Okay....a quick reply now...to point a few things out. First, I would like to THANK my original players...for making the prophecy of their arrival come true.
Say What?!
You'll remember the prophecy...the heroes will appear just before darkness descends over the valley.
Well...if you'll think for a moment...the Cardinis Chamber was created to mimic the key (the planar cosmology) and represented earth, fire, wind, & water. Well...fire. hehe. There were devices placed upon the ridges...big old street lights, virtually. Well...they were powered by fire...the lever you pushed to light the chamber in the fire room...also drained the fuel from these devices.
You not only arrived right before the darkness...you caused it.
So...my praise goes out to you...for fulfilling the prophecy. Looking back...the "treaty" was the most interesting (and surprising) idea of this brief stage of the story. In the end, I think you've practically covered everything (as in collected a bunch more 'clues') that I hoped to put out there.
But you never fail to stun and amaze. Bringing Cassie back...was...unexpected to say the least, Bill. But I can work with it
XP will be awarded for this...because you've earned it. I'll email that to you. Wasteland, I'll keep track of Soter's...you don't have to. Hobbit_Killer...I'll add yours to Rhynos' sheet. Actually...everyone except for Gregor...I'll take care of it this time. Gregor...your XP is coming via email though. So keep an eye out...
Right...I think I'm done for now. This is a good place to start the game tomorrow.