Jonathan Hicks

1938 – as the world careers into the horrors of what will become World War II it seems that the darkness is already here...

Playing as characters with an inquisitive nature – detectives, journalists, scholars, or just average folk with an itch they just need to scratch – and who have experienced the horrors that await the human race in the dark, the players will come across creatures once thought of as folk tales and myths, monsters that defy description and eldritch creatures from outside of time and space that have come to earth, attracted to the sweet scent of life and intelligence. Abominations that have existed throughout human history, and have a secret, hidden mythos within the old dusty pages of ancient books that should not be read.

The role of the players is to create characters that have found themselves on the front lines of this secret conflict against the monsters from the stars. Perhaps they’re a reporter who pulled on the wrong thread and found themselves knee deep in black magic and cultists, or maybe they’re a detective with a strange case that they can’t quite explain but feel the need to follow to the grisly end. Maybe they’re just an average citizen who witnessed something that they need to know more about, even if everyone around them thinks they’ve already gone mad.

Whatever the reason they’re in this, each PC should be unique with a good spread of skills because they’ll be doing two things in this game; hunting for clues and getting into fights. It’s H. P. Lovecraft if he wrote detective dime novels in the 1930s, or if Philip Marlowe ended up getting involved with the Mythos; there’s a good dollop of cosmic horror but it’s underpinned by the danger of the streets and the stories only the big city can tell.



Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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