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Night (A d20 Modern/Future Campaign Setting)


During some battles against large groups of the undead, the Knights with their magic casting Magus Knights sometimes need to bring out the heavy hitting spells. These spells are powerful incantations, but require time to cast. With proper planning, a group of battle priests or Magus Knights begin casting their incantations shortly before the main forces engage the undead, but this is not always the case.
When they know they are going to use incantations, they try to keep them well protected, sometimes on an open bed armoured truck to provide them some extra protection.
Incantations are not used too often due to the risk to the casters, but many Knights will gladly lay down their lives if these potent spells can be cast properly.

One of the more common incantations in use by the Knights is the Sunburst. Blasting the undead in a holy light to cleanse the world of the stench of their evil.


Evocation (light)
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcane lore) DC 34, 6 successful;
Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks;
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes (minimum);
Range: 200 ft
Target: 80 ft radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (DC 18 + caster's Cha modifier); see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

While casting the Sunburst incantation, all casters are in a trance where they glow slightly with a holy light, providing light in a 5 foot radius around them. At the end of the incantation, the primary caster points at the location he wishes the spell to affect while shouting "Let there be Holy light!"
Sunburst causes a globe of searing radiance to explode silently from a point you select. All creatures in the globe are blinded and take 6d6 points of damage. A creature to which sunlight is harmful or unnatural takes double damage. A successful Reflex save negates the blindness and reduces the damage by half.
An undead creature caught within the globe takes 17d6 points of damage, or half damage if a Reflex save is successful. In addition, the burst results in the destruction of any undead creature specifically harmed by bright light (such as vampires) if it fails its save.
The ultraviolet light generated by the spell deals damage to fungi, mold, oozes, and slimes just as if they were undead creatures.
Sunburst dispels any darkness spells within its area.
Note: If a member of the church, such as a priest, or a divine spell caster assists or is the caster, add +2 to the Reflex DC and caster level check against any spell resistance checks.
Arcane Material Component: A piece of sunstone and a naked flame and holy symbol made of silver.
Focus: Holy symbol made of silver.
Failure: Spell deals damage to casters and casters are blinded for 6 rounds.

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Just a bump, and a little something extra.

Even when the vampire hordes controlled most of Europe, there were many pockets of resistance, mostly in the form of nomadic groups. Some of these groups were gypsies, mostly from the Romania and Poland areas. These nomadic people have always had members in their groups who can sense the supernatural and allowed them to avoid vampire patrols, or to ward them off, allowing their groups to survive relatively intact compared to other people.
Another way that they have survived for so long out in the wilds is the use of their magic, especially in creating weapons to defend themselves against vampires. The most potent, although many people used to scuff at it for years, is their use of a ritual that creates the ironwood spell. This allows them to turn many wood items into steel like versions, only far cheaper and somewhat lighter than their steel counterparts.
Gypsy ironwood weapons are either very simple or very ornately crafted wooden items, like swords, axes or spears, then enchanted to gain steel like qualities, such as the strength and ability to keep a sharp edge, and only increasing their weight slightly. These weapons are just as effective against normal opponents, and even deadlier against vampires, dealing double damage, allowing a critical and can be used to stake a vampire very easily.

Most gypsy tribes don't sell their ironwood weapons to civilized folks, but will trade some of their simpler weapons or shields with some wilderness folk, people living in remote villages or cabins to give them a fighting chance against the evil vampires.

(When I get home Monday, I'll try and put up some stats for the Ironwood spell ritual and a few ironwood items.)


Ironwood Items

Wooden items enchanted with the ironwood ritual harden and take on steel like qualities, but still retain their wood properties. Ironwood items weigh about 25% less than their metal counterparts, retain edges like steel, has hardness and hit points similar to metal items, doesn't burn like wood items, but isn't affected by spells that affect metal, like chill metal and the like, but still is affected by spells affecting wood.

Example ironwood items.
Ironwood items are usually hand crafted, and many can be quite ornate with carvings. Considered masterworked when crafted by someone with at least 6 ranks in Craft (Carpentry), and then can be magically enchanted.

Ironwood Dagger
Damage: 1d4
Critical: 19-20/x2
Damage Type: Piercing
Range Increment: 10 ft
Size: Tiny
Weight: .75 lbs
Purchase DC: 5
Notes: Can be used to stake vampires, can deal critical damage to vampires.

Ironwood Sword
Damage: 1d8
Critical: 19-20/x2
Damage Type: Slashing/Piercing
Range Increment: -
Size: Medium
Weight: 3 lbs
Purchase DC 6
Notes: Can be used to stake vampires, can deal critical damage to vampires.

Ironwood Spikes
These are spikes, and sometimes blades which are usually added to heavy combat gloves or gauntlets of armour to change the damage from nonlethal to lethal, and can even pierce a vampire's heart. Can also be added to bracers or other parts of armour that covers the forearms on medium to heavy armour.
Damage: 1d4 or 1d6 for larger claw types
Critical: 20 x2
Damage Type: Piercing, claw type are piercing or slashing
Range increment: -
Size: Tiny
Weight: 0.5 lbs to 1 lbs
Purchase DC: 5
Notes: Can be used to stake vampires and deal critical damage to vampires. When added to combat gloves or gauntlets, changes damage to piercing or slashing, and makes damage lethal.


Gypsy Ironwood Grenade
Some gypsy tribes have taken to creating ironwood grenades or explosives for use in protecting their camps. Most are basically a sphere or ovoid shaped shell with a firework or other small explosive device mounted into a carved out part. If a firework or other explosive that requires to be lit, they usually set the wick so that it explodes within 5 seconds. Takes a move action to light, then a standard action to throw the grenade. Many, if they can get their hands on them, use a type of magnesium strip type of fuse that when pulled, the friction ignites the fuse. The strip can be pulled as a swift action just before being thrown, just like a normal grenade when one pulls the pin to arm them.

Gypsy Ironwood Grenade
Damage: 2d6 to normal people, 4d6 to vampires
Critical: -
Damage Type: Piercing
Burst Radius: 15 ft
Reflex DC: 14
Range Increment: 10 ft
Size: Small
Weight: 1 lbs
Purchase DC: 9
Note: Any vampires in the blast radius have a 50% chance of having a piece of ironwood strike a vital area, dealing critical damage (critical x2).


Just bumping this, hoping TheVengefulKoala will have more soon.
I've got a few more ideas brewing as well. Oh.. and I will post the Ironwood ritual at some point soon.


a bump with a little bit of new material

Orso (Bear) Templar Battle Armour

This is a modified version of the Templar armour, enhanced both mundanely and magically. The Orso Templar is designed more for melee combat, enhancing the wearer's strength and combat capabilities. It has mounts on its back for two large melee weapons, usually two longswords or a greatsword or axe. One gauntlet is equipped with three retractable blades, while the other has a folding shield that is enchanted to reduce its weight to not impair the user's swings. The neck is also sealed and can only be opened by the user by a tongue switch or by a hidden switch outside the armour. This was designed as a measure to prevent any disabled Knight from having his helmet removed and possibly being converted or fed on. The user can also cause any metal held melee weapon, or the blades on the gauntlet to burst into flames for a short period of time. The armour is also enchanted so that it can be highly resistant to all physical attacks. One of the ways to tell these suits from a regular set of Templar armour is a few rubies, an emerald and pieces of obsidian are ornately mounted on the armour, usually disguised in some decoration to hide their true purpose. However these gems and stones glow a slight blue when the magical powers are in use.
These suits are only given to Knights who show great courage and a high aptitude for melee combat.

Magus Facio HKA Orso Templar Battle Armor (Heavy Armor Prof.)
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +9
Nonprof. Bonus: +3
Maximum Dex Bonus: +6
Armor Penalty: -6
Arcane Spell Failure:
Speed (30 ft.): 20 ft.
Weight: 48 lbs.
PDC: 38
Restriction: Illegal (+4)

This is a modified version of the Templar battle armour used by the Knights. There are only a couple hundred Orso's available at the moment and new ones take several months to make due to the enchantments.

Orso Templar Battle Armor features the Intregrated Equipment (Night Vision Goggles) Gadget, the Integrated Equipment (Gas Mask) Gadget, and the Integrated Equipment (Walkie-Talkie, Professional) Gadget, all of which are located in the helmet. These Gadgets are unremoveable, and cannot be added again. Retractable blades that deal 1d4 slashing or piercing damage mounted on one gauntlet. Can activate enhanced strength 5 times a day which increases the strength of the user by +4 for 6 rounds. Cast modified burning hands which affects the mounted blades and any metal handheld melee weapons, such as swords, causing them to burst into flames that deals 1d6 points of fire damage in addition to their normal damage for 6 rounds. Has a retractable small shield, providing +1 to Def and increases the weight of the armour by 4 lbs., which only imposes a -1 to attack bonuses if a weapon is held in the same hand. Also, once a day, for 3 rounds, the user can cast stoneskin, granting damage reduction 10/- against all physical damage. This includes slashing, bludgeoning, piercing and ballistic damage. It requires a move action to activate any of the magical abilities.


It's a pretty impressive suit of armor.

I'll make a few more by this weekend. Next is a heavy weapon support unit. Similar to the Orso. Oh.. I should take one of the lighter suits and make it enhance the werewolf's abilities in melee combat or ability to survive it.
Decisions, decisions...

Voidrunner's Codex

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