioning.

After a conversation on what happened, the group decided they wanted to keep exploring these characters. We decided that the fight destabilized the tower itself, collapsing it into the river and sending the party's unconscious bodies into the Nentir River, where they washed ashore before they could be dashed to pieces over the falls.

Subsequently, they were found on the riverbank by young Juniper Swiftwater, a newly-minted Paladin of Avandra (Companion Character to fill party Defender role!) She resuscitated them and shared her vision: a cloud of rainbow butterflies leading her to the party. Clearly, Avandra and the other gods have plans in store for them.

After some time conversing, cleaning mud off themselves, and coughing up dirty river water, the group decided to head into town. However, as they crossed Five-Arch Bridge, they were ambushed by the Fallcrest Five (three), intent on taking any loot they found in the (now collapsed) tower! Apparently, the Gray Company has been paying good money to mercenaries and downtrodden adventurers if they can recover historical artifacts relating to fallen Nerath.

I wanted this to do 3 things:
1. Show clear consequences of their earlier encounter (and harsh words!) with the small party and make their decisions matter.
2. Tie in Henry's background connection to the Gray company and bring them to the forefront as antagonists
3. Show off some 'dark mirrors' of the protagonists, as the Fallcrest Five (three) were made to be juxtaposed against them.
  • Krim, the dwarf from Hammerfast, a proud son of Moradin and former Ghost Legion soldier.
  • Vharkus, the dragonborn follower of Tiamat.
  • Severian, the tiefling coward who ran instead of fighting the monsters that slew his brother.

A quick combat ensued, which the heroes narrowly won, mostly by tossing their rivals into the rushing river. Vharkus, the dragonborn, met his end at the bottom of the falls. Krim was captured, while Severian fell into the river and began drowning, resigning himself to his fate.

However, the heroes were not done! While Henry & Lou tried and ritually executed Krim for his crimes, Forte leapt into the river to save Severian's life, as Kord teaches that to throw your life away is weakness of the worst sort.

This was a tiered skill challenge, with 2 semi-unrelated goals: ritually executing Krim & rescuing Severian. There was some fun roleplay back-and-forth from Henry & Lou regarding their beliefs (Gruumsh & Bahamut, respectively). In the end, it was determined that forcing Krim to confess his crimes and then executing him and ritually gouging his eye would satisfy both faiths. Yay?

Bad luck continued to plague Forte, but he narrowly managed to succeed in his effort in the end, winning him Severian's brother's old sword "It'll do more good in your hands than it would ever do in mine." as well as Severian's services as a Companion Character if desired.

In the aftermath, they were finally able to limp to the Nentir Inn for a much-deserved Extended Rest. However, Princess Elsinore and her fell minions had been dumped into the Fallcrest Catacombs, and who knows what terrible deeds they'll get up to there...

How I just learned about these Nentir Vale campaigns just today? 😔😔

I'm itching to play in the Nentir Vale for years now, and play by post is excellent to bypass my horrible spoken/listened English. I think I will have to await for a new campaign to start...

Session 03: Into the Catacombs

After a brutally exhausting day, it was definitely time for well-deserved rest. The party, Juniper Swiftwater included, spent some time chatting over food and drinks at the Nentir Inn. After a night's sleep, they picked up a few potions of healing, alongside some alchemical concoctions, all from Naerumar's Imports.

This was both a chance to let tension de-escalate after a near-TPK and some tough fights and a chance for me to experiment with some Roll20 fanciness I'd been working on. For example, shop wares generated from roll-tables with variable pricing, a way to get stories and songs from a tavern bard, and food/drink descriptions to get the imagination going.



Soon after, they began their exploration of the Fallcrest Catacombs, hoping to track down the ghostly remnant of Princess Elsinore Maldranthe. Their first obstacle was a mundane one: the Peaceblade Clan was conducting a memorial service for the death of their clan elder. However, the proceedings were marred by the absence of Torinn and Vezera Peaceblade, rare twin Dragonborn who serve as priests of the Raven Queen, goddess of death.

I wanted to introduce a little more Fallcrest "lore" relevant to the dragonborn PC, and provide a new divine perspective since none of the PCs follow the Raven Queen. It also made for an interesting social challenge to provide some variance, as "awkwardly intruding upon a funeral" was definitely a different set of muscles than what they expected to flex at first.

Following clues in the catacombs, the party tracked the twins to an ancient, abandoned section of the catacombs. Guarded by demons and undead, a wraith was undergoing the process of transforming them into undead themselves, perhaps an intentional insult levied at the goddess of death. Our heroes charged in, disrupting the process, destroying the monsters, and rescuing the siblings, who promptly offered to join them in tracking down Elsinore.

This was a combat encounter nested inside the larger Skill Challenge. The Peaceblade Siblings were on the battlemap, with a set number of turns before they would succumb to necromantic attack and become undead enemies. The party rolled quite well and prioritized rescuing them, leading to their recruitment as a Companion Character (Level 1 Minion Artillery). There was a great moment where the dwarf invoker managed to blast a skeletal archer right off a high wall, shattering it to pieces.

Finally, after overcoming magical wards, unstable tunnels, and myriad other dangers, the party arrived in the chamber Elsinore fled to. There, she had summoned more demons, with a ritual circle prepared for some fell ritual. The party caught her by surprise, destroying one of her pet demons quickly and efficiently. Before she could complete her ritual, Forte slew her with a powerful display of divine might, turning the tide of battle.

This was massively satisfying for the players, I think. Even though it was ostensibly a harder encounter (more enemies, a damaging aura from a ritual circle, a countdown before reinforcements, etc.) they worked together much better, rolled brilliantly, and absolutely devastated the opposition in the Surprise Round they gained from a successful skill challenge. Definitely a fantastic high-note to end on.

Really enjoy your re-tellings - the format you're using is also excellent.
Thank you so much! This made my day. :)

Session 04: Success at Last

Continuing their victorious momentum, the party made quick work of the demons remaining in the Fallcrest Catacombs, sanctifying Elsinore's ritual circle to boot. Perhaps their earlier defeat was just a prelude to this greater victory! In the aftermath, Torinn and Vezera allowed them to take what they wished from the area, including a new set of armor for Lou. The Peaceblade Clan also rewarded them with a hefty sum of gold in thanks for rescuing the twins and for ridding the catacombs of dangerous monsters.

As aforementioned, this was a pretty powerful upward beat, despite the difficulty of the encounter mathematically. They were rolling hot, and that momentum carried over into this session. The end of a climactic battle allowed for the distribution of a pretty heavy treasure parcel, of course, which was another nice upward beat to get the players excited.

After a night's sleep, the group set out to track down Kharla Garvin, the Gray Company mage who had been paying mercenaries to steal Nerathi artifacts. Henry was familiar with the organization, knowing them to be authoritarian bullies with delusions of grandeur, using the banner of a long-fallen empire to lend their actions legitimacy. Before long, they found a group of thugs antagonizing Parle Cranewing, a scholar of ancient Nerath. They managed to scare off the thugs, extract Kharla's location (The Lucky Gnome Taphouse), and bless Parle's poor luck with a prayer to Avandra. In the aftermath, Parle ran into his cousin, Carle Cranewing, who gave away an old set of enchanted chainmail in thanks for rescuing his cousin's life.

This was a fun encounter series! Tracking down Kharla was a skill challenge, of course, and the above was handled purely through that lens. I had considered transitioning to combat, but the party was rolling quite well and clearly didn't want to escalate to violence, so it made sense to have the enemies back off rather than attack.

The Nerathi connection from the Gray Company and their interest in artifacts made for a perfect means of introducing Parle, who is himself connected closely to Winterhaven and the Keep on the Shadowfell, which ties into Forte's backstory. More on that later!

Finally, the party made their way to the Lucky Gnome. They kicked down the door and immediately began attacking Kharla and her bodyguard, Aegis, alongside the various pissed-off bargoers. In the chaos, the bartender, a cantankerous man named Rollo, was caught in the crossfire and killed. After a close call from a powerful thunder spell from Kharla, the group was victorious, killing and driving off the others and capturing Kharla for interrogation.

I was particularly proud of this combat encounter's design. We had Kharla, her warforged bodyguard Aegis (the warforged tie-in will allow for introducing plots related to them attempting to find a Creation Forge later), and some various street toughs paid off by her. The bartender was a "trap," hurling mugs at anyone who got too close, with a rider effect of buffing bargoer damage if defeated (Nobody messes with the guy who pours the drinks!). There was also some fun terrain in the form of spilled drinks, a smashed jar of pickled eggs, and a couple fireplaces to shove enemies into.

All told, I think this session went very well. Lots of great scenes, the players drove the direction of those scenes and made their goals clear, and everyone had a load of fun. We finished up session 5 this past weekend, so I'll have that one typed up soon enough as well. As always, happy to hear thoughts & feedback!

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