Not DnD | One Honk Before Midnight

Perfectly suited to the brand of chaos that only a true goose can invoke.

One HONK Before Midnight is a new adventure, set in the idyllic town of Stafford-On-Gander. It's built in its very own system - the H.O.N.K. system - perfectly suited to the brand of chaos that only a true goose can invoke.

H.O.N.K. is a rules-lite, chaos-heavy system that will be very comfortable for those familiar with D&D Fifth Edition, or with 2d6 systems such as Monster of the Week and Apocalypse World.

Find out more on from creator Jack Dixon on this week's episode of Not DnD.

Not DnD is a weekly show discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s @tabletopjess interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that aren’t D&D!

Watch the live recording every Monday at 5pm ET / 10pm GMT on YouTube or Twitch, or catch up with the podcast platform of your choice by searching 'Not DnD'.

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