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Night Below


Well, my brain is feeling kind of dead at the moment, but I finally finished my first pass through Book II. It's an ugly first draft, and I know the skills have to be redone for most of the City of the Glass Pool and I'll need to play with the format for the kuo-toa and mind flayer stats.

I was wondering if anyone was willing to look it over and comment on it.

Also, here's a format I used for the classed non-SRD creatures:
Hulgaboorg, Kuo-Toa Duke: Kuo-Toa Cleric10/Rogue5; Monster Manual, page 163
Adjust Hulgaboorg’s statistics to the following (additive to existing statistics):
Base Ability Change: Str: 17, Wis: 18
Ability Increase: Wis: +2, Dex: +2
Hp: +77; Init +5, AC +2, Bab: +10, Grp: +12; Attack: +14 (1d8+5, longsword +2); Full Attack: +14/+9/+4 (1d8+5, longsword +2); Fort: +8, Ref: +9, Will: +13
Skills: Concentration: +14, Knowledge (Religion) +14, Hide +9, Listen +13, Spellcraft +14, Spot +13, Tumble +9, Use Magic Device +7
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Domains: Evil and Water (Evil spells cast at +1 caster level; Turn or destroy fire-based creatures)
Cleric Spells Prepared: (6/6+1/ 5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1) Save DC = 15+spell level
0 – detect magic x2, purify food and drink x2, virtue x2; 1 – cure lt. wounds x2, divine favour, obscuring mist (d), remove fear x2; 2 – darkness x2, fog cloud (d), hold person x2, spiritual hammer; 3 – Blindness/Deafness x2, contagion, magic circle against good (d), prayer; 4 – control water, divine power, poison, spell immunity, unholy blight (d); 5 – ice storm (d), flame strike, righteous might, scrying;
Special: Rebuke Undead, Command Water Creatures, Sneak Attack +3d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge.
Possessions: Longsword +2, (2) Potion Cure Serious Wounds – poisoned (Fort Save DC15, 1d4 str, dex, and con for primary and secondary damage); Large Steel Shield

Thinking it over, it has some issues in the attack section. In this case, the strength changed to an 18, so I added the full new strength to the attack/damage. If you were to really add it to the existing kuo-toa stats it would be 1 point high. Not a lot, but still...

Anyone have a better idea on how to display changes for non-SRD critter?

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First Post
Seravin said:
The only thing I didn't really like was that the aboleth write-up states that the aboleth are generally not priests - but Book III has a city full of them. Still, I could work with it.

I've got Lords of Madness, but haven't had a chance to read it yet.

But clerical illithids and aboleth do annoy me. My reaction has always been that these things are so alien, they don't worship gods in a way that would give spell-casting abilities similar to surface dwellers. When I get to that point in the adventure, I'll probably substitute levels of psion for cleric.

Regarding non-SRD creatures, there used to be a Q&A by Valterra, but it doesn't seem to have been captured in the conversion download. I think he said you could attempt your own conversion from the source 1E/2E materials.



First Post
I just wanted to thank everyone for all the hard work in convertions. They make many a DM's life easier. I just wanted to know if anyone could share with me the old 3.0 Night below conversions, sense they are the only ones right now with book 2 converted. I would also highly reccomend Lords of Madness for all the abberations in the Night Below. It and RttToEE are the best squishy things modules. Now if someone would just convert Night of the Comet... sigh.


WereCat7 said:
I just wanted to thank everyone for all the hard work in convertions. They make many a DM's life easier. I just wanted to know if anyone could share with me the old 3.0 Night below conversions, sense they are the only ones right now with book 2 converted. I would also highly reccomend Lords of Madness for all the abberations in the Night Below. It and RttToEE are the best squishy things modules. Now if someone would just convert Night of the Comet... sigh.

Werecat, send an email to: bradac at alaska dot net
Put Night Below in the subject line. Seravin can send you a link.


Demon Lord
Seravin said:
Caves of the Slime Lord:
18. Piercers - Treat as a hazard? I think Tome of Horrors I had these guys as such. Can I use them in the conversion (with the appropriate reference at the end?).

Why yes it did...and yeppers you can use it (with proper Sec 15). Here ya go (from Tome of Horrors revised):

Hazard (CR 1/4)

Piercers resemble 1-foot long stalactites and are found underground in caves and caverns hanging from the ceiling waiting for living creatures to pass underneath. Those viewing a piercer must make a DC 20 Spot check to discern its true nature; else it is overlooked and mistaken for a normal stalactite. Piercers gather in clusters of up to 20 creatures.

When a living creature stands in a square directly below a piercer, it drops and attempts to impale the unsuspecting foe. The creature can make a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid the piercer’s attack. If the save fails, the target sustains 1d6 points of piercing damage. If the save succeeds, the piercer misses its target and may not attack again until it climbs back into position. (Piercers move 5 feet per round). A piercer on the ground is easily dispatched, though touching or attacking it unarmed or with natural weapons causes it to secrete an acid that deals 1d4 points of acid damage to the opponent each time one of its attacks hits.
Piercers can grow to a length of 6 feet. Those of 2 to 4 feet in length are CR 1 and deal 2d6 points of damage if they hit a foe. Their acid deals 1d6 points of acid damage. Those of 5 to 6 feet in length are CR 2 and deal 3d6 points of damage if they hit. Their acid deals 1d6 points of acid damage. The DC to avoid a piercer’s attack is 15, regardless of its size.

The Piercer originally appeared in the Strategic Review #3 (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1975) and later in the First Edition Monster Manual (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1977) and is used by permission.

15. Copyright Notice
Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Dirt Knapp

First Post
Seravin, am new to enworld and have enjoyed reading this thread. Could you possibly send me whatever conversions are most up-to-date for NB? I just started running it as a 3.5 campaign (ran it years ago under 1st ed).

I plopped it into Eberron. Windshire, in Aundair, is the new Milborne and Thurmastyr is a remote, beatup village of shifters (yes, Tauster is *really* hiding out). Kuiper is a shifter ranger and Lyntern is the son of the local count and is a wanna-be Knight Phantom. Having fun so far, but they're about to head for Broken Spire Keep and I don't have much time to work up all the characters they'll meet within.

Appreciate any help you can give.

Thanks muchly


Grazzt said:
Why yes it did...and yeppers you can use it (with proper Sec 15). Here ya go (from Tome of Horrors revised): <snip>...

Great! Thanks Scott, I appreciate the help - that book is one of the best references I have.


First Post
Book 2 Conversion

Seravin, do you still have a 3.0 or 3.5 conversion for Book 2? If so, please send to drnate29@yahoo.com

Regardless, a big round of Thanks to yourself and the other folks here who have put so much work into these conversions. As I have learned, it is a lot of effort and much appreciated by the DM's like me out here benifiting from it. Thanks again!
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