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No Harry Potter RPG?


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If there is ever one it will be AFTER book seven comes out-once she has fully defined the HP world and would have the time to keep tabs on such a project.

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You guys do realize that the seventh book has been done for over two years now ..they are released on a time table set by the publisher.

A&E network had a great program on JK Rowling and it was made in 2004 ...she had the manuscript in a sealed envelope. They also mentioned that HP has made her the richest woman in the UK. This aired when the 6th book was released she was talking about the 6th book and they asked if she knew what and where she was going with the 7th ..she stated that it was already all doen and had been done for quite some time. She mentioned as well that she had no plans to follow further, more grown up adventures after the 7th book. My thought is that if the money is offered she might do another one. Based on this interview, I highly doubt there will be a HP RPG or another book after the 7th that is written by JK Rowling. I could see stories being liscensed for this world though.

I would hazard a guess that she won't give the rights to the HP name for a RPG. She did not mention that at all though in the biography program I saw.

Rehurst Academy is a great alternative to the HP world and works easily with the D&D worlds. Not to mention it is entertaining to read.

I'm A Banana

I remember it had something to do with creative control, basically. Her world, her characters, her story, her power. Also, her secrets, which an RPG would have to reveal a lot of. Until she's done with it, she doesn't want anyone else messing with it.

I don't think she'd have a problem after she's finished. But that means at LEAST after the books and the movies. And then when she's talked into doing something else in the HP universe....and maybe after ALL that, POSSIBLY she'll let the gaming community tinker with it.

I think it's actually a smart choice, to keep it under wraps until she can concentrate on it. It should be pretty interesting when it comes out, though.


I agree it would be best for Rowling to keep creative control to herself until she manages to iron out most of the details of her world. I mean, she keeps on introducing new concepts each book that we (ie. Harry potter) doesn't know about, but everyone else does and treats it as common knowledge... or at least as urban myth. Each new concept is like forcing everyone to redo the perceptions and potenially the mechanics of the game, which would be chaotic to say the least.


From what I've seen of it, the new Mage: The Awakening game would make a pretty good Harry Potter RPG.

Roughly, Gryffindor would be Obrimos, Ravenclaw would be Acanthus, Hufflepuff would be Thyrsus, and Slytherin would be Mastigos. Moros (or, at least, the Death arcana) is forbidden magic and not officially taught in Hogwarts (Mastigos, on the other hand, is valued for creating things like the dementors). Of course, there'd be exceptions: James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew were all Thyrsus, as animagi. Remus Lupin would have been a Mastigos in order to help control his werewolf nature. Voldemort would have been Moros, as was his teacher Horace Slughorn before Voldemort's ascension forced him to hide the fact.

Most of the Hogwarts teachers belong to the Mysterium order. The Aurors, the Order of the Phoenix, and Harry and his friends would belong to the Adamantine Arrow order. Arthur Weasley and the rest of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office would be part of the Guardians of the Veil. Most of the rest of the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort, and the Death Eaters would be various factions of the Silver Ladder. The Weasley Twins, Fred and George, belong to the Free Council.
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I heard that she dislikes the idea of somebody else placing words in her characters' mouth. Personally, I find easier to believe the rumor that she doesn't like rpgs at all.

That's what I heard as well.

Hmm, no comment.

Hmm... Yes, comment, Sean! Come on! What have you got to say about it?


First Post
In a shadowrun/dungeons and dragons hybrid game I played a couple years ago, we were found ourselves let out of a planar portal in the middle of a hilly mountainous terrain. We saw a flying train and attempted to catch up with it to ask for directions. Fireballs and missles were launched at us, so we retaliated blowing up the train and killing all its inhabitiants. We scourered the moutain side we sent the train crashing into. Bodies were everywhere.


Do you know who was on the train...

Do ya?

That was an evil DM....


HeapThaumaturgist said:
I think the rumor is actually that J.K. Rowling thinks RPGs are bad for kids and refuses to support it.

More likely, she wants too much to license it.

i heard a rumor she used to play D&D.

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