Noun-Verb'd Creatures... Let's make a list...


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Shade said:
Voidmind Creature (MMIII)

Although a portmanteau word, this doesn't match the nounverb template -- that'd be Voidmined. :)

If you expand it to all portmanteau words, you do get dragonspawn, voidmind, spellscale, stonechild, and on and on...

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Kunimatyu said:
Let's get some Dragonspawn up in this piece!

(redspawn) Firebelcher
(bluespawn) Godslayer
(whitespawn) Iceskidder

Those are all noun-nouns. To be included, they'd have to be along the lines of "firebelched," "godslain," and "iceskidded." ;)

Perhaps there should be 2 lists going? What say ye?


J-Dawg said:
Well, strictly speaking it's not something that started with D&D. I'm sure I could think of more, but right off the top of my head I thought of the cauldron-born from the Prydain Chronicles that predate D&D.

You are right about the Prydain Chronicles. Excellent series and one I did not think of when starting this post.


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Brood Keeper
Sorrowsworn (Demon)
Bloodstriker (Dinosaur)
Fleshraker (Dinosaur)
Swindlespitter (Dinosaur)


Deathdrinker (Demon)
Mageripper Swarm

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
edbonny said:
Those are all noun-nouns. To be included, they'd have to be along the lines of "firebelched," "godslain," and "iceskidded." ;)

Now, if it were a fire-belched dragon-spawn, that I'd buy a book on. I'd love to see some tummy-aching red dragon belching up beasts with each retch. Hurling up enemies, as it were. Vomiting villains. Puking up pawns. It just goes on and on.


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Noun-verbeD, people, not noun-verbeR. They must have a passive name, in other words.

Mindflayer doesn't count because it's active. What is a mindflayer? Something that flays minds.
If it was Mindflayed, then it would be passive, and count. What would a mindflayed be? Something that got its mind flayed.

Also, there are some verbed creatures that have no nouns. Eberron's Inspired, for example. If they were Quori-inspired, they'd qualify; but they're just Inspired so they don't.


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edbonny said:
You are right about the Prydain Chronicles. Excellent series and one I did not think of when starting this post.

And incedentally, Dragon had an article statting them for D&D, so they go on the list too.

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