D&D General Normal Distribution Ability Scores


Get off my lawn!
I'd quickly smooth that out to

9-12 +0
13-15 +1
16 +2
17 +4
18 +6

And would then ask myself how (or if!) it would work with stats beyond 18, which while uncommon are certainly achievable in BX or 1e; never mind percentile Strength which is, as usual, its own can of worms.
If I wanted it smoothed out I would probably do:
13-14 +1
15-16 +2
17 +4
18 +6

But frankly, even that isn't high enough on a d20 to really make the contested concept work IMO. But, hey, what I would like others would find crazy LOL!

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Saw 2 good methods but can't find anywhere now.
It was something like this:

- First:
Roll 6d6, write it down. For each number x rolled, calculate 7-x. Now you have 12 numbers. For each ability, pick 2 numbers and add 5.
Range 7-17 (easy to change), somewhat random, the sum of the values is the same for all players.

- Second:
Roll 9d6, write it down. For each number x rolled, calculate x'=7-x. For each cell in table A, put a number, x or x', but put the other, x' or x, in the same cell in table B.
Calculate STR, CON and DEX as the sum of the cells in each line of table A.
Calculate INT, WIS and CHA as the sum of the cells in each column of table B.


Range 3-18, the sum of the values is the same for all players, but take some time and it creates 2 dimensions (physical/mental stats) where each change in one changes the other.
A little crazy but can be fun.
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Coming back to this discussion, I'm once again wondering what would happen if offense was stripped from the ability scores and ability scores were only used for skill checks, saves, and prerequisites. Offenses like attack, damage, and saves could use level and proficiency. A level 10 Fighter has X to hit because they're a level 10 fighter; or they're a level 10 fighter because they have +X to hit.

Yeah. Everyone would be "the same", but like they are now? This might even make more differences, because they're could be different feats and fighting styles between Str, Dex, or even Int Fighters.
If ability scores still apply to saves, they become your save spread. Everyone will be nimble, tough, and wise, while being weak, dumb and shy. I'd make saves either class-based like attacks, or maybe species-based to add some interest there.

If you go with that, ability scores becomes a bit redundant with skill proficiencies, but not to the point of being excessively complex.

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