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Nightfall's Scarred Lands Psionics Game Planning (was: Psionics Friendly DM Wanted!!)


Jarval said:
Great :) What ECL would you place them at? Gnomeworks trimed their at will psionic abilities down to 3/day or 1/day (can't remember which) and removed the attack modes for ECL +0.

All of the blue's abilities were, IMC, reduced to 1/day, and Jarval is correct in regards to the attack modes. Give them the stat mods from the PsiHB, and I think that they qualify as ECL 0.

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Hey Nightfall, I now have RR 2, SLCS: Ghelspad, and C&C2. I might make a minor revision or two based on this information at some point, and if there are any page numbers you really think would surprise me when I'm playing, tell me to avoid them. I'm not asking for page numbers of things your going to use, as I'm pretty sure I'm flawless at keeping metagame and IC information seperate, I'm not asking for pages you plan on using, just those that will be absolutely incredible to play through with no knowledge.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Jarval, that's fine. I'll let him be ELC zero for this particular instance, with those changes. I agree with Gnome, they should be fine.

Creamy, I would ask you not persuse to closely to CC2. I have a tendancy to use such monsters. (For obvious reasons.)However if you say you can keep metaknowledge to minimium, that's fine. I don't expect monster lore, but I do like to keep surprises in store for my players. That said, I do expect you and the others to have heard legends of creatures such as the Assathi, Slitheren/ Ratmen, and probably a few other titanspawn as well two new divine races, (which you probably won't encounter), the SL Harpies and the Mantacori. R&R2, look to your heart's content. Same with the SLCS:Ghelspad. I would say do look at the Hedrad entry. There's really very little I don't think needs to be said. If you have SL knowledge, I won't penalize you for it. Just understand I slightly deviate on occasion from the source material. Nothing major, just my own NPCs, the occasional new monster, and that's usually it.
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Verity Shrike
Blue Level 5 Seer, Neutral Good

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 23 (+6)
CHA 11 (+0)

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Melee: +4 [+2 BAB, +1 STR, +1 Size]
Ranged: +5 [+2 BAB, +2 DEX, +1 Size]
Hit Points: 27 [4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 (levels) + 10 (CON)]
Armor Class: 17 [10 + 4 (Mithral Shirt) + 2 (DEX), +1 Size]
Initiative: +2 (+2 DEX)
Movement Rate: 30 feet

Attacks per round:
Light Crossbow (+5 to hit, 1d8 dmg)
or Dagger (+4 Melee, +5 Ranged, 1d4+2 dmg)

Weapons and Armor:
Armor: Mithral Shirt (+4 AC)
Weapons: Light Crossbow (1d8 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2, Rng 80 ft)
Dagger (1d4+2 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2, Rng 10 ft)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +3 [+1 base, +2 CON]
Ref: +3 [+1 base, +2 DEX]
Will: +10 [+4 base, +6 WIS]

Simple Weapon Proficiency (Free for Psion)
Psychic Meditation (Throat) (1st level feat)
Craft Universial Item (3rd level feat)

Concentration +10 (8 ranks, +2 CON)
Gather Information +8 (8 ranks)
Knowledge (psionics) +11 (8 ranks, +3 INT)
Listen +14 (8 ranks, +6 WIS)
Move Silently +6 (0 ranks, +2 DEX, +4 race)
Psicraft +11 (8 ranks, +3 INT)
Search +13 (0 ranks, +2 INT, +10 Third Eye (Aware))
Sense Motive +16 (8 ranks, +6 WIS, +2 Psicrystal)
Spot +24 (8 ranks, +6 WIS, +10 Third Eye (Aware))

Common, Draconic, Gith, Goblin, Orc.

Special Abilities:
Darkvision 60'
+4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks
Inate Psionics (Charm Person, Finger of Fire, and Far Hand 1/day)

Psionic Powers:
Power Points/day: 15 (10 for Psion level, 5 from WIS)
Free Talents/day: 8 (8 for level)
Powers Known: 5+d/3+d/1+d
Lvl 0 = Burst (DEX), Detect Psionics (WIS), Inkling (WIS), Lesser Natural Armor (CON), Missive (CHA), Trinket (INT)
Lvl 1 = Combat Precognition (WIS), Identify (WIS), Lesser Body Adjustment (STR), Lesser Concussion (CON)
Lvl 2 = Astral Construct II (INT), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (WIS)

Auditory (Au): A faint sound of rustling leaves
Material (Ma): Leaves fall around . Their condition depents on the season
Mental (Me): The memory of a sunny day
Olfactory (Ol): The smell of fruit. Exact type varies from person to person
Visual (Vi): skin bleaches white

Psychic Combat:
Attack Modes: Ego Whip (DEX), Mind Thrust (INT), Psychic Crush (WIS).
Defense Modes: Empty Mind, Mental Barrier, Thought Shield.

- Bedroll
- Flint and Steel
- Mirror (Small/Steel)
- 50' Silk Rope
- Grappling Hook
- Empty Sack
- Everburning torch
- 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
- Dorje of Lesser Metaphysical Weapon
- 2 Power Stones of Empathic Transfer
- 40 gp, 8 sp, 5 cp
Wearing / Carrying
- Explorer's Clothes
- Mithril Shirt
- Light Crossbow
- 20 bolts
- 2 daggers
- Third Eye (Aware)

Total Weight Carried: 27.75 lb
Load: Light

Current XP:
Current: 10,000
Next Level: 15,000


War Pony: Bit and Bridal, Riding saddle, Saddlebags (Tent, 14 days trail rations, 5 Torches, 2 Waterskins, 50 crossbow bolts);


Clarity: Sympathetic Psycrystal; CR: ?; Size: F; Type: Construct; HD: Special; hp 20; Init: -1; Spd: 30 ft, climb 20 ft; AC: 13 (flatfooted 13, touch 13), Attk: None; SA: Sighted, Empathic Link, Telepathic Link, Self-Propulsion; AL: NG; Sv: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 1, Dex 0, Con -, Int 8, Wis 23, Cha 11.
Skills: As Verity's.
Feats: None.


Verity was near indistinguishable from other goblins during his childhood. The blue cast to his skin was an oddity, but none placed any importance on this. On reaching puberty, however, Verity changed. His skin deepened in color, and he began to see. See beyond what others of his tribe could, glimpsing the future, or far places. His talents saved his tribe one night, when while sleeping he saw a group of humans approaching the village. Verity woke several of the village's warriors, and lead them to the top of a nearby ridge. The keenest eyed of the group spotted the first of the human raiders, and the goblins took them by surprise, killing most of the raiding group.

A month later, the village was not so lucky. Enraged rather than discouraged, the Lord Advar (the human lord who had sent the raiders) sent a far greater force, backed by both arcane and divine magic. Verity fled in panic that night, having foreseen his own death.

Verity is cautious, and tends to be nervous around humans. He is almost supernaturally aware of his surroundings, and tends to be somewhat jumpy as a result. When at his ease, he's a deep and insightful fellow, able to read much into minute changes of expression or gesture.

He wishes revenge on Lord Advar who killed many of his tribe, but knows that his strength is meager when compared to the powers at the disposal of his foe. His only advantage is that Advar knows nothing of this goblin seer and his motives...
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Jarval said:
OK, mixing films, but I couldn't resist :D


Heh, I was looking over your char, and it looks like Verity and Samahtar would make a good team. Similar backgrounds, similar goals...

This is going to be a very interesting game...


GnomeWorks said:
Heh, I was looking over your char, and it looks like Verity and Samahtar would make a good team. Similar backgrounds, similar goals...

This is going to be a very interesting game...

It should be fun :)

Verity and Samahtar will make a good team, not least if we use share sense. My +24 Spot skill could be helpful...

Taken from PirateCat's story hour:
Pcat: "Okay, make spot checks. Who got less than 20? You see a bunch of humanoids, most of them short, a few really tall. Who got 25 or less? You realize that the small humanoids look like devolved goblins, and the large humanoids have two heads. Who got 30 or less? You note that one of the large humanoids has a horn to one of its heads, and it looks vaguely doglike."

Dr. Rictus: "Palladio rolled a 42 on his spot check."

Pcat: (sigh) "The small humanoids are definitely goblins or goblinoid, although they seem sort of debased. They are grooming several of the larger humanoids, which look like huge, two-headed gnolls. There are four of these, and they all have two battle-axes either strapped to their backs on in their hands. They are staring intently down-river, except for the one blowing the gold-chased unicorn horn. It is wearing what looks like unicorn-hide armor, and the head that isn't blowing the horn looks like it is grunting orders to the others. Oh, and its eyes are a blackish-green, its muzzle fur is black, and it has a scar across one of its brows. Friggin' 42."

Dr. Rictus: *Smiles contentedly at his skill list.*

I can see this being a lot of fun :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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