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Non-Iconics Adventure. Dungeon of the Fire Opal Part 3

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Doppleganger said:
"Healer? There's a big <Hic!> church in town. I can <Hic!> show you where it is. I think the greedy <Hic!> priests charge money for healing though."

"You'd almost think they were out for gold like everyone else, eh Jalon?" Kytess says, somewhat mockingly.

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Jalon Odessa

First Post
"You'd almost think they were out for gold like everyone else, eh Jalon?"

The warrior priest breaks his silence to answer Kytess sharply.

'Hrmph... maybe the more weak-willed followers of less virtuous gods succumb to the lures of greed, but a true servant of Tyr is motivated solely by truth, duty and justice.'

After his spiel, Jalon returns to lightly sipping his red wine.


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Murhid looks towards Jalon, who had seemed rather quiet for a time, and then glances towards Kytess.

Murhid decides he has had enough, he gets up out of his seat, then tries to work his way through the crowd and to the front counter, though his large demeanor proves not the finest in the situation.

Once he reaches the counter he asks the barman if he can get single room for himself, he thinks it best; Ivellios may need a room to himself.
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The innkeeper responds, "I'm afraid I have no more free rooms, sir. We're a small town, not accustomed to have visitors. Is there a problem with your room you have right now ?"


Ubaar is caught off-guard by the acceptance of the townspeople - he's used to having people shun or fear him on average.

He enjoys the accolades, and is taken over by the revelry in the bar. Ubaar accepts the ales, and tries to ham it up a bit to accompany Taz' story.
He relates some of the combat-oriented actions that the party and he took part of, including fighting the invisible fungus, the invisible, flying devils, the nasty sorceress, the dragon, and the lizardpeople.

He gets more and more animated when talking about the battles, and relives some of his actions during the fights. He tries to keep the people's attention using some tricks he learned from his Bard friend Jade (like varying the speed and volume of his delivery, using beats to enhance the words, using 'proper' language as best he can instead of the more comfortable shorthand speech he usually uses). He eventually builds up to the end part about battling the dragon, and he jumps up on to the table he's near!

"I landed on the dragon's back and turned to deal with him. I was still on fire a bit from its stinky breath, so I raised my steel above my head and stuck it in him as far as it would go!

At this, Ubaar pounds on the table he's standing on, a bit too carried away in the narrative (he's not used to having people listen to him) and breaks the table thru the force of his blow.
He tumbles down, his Dex quite low from the poison and the ale.

After he gets up and the people simmer down, he'll sheepishly finish the tale abruptly and apologize to everyone "Sorry! Sorry... Ubaar bad" and make sure to pay for anyone's inconvenience and for the table.

Doppleganger said:
Ivellios responds to Ubaar, "We'll need a big fly-swatter for those hovering little <Hic!> devils. You're a holy man of sorts, can't your God grant you some kind of big explosion magic to bombard them with?"
Ubaar later tells Ivellios "Ubaar will pray to Uthgar for 'big explosion magic'. But Uthgar seldom listens when I ask him for that kind of stuff - he probably keeps that powerful stuff for priests in churches who lead many followers...

Ubaar doesn't lead but 2 things: Jack.
And $hit.
And Jack just left town." :)


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Jalon Odessa said:
'Hrmph... maybe the more weak-willed followers of less virtuous gods succumb to the lures of greed, but a true servant of Tyr is motivated solely by truth, duty and justice.'

"You know, I'd love to see you and this cleric 'talk out your differences.'" Kytess says wryly.

Looking over to Murhid as he walks back to his seat, Kytess says:

"I think he could use a night or two out in the rain."

(OOC: Kytess' theme song begins to play... ;))

Jalon Odessa

First Post
CRGreathouse said:

"You know, I'd love to see you and this cleric 'talk out your differences.'" Kytess says wryly.

Completely oblivious to Kytess' jest, Jalon's stern demeanor doesn't change.

'I too would like to speak briefly to this priest. I always appreciate intelligent, theological discussion.'

The warrior-priest takes one final sip of his wine before continuing, his bleak deadpan contrasting with the jovial mood of the other travellers.

'Speaking of all things theological, it's obvious that the beasts we encountered in those ruins were agents of some dark power. I've pondered whom they may serve and what their motives truly are. If only I was more knowledgeable in such matters...'

Jalon's speech trails off, as he stands and politely excuses himself. He leaves his empty glass on the table, before standing, pushing in his chair and bowing slightly.

'Well, I'm about to retire for the evening. I expect to see you all at dawn for training and excercise before breakfast.'
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"It's getting late; I think I'll head for my room now."

Kytess stands and walks to her room, where she takes off her armor and stows it, her gear, and her bow & arrows in the corner. She places her chain under her bed, and leaves her sword and dagger on - a holdover, perhaps, of her days "in the service."


Doppleganger said:
"Healer? There's a big <Hic!> church in town. I can <Hic!> show you where it is. I think the greedy <Hic!> priests charge money for healing though."
"You wanna go over to da church, Ivellios?"

When it GETS to be evening-time (I thought it was early-afternoon), and if Ubaar hears Jalon saying
'Well, I'm about to retire for the evening. I expect to see you all at dawn for training and excercise before breakfast.'
He'd respond with "Ubaar's sleepin in tomorrow!
Gotta rest up a bit after that workout today... plus, if it's still rainin', it won't be too fun."
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"Ya lets go. Just gimme a <Hic!> sec to finish off one more ale."

Which he does.

"And I'll take this one fer the <Hic!> road. I can't believe all the free drinks at our table! It's just like back at home in the Cold <Hic!> Wood. As soldiers we get to drink as much as we want. Kinda softens up all the blood and gore we experience during the daily <Hic!> battles."

Before leaving the table, he grabs an armful of tankards.

"Do ya think the <Hic!> priests would like some ale? Mebbe I can trade some for healing."

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